Unto the Ages

Chapter 13

When Grud woke up from his nap it was mid-afternoon. He looked at Nita and marveled at his handy work of totally plastering and filling her with that much cum. He carried the sleeping Nita to the pool and washed her and himself, wiped off as much water as he could and left her to dry in the afternoon sun.

Now that he was awake, not dying from eating suspicious things and not horny anymore, or at least not as horny, he decided to continue with his weapon crafting by cutting off the access length of his too long makeshift spear with his axe head and making a proper axe for himself. After he was done securing the axe head to the cut-off length of the sapling with some vines, he decided to search the area, in case there were more of those slimy things that may try to sneak up on Nita while she was sleeping. 

After not finding anything that could threaten his sleeping wife, he followed the small stream that was flowing out to a tunnel in the cave wall. After walking for half an hour, spooking some bats and turning some shallow corners, he finally saw some light coming from a shallow bend and soon exited the cave to a lush forest. He walked a few steps forward and looked back to see the exit he came from was at the foot of quite a sizable hill that went on beyond what he could see through the trees on either side.

Relieved that exiting the cave was so easy and straightforward, he decided to climb one of the tall trees nearby to search for any landmarks that he recognized from his previous travels to The Ancestor Rock. From what he could see from the position of the sun and the mountains in the distance, he was further ahead toward The Ancestor Rock but quite a bit away from the path that his tribe usually takes on their travels.

Now with a rough idea of where they were and where they needed to go, with some sunlight left, he decided to do some hunting, if he got lucky he may manage to get something big that they could smoke and preserve for their journey to find their tribe, or failing that, meeting the tribe at The Ancestor Rock.

After two hours, when the sun was starting to get lower in the sky, Grud came back to the cave he left Nita in with a Tusk Pig that had its head hacked open with an axe over his shoulders. At first, he did not see Nita in the spot he left her in but after looking around, he saw her in the distance walking back with a bunch of vines slung around her body and a bunch of fruits being cradled in her outstretched skirt while still looking very pregnant from all the cum that was pumped into her.

They met up at the tree they had been using for shelter all this while and greeted each other with a kiss “I am back my love” Grud said and gave Nita another peck on the lips. Nita smiled lovingly and said “Welcome back dear. Now go collect some firewood while I skin and butcher the meat” as he was about to go off to get some firewood, Nita asked him for his axe to start skinning the Tusk Pig. He handed over the axe and realized that they needed more cutting tools if they were going to survive the trip. After he was done collecting the firewood, he went to the poolside to collect some stone that looked ideal for turning into knives, spearheads, and an axe head

When he got back to Nita’s side, he started chipping away at the stones. When the first knife was produced, he passed it to Nita for her to have an easier time processing the skin and meat instead of using the unwieldy axe, after which Grud produced another knife, two spearheads and an axe head, then proceeded to cut down another sapling to make another spear and axe. After he was done with making the tools and weapons a short while later, he used his other knife to help Nita finish processing the meat.

By the time the sunset, they had already cooked, eaten, made a simple rack, and started smoking all the leftover meat. Now Grud was learning how to weave a basket from the vines that Nita collected so they can carry the food and tools on their back while traveling. While they were weaving, Grud told Nita what he saw when he exited the cave and where they roughly were right now. After some mental calculation, Grud estimated that it would take just over two weeks to get back to the path the tribe usually uses and reach The Ancestor Rock.

After some discussion of when to leave, it was decided to leave the next morning at first light. At first, Nita objected to leaving so soon due to worrying over the red veins all over his body and wanting Grud to stay and rest until it has subsided, as she has observed that the red pulsing veins had subsided substantially since it first appeared. But after assuring Nita that he was still strong and healthy despite the slight pulsing and soreness, Nita relented.

At night before they slept, they restoked the fire to let it smoke thru the night, then Grud proceeded to assure Nita that he was strong and healthy by screwing her to sleep and fell asleep with his penis being kept warm inside Nita’s vagina.

When they woke up, Grud ate some smoked jerky and then gave Nita a light fucking and a big serving of Grud’s High Protine Milkshake™ to drink for breakfast. Though Grud was nowhere near satisfied, he kept it in his loincloth because they needed to make a move. They packed all the smoked jerky they could carry and plucked some fruits before they started to exit the cave.

Before they started their journey, they looked back at the tree that Grud felt a connection with. “I am actually going to miss this place. It is so peaceful, I wish we could build a house there one day, just the two of us” Grud looked down at Nita’s belly and stroked it “Maybe three of us or more”. Nita put her hand over his and leaned her head on his arm “Yeah… That would be very nice”.

After a while of imagining what could be in the future, they turned and exited the cave to start their journey.

It was a sad journey for Froll, though it was not his first time losing a child or a tribe member to the harshness of the world, it still wrecked his heart that the child had been one of his and not to mention a strong, capable son-in-law.

His thoughts went back to the time of the attack, remembering the hunters telling him of Grud fighting off a bunch of wolves attacking him while defending his daughter. Then as hope rose up in his chest, it was broken as he was told the tree that Nita and another tribe woman were on fell, Nita was not able to hang on and fell into the river with Grud jumping in after her.

He sent some of the men out into the night to follow the river in case they washed up along the sides, but two hours later the search party returned and said the river goes underground and was no longer able to follow. 

Hearing this, he felt sadness for his baby girl being gone forever and a few seconds later, he heard a soul wrenching cry as Rae who was off to the side heard the report and broke down crying while Iko hugged and comforted her. The only thing he could do was to bring both his wives into a hug to try and comfort them.

As tragic as it was to lose a child and tribe member, the world would not wait and he had a duty to do as a leader of the tribe. He had to lead his tribe through this journey without losing any more of his tribe. In the morning Dhuk did a quick ceremony to put Nita’s and Grud’s spirits to rest, then they had to start moving again.

The tribe resumed its travel but on higher alert with men sent out around the main group to scout ahead to not be caught unaware again, and on the third day after losing Nita and Grud, one of the forward scouts spotted some wolves watching the tribe in the distance and running away soon after. The more experienced hunters recognized this as another wolf pack scouting out the tribe.

What worried Froll and the hunters was that the path they used to travel to The Ancestor Rock was not known to have wolf packs, especially multiple packs, if the pack they wiped out was not the only one. This could mean one of two things, either the wolves were so successful in breeding that they had to expand into this area or they were chased out of their territory by something strong enough to scare wolf packs, the latter did not bode for the tribe.

To be more cautious, the tribe took a more defensive stance but as a consequence slowed down the overall travel speed. On the fourth day as the sun was setting, most of the scouts from the front and sides of the tribe encountered multiple wolves each and were forced to retreat to the main bulk of the tribe, the rear scouts were also called back to avoid getting surrounded.

Froll growled at the boldness of the wolves. After getting a report from the hunters that were acting as scouts, Froll still did not know how many wolves there were in total for this pack, but the one thing he knew was, there were more wolves than he had combatants to defend the non-combatants.

To be safe, Froll handed out extra spears to the older men and some of the women to act as a last line of defense, in the most likely case that the wolves would try to keep the combatants busy while other wolves would attack the non-combatants.

If they were to last the night, he needed to have a more defensible position for his tribe to rest from the day’s travel. He consulted with the hunters and the older men of the tribe for any defendable place they could camp at and after some discussion, Froll decided to go with one of the suggestions of one of the older men that remembered a rock formation that was about two hours off the path, it would bottleneck the wolves if they attack and make it a lot easier to defend while the tribe rests.

After the decision was made, he told the rest of the tribe what was going to happen and they started to fast march to the rock formation. The tribe managed to make it to the rock formation an hour after sundown and fortunately with no casualties, despite the wolves trying to single out a few of the hunters, but after the attack of the first pack a few days ago, all the less experienced hunters now knew to be cautious of the wolf pack tactics.

The tribe settled in for the night and started fortifying the place as much as they could. Deadwood, branches, and even small boulders that were the right shape to be rolled to the choke points to narrow or cut off places the wolves could attack from were barricaded up. Campfires were started and guards were posted, the long night watch had begun.

None of the tribe slept well that night, even with the guards being swapped out. When the tribe made it to the rock formation and barricaded it, the wolves would only stick to the shadows while growling, barking, and howling. They may be beasts but wolves were not so stupid or desperate to charge a fortified position. The prodding of the tribe’s defenses by the wolves only ended early in the morning a couple of hours before sunrise.

When the sun rose, the guards were changed and Froll called the men of the tribe for a meeting, excluding the hunters that were guarding and sleeping. “Alright men, from what we experienced last night, I do not think this is the last we have seen of those wolves. We are going to need to travel very carefully from now on, which is going to slow us down and strain our supply. So this is what we are going to do”.

Froll then proceeded to draw a rough map in the sand with their route to The Ancestor Rock and points of interest for defensible locations, water and possible sources of food that did not need hunting. Sending out a hunting party with a wolf pack of that size around was just sending people to die.

After completing the rough map with all the points of interest he could remember, he asked “Besides what I have listed down, does anyone know of any other points of interest? Now with the wolves out there, we cannot hunt, forage or collect water and will need to move from location to location as a whole tribe, this will slow down the tribe a lot but it is the best chance of getting everyone through this alive”.

A few of the hunters, especially the older ones added a few locations to the map, and after hashing out a few details, they came up with a route that will keep the tribe supplied enough for the journey and able to replenish their food and water. Soon after the plan was made, he gave the tribe some time to pack up and started moving the tribe to the next planned location.


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