Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 166 Collapse! Mentality collapsed!

Time has come to the weekend in a blink of an eye.

Originally, the attention to the regular season was not too high.

Because many teams will change players in the new season, the main function of the regular season is to run in the team and adapt to the new version.

Therefore, the regular season games are far less attractive to the audience than the playoffs and the world game.

However, the academic team of the Star Team has attracted people's attention.

Everyone wants to know where the limit of the Star Team is.

When will it usher in the first defeat in the arena.

At the same time, the public opinion that the Star Team and the RNJ Team are suspected of competing for sponsorship has also attracted a lot of attention.

So the audience of this game is much more than expected.

And inside the venue.

The players of the Star Team have just arrived at the venue and got off the bus.

On the other side.

The bus of the RNJ team happened to arrive.

The two sides ran into each other before the game started.

The RNJ boss got off the bus first, looking at the group of students in front of him who were still a little childish, and the corners of his mouth rose.

But soon, his face became gloomy.

Because he saw the young principal of Xingchen College.

And next to the principal, there stood a beautiful figure!

That was the boss of Er Feiyan, Ji Xiaozhu, who made the RNJ boss remember it vividly.

Today, Ji Xiaozhu wore a black dress with the hem reaching her knees.

The lotus-like hem swayed with the beautiful legs in high heels, like ripples on the water.

When the RNJ boss saw the two standing together, he felt bad.

He wanted to make some sarcastic remarks.

But it was just a thought.

The man next to Ji Xiaozhu was not only the principal of a private college, but also a major shareholder of a catering company with a valuation of billions.

Only a fool would offend the other party for no reason.

He couldn't afford to offend him, and he didn't dare to say anything harsh.

The RNJ boss chose to turn away and walk backstage.

But he was angry in his heart...

After this game, I'll see if you, Ji Xiaozhu, will regret it!

And the principal of Xingchen.

You have indeed made the culinary profession famous all over the world.

But the e-sports industry is not that simple.

I will teach this principal a lesson.

Let him understand.

The water in the e-sports industry is very deep!

You are a college principal, you can't grasp it!


Compared with the rich psychological activities of the RNJ boss.

Ye Chen didn't know him at all.

When everyone came to the backstage, the coaching team began to tell the players about the precautions according to the tactics they had studied.

Ye Chen took Ji Xiaozhu and sat on the sofa seat dedicated to the substitutes.

At the same time, he skillfully took a glass of water and handed it to the other party.

As a substitute, pouring water is a necessary skill.

Ji Xiaozhu smiled and thanked.

Then he pressed the hem of his skirt with his hand, sat down elegantly, and looked at the backstage with curious eyes.

The reason why she came to watch the game was naturally not because of any good feelings.

Ji Xiaozhu's good feelings were not so cheap.

Otherwise, she would not have been 29 years old and had never had a love history.

The reason why she agreed was mainly because she wanted to learn more about the e-sports industry.

After all, only with sufficient understanding can we understand the real needs of this industry.

Let Er Feiyan's transformation path go longer and more steadily.

On Ye Chen's side, he was smiling at the students discussing tactics and nodded from time to time.

Only when Ji Xiaozhu asked, he would explain to the other party.

Although Ji Xiaozhu pays attention to the field of e-sports.

But it is the first time to watch a game.

So he is quite curious about everything around him.


The venue is full.

When both sides come on the court, there are constant cheers.

Especially RNJ, after all, it is an old team and the team with the most fans.

Even though RNJ is now surrounded by black materials and its popularity is not as good as before.

But when they come on the court, most of the audience in the venue are cheering for them, as if they are all their fans.

RNJ's popularity can be seen.

When the players on both sides are seated, the game enters the bp stage.

"The fun is about to begin..."

"To be honest, a group of students is not worth my signature hero, but the boss asked me to bully them, so I have to give him face!"

"No way, are you guys going to use your trump cards? Doing this to a group of students, won't it hurt your heart?"

"It hurts a lot, so let's try to shave the opponent's head and make sure the opponent can't get a single kill!"

Sitting there, the RNJ players chatted relaxedly.

They were ready to bully the opponent.

But soon, as they entered the BP stage.

Their faces changed...

"The opponent actually banned Quesanti, who I just made this season. How did they know I wanted to use Quesanti?"

"I just took Lucian, and the opponent took Nami. The Luna combination we just made was directly ruined..."

"The opponent actually banned the mid-lane Tsar, which is my best hero. And how can we start a team fight without Tsar?"

"The jungler Lilia, who I have been practicing recently, was also banned. How did the opponent know us so well?"

It was just the beginning of the selection stage.

The smiles on the faces of the RNJ players disappeared.

After the new version, they started practicing the strong heroes in the new version.

The coach also set up several suitable tactics for this purpose.

The fight hasn't started yet.

Star Team will either steal the hero or ban him outright.

The tactics they prepared were directly dismantled into pieces and became disorganized.

On the other hand, look at the Star Team.

The lineup is much better than them.

It can be said that in the BP stage, they were completely defeated by the Star Team.

If this was a game with a small level difference between the two sides, then RNJ's winning rate would probably drop to 30%.

But it's okay.

The opponent is the Star Team.

Therefore, the RNJ player can continue to smile and say: "In order to beat us, Team Stars really painstakingly studied our lineup. But it's useless. In e-sports competitions, the personal strength of the players comes first!"

"Indeed, even if our lineup is average, it's enough to beat them."

"You said that the Star Team targeted us so much, but ended up losing to us. How uncomfortable they were after the game..."

"When I think of their autistic expressions, I can't help but laugh!"

Although disadvantaged.

But thinking about the strength of himself and others, the RNJ players laughed again.

Full of confidence.

"RNJ, come on..."

"RNJ, come on..."

when the game starts.

In the venue, fans cheered in unison.

For this game, most of the audience actually didn't think anything about the result.

RNJ will definitely win, it's a no-brainer.

The only thing I'm not sure about.

It’s how the RNJ team will win.

Is it to easily beat the opponent and win 2:0 neatly?

Or does it take a little more effort to win?

And this depends on the strength of the Star Team.

The outside world is still a little curious about the true strength of the academic team Star Team.

Now facing RNJ, Team Stars must do their best.

They can naturally see the true strength of the Star Team from this game.

It can be said that for this game.

Both players are full of confidence, as if they have a chance to win.

The bosses on both sides were also extremely calm.

At this moment, the RNJ boss was leaning on the sofa, scrolling through his phone, not even bothering to take a look at the game. He just planned to wait for the good news to come and his team won the first game.

Backstage at Star Team, Ye Chen also looked relaxed, even a little bored, thinking about whether he should bring a dumbbell to pass the time with fitness next time.

The only person who was nervous was Ji Xiaozhu, who was a sponsor.

Although Ji Xiaozhu has been very firm on what he has determined since he was a child.

But now that the game started, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

After all, the result of this competition is closely related to the effectiveness of sponsorship and the survival of the company.

The consequences of winning or losing are very serious.

It was naturally difficult for Ji Xiaozhu to remain calm.

"Our jungler went to grab a group of wild monsters from the opposite side. Isn't this a huge advantage?"

"Why did our bottom lane player get stuck under the tower? Does this mean that the bottom lane collapsed?"

"Why doesn't the jungler go to the bottom lane to help? Instead, he stays in the opposite jungle area?"

"Wow! If the jungler kills the opponent's jungler, we will win this game, right?"


Watching the game, Ji Xiaozhu asked questions one after another.

Every time he asked a question, he looked at Ye Chen with big eyes, hoping to get an answer.

When Ye Chen looked at Ji Xiaozhu's appearance, he couldn't help but smile.

Ji Xiaozhu has always behaved like a cold imperial sister.

He is extremely decisive in doing things, without any hesitation, and acts resolutely.

But I didn't expect that watching the game at this moment, I would act like a curious baby.

This sense of contrast made Ye Chen feel particularly interesting.

But Ye Chen could understand Ji Xiaozhu's nervousness.

Ye Chen also knew something about Er Feiyan.

Ji Xiaozhu comes from a single-parent family, and his father raised him alone.

It is said that Ji Xiaozhu once put forward many opinions.

But Ji Xiaozhu's father was a little stubborn and only believed in himself.

In the end, the relationship between father and daughter became somewhat tense.

Now that Ji Xiaozhu is in power, he naturally wants to bring Er Feiyan back to life and prove himself in front of his father.

Concern leads to chaos. This is a common human problem.

It is normal for Ji Xiaozhu to be so nervous.

Ye Chen was not impatient with Ji Xiaozhu's naive question.

Instead, he calmly explained to Ji Xiaozhu what resource allocation is, what a wild core lineup is, what resistance to pressure is, and so on.

Ye Chen said it carefully.

Ji Xiaozhu, who was watching the game for the first time, kept nodding in realization.

But with Ye Chen standing by to answer questions and explain the situation.

Ji Xiaozhu, who was originally in a fog while watching the game, suddenly understood a lot of things and was no longer confused about the situation.

This also made Ji Xiaozhu look at Ye Chen with a bit of surprise.

Does Ye Chen, the principal, have such a deep understanding of games?

But Ji Xiaozhu didn't wait to think about it.

The situation in the game once again entered a tense moment.

Ji Xiaozhu opened his mouth and was about to ask something.

Ye Chen chuckled and replied: "Win!"


Aren't the two sides still fighting on the screen?

Ji Xiaozhu hesitated for a moment and did not ask again, suppressing his doubts in his heart.

But soon, Ji Xiaozhu no longer had to ask.

Because in front of the dragon pit, the Star Team directly fought a perfect team battle and wiped out the opponent.

Then, with the dragon buff, they pushed all the way.

At the moment before the five opponents were collectively resurrected, they pushed the opponent's base!

The first game was officially over.

Listening to the commentary on the screen announcing that the Star Team had won the first game, Ji Xiaozhu couldn't help but quietly clenched his fists.

Won, really won!

His choice was indeed right.

But in addition to excitement, Ji Xiaozhu was even more curious.

Why Ye Chen could determine that the Star Team had won so early.

RNJ's backstage.

Listening to the sparse cheers from the audience in the front court.

RNJ's boss put down his phone and looked at the big screen with a smile.

But when he saw the picture on the big screen clearly, RNJ performed Sichuan Opera face-changing on the spot.

The smile disappeared instantly, and his face turned livid.

RNJ's backstage seemed to drop several degrees instantly.

The substitute player trembled and stepped back, choosing to reduce his presence.

Fearing the boss's anger.

Soon, the RNJ players returned to the backstage.

As soon as they arrived, they were greeted with the boss's anger.

The five players lowered their heads and looked at each other.

To be honest, they had a hard time playing the last game.

They were restrained by the opponent's lineup from the beginning.

And the opponent's players' operation level was not inferior to theirs at all.

They could not find a breakthrough in the laning phase at all.

When it came to the mid-term team fight, the disadvantage of the lineup was even more prominent.

They were passive throughout the mid-term.

In the end, they went to failure step by step, and there was no possibility of recovery.

So this game.

Instead of abusing the opponent, they were abused by the opponent.

The five players lowered their heads deeply.

Fortunately, the coach stood up at this moment and explained for the players: "Boss, the Star Team obviously studied us thoroughly for this game. At the beginning, all the heroes that our players have advantage in were banned."

"But we know nothing about the Star Team."

"Under this situation, we are restrained everywhere, and it is normal to lose the first game."

"But with the experience of the first game, we understand the playing style and style of the Star Team, as well as the heroes they are good at, and we can target the opponent in the next game."

"Our players' personal strength and competition experience are definitely more sufficient, and it is not a problem to let one catch up with two!"

"As long as the players play normally, the final victory will still be ours."

The coach's words made the boss's face ease a little.

No longer speak, just sit on the sofa coldly.

And the players are urgently discussing the tactical details of the next game with the coach...

The failure of the last game completely dispelled their contempt.

The five people took 100% of their seriousness and prepared for the next game.

We must win!


After Ji Xiaozhu learned that there was a second game.

The little fist that was secretly clenched loosened.

She was a little confused because she didn't understand the competition system, but she calmed herself down and didn't disturb the players' rest.

But the worry in her heart rose again involuntarily.

Whether it was the audience at the scene or the audience in the live broadcast room.

They were quite surprised that the Star Team won the first game unexpectedly.

But even if the first game was an upset.

Most viewers still felt that RNJ would make an effort next and win the game.

After all, RNJ is a real e-sports giant.

Although it is a bit down now, it shouldn't lose to a student team, right?

So, it's not a big problem.

But in any case, RNJ's unexpected upset loss in the first game still brought a lot of heat.

The audience in the live broadcast room surged.

They speculated about the next situation.


The second game began.

The RNJ boss stopped playing with his mobile phone and sat on the sofa, looking at the screen coldly.

The boss was supervising the battle and was not in a good mood.

Naturally, the backstage must be suppressed.

As time passed slowly.

Looking at the RNJ team at a disadvantage on the screen.

The temperature backstage seemed to be even lower.

The coach's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

The substitute player who was already huddled in the corner shrank back again...

When the commentator shouted in surprise, "Congratulations to the Star Team for winning the second game with a crushing advantage and winning this game."

The RNJ boss's phone hit the wall and exploded along with the cheers of the audience...

"Waste, a bunch of waste..."

"You can lose this! You are all garbage..."

"Are you worthy of me..."

"Without this five million, what should I do with my debts?"

The RNJ boss's phone exploded, and the RNJ boss also exploded.

This loss is not just about this game.

It's also about the sponsorship contract worth five million.

Without this five million, the debt problem is more serious.

And this loss is all gone.

In this situation, how could he be calm.


At the same time.

The screen changed.

The director first showed the picture of the Star Team players cheering after winning.

Then the view switches to the backstage of the Star Team.

In the backstage of the Star Team, the coaches and analysts are all cheering for the victory.

And on the sofa in the backstage.

You can clearly see a man and a woman sitting there.

The woman was extremely beautiful, with a graceful figure and a slightly red face due to excitement, which was extremely beautiful.

The man next to the woman was tall and straight, sitting there with his back straight, and a faint smile on his handsome face.

The two of them sat together, as if they were a golden boy and a jade girl, a match made in heaven, and they couldn't be more suitable.

The RNJ boss who saw this scene was completely upset...

At this moment, the backstage of RNJ ushered in a storm!

Even the substitutes who had shrunk to the corner could not escape the boss's anger!

As for the five players, they were already beaten by the Star Team.

At this moment, they were completely autistic after being scolded again!

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