Chapter 60: Chapter III
"So, we know Terrance is a weak 2.4. But something doesn't add up here" Isen states. Arlo looks at him confused. "Arlo, you said that Remi told you that this guy could make other people invisible too, and can stay invisible for a consistent amount of time. Is that correct?" Arlo shakes his head. "Yeah?" Isen nods back. "See, No way Terrance can do that, he's a 2.4, he can't even go for more than five minutes invisible without recoils hurting his body"
"Plus, only elites and above have abilities that affect people other than the user" Seraphina adds. "Okay, but that's one factor, how about when me and John came back from Wellston mall, someone invisible snuck up from behind us, and he/ she was able to get close, I couldn't detect the aura, if John didn't have a passive ability on, then I think we'd be...." Sera pauses as the thought of abduction creeps down her spine. "Jeez, what about the drug enhancers? They could definitely affect his ability and give him some kinda enhancements" Arlo asks. "Yeah, you're right," Sera adds. "Except, he knew all the details of the bomb article, who else could it be, he also wanted to be anonymous, that's suspicious" Arlo says before taking a seat and resting his head on his hand. "So here's the deal, one, Terrence is just a fanboy of high tiers, two, these are all fake, and he's a high tier, or three, the drugs made him like that." Sera notes.
"Well, wouldn't be the first time someone faked their rank" Arlo says bitterly. "Arlo, unnecessary" Sera says as she glares at him. The group then stays silent as Isen digs through more files.
Meanwhile in New Oklahoma city
"My lord....."
"He's coming soon..."
"I know...."
"What are we doing then?"
"What I did to my captor!" The Devil Man says. "We beat the living life out of our enemies, we are the superior breed of super humans" A flashback is seen of a boy with black hair tied to a chair, his nails on his feet and hands are ripped out, his tendons are cut, As the serial killer named Jason walks back, the boy's hair turns white as snow. His right eye glowing that infamous black and red we all know and fear in our hearts. He jumps out of the chair and tries to strangle Jason, but Jason throws him against the wall as his arm turns into a giant tentacle that's entangled with muscle tissue. The boy gets back up and starts to charge at Jason with a silent rage. The two spare and try to find a weakness. The boy eventually finds a weak point, he launches himself off the beast and flies upwards as he spreads out four tentacles of his own and wraps them around each other to create a giant blunt weapon.
He then launches himself into the muscle beast that is Jason. Jason goes flying as the boy cracks his knuckles. He pounds his head and drops a centipede. "Please, don't kill me!" Jason pleads. The boy looks down at his torturer and smiles. "Oh don't worry, that's not part of the plan. I have other uses for you." A blood curdling scream could be heard as the boy looks out from an abandoned rooftop. He looks behind him to see Wellston alive and looking well. "It's time then I got going" he says.
Meanwhile John is walking in the halls when he sees the posters Terrance posted, unaware of their origin, he reads one and finds something that shakes him to his core.
In other news, The mystery behind the boy in the paper bag is currently under investigation, but we believe that it's the biggest twist ever, John Doe, a third year at Wellston high, was the boy who wore the lunch bag over his head and killed Joker. That resulted in an uprising of Joker's running around the school.
People start to gather around John as they look at him, they keep their distance. Why would he, someone who was picked on so many times, be the hero who saved everyone from a maniac. Then they spoke.
No way, I think this is the press's way to get ratings.
Or maybe they wanna fix the Joker problem?
John takes the poster and crumbles it, he then walks away from the crowd and finds an empty hall. Suddenly a boy comes from behind him. He has short green hair. "Hey, John!" He yells as he runs up to John. John however doesn't slow down to entertain him. "Wait up man, I wanna talk" John continues to ignore him. "Hey man, word on the street is that your paper bag boy, you can tell me, come on. There's no one else around." John keeps walking, showing mercy and self control to his classmate as rage builds up within him. "No response? So I guess I was right, the press is just trying to get clout, they're so desperate to get clout that they'll use you as a scapegoat. How does it feel Johnny boy, to be so FUCKING disposable?" He pats John's back as he grins a rather cocky smile. His hair falls down in his face as his teeth show.
John stops dead in his tracks. "Don't touch me" he says, softly but boldly. "Hoho, Feisty, you want me to stop?"
Then why don't you make me?!
The kid shoves John into the lockers.
"YOU ALWAYS ACT SO FREAKING TOUGH ANYWAYS!" He grabs John's collar and slams his fist against the locker. "No, I can't lash out" John thought to himself. "Go ahead, beat me up paperboy. Or maybe you can't defend yourself, that's why you leeched off of Sera, but now she's a cripple too. Hehe." John doesn't respond. He stays quiet as he sulks back into his body as if it were a shell. A little hermit crab hiding from the king crab. "So, bro to bro here, I know you like Sera." John looks up at the kid with a bold glare. "Oh come on, she's hot, who wouldn't, and since she's a cripple too…." The boy pauses as he wears a devilish smile. Suddenly John felt his limits reaching. He finds himself involuntarily using his ability, but he enjoyed doing so. Like an adrenaline high taking all his anger and pouring it out into the real world. However the boy uses his ability to anticipate John's body movement. He creates a giant hand and smacks him into the locker. "It's not like she can do anything about me if I did something!" The boy yells. "Come on John you did her didn't yeah?!" The boy then slams his knee into John's chest. John shoves the kid back across the hall, his eyes glowing with a raging gold. "Don't touch her you freak!" The kid laughs in John's face. "Oh ho, you're strong for a cripple! He throws a hand using his ability. His eyes glow blue as his hand starts to shift creating a green and blue aura that overlays on the hand that can grip flesh.
The hand then begins to shoot towards John. A burst of energy ready to burn him, but John dodges, his eyes clearly glowing gold at this point. "Don't tell me, you're no-" John returns fire with a black and gold hand of his own, which mocks the boy's green and blue hand in comparison. A hand mark is left on the locker next to John while a hole in the wall is next to the boy.
John shoots another gold and black hand at the kid, the hand crushes his ribs, causing him to cough up blood from his collapsed lungs. He wheezes as he desperately tries to scream for help, that he can't breath. "If you can't breathe, how are you talking?" John asked this to antagonize his enemy, knowing that's not how it works. He slams the kids head into the wall. Afterwards he kneels down to look the unconscious punk in the eyes.
"God, I'm sorry, but people like him....."
He then throws another fist at the kid, causing him to splatter blood out of his nose and face, before finally leaving the scene of the crime. Another brutal joker attack leaves one more kid near death's door.
Twenty minutes later Zeke stumbles upon the boy. Ignoring him he continues to walk. "So then, if I just find him at the right moment, I can get him down, and prove to the world that John isn't some hero, he's a cripple coward. There's no way this was his handy work" Zeke tells himself this despite his doubts, remembering the rage he felt as he first attacked John when he moved onto campus.
Later that Day, Isen and Blyke meet up at a burger joint. "Dammit, I find all these crazy people running around in masks trying to kill each other, and the worst part is that I have to run a press that just wants to publish whatever they want!" Isen yells. "Uhh dude, isn't that the point of the press, people find stuff they want to publish and inform others about. Don't big brother them." Blyke explains. "Not when it involves John man" Blyke gets tense. "Don't tell me" Blyke says as he grows cold. "Some asshat went around and posted stuff about John being the boy in the paper bag" Blyke spits out his drink. "I said don't tell me!"
The TV interrupts their conversation with the news.
Breaking news, Ember struck again and they this time killed a hero named spectre.
"Wow, those devil tiers barely get any news, it's almost like Ember is working for them" Isen takes a sip from his drink. "I wonder what's really going on." Blyke laughs. "No dude, why would the government want to fund a criminal organization? Don't be ridiculous." Isen shakes his head. "Well, the info points correctly, they're suppressing information." Blyke looks at Isen confused. "Ember is a murderous group, they don't like superhero's, don't become one. They're just repeating old news." Remi walks in right as Blyke and Isen's food arrives.
"Thank you!" Blyke says as he takes the burger and eats it in two bites, he then takes the other ones and eats them like he's breathing. Remi and Isen stare in horror. "Aren't you guys gonna eat anything?" Blyke asks. "Dude, I can't even hear myself think over your chewing." Remi nods "Well someone's hungry."
"Well, it's been going on for a couple of days, guess I'm growing." The three talk about ways to solve the Joker crisis. They all chip in what they got done, but it's still not enough. Eventually they tell Remi what happened with John and the press. "Well, I asked Zeke if he could help us...." Remi said. "What?" Isen asked, annoyed. "That scumbag, he just sucks up to people with high abilities, he's a loser!" Blyke yelled. "He treated Seraphina horribly when she lost her powers." Isen adds. "It doesn't hurt to ask." Remi said rebutting innocently. "Yes, it does." Remi sighs. "I know we all have differences but we need to work together and put them aside to settle this, we got some more people on board. Blyke, tomorrow we should open up a club for people to come to. We'll call it the Safe House." Blyke nods his head. "Yeah, sounds great." He says as he eats like a pig with a mouthful of food. "It's settled then we have a chance to win this war."
That day John and Sera are walking from school they depart with a hug before going their separate ways. "Alright then, I gotta find Cecile, she might know something, because no way in hell will Isen give me info about the anonymous paperboy. John heads to the girls' dorms where he finds Cecile. "John, what are you doing?" Cecile asks. "Hey, I need to ask a couple of things from you." Cecile looks at John confused. "Listen, you know the press better than anyone. Who would you think could pull off posting anonymous articles ALL OVER THE SCHOOl, without being noticed by one-" Cecile cuts off John. "Terrance." "Who?" John asked. "You're gonna want to sit down, this is a lot to take in. You see, I worked for an organization he's in. He's a low tier who's behind a lot of Ember's attacks on vigilantes in schools. He's also a supply runner for Ember. In fact Ember's just the mother organization." John sighs as he takes a seat. "Well, it seems like you two work together a lot, you mind telling me all you know about Ember?" Cecile looks around nervously. "John, I can't. I already told you too much. If you were to make any advanced movements on them out of the blue, they'd suspect me, because" Cecile pauses.
They know who you are.
John chuckles a little. "Shocker." This catches Cecile off guard. "Of course they know who I am, when I found out you were working for them, it was obvious that the info on me was easy." Cecile looks away. "Yeah well, I'm sorry about that." John gets closer to Cecile. "Cecile" He says before he lowers himself to her eye level. "Just, listen, you can change, I see good in you, whatever happened to you in your past doesn't define you, it didn't define me. It only motives for change." John says with a calm voice. "Yeah well, the guilt can sometimes get to you." Cecile says nervously. "I know." John says as he puts himself in Cecile's shoes. He then starts to walk out of the room. "We must all overcome these challenges though.
The next morning John wakes up and gets ready for the day, he and Blyke chat on their way to school before they depart for their classes. "Before Sera bit into my shoulder, something flashed in my head. A kid with red hair, calling my mom auntie." John's eyes open up WIDE as he puts two and two together.
"Shit, and the blonde kid….."
John hears some kids chanting, he looks over to see a group, he hears some familiar grunt noises. He walks over to see a familiar face, being pinned by a certain boy he grew to hate. He sees violent images in his head of Zeke and his goons pinning Sera. "What the?! What is this?!" John thought as one of Zeke's shadow demons, from his newly upgraded phase shift ability. John rushes over to turn the corner of the hallway before his imagination can fill in the blanks. However as he starts to run he hears more painful gasping.
No ability
No power
John Doe, a cripple
John shoves his way towards Zeke through the crowd, he lands a couple of hits on Sera, as she looks down on the ground bleeding she looks to find John approaching Zeke and his goons. John recalls back to his speech to Zeke, only instead of seeing Zeke, he sees himself beating up Claire. "Congratufuckinglations" Everyone stops to see John slowly clapping as he approaches Zeke. It feels as if the whole world suddenly paused. John takes the turn and walks down the hallway that leads to a courtyard where the entire class was gathered. "Does it feel good, you beat up a defenseless girl, now what, you think you're a MAN?!"Everyone stays quiet as the air is filled with tension. John then looks at Sera who sat on the ground with a swollen face.
"I hate you, I HATE YOU SO MUCH, YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A PREDATOR! I WISH YOU'D JUST KILL YOURSELF ALREADY!" Zeke smiles an evil grin. "It's working" He thought to himself. "Alright boys. Let's teach him some manners!" He yells as as he powers up.
Zeke: Phase shift, 4.6
"This is it, time to prove he's a worthless nobody". Julian, Mardin, and Gavin were with Zeke, along with four more phase shift clones, one was an offensive only form, one was a defensive only form, one was a goon with 1.2 enhanced strength, and one was a ranged blaster 3.4. Two of the phase clones held Sera while John confronted Zeke. They start to snicker at him. "So, the infamous paper bag boy, beating up defenseless old low tiers like Juni, and then acting like a hero, except I know you're not him, you couldn't even beat Juni up, she's weak but you ohohoho! You're on your own level of patheticness!" John smiles a little bit, but loses it as he looks up at his enemies. "Funny how you talk trash about him, despite him kicking your ass earlier." Zeke freezes with fear. "No, I didn't tell anyone any details about that, who could have....?"
Jake, Evie, Roland, Terrance, and Sheene show up and watch from the building, Arlo and Holden on the other side do so as well, and Cecile takes the third floor. "You wouldn't want that to happen again Zeke, would you?" Zeke looks at John with more fear, his goons Mardin and Julian hype him up. "So you want more?" John asks. "Guess that little lunch bag incident wasn't humiliating enough for you." Zeke backs up. "What are you backing up for? Now you want to run away, in front of all these people? You coward." Zeke shakes as he raises his fist. "Shut up, you're not scaring anyone! I WON'T FALL FOR YOUR TRICKS!" John smiles. "Ahaha, that reaction says otherwise, but I thought I was a cripple? Or maybe I am a coward who picks on weaklings. John then spits on the ground. "You were the easiest to dispose of." Zeke in that moment snaps. "Get em BOYS! I'LL TEACH YOU A LESSON ONCE AND FOR ALL! Zeke, Gavin, Mardin, and Julien all charge at John with abilities at hand.
"Man, maybe why I hate history so much is because it's always being repeated." John says this as he imagines his entire class back in New Bostin charging at him. He sees his old self holding Claire hostage, just like how Zeke held Sera hostage. "This man is a god among us. The literal trinity of darkness. The Golden God. The Dark Knight. Joker. Is he the antichrist?" Cecile asks as she shakes with fear. "So this was your plan" she thought.
"I see what Joker was dealing with now, even being the paper bag boy, someone is always looking down on you, questioning you, scared or disgusted. It doesn't make any sense, and that drove him mad. At the end I took all those beatings to protect my friends. But what's the point?" John looks at Seraphina, bleeding and bruised. "Just to watch her suffer, to watch her bleed. Why did she get involved with my beef with Zeke?! Why? Why?! Why?! WHY?!" John's eyes begin to power up, he feels a surge of power, like no ability he's ever felt before. Energy forms around him, draining everyone of their aura. "Hey Zeke, TELL JOKER I SAID HI!" John charges at Mardin, he grabs him by the jaw and starts squeezing. "DUDE, HE'S RIGHT THERE, YOU COULD HAVE JUST....!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mardin screamed.
John slams Mardin's head against the pavement. "Don't tell me what to do! I'll get to him." Mardin's head starts to drain blood as people who hated John started to run. "Of course, everyone hates me, a self fulfilling prophecy, I'm a-" John looks up to see that the majority of the crowd stayed. Those who got picked on by Zeke stuck around.
YEAH, Kick this wanna be king's ass!
Julian and Zeke exchange looks, Julian runs away in fear. "NOOO, PLEASE!" Julian screams. "What are you looking at me for?! I never did anything to you!" Julian then looks at Zeke's glowing green eyes. "Zeke help me!" John takes off after Julian, the phase shift freaks let Sera go and surround John. John leaps in the air and knee's Julian in the head, knocking him out. His head splits open when he lands in the wall. Zeke dashes away while his freaks surround John, John mimics them and creates goons of his own, he then dashes towards the exit on campus, but John cock blocks him. "You really think you can outrun me?" John asks with a sinister cold tone. "OH SHUT UP JOHN, YOU'RE NOT SCARING ANYONE!" Zeke roared out of fear. John blocks Zeke's punch and sends one in return, it sends Zeke flying twenty meters across campus. Breaking his arm in the process.
"He broke through my defense form so easily," Zeke thought. "Don't think that I forgot how you greeted me when I first moved into the dorms" John says before he sends another heavy punch that breaks three of Zeke's ribs. He then sends him flying with a back swipe that sends him flying into a wall. "How does it feel to be on the receiving end of the beating?" Zeke starts to stammer. "I-I-I'm sorry, I-" John then looks down and remembers that he too was once like Zeke. He sees himself beating his classmates half to death over trivial matters. He took a long pause to reflect over what he just did. "Not yet" John thought to himself. John grabs Zeke by the collar as Zeke tries to apologize. "SORRY, FOR WHAT?" John asks aggressively. "F-for....." John cuts him off. "WAS IT FOR BEATING ME ALL THOSE TIMES, WAS IT FOR ACTING LIKE A SUCK UP SCUMBAG WAS IT FOR BEATING MY FRIENDS?!, NO, IT WAS FOR FINALLY GETTING AN EGO CHECK! HUH? TELL ME I'M WRONG!" Zeke shakes his head. "N-no John, I really am, sorry, I did that to... Sera" John grinds his teeth. "WHAT, YOU'RE APOLOGIZING TO ME FOR SOMETHING YOU DID TO SERA INSTEAD OF APOLOGIZING TO HER?!" John then grabs Zeke by the collar and begins to wind back his arm.
"OF COURSE YOU'RE NOT SORRY, YOU'RE ONLY SORRY THAT I'M THE KID WITH THE LUNCH BAGGIE OVER HIS HEAD!" John throws Zeke across the courtyard, at this point every student is watching John kick Zeke into the ground, the crowd stopped cheering, the haters stopped hating, the teachers stopped teaching, and the royals witnessed the whole thing. "Please, have mercy on me, I'm, I'm dying here, I can't move. I can't feel my body I think I'm paralyzed!" John puts his foot over Zeke, ready to stomp on him. "Enjoy your time with Joker in Hell you bastard."
Hope it was worth your soul.
"I-I'm sorry, please!" Zeke yells. "Then beg for it." John yells. "Wh, what?" Zeke asks as John picks him up and slams him on the ground, he puts his foot on his head and starts to apply pressure. "Beg for mercy, and I won't make this trip to the hospital as painful" Zeke shakes his head. "I'm begging you, PLEASE STOP!" John has flashbacks to when he was with Claire in New Bostin. Why can't you just be civil, stop hitting people when they're down. John then sighs as he answers her question in the present day. "Because they don't just hit me when I'm down, they hit my friends, family. They're monsters!" John goes to Sera who is unconscious at this point. Surrounded by John's phase shift freaks, they dissolve as he goes to wake her up and take her to the infirmary.
"Sera?" John asks. Sera wakes up as John lifts her arm and puts it over his shoulder, he then takes her to the infirmary. People chatter among themselves as to what this means for Wellston. John sets Sera down gently against the wall. "EVERYONE LISTEN UP! THIS SCHOOL IS NOW RULED BY ME. SO IF I CATCH ANYONE CAUSING CRAP FOR ME OR MY FRIENDS, OR JUST BEING A SCUMBAG FOR NO REASON I'LL MAKE SURE YOU WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN! DO I MAKE MYSELF ABSOLUTELY CLEAR?!"
No one responds as John kicks Zeke one last time before he goes back to Sera. He helps her up until they are out of view from everyone else, he then picks her up bridal style and rushes to the infirmary. Everyone stares in horror at what just happened. In the infirmary, John is watching over Sera when he feels a tap on his shoulder, he looks up to see a blonde haired boy with blue eyes, a sudden image flashes in his mind of his mother calling a small child who looks similar to Arlo.
Hi AUNTIE $&%(# Hi John!
"John?" Arlo asks. "Yeah?" John asks back. "You ready to take the next step?" Arlo asks, not even mad about his recent dethronement. John gets up and looks at Arlo straight in the eyes. "Arlo, I'm not going to fight you, you are my friend, we aren't enemies." Arlo shakes his head. "That's not the point, it's a right to passage...." John scoffs. "Bullshit, look I only did what I did for Sera, so that she won't have to fear getting jumped again." Arlo stares John dead in the eyes. "So, is that it?" He asks. "Fine, you want me to be king, I'll be king. Meet me after school, the same place I killed Zeke. I gotta take care of some business first." As John goes to the press room, he has more flashbacks of him on the playground, he and the two kids are playing spider tag, jumping from piece of equipment to equipment.
A*%o: "Hey John, come on, you gotta keep your eyes closed!"
John trips and falls down the top of a ladder, opening his eyes to watch two duffuses laughing at him. "Shut up As*lo, that's not funny!"
B&^ke: "Oh man, haha!"
"hat the, why am I having a hard time remembering who they are, are they Blyke and Arlo. Are we really…" John is interrupted as he bumps into Cecile. "Oh, hey, can you help me find Terrance?" John asks. "Go to the press room, but I'm not getting involved, this won't end well for me." Cecile walks away as John looks back. "Listen Terrance, I don't know what you did to her, and she may not be my favorite person in the world, but I'm gonna make your life hell." John enters the press room, it's just him and Terrance, John closes the doors and locks them. "Oh, hey, um, watcha doing? Who are you?" He asks rather innocently. John takes a piece of paper he printed out on the way to the press room and slams it in Terrences face. "Don't act like you don't know me." John looks down on Terrance. "I'm watching you, don't act like being anonymous can protect you." John leaves the press room. Terrance looks at the piece of paper John slammed in his face, at the bottom it says. "Write an article on this asshole!" Below is an image of the recent result of John's brawl with Zeke and his goons.
Meanwhile Sera wakes up in the infirmary, her face is covered in red veins, her eye is all black. Kids start to enter the infirmary, overpowering doc to get a scoop from Sera's clout. "Noo, please don't, I don't wanna deal with any more bullshit." Sera says to herself. SUddenly the yelling of her friend saves the days. "HEY, WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE?!" Kids start rushing out, scared that John will kill them on the dot. John makes sure the room is empty before he goes into Sera's bed area. "Hey" Sera says casually. "Hey" John says back. The two sit in awkward silence, not sure what to talk about. "Hey, listen, do you need some, well, food?"
Sera looks around spooked. "John, please no, I don't wanna hurt you." John pulls off his jacket, he pulls the curtains and locks the door going into the infirmary.
"No offense but you just got the snot beaten out of you. You gotta get some of that energy back if you wanna recover." Sera stops John. "No, let's just go to your dorm." "Are you sure?" John asks. Sera gets up and starts dashing towards the boys dorms, John follows suit. "Sera, wait!" John yells. Sera makes it to John's dorm. "No wait, John, just, let me go to my dorm." Sera says. "What do you need? Here just let me in!" John yells. "NO, YOU'RE JUST GONNA CUT YOURSELF!" Sera yells. "SERA I SWEAR TO GOD, PLEASE, LET ME HELP YOU. GOD LITERALLY SAID IT WAS OKAY, SO WHY ARE YOU SO RESISTANT?!" John yells. "Because it doesn't feel right, I'm just taking!" Sera yells back as John busts down the door. "Sera?" John asks as he sees Sera start to break down. "I'm sorry, I just, I didn't mean to cause all of this trouble, first with Zeke, then..." John gets onto his knees to comfort Sera. "No, not this speech again." John closes the door, he places Sera on his bed, sitting next to her, he pulls out his pocket knife and starts to dig into his shoulder, the same place he did it last time. "No, wait!"
starts to pick it off, a large chunk of muscle, blood, skin, and veins all in one dense ball, about the size of an earbud case. Sera's mouth starts to water at the site of flesh, her eyes grow wider with hunger and delight, yet regret sits in her heart as tears fall from her eyes. "No, please don't..." John puts his hand around her head, coming in for an embrace, but he leans it towards his wound, Sera grabs his shoulders and bites the huge chunk of flesh right off, she cries as the warm blood goes down her throat, ashamed of what she has become. Sera finishes the meal and wipes away her tears, she tries to make a joke out of the dark situation. "Haha, hey, when I said I wanted a piece of that cookie Doe, this wasn't what I meant." John chuckles as the two start to laugh, not sure what they are feeling, sadness, happiness, love, hate, are feelings even real, is life real? What are they? John heals his wound up and dresses it in the bathroom. Sera follows him there. "Hey, how are you holding up?" She asks.
"Don't worry, this will be over soon bay. I promise." Sera giggles a little. "Hehe, nice try, I know you're just trying to make me feel better. It's not for you to promise." John smiles on the other side of the door. "Yeah well, no matter what happens, you're always my Sera, even if I have to force feed you my flesh my whole life. I love you." He then walks out and goes to kiss her. "John, are you real?" Sera asks. John starts to laugh "What do you mean?" John asks. "It's like you're designed to live for me, and not yourself." John gets closer to Sera and whispers in her ear. "That's what being in love is called silly. It's self sacrificing." Sera smiles. "Jeez, maybe then the feelings aren't equal." John strokes her hair as the two go to sit down. "Once again, they don't have to be, that's what being in love is like." The two stay cuddled up together in bed for the rest of the night. Soaking up each other's warmth. Until around midnight John wakes up in a dream-like state.
He gets up to get a cold glass of water. He falls out of the dorm building into a sea of black muck, but he doesn't sink, unlike a lot of the souls that do. Souls scream to be freed but have no success. John keeps walking for miles, hours go by but nothing has changed, he isn't scared, tired, thirsty, he just wants to reach the end. John eventually stumbles upon a city, one he is too familiar with.
John looked in the distance, all the poles were taken down and replaced, the flesh monsters remained there. Lifeless now with human parts hanging from every inch of metal. He looks to see a group congregating, they are all wearing robes or costumes and masks of some sort. John reaches out to the boy.
"Wait a second......"
The memory is now more complete, John, the boy who looks just like John, a blonde boy, and a red head are all playing spider tag, they are staying at John's for the week as it was a tradition they do every summer break. They all play together, they tease John for being clumsy and the other boy for liking homework.
"Haha, John is a dummy head!"
Violent images of Jason taking James play out in John's mind. "MOMMMYYYYY HELP ME! MOOOMMMYYYYYY!" John looks at the distance, a figure turns around. MOOOOMMMMMY MOOMMMMMY MOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMYUYYYYYYY!!! Horrible screams can be heard echoing around John as an innocent boy becomes a satanic nightmare. John sees a boy who resembles him growing all sorts of centipede-like tentacles out of his back. He smiles at John as he curls his lips back.
Hello Brother
To be Continued.....