Unto the Ages

Chapter 38

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As Grud’s dick pushed against Mita’s cervix, he felt the sensation of something inside Mita giving way to his penis and looked at where his translucent wife was being penetrated just in time to see his dick stretch out Mita’s cervix, enter her womb and impact the roof of her womb.

After which, Mita became very still. When he looked at her face, she had a thousand yard stare and was obviously out of it, which in Grud’s book was normal everyday sex with his women. When he looked back down to where his dick had invaded, his dick began twitching with excitement.

‘I have never made it in the womb before, unfortunately, I do not think I can do this with my other wives. Maybe after they give birth.’ as Grud adjusted Mita on top of him, he felt the very tight squeeze of Mita’s cervix squeezing his dick tighter than her vagina does. ‘This tight feeling, I love it!’

As Grud pulled his dick back to get some momentum for a stroke, his flared out glans was caught and stuck while exiting her womb, ‘Hmm…. this might be trouble… oh well, I will deal with it later, short strokes for now.’

And so Grud held Mita’s hips and pulled her down on his dick to gam his dick into the roof of her womb, every time he thrust up into Mita, Grud saw the top of her uterus bulge and stretch, encouraging him to go faster and stretch Mita out more. The only disappointing thing that Grud noted is that even after breaking into her womb, he still could not go balls deep into her pussy.

After a few minutes of womb ramming sex, Grud felt the churning of the cum in his balls and did not hold back. Grud brought Mita down on his dick as far as her womb would stretch, and that's when he found out he was worrying too much as he finally went balls deep into Mita and stretched her whole pussy and uterus until he could see Mita’s whole uterus bulging out her body just under where her ribcage should be. And with that erotic sight, Grud flooded Mita’s womb directly.

As Grud filled Mita’s womb up, he watched her womb inflate as more thick ropes of cum were pumped into Mita, but after his usual period of creaming Mita’s womb, Grud noticed something was wrong, ‘I… I cannot stop shooting my seed!’

This realization of his inability to stop jizzing and the sight of Mita’s womb being pumped with more cum did not help his dick and balls calm down, and so that feeling of erotic excitement and fear of not knowing what was going on with his body gave birth to acceptance.

‘Either way, I am emptying my balls. This is good…. I think.’ after about four minutes of continuously pumping cum into Mita, her belly looked like she was about to give birth to triplets, and the look on her face was still zoned out. ‘Guess this will have to do for the night.’ Grud thought to himself as he sat up with Mita still attached to him and drained his water skin before laying Mita down next to him as they fell asleep.

When the sun peeked out the horizon and the noise of camp activity started picking up, Grud woke up to his dick still stuck inside Mita, the only difference is that her vagina was milking his dick independent of her cum bloated body.

>Good wake up husband Grud… we do morning breeding… you release seed soon?< Nita greeted him via mind link. <Good Morning Mita, almost there.> After a few more minutes of his dick getting milked, Grud released his morning spunk to ease his morning wood and Mita hummed with pleasure in his mind.

After pulling his dick out of Mita, that was when a thought came to him, ‘Oh no, with so much of my seed in Mita, how is she going to hide?’ after thinking about it for a while, he made a decision, <Mita, we are going to move soon, you will need to leave my seed behind.>

After he said that, Grud could literally feel the dissatisfaction from Mita at the notion of doing so. <I understand you want to keep my seed inside of you, but you cannot hide or fly without leaving my seed behind. I will give you more seed tonight, ok?>

After a few seconds, Mita begrudgingly accepted and Grud saw her vagina and cervix start to spread open to release his accumulated cum in her body. Grud’s eyes opened wide in alarm, <Wait wait wait! Not just on the ground like that, everyone will see and smell.>

Mita just tilted her head in confusion, Grud not wanting to explain just asked her to wait awhile, using his spear as a makeshift shovel and his powerful hands, Grud quickly dug a small latrine pit and pointed to it, <Release the seed in here.>

After Mita was done purging her insides of his seed into the latrine pit, Grud realized he may have dug too shallow of a pit as it was filled to the brim, so he covered it in some topsoil and hope no one stepped in that pit any time soon after he dismantled his shelter.

Soon the whole camp was up, had a light meal and was on the move toward the first tribe’s ground. Same as the first day, the travel was uneventful, other than a couple of breaks and marking out for the bulk of the tribes to camp tonight, the group of hunters traveled until it was late afternoon and they set up their own camp for the night.

After camp was set up, Chieftain Dhun sent the older hunters of the group to go catch some game for dinner while he gathered the rest of the younger hunters. “For the rest of you, now until tonight will be fighting lessons.” Chieftain Dhun used a staff to draw a wide circle in a roughly ten meter diameter then turned back to the bunch of younger hunters.

“Before we start the lessons, we will fight one on one and I will see where your current abilities are at currently.” Dhun then threw another staff to the other end of the circle he drew and asked, “So who will be first?” Before Grud could step up, another hunter stepped forward, “I am Gemah from the Green Path tribe, I accept this challenge!” Grud clicked his tongue, ‘Damm, I should have reacted faster, then I would not need to wait and attend this stupid fighting lesson thing and spend more time with Mita.’

Dhun nodded and pointed his staff at the circle that he was currently standing in, “Then come forward into the circle. The rules are simple, we fight until surrender or are knocked out, if you step out of the circle, you lose.”

Gemah stepped forward and picked up the staff, took a stance and leveled the staff at Dhun. Dhun Eyed him up and down then said, “Well? What are you waiting for? An invitation to attack?”

With that said, Gemah charged forward, and lept thru the air while raising his staff above his head for an overhead strike. When Grud looked at Dhun to see his reaction to this attack, the expression that Grud saw on Dhun’s face was… boredom.

When Gemah’s staff was about to strike Dhun, Dhun used his left hand to almost lazily swat the staff strike to the left and whacked Gemah’s shoulder with his staff in his right hand while Gemah was still mid-air.

This sent Gemah tumbling to the side, “Such big moves are an invitation to get yourself killed, be it from beast or man. Get back up and try again.” Dhun said in a dispassionate voice.

Gemah got back up rubbing his shoulder that was whacked by Dhun and got back into a fighting stance, this time Gemah advanced much more carefully. When Gemah was in striking range of Dhun, he lunged forward with his staff aiming to jab at Dhun, of which Dhun easily parried.

After receiving a few of Gemah’s thrusts that were either blocked, parried, or dodged, Dhun started going on the offense. After batting away one of Gemah’s thrusts with his own staff, Dhun unleashed a flurry of jabs and whacks with his staff, all of it ended with Dhun sweeping Gemah off his feet and while he was still mid air was flung out of the circle with a flick of Dhun’s staff.

Seeing this martial prowess, Grud thought to himself, ‘Ok, maybe this fighting lesson thing is not a waste of time.’ After Gemah landed out of the circle, Dhun called out, “Next person, come in the ring.”

As Grud was about to step forward, he thought about something, ‘Let's approach this from a hunter’s perspective. There are other people that seem like they want to go before me, this is a chance to see more of how Dhun fights.’

Just as he finished that thought, another man stepped forward, “I am Damek, also from the Green Path tribe. It is an honor to learn from you Chiefeian Dhun!”

As a person who did not really care much about having deep knowledge of people from other tribes, this display got Grud thinking, ‘From the way this Damek guy addresses him, Chieftain Dhun seems to be known for his fighting prowess. I myself have not done much fighting against other men besides some of the older hunters of my tribe teaching me how to use a spear, let's see the skills of the rest of them for now.’

The spar proceeded with Damek leveling his spear at Dhun and approaching him cautiously, when Damek approached striking range, he shot out a probing jab with his staff at Dhun which was easily parried by Dhun’s own staff.

After a few more probing jabs, Damek lunged forward with his staff aiming at Dhun’s leg, but halfway thru the lunge, Damek’s staff changed direction and headed toward Dhun’s chest. Dhun immediately reacted by bringing his spear closer to his body and deflected Damek’s jab, after the jab was deflected, Dhun brought his staff down and bonked Damek on the head.

As Damek staggered back, Dhun started lightly jabbing and whacking Damek until he retreated to the edge of the circle and was given a light kick to get Damek out of the ring.

Dhun, looked at Damek and said, “That was a good feint just now, the only issue with it was that your eyes gave away that your true target was my chest.” Then he looked up the rest of the lesson participants, “Next person enter the circle.”

And so for the next hour and a half, Grud saw Dhun batter around more than sixty younger men with no real effort, and soon, he was the last one. “Next.” he heard Dhun called, Grud walked up to the hunter that was knocked out of the ring, and took the staff lying on the grown next to the man who looked like he would start showing bruises tomorrow.

Grud entered the circle and introduced himself “I am Grud from the Rock Skull tribe.” Grud took a stance with the staff pointed at Dhun and charged.

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