Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 452 I want to stay even if I don’t want money!

After listening to the explanation, the volunteers all left with satisfaction and expectation.

Netizens who had originally questioned and speculated whether the new drug of Xingchen had failed.

After listening to the explanation of the principle of the new drug of Xingchen, they also felt that it made sense.


Although the volunteers' drooping skin did not seem to have any tightening trend.

But it can be seen that their skin condition has improved a lot in this week.

And now a week has passed.

Next, the effect of the new drug of Xingchen should be shown.

When this clinical trial entered the eighth day.

When Nukiqi woke up, he looked at his skin and felt that there was still no change.

This made Nukiqi a little disappointed.

It seems that he has a slow-acting physique.

But in the routine measurement before applying the drug every morning, Nukiqi listened to the data released by the staff, but his eyes lit up.

"The skin on my arm has shrunk by 1 millimeter."

"The skin on my belly has shrunk by 1 millimeter."

"The skin on my thigh has shrunk by 1 millimeter."

"There are changes, but they are not big. But don't worry. The better the skin condition, the better the recovery effect will be."

"So the faster the recovery will be."

Seeing the data recorded by the staff, Nuki's eyes widened.

Has my skin changed?

Although the change is not big, it is only one millimeter.

No wonder I didn't feel it.

But as long as there is a change, it is a good thing.

Even if I can only lose one or two millimeters a day, my drooping belly of more than 20 centimeters will only take half a year to fully recover.

The new drug of Xingchen Academy is really effective.

And it is not just Nuki who feels the effect.

A considerable number of volunteers who use the drug have seen changes in today's data.

Although it is only one or two millimeters.

But it still completely dispels the doubts of a small number of volunteers.

Xingchen Academy is really reliable.

Now there is an effect.

The volunteers are looking forward to the next clinical trial.

Because the staff said.

The further you go, the better the effect will be.

And then.

The effect of Xingchen's new drug really exceeded their expectations.

The second day.

Nuki's skin shrank by another millimeter.

The third day.

The reduction reached two millimeters.

By the seventh day, the daily shrinkage had reached three millimeters.

At this time, Nuki no longer needed to rely on the staff's daily measurement data to judge whether his body had changed.

Because the changes in his body can be seen with the naked eye.

This visible change speed is really pleasing.

Now Nuki goes to sleep every night with full expectations.

And the other volunteers are basically the same as Nuki.

In the last half month, almost all volunteers in the entire clinical park had smiles on their faces.

Of course, except for the volunteers in the exercise group.

Because they only exercise and do not apply medicine.

Although they also have changes through exercise.

But the magnitude of change is far less than that of the volunteers who took medicine.

This made them particularly depressed. They were unlucky, but they were selected and became volunteers.


They were selected, but they didn't use the medicine.

It was really uncomfortable.

But at least they could get Xingchen coaches and Xingchen food for free, which was a blessing in disguise.


That's it.

The clinical campus of Xingchen College ushered in the last day with laughter and joy.

Woke up in the morning.

The volunteers gathered in the hall according to the instructions of the staff.

No medicine will be applied today.

Instead, volunteers will be taken to single rooms for data measurement according to the grouping, and then blood will be drawn to check their physical condition.

After everything is done, volunteers can go to have breakfast.

At ten o'clock, the data statistics are completed.

Everyone has finished breakfast.

The staff took the statistical data and announced each person's data in order according to the grouping order.

"Han Huang in group A, the skin on the limbs, abdomen, back and other parts of the body has shrunk by an average of one centimeter compared to the data before entering the park..."

"Cheng Mengyao in group A: shrunk by an average of 1.1 centimeters..."


"Li Feng in group B, shrunk by an average of 5.8 centimeters compared to the data before entering the park."

"Nukic in group B... shrunk by an average of 5.8 centimeters..."


"Zheng Shuang in group C, shrunk by an average of 7 centimeters."

"Li Yue in group C, shrunk by an average of 6.8 centimeters..."


Accompanied by the data release.

The volunteers present all had different expressions.

Some were excited, some were depressed.

Because in the comparison of data, the gap between different groups is simply clear at a glance.

First of all, the most mediocre effect is the exercise group.

They are also depressed.

Only exercise without medication.

The average skin shrinkage of the entire group of volunteers this month is only about 1.1 centimeters.

And the medication group where Nukiqi is.

The average value of the entire group reached 5.5 centimeters.

It is five times the average value of the exercise group.

And the best effect is undoubtedly the exercise and medication group.

The average value of the volunteers who exercised and took the medicine reached 6.5 centimeters.

It was one centimeter more than the volunteers who only took the medicine.

But these data actually prove the effect of the new drug.

Although exercise has its benefits, it can only be said to be icing on the cake in terms of effect.

The real decisive factor is the new drug of Xingchen.

In addition to these three groups.

There is also a fourth group, all of whom are obese people.

They take Xingchen slimming pills, exercise, and apply new drugs at the same time.

The weight loss effect of this group of volunteers is very good.

But what amazed other volunteers is that.

The weight of the volunteers in the fourth group has dropped so much this month.

The skin does not look loose at all.

What this means is self-evident!

It means that the Xingchen slimming pill is used together with the new drug of Xingchen Academy for the best effect.

It can not only lose weight quickly, but also relieve the problem of loose skin.

If they take Xingchen slimming pills, there are also new drugs to take with them.

Why are they so painful now?

The new drug of Xingchen Academy is really a miracle drug.

And all of this was broadcast live on the Internet by volunteers.

There are nearly three million netizens around the world watching.

Although we already knew that the new drug from Xingchen Academy was effective.

It had visible effects after use.

But when the real data came out.

It still shocked countless people.

The new drug from Xingchen Academy is too effective, isn't it?

Many volunteers had nearly half of their sagging skin reduced.

They looked like a completely different person, at least ten years younger.

Although they haven't fully recovered yet.

But this is mainly because these volunteers were once overweight and obese, and their skin was too loose.

If they were ordinary obese people.

Maybe one month would be enough to restore their skin to normal condition.

The most important thing is that the new drug can be used in combination with Xingchen slimming pills.

While losing weight, it tightens the skin.

The skin will not sag even if you lose weight.

Directly lose weight perfectly.

This is simply the weight loss configuration that overweight people dream of.

Before, there was only Xingchen slimming pills.

Ordinary people are fine, and the impact of losing weight is not big.

But overweight obese people will inevitably have serious skin sagging problems due to rapid weight loss.

After all, the fat that originally supported the skin is gone, and the elastic fibers of the skin have long been broken, so the skin will naturally collapse.

This is also a problem that many people with heavy weight are worried about.

Obesity is certainly unhealthy, unsightly, and affects life.

But losing weight and having a drooping skin is, in a sense, even uglier.

Now that the new drug has come out, their worries have been completely dispelled.

Even if the drug can be used together.

Even the skin will not be loose, and it can directly and quickly lose weight and tighten the skin, and lose weight perfectly.

Such a perfect effect will naturally cause heated discussions among netizens across the country and even around the world.

"The new medicine from Xingchen Academy is really amazing. I thought the white volunteer was over 60 years old before, but after a month, he looked at least 10 years younger."

"Xingchen Academy is simply the god for obese patients. I used to dislike sagging skin, so I bought the medicine but resisted taking it. Now I have finally waited for it!"

"Wait and wait, never be a slave!"

"Thanks to Xingchen Academy, I can finally help my thin wife solve the problem of sagging skin. Although I love my wife, I feel like I will go crazy if I don't solve her skin problem..."

"My mother has to... because of health reasons. Lose weight. But after losing weight with Xingchen slimming pills, she has been reluctant to go out because of sagging skin. Now with the new medicine, my mother can finally go out again..."

"Xingchen Academy, the eternal god..."

"At this moment, I just want to ask when this medicine will be released. My skin is already thirsty..."

"This medicine seems to have a very good moisturizing effect. It can even adjust such dry skin. I am a little tempted..."

"Fitness is still effective. It can be seen that while exercising, taking medicine, the complexion is better and looks healthier. "

The response of netizens is particularly high.

Because many people who have lost weight from being super fat have not actually returned to normal life.

On the one hand, drooping skin needs to be maintained, and it is necessary to apply powder and the like all the time, and avoid sweating, otherwise it is easy to be scratched and inflamed.

On the other hand, drooping skin is indeed ugly.

After all, obesity is actually not bad, there are many fat people on the street.

Unless it is particularly outrageous, no one will take a second look.

But the appearance of drooping skin is really very ugly.

People with poor psychological endurance are embarrassed to even go out.

This is also the reason why many obese women would rather be fat than take Xingchen slimming pills.

But now, with the advent of Xingchen Academy's new drugs, the effect has been proven in clinical trials.

All the worries are no longer a problem.

It has been completely solved.

The only problem facing them now is when Xingchen Academy's new drugs can be approved and put on the market for sale?

Chinese netizens are fine.

Because they are confident that Xingchen Academy's new drugs will be on the market.

The first market to sell them must be China.

But foreign netizens obviously don't have this confidence.

They all cried and asked Xingchen Academy to list their country as the first sales area.

However, some foreign netizens feel that appeals alone are unreliable.

They have seriously considered the plan to apply for a contract with China in advance, and then go to China to live for a while after the Xingchen new drug is officially launched for sale.

All of this shows how attractive Xingchen’s new drug is.

Compared to the excitement on the Internet.

The volunteers at Xingchen Clinical Park were pleasantly surprised by the changes in themselves.

But in my heart, I was also extremely reluctant to give up.

After listening to the staff announcing the end of this clinical trial, buses to the train station and the airport were already prepared for them.

They all had only one thought.

That's why I don't want to leave.

Now their skin has only recovered half, and some have only recovered one-third.

Although it looks better than before.

But after all, there is no perfect recovery.

If I leave now, I really don’t know when I will be able to use the medicine again and fully recover.

If they have not experienced the magic of Xingchen’s new medicine before, then they may still have the patience to wait.

But now, I have experienced days where there are new changes every day.

Let them lose this change again.

That was really uncomfortable.

Because Xingchen’s new drug has not been approved, it cannot be put on the market.

They also know that even if there is still stock in the park, the staff will not be able to sell it to them or give it to them.

Therefore, when volunteers faced the staff, they strongly expressed their willingness to stay and continue to dedicate themselves to scientific research.

They even said that even if they don't need any money, they can volunteer for Star Academy for free.

Just wish I could stay.

The staff were undoubtedly a little confused when faced with such a scene.

After all, clinical trials in general.

If you don't have any physical problems after volunteering, you will just be lucky enough to take the money and run away.

Why did you get here?

Not only were the volunteers unwilling to leave, they even asked for no money.

But almost all volunteers have this attitude.

Even the exercise group that doesn’t use drugs is the same.

After all, if you stay here, food and drink will be provided by Xingchen Academy, and coach Xingchen will provide guidance.

You have to live like this in the outside world.

Ten thousand yuan a month is not enough.

In this case, it is natural to stay.

In short, when the staff looked at the sincere volunteers, they felt a little overwhelmed and reported the matter.

And the news quickly reached Ye Chen.

Just after paying a little attention, Ye Chen knew what these volunteers were thinking.

It’s nothing more than knowing that Xingchen’s new medicine will definitely be popular.

It is difficult to buy in the early stage.

And the price won't be cheap either.

If you can rely on extended clinical trials to directly restore the skin to its normal state, it will undoubtedly be a huge gain.

But Ye Chen didn't mind this either.

After receiving opinions from the laboratory, Ye Chen directly agreed to the volunteer application.

Of course, still give money.

Star Academy does not lack this kind of money.

However, there are additional conditions, that is, volunteers participating in extended clinical trials will return to normal after their bodies have stopped taking the drug.

You need to stay in the park for an extra month to cooperate with the inspection of Star Academy.

This will allow the laboratory to collect more jointly created data on new drugs.

For example, what impact will it have on the skin after stopping the medication?

Will taking the medicine for a long time have any impact on the human body?

Solid data is of great help to scientific research.

The original plan was to wait until this clinical trial.

Next time, we will recruit a group of volunteers with mild symptoms to conduct a similar comparative experiment.

Now that we can solve it all at once, it saves trouble.

And when the expectant and anxious volunteers in the park got the news they could leave behind, they were all pleasantly surprised.

After learning that money would still be distributed, my eyes lit up even more.

In particular, many volunteers with average financial conditions were relieved.

I felt in my heart that Xingchen Academy was really grand.

As for the final additional terms, no one cared about it at all.

Signed a new contract without hesitation...

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