Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 159 The best principal in the world!

Xingchen E-sports Club is the first club in the world to be controlled by a college.

And the Xingchen team is also the first team composed entirely of e-sports students.

They will play against the weakest LGD team in the league in the opening game.

This weak-to-strong competition in the eyes of the world has already been a hot topic.

Coupled with the intentional promotion of Penguin E-sports, the popularity of the opening game directly topped the hot search list.

Countless netizens were attracted.

The attention was even higher than that of the opening game participated by the star team before.

But even if this step was achieved.

Penguin E-sports was still not satisfied.

They wanted more popularity...



When countless netizens were enthusiastically discussing how badly the Xingchen team would lose in the first game.

A piece of news appeared on the Internet.

The substitute of the Xingchen team turned out to be the principal of Xingchen College.

When the news came out.

The first reaction of netizens was disbelief.

No other reason...

Although Xingchen College is a private college, it is still a college after all.

How could a principal be a substitute player?

It is impossible that the principal of Xingchen still has a dream of winning the championship, right?

So this is definitely fake news.

However, some netizens became interested and went to the official website of League of Legends to check.

The player information of each team will be announced on the official website!

In the list of players of the Xingchen team, they saw a player named Ye Chen.

"Player name: Ye Chen!

Player ID: 9527!

Player age: 25 years old!

Xingchen team substitute player!"

Click and you can see the player's photo.

On the photo is a handsome face.

When netizens saw this face clearly, their eyes widened.

Nothing else.

This is the principal of Xingchen Academy.

The principal of Xingchen Academy is very famous on the Internet, and his appearance is not a secret.

The principal of Xingchen Academy actually registered a substitute player.


It was really beyond everyone's expectations.

So, the news that the principal of Xingchen Academy served as a substitute for the team was completely confirmed.

Countless netizens looked at the confirmed news and felt like they were going to fuck.

A college principal actually turned into an e-sports player?

Is this out of his mind?


Public opinion exploded, and the heat was even higher than the opening match between the Xingchen team and the Laogandie team.

There was no other reason, this news was really too outrageous.

Although the e-sports industry is very dazzling nowadays and is loved by countless young people.

But in the mainstream society, the recognition of the e-sports industry is still very low.

Therefore, the opening of e-sports majors in universities has been controversial.

When Xingchen College acquired the e-sports club, public opinion was even greater.

And now, the principal of Xingchen actually turned into an e-sports player?

Is this too outrageous?

Even many netizens who don’t pay attention to e-sports are attracted by this.

The comments are basically critical and unacceptable.

They think that even if Ye Chen is just the principal of a private college, even if he is still young.

But since he is the principal, he should be serious enough to set a correct example for students.

A principal being an e-sports player is really a disgrace to the education industry.

It will establish incorrect values ​​for students.

For a time, the voices of criticism seemed to be overwhelming.

In Xingchen Academy.

The teacher who encouraged the principal to be a substitute in order to be safer in winning the championship this year.

Looking at the overwhelming public opinion at this moment, he felt a little regretful.

If he had known that the public opinion would be so strong, he would not have encouraged the principal.

"Principal, I'm sorry, I really didn't expect the consequences to be like this. I will contact Penguin E-sports immediately and cancel your player status..."

The teacher apologized to Ye Chen with a guilty face.

Ye Chen looked at the public opinion and shook his head.

Ye Chen can actually understand the public opinion.

In China, principals are generally serious and cannot do anything out of the ordinary, at least not in front of the public.

And he, a principal, ran to be a professional player.

It is indeed inconsistent with the mainstream values ​​of society.

It is normal to cause a storm.

But things have already happened.

Even if I cancel my professional player status, it is difficult to make up for my image.


Ye Chen raised his mouth and came up with an idea.

If the principal is an e-sports player for his own fun, then it is indeed not serious and does not conform to the spirit of teaching and educating people.

But what if you think about it from another angle?

Is the principal an e-sports player for the future of the students?

This is like a college student selling his body for money!

That is obviously to be criticized.

If it is said that a person makes money by selling his body and insists on going to college.

Then the social view is completely different.


Ye Chen immediately said to the teacher: "There is no need to cancel my professional player status."

"You just need to let the students say something for me online..."

"For example..."

The e-sports teacher was a little puzzled at first.

But the more he listened, the bigger his eyes became.

In the end, there was only admiration in his eyes, and he looked at his own principal in disbelief: "Principal, your idea is really amazing!"

"This will not only suppress public opinion at the fastest speed, but also reverse public opinion and turn disadvantages into benefits..."

Looking at the teacher's amazed expression, Ye Chen also smiled.

After all, Ye Chen has lived two lives.

But the main reason is the special bonus of the three majors.

With the special bonus, Ye Chen's thinking and overall view are more agile.

When encountering problems, he can also think of solutions more easily.

This discovery also makes Ye Chen look forward to opening new majors in the future.

Every time a new major is opened, new bonuses can be obtained.

I feel that as long as I continue to accumulate, I may become a superman one day!


On the Internet, public opinion is still spreading.

Even many experts in the education industry have stood up.

They believe that the principal of Xingchen College should stand up and apologize for the negative impact he has caused to society.

There are even some people who covet Xingchen College.

It is openly declared that Xingchen College should not be controlled by an immature principal.

The leading power should be handed over to the official, and the official should appoint the principal to take over the college.

Xingchen College is now famous all over the world.

It is recognized as a global culinary mecca.

The benefits involved should not be too big.

Some are people who want to gild themselves.

So many people with ulterior motives are here to add fuel to the flames.

They want to make public opinion bigger and gain some benefits from Xingchen Academy through the general trend.

But what people didn't expect was.

Not long after, another voice sounded on the Internet.

"In the e-sports industry where 23 years old is considered a veteran, no one thinks that Principal Ye, who is 25 years old, is really here to be a professional player, right?"

"That's right, as a principal and a major shareholder of a catering company estimated to be worth tens of billions, if he really wants to play games, wouldn't it be better to pay celebrity players to play with him? Why would he go to the stadium and be abused in public when he is full?"

"If Principal Ye really wants to be a player for his own selfish desires, then why should he be a substitute? He wants to be the starting position, who dares to refuse?"

"A group of people are spraying here without knowing anything. There are only five students in the Xingchen Academy League of Legends e-sports class, but the league requires a substitute, and most likely no one can take this position, The principal also hopes that students can hone their skills on the field, so he serves as a substitute. "

"A principal, for the sake of students' future, condescends to become an e-sports player. A principal who cares so much about students, there are still people criticizing him?"

"That expert is so funny. For the sake of students' future, Principal Ye serves as a substitute, which has a negative impact on society? He has to apologize? Then I would like to ask, those principals who charge money indiscriminately, outsource canteens to cheat students, and threaten students with graduation certificates, should they stand up and kowtow a few times?"


A wave of completely different arguments directly made many netizens fall into deep thought...

Yes, why should a principal condescend to become a professional player?

Principal Ye is 25 years old.

And many netizens broke the news, saying that they are Principal Ye's college classmates.

They said that Principal Ye's League of Legends level is so bad that he gives away more heads than he kills in a game...

All these factors add up, and anyone with a little normal thinking ability will understand.

Principal Ye definitely didn't become a professional player for his own selfish reasons.


There is only one truth.

That is, the reason why Principal Ye condescended to become a professional player was all for the students...

At this moment, public opinion reversed instantly!

"I'm sorry, Principal, I misunderstood..."

"If the principal of my university had cared half as much as Principal Ye about the future of students, I wouldn't have to work as a shill on a construction site..."

"I remember what Principal Ye said when he encouraged freshman culinary students to take over the canteen. Principal Ye is not afraid of affecting the canteen business that makes a lot of money every day for the sake of students. Where can you find such a good principal?"

"Why is the principal of Xingchen College so good! I'm so jealous. I'm willing to use our principal's life of 30 years in exchange for an opportunity to transfer to Xingchen College."

In just a moment, Ye Chen's reputation turned half over like a tornado.

A principal who considers students wholeheartedly, condescends to become an e-sports player, guards the water dispenser for students, just to create a bright future for students.

Such a principal is not qualified.

Then, looking at the country, how many qualified principals can there be?

In short, under the firepower of the young people.

The experts were criticized and kept silent, pretending to be dead.

The previous critical voices disappeared.

On the Internet...

Only the netizens' admiration, praise and admiration for Principal Xingchen...

Ye Chen's already good image as a principal.

In this wave of public opinion reversal, it has been further improved...

At the same time, countless netizens are looking forward to the upcoming opening game.

They now know that the principal is just making up the number for the Xingchen team to play the game.

But after learning that the principal is just making up the number.

Instead, they look forward to the scene of the principal entering the field...

If any player suddenly has diarrhea...

Then the principal, the substitute, must be on the field.

The principal's level must be bad, so they naturally can't criticize the principal.

But seeing a college principal forced to work and play games on the field, the fun is directly maxed out.

And after the game is over, they can also do more important things.

That is to criticize the opponent who beat the principal in the game.

Principal Ye is such a nice person, and he always thinks about his students.

He is such an admirable person.

You don’t know how to let the opponent win, and don’t know how to show mercy.

You are really a piece of shit...

If I don’t criticize you, who should I criticize?


In this wave of expectations.

The opening game of the League of Legends competition is getting more and more popular and attracting attention...

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