Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 25 Making money is the most important thing!

To be honest.

The school cafeteria only received good reviews when students gave watermelons during military training at the beginning of the school year.


Ye Chen's mailbox received complaints and suggestions from students about the cafeteria.

At first.

The students' complaints were very simple.

Basically, they were simple and not very useful.

But after a period of time after the start of school, the students learned a few dishes.

The complaints about the cafeteria became more detailed and colorful.

What chicken was not handled well and the meat was too old.

What vegetables were fried a little too much, too much oil, not light enough.

Or the eggs in the tomato scrambled eggs were too old, the tomato skin was not processed, and it was not juicy enough. The cafeteria must have added ketchup...

Looking at these complaints, Ye Chen was so angry that he laughed.

These students can actually tell that the cafeteria dishes are not tasty enough because the tomatoes are added with ketchup?

Look how awesome you are.

Ye Chen knew.

This is not actually a problem with his own cafeteria.

Because Ye Chen himself also eats in the cafeteria.

After receiving frequent complaints from students.

Ye Chen also went to the canteens of other schools for a few meals.

To be honest, the canteens of other schools are not as good as his own canteen.

But there are not many complaints about other people's canteens.


It's because his students are too picky!

On the one hand, his students have the bonus of being a god chef.

Their sense of smell and taste have been improved.

Naturally, they can smell and taste the flavors that ordinary people would ignore.

For example, the smell of meat that is not handled perfectly, or other problems.

On the other hand.

It's because the students have eaten delicious food.

Not to mention the big meal at the beginning of the school.

Every week, when students learn new dishes, the teacher will cook it once in person and let the students taste it.

Ye Chen suspects that the students are very enthusiastic about learning new dishes.

It has a lot to do with being able to eat new dishes.

But in any case, the students' appetites are undoubtedly spoiled by the master.

In this case, compared with the big pot dishes in the canteen.

Then naturally they are more dissatisfied with the big pot dishes in the canteen.

Ye Chen knows where the problem is.

But the problem is that Ye Chen can't solve it.

The level of the canteen chefs is pretty good.

After notifying students of the complaints several times.

The chefs also worked hard.

While cooking more attentively.

They also tried to introduce new dishes.

They even learned some popular dishes that young people like from the Internet.

But students are picky, what can they do?

Several chefs used to work in other restaurants and canteens.

Recently, they often complained to Ye Chen.

They said that the students of Xingchen Academy were the most picky and difficult to serve students they had ever seen.

Some chefs even revealed the idea of ​​resigning.

Although Xingchen Academy has good treatment.

But as a chef, the food that they think is already good is criticized every day.

This is also a blow to their self-confidence!

And what can Ye Chen do?

While comforting the chef.

At the same time, it is also a headache.

There is no way to solve it, unless you really invite a restaurant chef.

Increase the total number of chefs.

So that the food can be made more delicate.

But the cost is too high!

If they really did that.

Then they would just lose money and gain publicity...

There are students who hope that their cooking teachers can work part-time as chefs in the cafeteria.

But Ye Chen was happy after seeing it!

These are top chefs who billionaires have to make reservations to see if they have time for a meal.

You should be happy to teach you students how to cook.

And let them work part-time as chefs in the cafeteria?

Ye Chen just wanted to say to the students: You are dreaming!


Regarding the training room, Ye Chen waved his hand.

It was handled.

It will be open for free on Saturday afternoons.

As for the cafeteria issue.

It will be put on hold for the time being.

Since Ye Chen can't think of a solution, he won't solve it.

His own school doesn't ban takeout, nor does it close the school.

If you think the cafeteria is not delicious, then go out to eat!

And Ye Chen's main concern now is still how to make money.

Thinking of the cafeteria that students dislike.

Some ideas seemed to pop up in Ye Chen's mind.

But there is no specific clue yet...

Ye Chen fell into deep thought.


Time flies.

The campus life of Xingchen Vocational and Technical College is incredibly happy.

Although students are somewhat dissatisfied with the canteen and the lack of girls.

But overall, students are satisfied with the school.

For example, if there are any opinions, after complaining to the principal's email.

You will basically get a reply.

Many problems have been solved.

For example, the toilets in the school dormitory were originally voice-controlled lights.

They automatically turn off after lighting for 30 seconds each time.

You have to squat and applaud when going to the toilet in the middle of the night.

It's really a bit outrageous.

However, after the feedback, an electrician changed all the toilet lights to switches the next day.

The suggestion that there are too few practical training opportunities has also been responded to.

Starting from this weekend.

The school will open the training room on Saturdays and Sundays.

Students who want to use the training room can make an appointment in advance and bring their own dishes.

As for seasonings, the school is very generous.

No need to bring your own.

This news made many students cheer.

On the one hand, they were happy for the increase in practical training opportunities.

But the most important thing.

It was because they felt respected and valued.

The school leaders of Xingchen College really care about these students.

The principal will seriously consider their opinions.

This feeling of being valued.

They have never experienced it in junior high school or high school.

"I will make boat porridge and minced meat stuffed tofu in the afternoon!"

"Zhang Feng learned Sichuan cuisine, let him make spicy chicken and mapo tofu!"

"Lao Huang will make green pepper pork shreds and fish-flavored eggplant!"

"Huang Zini learned Japanese cuisine, so let's make that soup and fry some tempura!"

"Remember to bring lunch boxes!"

"Take the dishes back to the dormitory and let's drink some beer!"

It was two o'clock on Saturday afternoon.

Chen Zhenwei and his roommates ended their hearty black battle.

Packing up the dishes bought in the morning, they were ready to go to the training room.

Hearing this, the roommates all nodded.

Everyone is used to bringing back the dishes made in the training room to eat.

Since the training room was opened on Saturdays and Sundays.

Many students started to eat their own food for dinner on Saturdays and Sundays.

On the one hand, eating what they made themselves gives them a sense of honor.

On the other hand.

Most of the dishes made by students really taste very good.

Better than ordinary restaurants.

There is no reason to refuse at all.

It was just when they were leaving the dormitory.

The classmates around Chen Zhenwei frowned: "Something is wrong..."

"Didn't we come to Xingchen College to have fun playing games?"

"The internet is quite fast now."

"But we never play after 12 o'clock at night, just to run the next morning to earn some regular points!"

"It's okay not to stay up late, but we actually have to take the initiative to cook on Saturdays and Sundays?"

"What's the difference between this and the social animals taking the initiative to work overtime on Saturdays and Sundays?"

"And don't we like to learn cooking? What's going on?"

As soon as this classmate spoke.

Chen Zhenwei and the other two were also stunned...


On a good Saturday, they didn't play games in the dormitory, but actually went to practice cooking?

This is indeed a bit problematic...

But, I seem to really like cooking.

Who and when?

Was it when I ate the dishes made by the teacher and was amazed?

Or when I made my first dish and was full of joy?

Or when I went home one weekend and showed my parents the dishes I learned, which surprised them?

Chen Zhenwei didn't know.

But Chen Zhenwei knew that now he seemed to really like cooking!

And the other classmates were the same!

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