
Chapter 57: Rise of a Legend II

Later that day Keon heads home from the funeral, he and his wife talk about the tragic incident, but suddenly she forgets who John's mother was. It was so sudden it caught him off guard.

Keon in his head: No, not you too Carla. This isn't good, fortunately I can remember if I use my ability.

As everyone gets ready for bed as Keon washes up.

Keon's wife: HONEY! Come here!

Keon: Yeah?

Keon's wife lies on the bed in her undergarments, she smiles at him with her green hair all messy with only her black bra and panties on. This caught Keon off guard, "weren't we just at a funeral?" He asks himself as his eyes glance back and forth between the walls of the room and his wife. Keon has sudden flashes of random memories in his head. "Oh God, you're not telling me that, no!" He yells as he sees a sudden flash of a hand covered in flames. The fingernails were long sharp claws, acting as blades for the wielder. Suddenly he sees a woman with light golden eyes. Her blonde hair was tied in a bun. Then in a flash of a second flames erupt and behind them is a boy with black hair, slightly darker golden eyes, and a school uniform. His eyes then stare into Keon's soul as they erupt into flames.

Keon goes to bed, his wife starts to stroke his face, trying to get him aroused. Keon kisses his wife and strokes her hair back showing his love but signaling something else as he contemplates and takes in what he just saw.

Keon: Honey I'm tired tonight, please can we do this another time.

Carla: Alright, that's fine.

Carla in her head: Jeez, what's with him, he's never one to turn that down.

As the lights are shut off Keon lays on his back as he just stares up at the ceiling.

Keon in his head: John, one day, you'll know the truth. And maybe then you'll understand why we do what we do.

Keon starts to cry after what he just saw in his head, fearing for the worst he decides not to ever further pursue it.

For now.

Earlier that day, Jane Valery Doe and William were flirting on the couch, William was suspicious of Jane's unnatural affection, she was always flirty and sexy around him when things were going good, but recently she's been almost out of character. Then she and William get up to go pick John up from his three month correction classes. As William is driving she will sometimes play with his hair and mess around.

William: Hey, honey, I'm driving.

Jane: Oh, yeah, I'm sorry.

She goes back to her side of the car frowning.

William: Hey, is everything alright?

An odd tension was building up.

Jane: Yeah, sorry, I'm just nervous. That's all.

William: Don't worry, it's fine, I just wanna make sure my muffin is A okay.

Jane: Oh my God I haven't heard that since high school.

William: Yeah, you'd always be there to save me from the bullies, kinda wish I could do that with you.

Jane gives William a heart warming look.

Jane: You don't remember?

That second the tone drops remembers something sinister. Jane crawls back up onto him and starts to get close to his ear.

Jane: Hey it's okay. You did what you had to, don't sweat it dear. I'm here with you, because of you.

Suddenly her long blond hair turns silver white with yellow highlights.

William: Damn, you never turn like this. Not unless.

Jane: He he, I always would in the bathroom when thinking about you back in High School.

William suddenly blushes as he looks at Jane. Everything about her was eye candy to him, creating thoughts that ran around his mind so much it made him strawberry red.

William: It's weird, even a cripple like me found happiness in such a power based school. How's that possible?

William strokes his finger under Jane's chin, she hugs him as the two keep driving down the road.

Jane: Hey, I was thinking maybe, we should enroll John into Wellston.

William: I'm not sure if he should go to school right away, maybe give him some time to recover first.

Jane: Well whether he goes back right away or takes some time off, we should enroll him regardless.

William: I don't know.

Jane: Honey, we have a place in Wellston we can move too, I know that's kinda hard but it'll work.

William: You have a second house?

Jane: Yeah, you know, the one we go on for "vacations".

William: Yeah, I suppose that'll work. It'll be just like high school.

Jane: I'm sure it will.

William: Alright then fine.

Jane kisses William on the cheek.

Jane: Haha, see, I'm always right.

She starts to hug William some more.

William: Babe I'm on the road!

Jane: Well calling me babe makes me want more of that cookie do- Watch out!

Suddenly William swerves his car to avoid a truck, the truck honks its horn as they skid into a tree, the engine immediately explodes and catches them on fire, the car explodes and the truck driver sees this, he stops his car and calls 911.

The medics finally arrived, they looked in the car to find nothing but bones, the bodies have been burning for probably hours.

Behind a tree from the crash sight is Hesly, she's holding a badly burnt William in her arms. His left leg is missing. And half of his skin is gone. Jane is crying as William smiles at her, despite his constant pain he mouths the words I love you before he kisses her one last time.

His hand lowers to the ground as he dies, Jane holds him in her arms, she buries her head in his chest as she cries.

And the rest was history.

Present day

John stood on top of the town hall roof, the same one he stood on when he first put on the cape. His old suit that was a black ski mask with a cape and a jumpsuit. A Halloween costume for children like him. He looked around as the city was alive with lights and people walking around. And so were all the other cities, so full of hope for the future for him.

And then off in the distance, there was New Oklahoma. Dead, lifeless, gone.

But not Empty

The End

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