Urban: Becoming a principal from a junior college!

Chapter 113 Xingchen Catering Company!

After a few days of excitement at the beginning of the school year.

Xingchen College is back on track.

Xingchen Restaurant reopened and continues to be popular.

The taste of Xingchen Restaurant dishes has also improved to a level that everyone can recognize.

The number of reservations continues to rise.

Now the number of reservations for Xingchen Restaurant and Xingchen Canteen has basically reached a balance.

Rich people, or relatively wealthy tourists, will choose to make a reservation for Xingchen Restaurant.

And some young people who travel on a budget, or special forces college students, etc., will choose to make a reservation for the relatively more affordable Xingchen Canteen.

Of course, more people still choose to make reservations for both.

After all, each has its own characteristics.

Xingchen Restaurant dishes are exquisite and taste top-notch.

Although it is a bit expensive, it is not so expensive that it hurts your bones.

It is not a big problem to eat a meal with a heartache.

Although the dishes of Xingchen Canteen are slightly inferior in appearance and taste.

But the university canteen has a unique atmosphere.

Eating here, watching the youthful and energetic college students, you will be infected involuntarily, making the mood of making an appointment for the food even more relaxed.

The speed of progress of the freshmen of Xingchen College's culinary arts major has been seen by countless people.

Now the entire Internet is convinced of Xingchen College's ability to educate students.

Before, everyone thought.

Xingchen College may have a good teaching level.

But the first batch of students' culinary skills are so high, it may also be that this batch of students has a higher culinary talent.

But now the second batch of freshmen has also grown up.

They show a level that is no less than that of the first batch of freshmen.

It is enough to prove that the students of Xingchen College's culinary arts major can have such superb cooking skills, which is inseparable from the teaching level of Xingchen College.

But now.

The focus of Ye Chen, the principal, is not on these.

Before the start of school.

Ye Chen registered a subsidiary for Xingchen College-Xingchen Catering Company!

The registered capital is 5 million yuan.

After all the procedures are completed.

He invited the catering giants he had met in Hawaii or who were quite famous to discuss cooperation and financing.

The content of the cooperation is very simple.

Xingchen Catering Company will take out 33% of its shares for external financing.

It plans to raise 300 million yuan.

To build high-end restaurants in first-tier cities around the world.

A new company with an investment of 5 million.

It actually raised 300 million yuan with 33% of its shares.

If it were any other startup, it would definitely be criticized for wanting to get something for nothing and daydreaming.

But Xingchen Catering Company is different.

After the invitation for cooperation and financing was sent out.

All major catering groups attached great importance to it.

Not just the giants in the catering industry.

After many well-known investment banks and financial institutions got the news.

They were also very interested and hoped to join this wave of financing, and were even willing to pay a premium to swallow all the 33% shares.

However, the investment requests from these investment banks and financial institutions were rejected by Ye Chen.

No other.

The financing matter.

Although it costs money.

But the partner itself is more important.

It is not just more money that is better.

Finding giant companies in the catering industry to cooperate can bring great help to Xingchen Catering Company in its global expansion.

For example, there is a cooperative company that controls 60% of high-end seafood in Europe.

Let it become one of the shareholders.

It can make the purchase price of high-end seafood of Xingchen Catering Company lower, the supply is more sufficient and the quality is better.

And other partners are basically the same.

They can all bring benefits to the operation and expansion of Xingchen Catering Company.

In the corresponding region, they have a certain influence and can help Xingchen Catering Company solve some problems that may be encountered in the local area.

These are the main purposes of financing.

Just like some start-up technology companies raise funds, even if Penguin or Ali gives less money than other investment banks.

But most start-ups will still choose Penguin and Ali without hesitation.

And for each partner.

The financing of Xingchen Catering Company this time is very attractive.

The first is the return on investment.

Xingchen Catering Company, backed by Xingchen Academy, produces high-quality chefs every year.

Just a Xingchen Restaurant makes a lot of money.

The Star Catering Company initially plans to open restaurants in top cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tokyo, Seoul, New York, London, and Paris.

There are a total of 20 restaurants, and the revenue capacity is absolutely terrifying.

The most important thing is that the limit of the Star Catering Company is not just that.

Every year, there are students majoring in culinary arts graduating.

The Star Catering Company will definitely continue to expand.

It is simply unimaginable to what extent it will develop in the future.

This investment can make a lot of money just by relying on the annual returns.

If the Star Catering Company develops smoothly in the future and is successfully listed.

The market value will definitely easily surpass all the current listed catering companies.

After all, no catering company can expand high-end restaurants to countries all over the world.

The difficulty is too high.

But the Star Academy has the potential to do all this.

The catering groups on the market before were all low-end chain restaurants.

For example, KFC, McDonald's, etc.

High-end restaurants cannot expand rapidly because they cannot replicate excellent chefs in batches.

But if Xingchen Catering Company is successfully listed.

Then as the only high-end catering group on the stock market.

The market value that can be achieved is absolutely beyond imagination.

Not to mention that after becoming a shareholder of Xingchen Catering Company through financing.

It can also allow Xingchen Catering Company to give priority to its own food when purchasing ingredients.

Thereby increasing sales and performance.

The benefits are simply huge.

Therefore, none of the partners think it is expensive.

They chose to participate in the financing without hesitation.

In the end.

Including Lu Jingjia’s Chaimiyishen, a total of ten catering companies have become partners of Xingchen Academy.

Lu Jingjia’s Chaimiyishen is mainly responsible for domestic expansion affairs.

The remaining partners need to be responsible for the smooth opening of branches in various countries such as America, Europe, and Asia.

The funds are in place.

The next step is to start site selection.

Ye Chen handed the site selection over to each partner.

It’s okay in China.

But abroad, the requirements for safety are very high.

Especially in Europe and the United States.

After all, student safety is the first priority, far more important than making money.

Apart from other things, sending students out for internships must allow them to come back safely.

Otherwise, if students go out but cannot come back.

That would be a huge problem.

Therefore, safety issues are more important than anything else and must be taken seriously.

Ye Chen even planned to wait until students go abroad for internships.

Instead of letting students go to work, he would send them directly to the shooting range to practice shooting for half a month.

Xingchen College is not a listed company. It suddenly invested in a new subsidiary at this moment, and no one noticed it.

But among the partners located abroad.

Several of them are parent companies.

Investments like this need to be announced.


Abroad, many media were surprised to find that.

Xingchen College invested in a catering subsidiary, and among the shareholders, there are catering giants from various countries.

What does this mean?

Could it be that Xingchen College is going to open a restaurant abroad?

If that is the case, wouldn’t they be able to easily eat Xingchen College’s food?

Countless foreigners who had long been interested in the food at Xingchen Academy immediately showed their anticipation.


The news spread quickly abroad and became a hot search.

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