Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 68 Canteen reservation app!

My own canteen is popular!

This is what Ye Chen expected.

This explosion has brought a lot of fame to his family, and let more people know about Xingchen Academy.

At the same time, it has eliminated a lot of negative effects.

For example, the previous negative news about his own academy.

Under such popularity, it is impossible not to be dug up.

But even if it was dug up, it did not cause any waves.

After all, even the school cafeteria can be rated as Michelin three stars.

It is enough to prove how high the teaching level of Xingchen Academy is now.

Such an academy is completely different from the previous New Star.

However, the cafeteria business of Xingchen Academy has not improved because of the popularity.

After all, the daily meals were in short supply and sold out early.

The total amount of meals that students can make is so much.

No matter how many customers there are, the income will not increase.

And the negative effects brought by the popularity.

have already appeared.

First of all, there are really too many people.

The crowd is surging.

It has seriously affected the normal campus life of Xingchen Academy.

Secondly, because of the diversity of human beings.

When there are too many people, there are always various conflicts.

For example, yesterday, a woman was swearing because a student of Xingchen College refused to lend her a meal card, and she even shouted to call the principal over.

Ye Chen did come.

But he handled it very toughly, and didn't care that the other party took a mobile phone to take a photo.

Instead, he asked the other party to leave Xingchen College directly.

Otherwise, call the police.

The woman left unwillingly and cursed.

At the same time.

Ye Chen also received a call from the relevant department.

I hope Ye Chen can control the number of people.

There are too many people gathered...

With so many people, if something happens, it will be a big deal.

No one is willing to take responsibility.

Therefore, except for the Cultural and Tourism Bureau, which was laughing because of the surge in the number of tourists.

The other departments are extremely headache.

Ye Chen also thinks that this will not work.

There are too many people outside the school, and the congestion at the entrance has affected the normal operation of Xingchen College and the normal life of students.

But tourists are still coming in an endless stream.

And many tourists who didn't eat.

There is no rush to leave Tianhai City, but to travel around, and take a taxi to wait when it is almost time for dinner.

If this continues, there will be more and more people before the heat subsides.

So, it is indeed necessary to deal with it.

Sitting on the desk, Ye Chen tapped the table lightly, and soon came up with an idea!

It is time to implement the reservation system.


Ye Chen's idea is very simple.

It is to make a WeChat applet for the Xingchen College cafeteria.

If people outside the school want to come to eat, they have to register, use real names, and then make an appointment.

If you make an appointment to enter the cafeteria, you can enter the school to eat by scanning your face.

If you don't get a quota.

Then you can't even get in the school gate.

Doing this is enough to ensure the normal flow of people on campus.

However, many tourists come from far away.

What if you can't make an appointment all the time, do you have to wait?

This is not good either.

Therefore, the applet is not used to make an appointment for the next day.

But to make an appointment for next week.

In short, it is this Monday.

You can make an appointment for dinner next Monday.

In this way, tourists can get seven days to prepare.

If the reservation is made, tourists can choose a date and then set off to Tianhai City.

If the reservation is not made.

Then continue to make the reservation, and come when the reservation is made.

Doing so is undoubtedly more humane.

It can also prevent tourists with bad luck from making a wasted trip.

And the dining quota in the canteen is not grabbed, but drawn.

If you learn from those shitty e-commerce platforms and grab the quota at midnight.

That's too much trouble.

And this way of grabbing the quota is actually not fair.

Most of them will be snatched away by people who are proficient in the Internet and know how to use external methods.

It is difficult for ordinary people to grab it.

Anyway, Ye Chen bought concert tickets and couldn't grab them at all.

So Ye Chen thinks that buying is unfair.

Drawing lots is the most reasonable way.

Those who want to eat only need to register before 8 o'clock on the day of the reservation to participate in the lottery.

After 8 o'clock, the list of those who get the quota will be announced.

Moreover, as long as the lottery is successful.

If you want to draw lots next time, you need to wait for half a month.

You are not eligible to draw lots during this half month.

Doing so will undoubtedly allow more people to taste the dishes of their own canteen.

Ye Chen kept writing and deleting on the computer while thinking.

Soon Ye Chen added a few more.

One, only 3,000 places are released for each meal.

The two canteens can accommodate 4,000 people, about 700 students and employees.

3,000 places are released to the outside.

As for the remaining 300 places, they are prepared for students and faculty.

Students and faculty can bring people in.

After all, if the students' parents come to school, or if they have a girlfriend.

But not even letting them enter the school gate is too inhumane.

So this is a benefit for students.

With this benefit, I believe that my students can also have more advantages in finding girlfriends.

Of course, Ye Chen will notify the students at that time and prohibit the sale of places for bringing people into the school.

If found, it will be dealt with seriously.

Serious offenders will be directly expelled.

Second, allow team reservations.

Simply put, children, parents, friends, couples, etc. can form a team and make reservations in teams.

A team can accommodate up to ten people.

In this way, either all or none of them will be successful.

Otherwise, only one person in the family will make a successful reservation.

So will they come or not?

The same is true for couples. You can't have one person come in to eat and one person wait outside, right?

That's too cruel!

Anyway, after thinking about it.

Ye Chen directly sent his needs to the computer department of the school.

There are two people in the computer department.

One of them is the one who took Ye Chen's outsourcing at the beginning to make the school's official website.

After Ye Chen learned that the other party had not found a job yet.

He directly recruited him.

The functions such as the canteen chef reservation are all done by the computer department.

Very efficient.

After receiving the task sent by Ye Chen, the other party directly replied that it would be done within two days.

It's not software.

The framework of WeChat applet is much simpler, and the needs of the principal Ye Chen are not complicated.

The only problem is the server carrying capacity.

After all, Xingchen College is so popular now.

By then, the number of reservations per day may exceed 100,000 or even 200,000.

After all, there are 100,000 students in the university town alone.

Not to mention tourists from other places.

If the server carrying capacity is not good, it will probably be stuck directly, and no one can make a reservation.

Fortunately, various cloud servers are popular now.

You can rent them if you are willing to spend money.

Ye Chen is not stingy about spending money.

But after thinking about it, Ye Chen asked the programmer to add another function.

That is, if you get a dining quota.

The user needs to pay a deposit of 10 yuan within two hours.

If you don’t pay, the quota will be automatically cancelled, vacated, and one will be automatically drawn again.

And if you pay the deposit.

The quota will be confirmed.

If the tourist enters the campus on the reservation date by face recognition, the deposit will be fully refunded.

But if the reservation is successful, the deposit is also paid to lock the quota.

If someone doesn't show up for dinner on the scheduled date, the ten yuan will become a penalty.

Ye Chen is sure that there will be people who have locked in their spots but didn't show up.

Three thousand people, if thirty people don't show up in one day, their penalty will be enough to cover the extra server costs...

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