Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 455 A unique publishing method!

There is no doubt.

If what the students of the civil engineering research class said is true.

The new material can really do all this.

Then this new material will inevitably set off an innovation in the entire construction industry.

It will become a necessity in the national and even global construction industry.

The market demand will reach an unimaginable level.

After all, although only ordinary people living in buildings have a demand for seismic isolation.

But looking at any house in the world, the demand for earthquake resistance is huge.

Because earthquakes are simply unpredictable.

No one can say where an earthquake will come.

The better the earthquake resistance of the building you are in, the higher the survival rate in a major earthquake.

Who would refuse such a new material.

At that time, the first requirement of consumers to sell houses may be to use new materials.

Otherwise, just don't buy it.

"Can new materials only be used in new houses that have not been built yet? If it is an old house, will the ceiling and floor be covered with a layer of new materials? Will there be a good earthquake isolation effect?"

"Or can it only be sandwiched between the floor slabs?"

Ye Chen raised a new question.

The students thought seriously when they heard it.

However, they have not tested or experimented on this aspect.

So they could not answer for a while.

However, the director of the construction department raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "The energy absorption effect of the new material in the middle of the floor is undoubtedly the best. It can isolate as perfectly as possible and reduce the vibration noise between different floors..."

"If it is covered in a house that has already been built, the effect will be worse. After all, the walls around it will also transmit vibrations..."

"Unless the surrounding and internal walls are also covered with a layer of new material..."

"But even if only the top layer is applied, the effect cannot reach the perfect level, but I estimate that it can at least reduce about 70% of the vibration..."

"Of course, this is just my prediction, and everything will be based on the experimental results at that time."

The director of the civil engineering department expressed his opinion.

Although it is just a prediction, both Ye Chen and the students are particularly convinced.

After all, the director's level is really outrageous.

Being able to make a prediction at this moment means that the result must be close to 90%.

Can reduce 70% of the vibration?

This is already very good, and it can almost reduce the vibration noise between neighbors to an acceptable level.

After all, most people are not that sensitive to noise.

If there is only a slight sound occasionally, it is normal.

No one will care at all.

Only various vibration sounds that may almost stop your heartbeat are the kind that are really unacceptable in home life.

And if the floor upstairs is also covered with a layer of new material.

The ceiling downstairs is also covered with a layer of new material.

Then the two sides will never hear any noise from each other.

It is perfect.

Such new materials are extremely important to the Chinese real estate market, which is now facing various problems such as cutting corners, low national standards, and real estate developers' lax control of craftsmanship in order to meet deadlines.

The noise problem has become more and more concerned because too many people are affected.

Even conflicts have arisen because of this, and there are countless people who have become enemies upstairs and downstairs.

There are also vicious incidents caused by this.

For example, in Shanghai, there is an owner who has been using a vibration device for ten years, and all the residents in the building are miserable.

The reason for this is that ten years ago, the owner had a conflict with the upstairs owner because of noise. After the conflict was intensified, they fought and went to the police station.

When the owner came out, his wife wanted to divorce with the children and lost his job.

It can be said that it was a complete tragedy.

And there are also deaths.

It can only be said that in this increasingly busy era, home is the only harbor for people to rest after a tiring day.

If people can't get quiet at this time, people's irritability can be imagined.

Perhaps nowadays people are becoming more and more indifferent and hostile to the outside world, which is also closely related to the inability to get a quiet rest environment.

Some people may ask, why not change a house?

It's not that simple.

Houses are expensive. For most people, they may only be able to afford one house in their lifetime.

Who can bear to leave?

Where can they go after leaving? Can they rent a house while paying the mortgage?

With new materials, everything is different.

This gives them a new way besides selling the house or tearing their faces with the upstairs owner.

Just use new materials.

Even if you can't be completely quiet.

You can get a relatively quiet home.

This is definitely worth it.

But the only problem is.

What is the price of the new material?

If it is too expensive, ordinary people can't afford it!

So Ye Chen asked again: "What is the production cost of the new material?"

Hearing this, the students thought about it and couldn't answer for a while.

They were only concerned with studying the characteristics of the new material.

They didn't have time to calculate these.

But at this moment, the director on the side still spoke: "The production cost of one cubic meter in the laboratory is about 30,000."

"But if we set up a factory assembly line in the future and carry out large-scale production, the cost will drop rapidly."

"Even if we calculate it with a labor cost that is twice as high as that of the same industry, it is expected that the manufacturing cost of one cubic meter of new materials can be reduced by about 10,000 yuan."

The students were particularly moved when they heard the director's words.

The teachers of our Xingchen Academy are all like this, always encouraging students to be bold, but at the same time, they will silently handle all the things they have not considered for them.

It's really great to have such a teacher.

"Is the cost of one cubic meter of new materials 10,000 yuan?"

Hearing this price, Ye Chen raised his eyebrows.

This price is definitely not cheap among building materials.

After all, the main building material concrete, even the highest standard, is generally not used in civil buildings. The price of C50 concrete, which is sold for less than 500 yuan.

And even if the new materials are mass-produced, the cost is 10,000 yuan.

It can be seen that the new materials are expensive.

Among traditional building materials, this price is basically the ceiling.

But compared with the effect, it seems not expensive at all.

Besides, the new materials do not need to be used as much as concrete, and they don't need to be used that much at all.

Just cover the middle of the floor with one layer.

According to the students' previous experiments, a thickness of two centimeters is the most appropriate.

If it is more, the effect will not increase much, but the cost will rise wildly.

If it is less, the effect cannot be guaranteed.

If the thickness is two centimeters, if it is a house of 90 square meters, then 1.8 cubic meters of new materials will be needed.

Of course, most houses of 90 square meters can have a ceiling of 80 square meters, which is considered conscientious by the developer and the public area is relatively small.

Most of them can't even reach 80 square meters, only about 75.

So most household owners can only use 1.5 cubic meters of materials.

At that time, our own college will double the price and sell it at 20,000 per cubic meter.

That is 30,000 yuan, plus some labor costs, to make a house that is plagued by noise quiet.

This is much more reliable than selling the house at a loss, or renting out the house with a loan.

I believe that when the product is really launched, it will definitely make a sensation across the country.


Not just across the country, but even around the world.

After all, the noise problem is not just in China.

It is similar all over the world.

For example, in island countries, most single-family houses are made of wood because of earthquakes.

Whatever the children do upstairs, they can hear clearly downstairs.

In Europe and the United States, many areas also use wood to build houses.

Even in single-family houses, the noise between family members will affect each other.

After their own new materials are launched on the market, they will definitely be sought after by these markets.

The market prospects are unimaginable.

"Researching new materials is just the beginning, and the tests you have done are not enough..."

"For example, heat resistance, moisture resistance, volatility, elongation, rigidity, material effect weakening time, etc., and whether toxic gases will be emitted."

"In the next half month, you will do all the tests of the polymer material testing process, sort out the data and send it to me."

The director instructed on the side.

The students nodded hurriedly.

These tests are actually necessary. Only in this way can we thoroughly understand the entire material.

Because the key parameters of the new material were too excellent before, they were excited and rushed to prove themselves without finishing them.

Now they have received praise from their own principal and teachers.

Naturally, you need to patiently complete the testing of the entire process and sort out all the data.

But one student suddenly said with some emotion: "It's a pity that the research and development is still late."

"Now it's only more than three months away from graduation."

"We will definitely not be able to catch up with the mass production of new materials before graduation, which is really a pity."

The emotion of this student triggered the recognition of other students in the scientific research class.

It is indeed a bit late.

They cannot see the day when the new materials they have developed are truly recognized by the market.

If you do all this during the student stage, the pride it brings is naturally indescribable.

For example, students in the fitness professional scientific research class are like this.

When the Xingchen weight loss pills became popular, they were like tomorrow's stars walking in the school, attracting the attention of all classmates.

And outside, there are countless people praising them.

It's a pity that they can't experience this feeling.

Ye Chen heard the students sigh and smiled: "Don't think about it, just do the test."

"The college will not let down students who have worked hard."

"Maybe the new material cannot be officially launched before you graduate, but I think, as long as the characteristics of the new material are fine, it is necessary to let the whole world know about our new material in advance and understand your excellence."

"Secondly, you have made such excellent achievements. Even if the college cannot commercialize the results for the time being, it will give you rewards in advance."

"In addition to the rewards, 10% of the income after the commercialization of the new material will still belong to you."

"Whether you have graduated or not, whether you are still in Xingchen College, or whether you are in Tianhai City, or even Huaxia..."

"No matter where you are at that time and what you are doing, the 10% that belongs to you will always be yours."

"Even if you are gone, as long as Xingchen College is still there, this income will be passed on to your descendants according to your will..."

"Until this product is phased out and can no longer gain a revenue position in the market."

Ye Chen's words undoubtedly made the eyes of the students present brighten.

Most students are actually very envious of the fact that the students in the fitness research class received such high rewards and shares during their college years.

Many have become millionaires directly.

Who wouldn’t be envious?

And now, they can also get rewards in advance.

Judging from the style of the academy, the rewards must not be low, starting at least 100,000 yuan.

In addition, the 10% permanent share was even more surprising to them.

As students in scientific research classes, they also know the construction market very well.

As long as there are no problems with our new materials, it will definitely create a sensation in the global real estate market and even become a necessity.

As long as the output is sufficient.

The benefits that can be created every year are absolutely beyond imagination.

They simply couldn't imagine how much a 10% profit would be.

Even if the whole class is divided into more than 60 people, it is not a small amount.

If you have no fighting spirit and like to enjoy life, you may be thinking about how to live your retirement life after graduation.

However, although the rewards and shares were a surprise to the students, they were also within their expectations.

After all, this is always the case in my own academy.

When they developed new materials, they had some guesses about the current situation.

So what the students are paying more attention to at the moment is actually what the principal said, let them become famous before graduation, let their research results be known to the world, and let their talents be recognized by everyone.

What does the principal plan to do?

Is it to be announced directly to the outside world after all the data on the new materials are researched?

Although this is pretty good, it still feels a bit inferior.

A simple dynamic seems to have no real meaning.

When Ye Chen saw the students' reactions, he seemed to have guessed what they were thinking, and immediately smiled: "There are new drugs in the pharmaceutical industry, and animal experiments and clinical trials are needed..."

"Then the new materials you develop can also be like this."

"Wait until the effect is confirmed and there are no problems."

"We can directly choose a volunteer to contribute their own home and live broadcast the renovation of it with new materials."

"Nowadays, the sound insulation of houses is so poor that there are countless people who are troubled by noise and vibration. It would be easy to find volunteers."

"During the live broadcast, we can first test how severe the sound insulation problem is. For example, if you fart upstairs, you can hear it downstairs. Then we can modify it and cover it with new materials."

"When the renovation is completed, we will invite the volunteer home and let him feel how quiet his home is now..."

"Using this live broadcast as a press conference will definitely attract more attention than you can imagine..."

"And the new materials you have developed can quickly become popular on the entire Internet and be recognized by countless people across the country..."

"What do you think of this?"

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