Unto the Ages

Chapter 66

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Grud woke up to the first light of the day. After blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he witnessed the aftermath of the sexual rampage he had afflicted upon his wives last night.


Ida, Reta, Uchi, Silne, Sonu, and Oso were laid strewn abound the bedding with his thick cum slowly leaking from their anus, and their whole body plastered in his jizz. 


Then there were Nita and Mita. Both of them took the brunt of his pent-up sexual rampage, the two of them were now lying beside each other, sound asleep in their cumflated bliss as his hot spunk marinated wombs and guts. They had the same cum glazing as the other six wives and looked even more pregnant than them.


Feeling accomplished for a battle hard fucked last night, Grud went to wash off the strong smell of sex, sweat, and breast milk that his wives had showered him in last night.


Grud made his way to the cooking fires and saw the expedition eating breakfast, Grud wanted to have a meal with them and see them off, but he saw Chieftain Froll and five of the tribe’s hunters in their new centipede armor looking ready to go out.


‘Oh right, Dhun mentioned about a chieftains meeting. Better go say hi while I still got the chance, I did not have proper time to say hi to Froll because Dhun and the Long Shadow tribe's chieftain were talking with him all the way.’


"Good morning chieftain." Grud said as he greeted Froll. 


"Could you just call me father? We are related now after all. Oh, and congratulations on your first child." Froll said as he waved Grud to take a seat beside him. 


"Sorry, I spend most of my life calling you chieftain, not used to it yet. And thanks, I am still a bit scared, to be honest, I worry if I will be a good father, will they be safe? Especially with wildlife still agitated and taking some time to get back to normal. Not to mention that I have six other children yet to be born.” Grud confided to Froll as he sat down.


Froll let out a chuckle and slapped Grud on the back, “Ha! One step at a time, even though you took seven steps at the same time, that is what family is there for. All you need to do is protect your family, spend time with your children, let your wives take care of the rest, and let me and my wives spoil your kids rotten.” Grud said with a jovial chuckle.


After some time spent catching up, the call sounded for the expedition to gather and Froll bid Grud goodbye as he and his men joined the expedition to gather up other chieftains on their way back to the Spirit Moon tribe for their meeting.


Grud saw off his chieftain and the men who had fought by his side for months. When they were out of sight, Grud turned around and went to the cooking fires, ‘Better go get something for the wives to eat… although I doubt they will be hungry after drinking so much of my seed last night.’



It took a month for the “expedition” to get back to the Spirit Moon tribe, but by the time they reached the Spirit Moon tribe, the only ones who were originally part of the expedition were Chieftan Dhun and the men from his tribe.


With each tribe they reached along their way back, expedition members would rejoin their tribe to rest, and runners would be sent to other tribes that were not along their route to invite their chieftains for the meeting. Then, that tribe’s chieftain along with a few men would take the palace of the returning expedition members to go to the chieftains’ meeting.


But even after reaching the Spirit Moon tribe, they had to wait for over a month before the other tribes arrived, and soon after, the meeting began in Chief Shaman Zargall’s tent.


Zargall rapped his cane on the ground twice to get the attention of all chieftains, and in some cases, shamans or representatives, “We shall start this meeting, for those of you who are not in the know, the expedition into the unknown south was a success and the beasts what has been driving the wildlife north has been slain.”


This announcement was followed by pounding of fists on the ground and hoots of cheer. When the excitement calmed down, Zargall continued, “Now I will pass the time over the Chieftan Dhun to brief the rest of you on what the expedition encountered,”


With all eyes on Dhun, he began to tell of the exploits of the expedition “- and after slaying the five beasts, we ventured further south to find out where these beasts came from. That is when we arrived at the edge of our land, beyond the edge was salty water as far as the eye could see, bigger than any lake. The only thing we could see in the water was a small land. a path opens between our land and the small land twice a day, and beyond that small land was a path to another small land. We suspect that the five beasts traveled from somewhere else, through the small lands and paths to reach our land. After that, I declared the expedition over, we returned and here we are.”


The moment Dhun finished his report, he was bombarded with so many questions that Zargall had to step in to keep order.


After the seemingly infinitely long Q&A session, Zargall rapped his cane on the ground to bring back everyone’s attention, “So, now that all has been explained, we need a plan to prevent this from happening again, the few of us who got the news earlier propose spreading further down south.”


The moment Zargall said that the people in attendance were about to start asking questions or make objections, but Zargall raised his hand before they could start and added, “When I say spread down south, I am talking about establishing new tribes along the path the expedition traveled until we reach the edge of the land, so in the event like that of the five invading beasts, there will be tribes nearby to assist and stop the problem before it gets to this point. But that is just one plan, are there any other ideas to be put forth?”


Those in attendance started discussing among each other and soon ideas started coming forward, most of which were dismissed due to fatal flaws or not making sense logistically, but most decided to build upon the plan put forth by Zargall.


By the time they were done discussing, it was lunchtime, having the majority agreeing on the plan Zargall put forth, they all started planning on how to put said plan into action.


The whole planning session took days, and by the end of it, Zargall’s floor had a huge roughly drawn out map with markings all over it, there were empty jugs and plates around, and lastly, a bunch of men and some women with bags under their eyes looking at the floor map.


“I take it from the silence that nobody has anything more to add?” Dhun said wearily, his question was met with nods.


“Good, lets-” “There is one last thing.” Zargall said cutting Dhun off, which was followed by groans and curses from the people around. “I know, I know, we are all tired, but there is one important thing, planning the tribe placement and route is important and all, but who are we going to select to be the new chieftans?”


That question plunged everyone into silence, they were so caught up in tribe placement and logistics that the question of who would be the new chieftains slipped their minds.


After a few seconds of silence, the discussion of that question began. Fortunately, the solution for that was settled within the afternoon. It was decided that each medium-sized tribe and above were to nominate a new tribe leader to go forth and start a new tribe.


But before the meeting ended, Dhun spoke up, “I would like to nominate a man who is both a powerful hunter and shaman to be the new chieftain of the tribe that would be at the edge of the land.”



While the chieftains were having their meeting, Grud was kept busy by Dhuk and Vok as they were trying to discover more ways monster parts could be used and their interaction with mana. 


The three of them spent most of their days inside Vok’s hut grinding, cutting, and chipping away at the monster materials that Grud brought back. At first, they were throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, which eventually provided a lead on where they could further their experiments.


They found out that monster cores could serve as a mana repeater to extend the range and even concentrate the mana being poured into the monster part they were enforcing, and after reluctantly sacrificing a monster core upon Vok’s request, discovered that ground up monster core mixed with glue also did the job, although with lower efficiency.


This discovery ignited the hope of wielding a mana-enforced bone spear and pitched his idea to the two older men, which they thought would be a fine proof of concept, and Grud had saved just the bones for the job.


Grud brought to bones of the long limbed monster he wanted but failed to turn into a spear and passed them to Vok. After sketching designs on the ground and rubbing them away a few times, Vox eventually settled on a design and got to work with the help of Grud and his assistant crafters.


The final product was a beauty in Grud’s eyes. The new bone spear was four of the long bones with a few inches of each end half carved off so they could interlock with another bone into groves to make a rigid fit. For the spear tip, an appropriately sized straight horn was carved and fitted, and so was a small chunk of bone fitted for the butt of the spear.


All the joints were liberally applied with the ground up monster core glue, and to make sure that all the joints stayed in place, pegs made of monster bone were jammed into joints where specially carved holes were made to make sure the whole spear was totally rigid and then smothered those pegs in more monster core glue.


After giving it a day for the monster core glue to cure, Grud picked up the spear as Dhuk and Vok looked on in anticipation of how their work turned out.


Grud pumped mana into the spear and saw as the mana went past each bone and eventually coated the spear tip. At this success, Grud and Dhuk cheered. Vok not able to see mana, cheered along with them under the correct assumption that it was a success.


Like excited children, the three grown men excitedly went to the edge of the tribe to take turns poking and whacking trees and rocks.


The only thing left was a live test, and the two old men were too old to go gallivanting around trying to kill something. So with disappointment in their voices, told Grud to go out, kill a few things, and report back on the performance of the spear.


And like a small child being told to go out and play with his new toy, Grud zoomed out of sight before Dhuk and Vok could make any other requests.

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