Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 523: Earn $14 million in profit!

As the price of crude oil futures fell.

There have always been people taking over.

But when the price of crude oil futures fell to zero yuan, even the slowest and most casual retail investors felt something was wrong.

Even if it was free to hold crude oil futures at this moment, most people didn't dare to move.

This is too abnormal.

How can it be given away for free?

That's crude oil!

That's the blood and pulse of the industrial age.

What's going on?

But some people feel that the opportunity has come. Crude oil is given away for free.

They all think that it is zero yuan, which must be the real bottom price.

Otherwise, the seller will pay for it?

So they all joined the game and were bullish on crude oil futures.

The weird performance of the crude oil market can be said to be the most outrageous scene in the global futures market in history.

Many people think that this is the most shocking crude oil price they have ever seen.

But soon, zero yuan is not it.

Because on the second day.

Crude oil was officially delivered.

Countless investors who are looking forward to the rise in crude oil prices, looking at the final settlement price, all showed a look of doubt about life.

How is this possible?

But Lao Chu had a good attitude.

He had already lost money, so there was no point in worrying about it.

He woke up the next morning and went to the company. He didn't rush to turn on the computer to check the crude oil price.

Instead, he made a cup of tea first and leisurely called a few subordinates to come and talk.

When it was half past nine, Lao Chu turned on the computer.

When the crude oil settlement price on the interface came into view, Lao Chu immediately smiled.

37 US dollars, not bad...

Although it was still a loss, the settlement price of 37 US dollars meant that the loss was much less.

It was right for me to continue to hold on instead of running away halfway.

While thinking about how much money he had lost, Lao Chu looked at his margin account, wondering how much would be left after settlement.

But when Lao Chu saw the account balance clearly, he was stunned...

The account balance was not zero.

But -28009 US dollars...


How could it be possible?

Lao Chu looked puzzled.

How could it be negative?

Did the investment institution steal my money?

Suddenly thinking of something, Lao Chu immediately looked at the settlement price of crude oil futures again.

At this moment, Lao Chu found that there was also a - in front of the settlement price.

So, the settlement price was not thirty-seven dollars, but negative thirty-seven dollars.

Did crude oil really fall to a negative price?

I invested thirty thousand dollars, not only did I not make a penny, but I lost all my money.

Instead, I owed the investment institution twenty-eight thousand dollars?

Lao Chu's slightly vicissitudes of life eyes were full of question marks at this moment.

He felt that the world in front of him was unreal.

I didn't leverage my investment, didn't take out a loan, but ended up owing money?

Lao Chu leaned back in his chair and couldn't say a word. He silently took out a pack of cigarettes that he hadn't smoked for a long time from the drawer, and after lighting it, he quietly doubted his life.


The settlement price of crude oil is negative.

This is really outrageous.

It can be said that today's global hot spots are all focused on this.

Countless investors who thought that zero yuan was unprecedented have been liquidated.

Many people didn't make a penny, and they owed a lot of money to investment institutions.

A barrel of oil would lose thirty-seven dollars.

The later investors enter the market, the more barrels they can buy with the same money, and the more they lose.

Even when it was five yuan or zero yuan, some people directly bought a large number of contracts at the bottom.

Now, looking at the settlement price, you don't need to consider anything, just take the elevator to the rooftop and it's done.

It seems that Lao Chu didn't continue to buy at the bottom because of the high purchase price.

On the contrary, the loss was relatively small.

The entire capital market was in mourning on this day.

Countless people returned to the pre-liberation era overnight.

No one understands why the price of crude oil futures can fall to negative numbers.

This is simply outrageous and outrageous.

At a time when countless stockholders were discussing the negative price of crude oil with heartache.

Netizens remembered Xingchen Financial Students.

Because the original price continued to plummet, netizens only thought about getting rich before, and didn't care about Xingchen Students at all.

But at this moment, after they lost money.

The attention was refocused on the students of Xingchen Finance.

Xingchen students were determined to short sell at the beginning, but they did not agree.

They thought that Xingchen students would lose all their money and be taught a lesson by the market.

But now it seems that Xingchen students obviously did not attend the class. They were taught a lesson by the market, lost a lot of money, and owed a sum of money.

What about Xingchen students?

Why can they be so determined that crude oil will fall? Insist on short selling?

How much did Xingchen students earn?

And soon, they saw the delivery note of Xingchen students.

Xingchen students chose to leave the market when the price was minus 20 dollars.

Everyone just did a little calculation and took a breath.

After all, Xingchen students started by short selling at 50 dollars.

One million dollars, 20,000 barrels of crude oil.

When crude oil fell to zero yuan, Xingchen students made 50 dollars per barrel.

Leaving the market at minus 20 dollars means that Xingchen students made 70 dollars per barrel.

Two thousand barrels, that's $14 million in profit.

This profit is undoubtedly extremely scary.

This is 14 million!

It is equivalent to almost 100 million yuan.

The principal amount contributed by Xingchen students was only US$1 million.

One million makes fourteen million.

This rate of return is like a rocket, going straight to the sky.

It's outrageous.

This time, netizens all over the Internet were envious and envious, but they also completely agreed with the vision of Xingchen Finance students.

He lost real money and even owed a sum of money.

And what about the Xingchen students? Directly earned 100 million.

Under such circumstances, no one would question the vision of Xingchen students.

Netizens sighed with emotion and looked forward to it.

The emotion is naturally because Xingchen Academy is awesome.

Star Academy has really trained a group of future investment gods.

The expectation is that Xingchen students are so interested.

Moreover, Star Academy has also established an investment company.

Will you also sell funds in the future?

If Star Investment Company launched a fund, netizens would definitely choose to invest money in it without hesitation.

After all, Star students have proven their earning power.

Isn’t this more reliable than buying other junk funds?

At this moment, frustrated netizens who recognize their own investment strength only hope that Xingchen Academy can enter the investment field as soon as possible.

Let them also invest money and earn some pocket money to spend.

There was a lot of discussion from the outside world and it was extremely lively.

And in Star Academy.

The students naturally cheered for the success of this investment.

Not only Chu Guang’s group, but other students also followed Chu Guang’s lead.

But because of different opinions, the amount of money earned varies.

But the one who made the most money was undoubtedly the Chu Guang Group.

The profit of 14 million US dollars made the students in Chu Guang's group almost crazy with excitement.

After all, you have to know that the college has only given them 100 million to invest.

As a result, they made 100 million yuan after shorting futures.

It’s not so fast to pick up money.

However, some students felt regretful and thought that they should have gone short until the final delivery.

Make more money this way.

But everyone also knows how dangerous last night was.

Chu Guang and several other major decision-makers in the group stayed up all night staring at the market.

Originally, Chu Guang's group planned to run away when they got ten yuan.

After all, they also felt that it could not go any lower.

But crude oil prices are still falling.

By this time, the students in Chu Guang’s group had realized that such a decline was not just due to the market.

They have capital and are deliberately suppressing crude oil prices.

In addition, institutions have been urging them to sell their short orders and settle them.

This also made Chu Guang and others feel that something was wrong more and more.

Institutions are not philanthropists. All the money they make from short selling comes from institutions.

The institution has lost so much money now, but it is urging them to settle the account quickly.

There's obviously something wrong...

So after carefully observing the market, Chu Guang and others decided to continue betting.

As crude oil continues to fall, things are getting worse.

When the price of crude oil reached minus 20 US dollars, Chu Guang couldn't bear it no matter how good his mentality was, for fear that it would rise again later.

This is obviously a mistake in judgment, otherwise I could have made more money.

However, in the face of tens of millions of dollars of funds, everyone cannot be completely calm, which is understandable.

Moreover, the harvest of 14 million US dollars was enough to satisfy all the students.

When the students are excited.

Chu Guang fell into a deep sleep.

Tomorrow was Saturday, and he decided to go home and have a good time with his father about his sperm.

By the way, let’s see if dad listened to me and bought Moutai stocks.

Moutai's stock price has indeed risen a bit in recent days.

Ye Chen and several finance majors teachers and directors were walking on campus.

Listening to the cheers from the finance major, Ye Chen and the teachers couldn't help but smile.

I made more than 10 million US dollars from one futures transaction, which is indeed a very dazzling achievement.

As for the reasons for the plummeting price of crude oil, teachers majoring in finance have also seen clearly.

The early decline is normal because market demand is sluggish.

Several major oil-producing countries are taking advantage of the implementation of the production reduction agreement to increase production frantically in order to make more money.

But due to sluggish demand, oil warehouses everywhere are almost full.

There are cargo ships loaded with crude oil everywhere on the sea. There is no place to even unload and store the cargo. They can only float every day. The cargo owners have to pay the usage fee of the cruise ship every day.

Plus some other reasons.

This caused the price of crude oil to fall below the cost line of twenty dollars.

But the subsequent decline was due to malicious suppression by capital.

It’s actually not hard to guess who it is, it’s still the same group of capital.

They lost money on crude oil, so they decided to make up for it elsewhere.

Taking advantage of the fact that it is night here in China, many institutions cannot operate.

The crude oil futures orders were crazily smashed before settlement, causing the price of crude oil to fall into negative numbers.

It also does not give Chinese investors a chance to react or close their positions.

In the end, a large number of Chinese investors were harvested.

Thereby making up for previous losses or even making a fortune.

A teacher majoring in finance did the preliminary calculations.

It is believed that various domestic institutions and retail investors have lost at least billions of dollars today.

Hearing this, Ye Chen shook his head.

Still being harvested!

The domestic financial industry is indeed too weak compared with foreign countries.

Not on the same level at all

But you can’t blame anyone.

After all, finance was invented by the West, and the rules were set by the West.

If you want to play, you can only follow the West, and losing money is inevitable.

However, Ye Chen still felt distressed. These billions of US dollars are the wealth created and accumulated by many people in China with great effort.

As a result, they were easily harvested by foreign countries.

Let the other country become more and more prosperous.

This makes Ye Chen look forward to the growth of his own financial students.

At that time, they will also harvest the wealth of other countries and earn back all the harvested in these years! (End of this chapter)

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