
Chapter 73: Chapter I


 Blyke sits up in his bed looking up at the ceiling as he thinks about the hell he just went through, angry at his weak powers. His happy side tries to push memories of the Nerf war that they did the day before, nightmares however conquered his mind saying otherwise. He eventually could no longer take it and got out of bed to go out on a late night run. After several minutes of putting on his running gear he thinks of the conversation he had with Remi.

"Hey Blyke, what's wrong, they're gonna come for our flag?" She yells at him during the intense nerf war. Blyke looks around clueless as Arlo, Sera, and John charge at Isen with their abilities. "GUYS! THERE!" Isen yells as he fires his nerf gun. John picks him up and drags him away. He laughs as he's dragged away, Remi looks over and hides with Blyke so they could keep talking. "Blyke, that's the third time you zoned out today while we were hanging out, what's going on?" Blyke sighs as he looks around. "How did we just forget about what happened last night?" Blyke asks. He then sighs as Remi pulls him in for a hug. "We're not forgetting silly, we're celebrating our victory!" Blyke looks out the window as he feels Remi's embrace. The sun shines down on his eyes and onto the city, showing a rather bleak picture. "Victory?" he thought. "There's so much more we don't know? How could people with that kind of power exist?" 

 "What are the authorities hiding from us?"


 "Let's partner up!" Remi suggests. Blyke smiles as he pushes his anxiety down. "Come on, let's go save Isen from that beast!" Remis says jokingly as she takes Arlo's arm. The two run over to the rest of their group. 

As Remi and Blyke charge with their guns out, John jumps across the hallway to lunge at Blyke. Blyke pauses as he watches John use lasers to move himself everywhere, firing ten lasers, one from each finger all simultaneously, he slams into a classroom and knocks over some science equipment. "John, you gotta be more careful!" Sera yelled. From a distance John could be heard apologizing. "Yeah, if he can do that, then so can I!" Blyke thought. The Nerf battle wages on, Remi slides under Sera to get to the flag, Sera's eyes glow a lapiz blue as she rushes to the flag in a heartbeat. She then comes out of her time freeze, coughing up some blood and falls to the ground. "SERA!" Remi yelled as she rushed over to help Sera. "Sera are you alright?" Sera continues to cough as she tags Remi. "Haha, you're out!" Remi however ignores the rules of the game.

"I think we should stop, you're seriously hurt now!" John comes rushing over to help Sera while Elaine is healing her. "Did you push yourself again?" John asks. "Yeah, I just wanted to...." John cuts Sera off. "Sera, you just got it back last night, you're gonna get yourself seriously hurt if you keep going!" Sera rolls her eyes as John helps her head back to the dorms as the rest of the group gets bored with nerf wars. Isen heads to the school's security room to erase the security cameras footage so they don't get caught. As he does so he finds Cecile down there.

Present day

Blyke smiles as he finishes his run, drinking some water as he heads back to the dorms.

Yesterday, after the Nerf gun war.

"Ce-Cecile?" Isen asked. "Hello there" she replies. "What are you doing here?" Cecile scoffs. "I wanted to track John so I could have a word with him, but since you're here I'll erase the security feed, not for free though" she says this hinting towards the feed showing him playing with nerf guns in the hallway. "What do you want?" he asks. "Tell him this." Cecile whispers in Isen's ear. "What, why?" Isen asks. "Just do it" Cecile insists. She then walks out of the room leaving Isen to think to himself.

 The Present Day

 Sera and John are hanging out in the dorms playing angry pigs on the PX.


"Nice try, I see you using your ability, you think you're slick!" John roared. "Hey, it's not a huge help, I'm only a 1.2 as it stands!" John chuckles back. "Yeah, even when I copy it, it's only a 3.4. Can't get much out of you!" The game becomes the least of Sera's concerns. "Oh, so you can double abilities when you copy them?" she asks curiously. "Sort of, that's the default that lets me have eight more slots, I could probably ramp it up in exchange for a slot." Sera resumes focusing on the game. "Wow, must be nice to be op" John snickers as he resumes his lead. "Weren't you the one wanting there to be a god so you can "fight" something better than yourself?" Sera scoffs. "Yeah well it worked" John rolls his eyes.

Sera grins an evil look as she turns her head to John before she punches John on the arm with her ability active. "Ahahahaha, gonna have to do better than that." Sera rolls her eyes. "I guess I took it for granted, and now I'm gonna have to bust my ass to get it back to an 8." John reassures her with a smile. "Don't worry I'll help you." Sera nods. "Thanks, I appreciate it, with you, Remi, Blyke and Isen I should have no trouble getting back to normal" Sera says reassuring herself.

"What about Arlo?" John asks confused, causing Sera to hesitate as she tries to come up with a response back. "Forget I brought it up" John says dismissively. He chuckles as he looks back at Sera. "So, what's it like to lose?" Sera turns her head to him. "What?" she asks, confused. "To lose? Your belief in a deity is about finding purpose in vulnerability isn't it?" Sera scoffs. "In fancy terms I suppose. But with everything that's happened, I'd say I learned my lesson. You should try it though, it's humbling." John shakes his head. "Huh, you're so overpowered though, wouldn't you wanna lose in a dignified way just to see what it's like?" John looks down at the floor.

"Uhhhhh. Cause I'm not a weirdo, you weirdo. Why lose a fight?" He laughs as Sera detects his reflective response. "In my experience it usually costs lives, relationships, everything you care about. You don't wanna live after losing a fight. Win or die…" John thought as he relieved every fight in his mind within the span of a nano second. The haunting memories of his past start to creep under his skin. He sighs, remembering the dream he had the previous night. He was in a bar finishing his second drink as he chats with the souls of the departed. One moment he found himself in a dark void, and the next he was in paradise among a tavern of image bearers. One man in particular noticed John and started to chirp at him. He laughs with some women he sounded himself with, only to slowly pause as John sat before him.

Woah, did someone just challenge the arm ripper?

Jeez, he's like the greatest arm wrestler of all time.

I almost feel bad for the kid.

"They let a guy named arm ripper in heaven? Well bet I basically have a secured place up here. I can get used to this." John joked to himself. He then rolls up his school uniform and puts down his arm, he grabs the man's hand as a ref begins counting.


 John's and the man's eyes glow, he slams the man's arm down, breaking the table as he rips the man's arm off, watching it poof back into existence as what would normally be painful is laughed off as comical. The man swallows his pride with booz as he laughs to himself. A bigger guy appears from the crowd. "My turn!" he roars as John's arm glows a dark black and gold. John one by one wins each arm wrestling match, people line up to watch this mysterious person beat the strongest people. "Ahahaha, anymore?" John looks around laughing as ladies start to compete for John's attention, testing John's faithfulness as the tavern starts to resemble one from the middle ages more than one of Heaven. "Ohhh come on, you should come back to our place, I'd really like to chat, maybe get to know you a little more" one suggests. John thought about it, but continues to walk away as he politely declines. Then an angel taps him on the shoulder. "Follow me" it calmly commanded. John goes with the angel, he walks outside on a street made of gold, the air at just the right temperature, everything at that moment felt amazing. So calm, so different from Earth. "Here we go, The Father wanted to speak to-" the angel catches John trying to pick at the street, hoping to find small chunks of gold gravel. John looks over at the angel and smirks as he is awkwardly caught. The two then proceed to walk towards the source of light. John looked up at a thousand foot throne, sitting on it was an older looking man with a white beard, wearing white robes, his hair longer than most dudes. 


"Oh hey, what did you need me for?" John says nonchalantly. "I just wanted to let you know why you're up here for the night" John realizes at that moment he was in Heaven. "Oh no, AM I DEAD?" he yells. He then laughs. "Oh wait, I'm in Heaven. That's kinda dope" he chuckles to himself. John then takes a big deep sigh before sitting on the throne's stairway. He looks down at all of time itself as mankind lives their lives out within milliseconds before the holy throne. Among them was a rich man. John looked at him rather enviously as he grew black horns that radiated gold energy. His skin turned void and his eyes glow black. "That guy, why does he get all that gold!" John points like a child as his inner demon begins to show. "No you are not playing satan!" God roars, causing John to lower his head in defeat. The two sit in more silence as they observe all of creation existing. John then breaks this silence.

 "You said everyone's powers are a result of the Devil, then what happened, how did people get powers. What's with your contradicting bull crap man?" John asks demandingly. "Well, actually, it wasn't anything crazy, it all started with a mutation on the X chromo-" John cuts him off. "Ohh boy, Science class lore!" he says sarcastically. "You want answers, here they are. That chromosome is now an instruction set that instructs an aura valve to be made in the heart, that's how it gets disrupted throughout the body. It's like a chemical in your blood cell, a hormone of sorts." More silence expands into their conversation before God breaks it. "What that woman did to you, was inject you with a compound that allows you to manually control that specific hormone. So that you can increase the aura amount beyond normal levels. You had the gene for it from your parents and their odd set of powers, but I couldn't allow it to be dominant, otherwise as a baby you would have killed yourself." John drops the act.

"No one teaches you that in the classroom" he says chuckling. "That's because they're not researching it. They don't care one bit." John's eyes grow hazy as he stares at his own world, one of many expanding out into the cosmos. "That's one thing that'll never change." John mutters. "That's not true John. Though it seems to be that way. I'll care, I'll always care

 That's why you all exist in the first place

 because I care

 As John and Sera wrap up their game, Sera lays down on John's lap to cuddle on the couch. John checks his phone to see a meme from Blyke. He likes it, then checks a message from Isen.

Isen: Hey man, Cecile wanted me to tell you she saw some people around Wellston that aren't up to any good.

 John sighs as Isen sends another message.

 Isen: Here's a picture she took recently when she was going out.

 Below was a picture of several soldiers armed to the teeth, mercenaries. "Woah, who are those people?" John says as he texts that back.

Isen: She said they were some colleagues.

 John proceeds to type away at his phone.

 John: Okay, I'll actually look out. 

 Isen: On it, I'll make a group chat with her and us in it, not gonna add her into the main one yet just in case she's some kind of mole for them. You never know with her. 

John: Got it. That's smart.

 "Fuck this, right when I'm starting to enjoy the peace I created" John uttered. He then gets up as he sets Sera down, tucking her under some blankets on the couch as he proceeds to go out onto the porch for some fresh air. Outside waiting for him is an old rival. "What in the actual fu-" "Good evening Mr. Doe" Cecile says. "Ahh, what are you?" "I wanna show you something." Cecile says as she welcomes herself inside. "Hold on, how do I even know you're on MY side. Are we just going to ignore our previous encounters and revelations?" John asked. Cecile looks at him as John then eyes her and Sera. His eyes glow a little. "Are we?" he asks in a more sinister manner. "Because at any moment, I can always remind you what power above the authorities looks like" John spoke. Cecile gulps as John's eyes narrow. "I"m the Golden God, don't forget." He uttered as he took a seat. 

"Yeah, well here's my chance to prove myself, you moved me, I watched you from afar when you were fighting those demons, and when you were fighting those criminals a while back, you do so much for the powerless, it kinda reminded me of well, someone I needed when I was little." John looks at Cecile strangely as her mask unfolds from the back of her head. The eyeholes glow orange as the rest of her suit forms. John looks back to see Sera asleep on the couch. Asleep to him as she secretly texts under the blankets. 

Sera: Meet me and John in New Bostin Wobba Bobba this Monday at 6pm.

"So, what's up with you and Terrance, you two work for the same group or something?" John asks as the two take off in their alter egos. "Used to, but I quit." Cecile says. "So Terrance, he's not a threat to us?" Cecile shakes her head. "As long as I don't get in his way, Ember won't come after me, they don't see me as a threat for now, but they will if I start using my influence to stop Terrance from carrying their agenda. Besides, I think he's the one who called out the bounty hunters on someone. I think they're targeting someone in Wellston. So I called you out here because if I can't do anything, then certainly the world's number one can"

John's heart skips a beat. "Is Sera in danger?" He asks. Cecile shakes her head. "No, most likely she isn't. They don't see her as a threat, it's someone most likely with an ability, but I doubt they go straight for you. They wanna test the waters first. See I think Ember hired them, the people who attacked Sera worked with Ember, but wasn't Ember, it was some rival company to NXGen research facilities. And it gets weirder, I think this has more to it than we see. Ember never told me because I was just hired by them, they were my client and I wasn't their partner. But I done some digging, and there are a lot of connections with them and the government, They are working with various governments around the world, and putting some of their people in power to carry out their agenda's, all while tricking our government that they are the good guys, it's like they're a Trojan horse." 

The two land on a roof, John slides his black leather boots, allowing his cape to flap in the wind as his muscular body tightens from the stress of exercise. He looks off into the horizon as the moon rose over them. "A one world government? What evidence do you have?" John asks as he turns his head to Cecile. "I have some classified documents as evidence I can send over." John turns his head. "Interesting, I gotta process all of this. If what you're saying is true, that means this one world organization needs resources of its own. Unless they're willing to manipulate the resources of other governments, they might strike at any time." Cecile is just left in silence as she looks off at John. "He's paranoid, but not without reason. I doubt they'll strike sooner rather than later." Cecile thought as the wind flaps her hair and John's cape. "Being a cripple probably comes with the territory of constantly planning." Cecile thought to herself. 

"Hey, as far as you and I know congrats on Sera getting her ability back. I'm sure she's siked. As far as they know she's still a cripple." John doesn't turn his head. "Imma make sure it gets back to an 8." Cecile's smile fades as John continues to stare off into the horizon. Cecile departs, heading to her room on foot, when suddenly she feels a presence follow her, she looks behind to see a floating needle with liquid in the air, she activates her ability and wraps the invisible perpetrator with her energy whips. "Ugh, agh! what the...." Terrence says acting clueless. Cecile smiles, looking down at the mole she caught. "Well well, surprise there." She says confidently. "You shouldn't have told him!" Terrence says ominously. 

"Oh, something tells me I did the right thing" Cecile says with a smirk. "Why are you doing this?" Terrence asks. "Like you'd care." Terrence's eyes glow menacingly as he looks back up at her. His invisibility almost turns demonic as it reveals hideous aspects of his body to Cecile. She looks at him horrified. "You do what you do to survive, using your privilege to get high enough to outrank common folk. Using your skill set to surpass your superiors rather than knowing your place, using whatever you can to survive this cruel world so it doesn't trample you." Cecile is left speechless as Terrence begins to make objects around them disappear. "Oh yeah, just wait till they target you next" he says as his voice begins to morph. Cecile hides her nerves as she begins to tighten her restraints on Terrence. "Oh I'm not sure they will, besides, I'll get Johnny boy there to make you disappear, he can do that without even getting caught" she threatens. However, more objects begin to disappear as the ground shakes. "Ahaha, how are you so sure about that?" Terrence asks, his voice demonic.

"You'll never find them in time, besides, time is ticking, better find the target before they do. Before I do." Cecile's face widens in horror. "Tick, tock!" "Oh no, it's tonight, I need to tell John!" Cecile thought as Terrance presses a button on a remote in his pocket. All of a sudden the power goes out. This includes all the cellphones somehow. He then activates his ability, and when Cecile releases her ropes, he gets away. "What the hell?" Cecile thought as she looked around to see the chaos Terrence left behind.

Later that night Blyke is getting ready to go on another nightly run when he hears a knock on his door.

"Oh, hey, whatcha doing?" Blyke asks. "Oh, um, I was actually wondering, if I can join you on your run?" Remi asks nervously. Blyke also blushes, realizing that she is in her running gear already. Blyke stares at her Pink sports bra and tight black leggings. "Okay then, come on, let's go!"

"R-right" Blyke stutters. As they head out they check their phones. "Huh, mine isn't working, good thing we're going together!" Blyke looks at Remi with a funny expression. "Yeah, that's strange. Neither is mine. Maybe they need a charge?" Blyke asks. "Wanna make a bet, first one to get to the Wobba Bobba ten blocks away gets a reward or can make the other person do them a favor. "Wait!" Blyke exclaims. "Can't you just charge our phones?" Remi's eyes widened. "Oh yeah!" she says as she grabs his phone and her own. However as she conducted electricity through them, they didn't respond. "Oh dear" she says. That's…odd…..We'll just charge them in the Bobba place. I'll make my reward a drink on you!" Blyke chuckles. "Oh, hahah, we're doing stuff like that, yeah, alright umm...." Remi smirks at him. "Wellm what were you gonna say originally?" she asks with a leering smile. "Ahahaha, uhhh nothing, nothing crazy." 

Remi looks at Blyke, his face gets really nervous looking, almost redder than his hair. "Come on, I promise I won't make fun of you!" Remi says laughing. "Well, I was gonna say if I win, you gotta keep me company tonight, not in a weird way! Just maybe watch a movie, see where it go-" Remi goes up to Blyke and pecks his nose. "Blyke, you don't gotta act so weird about it, I like you, that's what people who like each other do!" Blyke sighs with relief, but not before Remi punches him in the arm. "But you gotta earn it first ;)" Remi starts to run with her ability. Blykle watches as she dashes off, leaving behind a streak of blue lighting. "What, that doesn't count, no abilities!" Blyke yells as he starts to run after her, he blasts by with his lasers, but they're no match for Remi's now white lightning. She was a 6, Blyke was still only a 5.4. "See, look, you're already a high tier, you can still win this!" Remi says encouraging Blyke. "Haha, you're right, I can... Hey, Remi?" Blyke's Lasers stop working, so did Remi's electricity, she falls behind because her ability failed first, she stumbles on the ground. Blyke runs back to find her.

"Uhh, Remi?!" Remi gets up, she tries to activate her electricity but she can't. Suddenly, a man appears from behind her. She looks at him, unable to process everything as it happens so fast. The man hits Remi with the bunt of his gun, he's wearing armor and is holding an assault rifle, a man similar looking to him is holding two revolvers, they both have jet packs on their backs, around them are some more men in their own costumes with various guns, there are even some robots with them. A total of ten people around Remi were armed. "Hey, get the needle, we need a blood sample first before we disable her ability!" one of them yells as Blyke tries to assess the situation.

On it!

The man with the two revolvers pulls out a medkit that has various tools in it.

"Come on man, they said we have to hurry!"

"I'm on it ASSHOLE!"

"Hey, not too loud!"

Blyke looks at the men as they all surround Remi. "What the hell is all of this?" They all stop what they're doing and see Blyke, scared that they were caught they raise their guns at him. Blyke powers up but can only get to a 3.5 with all the pain from the ability dampener on him.

"Oh, hey, whatcha doing?" Blyke asks. "Oh, um, I was actually wondering, if I can join you on your run?" Remi asks nervously. Blyke also blushes, realizing that she is in her running gear already. Blyke stares at her Pink sports bra and tight black leggings. "Okay then, come on, let's go!"

"R-right" Blyke stutters. As they head out they check their phones. "Huh, mine isn't working, good thing we're going together!" Blyke looks at Remi with a funny expression. "Yeah, that's strange. Neither is mine. Maybe they need a charge?" Blyke asks. "Wanna make a bet, first one to get to the Wobba Bobba ten blocks away gets a reward or can make the other person do them a favor. "Wait!" Blyke exclaims. "Can't you just charge our phones?" Remi's eyes widened. "Oh yeah!" she says as she grabs his phone and her own. However as she conducted electricity through them, they didn't respond. "Oh dear" she says. That's…odd…..We'll just charge them in the Bobba place. I'll make my reward a drink on you!" Blyke chuckles. "Oh, hahah, we're doing stuff like that, yeah, alright umm...." Remi smirks at him. "Wellm what were you gonna say originally?" she asks with a leering smile. "Ahahaha, uhhh nothing, nothing crazy." 

Remi looks at Blyke, his face gets really nervous looking, almost redder than his hair. "Come on, I promise I won't make fun of you!" Remi says laughing. "Well, I was gonna say if I win, you gotta keep me company tonight, not in a weird way! Just maybe watch a movie, see where it go-" Remi goes up to Blyke and pecks his nose. "Blyke, you don't gotta act so weird about it, I like you, that's what people who like each other do!" Blyke sighs with relief, but not before Remi punches him in the arm. "But you gotta earn it first ;)" Remi starts to run with her ability. Blykle watches as she dashes off, leaving behind a streak of blue lighting. "What, that doesn't count, no abilities!" Blyke yells as he starts to run after her, he blasts by with his lasers, but they're no match for Remi's now white lightning. She was a 6, Blyke was still only a 5.4. "See, look, you're already a high tier, you can still win this!" Remi says encouraging Blyke. "Haha, you're right, I can... Hey, Remi?" Blyke's Lasers stop working, so did Remi's electricity, she falls behind because her ability failed first, she stumbles on the ground. Blyke runs back to find her.

"Uhh, Remi?!" Remi gets up, she tries to activate her electricity but she can't. Suddenly, a man appears from behind her. She looks at him, unable to process everything as it happens so fast. The man hits Remi with the bunt of his gun, he's wearing armor and is holding an assault rifle, a man similar looking to him is holding two revolvers, they both have jet packs on their backs, around them are some more men in their own costumes with various guns, there are even some robots with them. A total of ten people around Remi were armed. "Hey, get the needle, we need a blood sample first before we disable her ability!" one of them yells as Blyke tries to assess the situation.

On it!

The man with the two revolvers pulls out a medkit that has various tools in it.

"Come on man, they said we have to hurry!"

"I'm on it ASSHOLE!"

"Hey, not too loud!"

Blyke looks at the men as they all surround Remi. "What the hell is all of this?" They all stop what they're doing and see Blyke, scared that they were caught they raise their guns at him. Blyke powers up but can only get to a 3.5 with all the pain from the ability dampener on him.

(Tokyo ghoul epic symphony)

The two men with Jetpacks start to take off, one of them carrying Remi. "Oh shit HEY GET BACK HERE!" Blyke activates his ability now at full potential with the given circumstances, he can only get three out of his five fingers to charge lasers, he shoots them at the bounty hunters. Hitting the two robot ones. One of them was rather skinny and looked like it was made of spare parts. Immediately obliterated, the more stable looking robot takes a hit while firing a laser back at Blyke. As Blyke dodges it, he gets a good look and sees that the robot resembles a beatle, with bug eyes looking all around and analyzing his every move. He shoots its head off with one of his laser fingers. Leaving six more on the ground, their abilities active and guns drawn.

Fire, FIRE!

The six men fire their guns at Blyke, he dodges the bullets barely, four of them fire from a distance while two of them charge with their pistols out, they both try to dog pile Blyke, but he uses a mega blast to shred them up. "So, the dampener is on one of the jet pack boys, I got it."

Blyke looks at the four bounty hunters with blood all over him, they shake in fear as their abilities are all hunting like, involving tracking and stuff, but the dampener they had is with the jetpack boys, making them weaker by the second since it's going farther away letting Blyke grow stronger by the millisecond. Blyke head shots two more of the bounty hunters, not even realizing he's killing people, he then uses his lasers for mobility and knocks out the last two dudes with hie knees so hard that their skulls crack, he goes flying after the guy holding Remi, he then hits him in mid air, he drops Remi as Blyke delivers several hard punches before shooting him with his laser to try and go back down to catch Remi. His laser shoots one of the gas tanks on the bounty hunter, causing him to crash on a roof and explode, causing a fire to break out in an apartment. As Blyke is propelling himself faster than the rate Remi is falling he reaches his arms out to grab Remi, he catches her and concentrates on his lower half, causing lasers to shoot out of his feet, destroying his shoes and landing on the roof the bounty hunter crashed in. 

"Oh shoot, an apartment building is on fire, I gotta set Remi down and help them quickly!" Blyke thought. He sets Remi down in the corner part of the building. He then hops into the building to see if anyone is in there, he finds an old man hiding in his room. "Hey, grab my hand!" Blyke roars. Blyke grabs the old man's hand and lifts him up, he carries him out of the building and on the ground where he is safe, he then goes back inside and pulls the fire alarm. The bounty hunter nearby has a blood sample from Remi. "Shoot, I gotta hurry up here." He pulls out a needle with blue liquid, he then flicks it a couple of times before he holds the tip of it up to Remi's neck. Suddenly he feels a kick to his neck that sends him flying off the building onto the ground, breaking his back and setting the jetpack fuel loose, causing a leak. Blyke looks at Remi, he finds a needle hole in her neck, fearing for the worse he remembers how Sera lost her ability. "REMI, REMI WAKE UP!" Remi starts to flutter her eyes open.

"Remi, if you can hear me, activate your ability, REMI!" Remi's eye's start to glow as electricity starts running throughout her body. She immediately blasts her attacker off her, causing an explosion that sends her flying. "REMI!!!!!" He yells as he flies over to catch her. Blyke starts to squeeze Remi like a toddler with the toothpaste, scared that she just lost her ability, and even more terrified at the fact that she could have ended up in a worse state. Tears start to stream out of his eyes. "What the, why are all of those people outside?" Remi asks, noticing the fire. Blyke wipes his tears away. "Um, someone crashed in there, this guy with a jetpack, he tried to take you, and...." She suddenly comes to her senses, her ability is active and her lightning flowing all around her. "Where is he?" she asked. "I think he's down on the ground." Blyke and Remi look on the other side of the building, they see a man lying down with a broken back, a van of people are taking something from him, they try to take off his jet pack, but they take off when they see Remi and Blyke.

"Fuck fuck, GO GO!"

They hear a van screech off into the night. "Hey, go make sure everyone in that building is alright! I'll take care of this ass!" Remi nods as she jumps down. "Okay, is everyone out, how many people live here?!"

Blyke jumps down next to the man, his eyes glowing a mean red, yellow electricity around him, in his hand is a rag with fire.

"Please, please don't hurt me, I won't ever bother you or that girl again.

Blyke puts his foot on the man's chest. "Shut up! Who are you working for?" The man shakes his head. "Ember, E-Ember, you know of that group?" Blyke scoffs as he gives the man's ribs a good kick. "Dammit, how do you know about her huh?!" "Man, we are just given a target and reward, nothing else!" Blyke's eyebrows furor. "You asked for it" Blyke shoots out the man's kneecaps. "AAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH! FUCK, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Hey, I asked you a question. We're not done talking!" Blyke yells as rage consumes him. Man, please, we're just working for them! Look, we took a blood sample, that's it I swear!" Blyke starts to allow the rage to fuel him.

"YOU WHAT?!" "Please, I told you everything I know, I swear on my life!" Blyke walks away as the man is left to bleed on the ground. He walks around the building to where Remi is, his eyes returning to their yellow state. Police sirens could be heard from a distance. "Oh, Blyke, are you okay?" Remi asks. "Yeah, I should be asking you that" Blyke says calmly. Firefighters arrive to start putting out the fire. "Hey, I'm really proud of you." Remi says as the two sit on the curb. "For what?" he asks. "You were able to stop these men from doing any major damage to these people and you got everyone out, all while I was in trouble, you should be proud." Blyke starts to hug Remi tightly.

"Remi, I almost lost you to them, I just, I almost couldn't do anything about it, I'm so damn weak and....." Remi interrupts. "Hey, not this song again, you are not weak anymore Blyke!"

"What are you-?"

"Blyke, you were never weak, you were an elite tier, and now look at you, in the span of a couple months, you're now a high tier! You're strong, athletic, you have a really amazing ability, and you're stronger than you think. No more putting yourself down, the fact of the matter is that what almost happened, never did happen. It never would have simply because it never did, what happened is what happened, there is no what if, what if doesn't exist." Blyke takes a look around him as one of the firefighters walks up to Remi, who gives her statement. Blyke gives his all while struggling to process everything. Remi grabs Blyke's hand and pulls him away, they both head back to the dorms.

 Blyke grabs Remi's hands as the scene starts to calm down. "Another case of self defense, where for once the elites of society suffer as commoners" Blyke thought. He then looked over to the people who watched their homes burn. "They must go through this every day" The two headed back to Blyke's room to sleep for the night, where they slept unaware of the horrific truth that would come to them.

To be Continued....

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