Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 476 The powerful star student!

The article published by this great director was immediately noticed by countless netizens who came to join in the fun after hearing the news.

The content of the article was so exciting that netizens said it was so enjoyable.

In the article, it talks about the unfair competition in which capital now uses money to boost box office and promote stars.

He also talked about the inside story of various online marketing campaigns.

There are also situations where film production in theaters is not based on quality, but on relationships and background.

Various shady stories in the film and television industry are written in great detail in the article.

The big director angrily criticized these behaviors, which are extremely harmful to the development of the film and television industry.

Although in the article, no one dared to name Star Academy by name.

But combined with today's box office rankings.

All fools know that when the great director posted this article, he was blaming Star Academy.

A well-known director opened fire on the now famous Star Academy.

This is undoubtedly big news.

It immediately appeared on various marketing accounts, attracting more attention.

And this article undoubtedly helped the great director win the support of most netizens.

After all, most netizens have never watched "Charlotte".

Everyone only knows that Charlotte’s Trouble at Star Academy was originally made as a major online movie.

The box office on the day of release was only 3 million.

As a result, the number increased day by day, reaching 20 million on the third day.

A major online movie that was entirely directed by students has achieved this level of box office success.

It is indeed unreasonable.

Not to mention that the great director's reputation has declined in the past two years due to the quality of his works and the fact that he praises his own son.

But after all, he has made achievements and has many fans.

Therefore, most netizens are undoubtedly on the side of the great director.

"I know that Xingchen Academy treats students well and cares about students, but this time it insists on putting a major online movie in theaters, which is indeed something wrong."

"I also think so. This time, Xingchen Academy relies on its ability to make money and forcefully sells tickets to students. It really disrespects the practitioners in the film and television industry."

"It is indeed too much to rate a major online movie at a higher level than a major production carefully shot by a famous director. This is stepping on the face of a famous director and favoring a student."

"Because I watched Overlord before, it was a pirated version, so I always felt that I owed the great director a movie ticket, and I will go to the cinema to pay it back tomorrow..."

"I haven't had time recently, but I decided to take time to support the great director tomorrow."

"I have always had a good impression of Xingchen students. I am half a fan. This time I have lost my fandom."

"I feel like the film and television industry is hopeless. Even if a conscientious company like Star Academy comes in, it will be complicit."

The vast majority of netizens sided with the great director and criticized Star Academy for abusing superpowers.

Among them, there are a large number of navy troops fishing in troubled waters.

Created a hot search topic about owing a movie ticket to a great director.

We must help the great director seek justice.

It aroused the enthusiasm of many netizens for watching movies.

Although among them, there are also many viewers, such as Marison, who have watched "Charlotte" and were impressed by the quality of the film, who are speaking for the Academy of the Stars.

But most of the audience was actually silent.

Therefore, in this wave of support for great directors, there is no wave at all.

And a large number of Xingchen students who were on summer vacation saw that their college was hacked, and they also went online to compete.

But they were obviously no match for the professional sailors, and they were defeated one after another.

So, on the fourth day.

A film by a great director that was originally squeezed out of the top three in the single-day box office list.

During this wave of popularity, not only did the decline stop, but the box office even soared.

It jumped directly to the first place in the single-day box office list, reaching 40 million.

This made the great director happy.

This wave of his own has undoubtedly proved his influence.

There is no doubt about his ability as a great director.

Although there are trolls trying to stir up the emotions of netizens.

But it was hired by the company, what does it have to do with me?

A great director like myself would not do such a thing just because of the popularity.

However, the great director was still a little surprised when he saw that the second highest-grossing movie in a single day was actually a movie from Academy of the Stars.

But then a sneer appeared.

This Star Academy is really willing to spend money on students.

But so what if you have money?

It’s not like he’s going to be stepped on by himself.

The great director curled his lips and no longer cared about the movie "Charlotte".

Today is Saturday and tomorrow is Sunday.

More people will have time to watch movies.

Judging from the current popularity on the Internet, his movies will skyrocket again.

As long as you keep yourself in check, it looks like it will exceed 2 billion before it is released.

If he really succeeds, he will be completely transformed.

But when the time came on the fifth day.

The great director opened the file sent by the staff in a happy mood, ready to admire his achievements in defeating the powerful opponents and continuing to be far ahead.

But when he saw the title of the top-grossing movie, his eyes widened.

"Charlotte Troubles" - a single-day box office of 40 million.

How can this be?

The box office of Charlotte Troubles actually reached 40 million?

Calculated based on the cost of ticket sales, Star Academy would have to spend at least 70 million.

Although Xingchen Academy has money, it cannot treat money as money.

Tens of millions of dollars are wasted casually, just to support a group of students, right?

But the great director immediately felt something was wrong.

The last time her box office hit 40 million in a single day, Charlotte was worried that even if it was 40 million in a single day, it would be the same as her last time.

But yesterday was Saturday.

There are more viewers who have time to watch movies, so it stands to reason that the box office should soar a lot.

But why did Charlotte reach the top with just 40 million?

Where is my movie?

The great director hurriedly looked down.

Found myself in second place.

But the single-day box office has dropped to 30 million.

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible.

How could my box office plummet so much on Saturday?

The great director immediately thought of another possibility.

I was robbed of my box office.

This is a very dirty trick in the film industry.

Only a few film and television companies would do this in order to cash out their market value, or to set records, or to suppress their opponents.

To put it simply, it is to take advantage of the control over the theater.

The audience bought tickets to watch movie A, and movie A was also played in theaters, but in fact, the backend system recorded these movie tickets as movie B.

It is equivalent to secretly giving A's box office to B.

This is called box office stealing.

How could it be possible that my box office revenue of 40 million on Friday dropped to 30 million on Saturday?

If this wasn't for stealing the box office, I would just stand on my head and wash my hair.

Besides, a great director like himself can get a share of the box office.

If the box office is stolen, it is equivalent to stealing your own money.

The great director was completely angry now.

Your Star Academy just caught an honest man and raped him, right?

What is intolerable is unbearable.

So, this time the great director turned against him directly.

I wrote the next article confidently again and posted it on my account.

The most important thing is that the great director directly named him this time.

He angrily accused Star Academy of stealing his box office.

And demonstrate your point of view in various logical ways.

In short, the great director took the risk.

Star Academy is awesome.

But because of his status, there is no need to look at the face of Star Academy.

If you dare to do the first grade of junior high school, then I will dare to do the fifteenth grade.

Let the face of your Star Academy be completely brought to the ground.

He just wants to make a big deal out of this matter.

Thinking of the shareholders of Star Animation Company, Wanda Cinema, Maoyan and other large groups in the film and television industry.

The great director immediately turned off his computer and mobile phone.

No one can come to me to intercede and let this matter go.

The great director has no worries about food and clothing, although few of the films he has made in recent years have made a profit.

But relying on capital operations, transactions, etc., I have already reached the level of financial freedom.

He has villas in various places.

Every time after filming a movie, I go to a villa in the mountains and forests to retreat. Regardless of how the movie went, the character is still maintained.

And now the great director happens to be in a villa in the mountains.

Nowadays, as soon as the mobile phone and computer are turned off, making a pot of tea and looking at the clouds and mist on the mountains, the great director even feels like a fairy.

This is life.

And in the afternoon, the director was thinking about whether to turn on his phone and see how many people were calling him.

There was the sound of a car braking outside the door.

It could be heard that he was a little anxious.

The director picked up the phone and immediately put it down.

A calm smile appeared on his face. No, he couldn't be reached on the phone. Someone was already driving to the mountains to look for him.

The great director doesn't really intend to die.

After all, everyone can see that Star Academy has a lot of capital and influence, and it also has a film and television base abroad.

If we can cooperate, I might be able to make a film that will become a global hit.

So it is better to cooperate and win-win.

Of course, it’s definitely not possible to just say a few words about this matter.

You're a famous director, don't you have a temper?

So I wanted to make a statement to clarify the misunderstanding.

Star Academy should at least give its son a leading role in Sleeping Immortal.

The role of Lu Dongbin is good.

Just as the director was thinking about how to bargain next, someone had already entered.

He has always been his partner, and can be regarded as his boss in a sense.

I have invested in basically all of my movies, and there are countless collaborations behind the scenes.

He is a well-known tycoon of a listed company.

The great director did not expect that the boss of Star Academy would personally come as a lobbyist.

But after thinking about it, I wasn't too surprised.

After all, Xingchen College is now more influential than Qingbei, so it is reasonable to invite the boss.

I saw the boss hurried in, even with sweat on his face.

The great director immediately smiled, stood up and invited the other party to sit down and drink tea and talk slowly.

But I didn't expect that the big boss would overturn the tea case directly.

"You suddenly published such an article, are you crazy?"

The great director was stunned when he heard this, and then said with an embarrassed face: "The box office theft was all stolen from me, do you think I should swallow my anger?"

The big boss was so angry: "Stealing the box office? Who stole your box office?"

"You don't know how the movie went this time, do you?"

"If we can finally imitate Mr. Xing and make a lot of money by selling movie tickets, we will make a lot of money. Do you really think you have swept the summer season?"

"The night after the marketing was over, the ratings that were finally raised by the Internet army plummeted. The Internet was full of complaints about being deceived by us, saying that you have run out of ideas and can't even tell a complete story. The forums couldn't delete them all..."

"With the reputation like this, isn't it reasonable that the box office will drop?"

"What? Do you really think that the company is invincible with the Internet army?"


The big director was stunned when he heard this...

The reputation collapsed last night?

How is this possible?

The big director is a proud person and is always confident about his work.

He doesn't like to hear bad things.

He made a well-known bad movie that year. The host asked him what to do if the new movie didn't meet expectations.

As a result, he was scolded so much that his career was almost cut off.

So in recent years, no one has ever said to his face that his filming is bad.

And the big boss relies on him to increase the stock price, so naturally he won't say much.

Now, the big boss actually said that the movie was bad in front of me, and when I opened my phone, I found that my new movie had really collapsed in Douban.

The score dropped directly from the original 7.9 points to 5.9 points.

As we all know, it is hard to say whether the movies with more than 6 points on Douban are rubbish.

But there is absolutely no dispute that the movies with less than 6 points are 100% bad movies.

And look at the comments.

Basically all of them are denunciations.

Some are emotional and angry.

There are also well-reasoned analysis of why the movie is so bad.

There is even a person who wrote this paragraph: I didn’t want to watch it, but because of the hot search of signing a movie ticket, I couldn’t help but think of the movie Overlord of the year, so I bought a ticket to watch it.

But after watching it, I couldn’t help but think of a sentence I heard before, that the excellent performance of the fifth-generation directors was based on the excellent literary works of that era.

I didn’t agree with it at first, but after watching this empty and boring movie, I agreed with this sentence for the first time.

The big directors were still calm when they saw people cursing.

But after seeing this movie review, I was completely broken.

But he still suppressed his anger: "So what if Xingchen Academy didn't steal my box office? Didn't they also cheat?"

The big boss curled his lips: "Look at whether they cheated or not? You were surpassed by a group of students with the quality of the film."

The big director was completely unconvinced.

What a joke.

No matter how bad his film is, it is still a serious movie.

How can it be surpassed by a group of students' shoddy online movies?

What a joke.

However, when he checked the news about "Charlotte's Troubles", he was shocked.

Because it was only one day.

The reputation of "Charlotte's Troubles" has reversed directly.

The day before yesterday, it was basically negative comments.

As a result, now it is all praise.

Praise for the funny points.

Praise for the three-dimensional character.

Praise for the fun of the story.

Praise for the connotation and strong irony of the story.

It was even praised to the sky by netizens.

The first reaction of the big director was disbelief.

How is it possible?

Did Xingchen Academy find that it was too obvious to just inflate the box office, so they also inflate the reputation?

However, the big boss gave a little face: "There are only so many water army companies. If there is really an order, I can send a message to find out."


"And my daughter went to see it with her classmates last night. She said it was very funny. Although the protagonist is a jerk, it is the best comedy movie she has seen in recent years..."

At this time, the big director was obviously a little overwhelmed.

If I was surpassed by Xingchen Academy's money ability, I could actually accept it.

After all, the money ability is indeed strong.

But I was actually stepped on by a group of students with works that are standard for online movies.

This is really a blow to my self-esteem.

The big director couldn't help but look at the article he posted today.

Unlike last time, the following is full of sarcasm.

Some said that the first time they watched a bad movie, they accused a good movie of stealing the box office, just like a poor student accusing a top student of plagiarizing him to get a high score.

They all said that they stole a movie ticket from them and asked him to return the movie ticket.

The big director felt dizzy when he saw all this.

This slap in the face came too suddenly.

But the big director still had his own stubbornness.

He refuted again to save his reputation: "Comedy films are easy to become hits, and I don't shoot purely commercial films."

"It's the audience of this generation that is not good."

"In another ten years, the audience will definitely understand my movie, and they will apologize to me at that time."

As he spoke, he saw that the big boss's face was getting darker and darker.

The big director no longer tried to save his reputation, and said with some broken pots: "Even if their quality is really not bad, so what?"

"Even if I blackened Xingchen Academy, so what?"

"We don't rely on Xingchen Academy for a living? No matter how powerful Xingchen Academy is, can it retaliate against us?"

The big director really felt that he was not inferior to Xingchen Academy.

After all, no matter how powerful Xingchen Academy is, it can't control him.

However, hearing this, the big boss became even more irritable, and kicked over the screen behind him with one foot, kicking the antique vase to pieces.

"You're still using Xingchen Academy to retaliate against you?"

"We can't handle even if they're Xingchen students."

"Do you know how many Xingchen students you offended when you published your article today?"

"A group of students majoring in Xingchen Film and Television began to study how much money we embezzled during the filming process based on our news and financial reports. All kinds of data were well-founded. I thought there was a traitor in our company..."

"Since noon, investors have been calling me everywhere, asking me if it was true, how much money I had embezzled from them, and asking me to pay back the money..."

Hearing this, the big director's face froze.

The film and television industry is actually quite deceptive to investors.

For example, an investor invested in a movie and thought he made money because the box office seemed to be very high.

As a result, he waited for the money to be divided, but he didn't get a penny.

After another question, the movie lost money.

How much money was spent on special effects, how much money was spent on actors, and how much money was spent on post-production publicity. Anyway, the loss was clear, leaving investors speechless.

But in fact, the bosses behind these special effects companies, actors, and investors may be directors and producers...

The movie has not been released yet, but they have made a lot of money just relying on the investors' help.

It would be better if this matter was not mentioned, but if the data was listed.

The investors would definitely want to beat them to death.

The director is now financially independent, which is also related to these operations, so he is particularly panicked...

Although he has always known that the students of Xingchen Academy are powerful, the director did not expect them to be so powerful.

The director regretted it a little at this moment.

If he had known this, he would not have posted that article in the morning.

The director wanted to delete the article immediately and apologized, saying that it was a misunderstanding and he had to make up for it.

However, the boss had not finished speaking: "In addition, students from Xingchen Finance also ran out, and they brought us more trouble."

Hearing this, the director was stunned?

Xingchen Finance Major?

He knew this major.

In fact, he had a nephew who wanted to study finance at Xingchen Academy, but he was a few points short.

Relying on Xingchen Academy's entry into the film and television industry in the future, he would definitely give himself, the big director, some face, so he went to find a relationship and wanted to get his nephew in.

As a result, Xingchen Academy did not care who he was and directly refused.

This is also one of the reasons why the big director was dissatisfied with Xingchen Academy and was so impulsive this time.

After all, he was so disrespectful.

The big director, who has always been narrow-minded, will definitely not forget it easily.

However, the Xingchen Finance major has only been opened for a year.

The students have just finished their freshman year.

What can such a group of students do?

The big director really doesn't understand.

But after listening to the big boss's next words, the big director really couldn't stand steadily and almost fainted.

This time, it seems that I really offended someone who should not be offended.

If I had known that Xingchen College was so difficult to offend, I would not attack Xingchen College by name even if I was crazy.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world...

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