Chapter 3: Chapter II
John wakes up in New Bostin High school with Claire and Adrion.
John: What, where am I?
Claire: Why did you hurt us?
John: Claire? what are you doing here, why are we back in New Bostin
Bully: Hey asshole, catch this!
A purple haired boy swings on John. Powered up with holographic fists.
John: Why can't I copy them, why aren't my powers working?!
Claire and Adrion: It would be a shame if she found out now wouldn't it?
A picture of Seraphina pops into Johns mind.
John: Yeah well its not like your gonna tell her, cause if you do I'll make sure someone else raises your kids!
Adrion: Then why don't you come at us asshole!
Claire: Monster!
Bully 1: Freak
Bully 2: Gross get away from me!
Bully 3: Your always just a cripple in my eyes!
Teacher: Stop that right this instant young man!
Everyone at once: Your no hero, Your no Golden GOD! Your a Devil! Your a FREAK!
John looks around to see what looks like his powers on someone with a Black mask. Not like his super hero one. A mask in a uniform. Then he see's Arlo and Remi fighting him. Blyke and Isen are badly beat up on the roof top.
John: Noooo! Don't hurt my friends you fucking piece of shit!
John tries to jump in and help but can't. A black horned figure with Yellow eyes pops up behind him.
Figure: John, do you know who that is?
John: No! who are you? Whats going on?
Figure: That's not the question that you should be asking. Watch and observe.
John watches as the silhouetted figure beats up Arlo and Remi.
Figure: How sad that you pretend to be the weakest while your friends fight for the schools safety, how fucking pathetic. You should really just kill yourself. Your useless to society no matter what rank you are.
John struggles to activate his ability. The Demonic figure sees him trying to activate it.
Figure: Oh that won't be necessary, you will fight him, just not now!
He smiles and gestures towards Seraphina.
John: Wait why isn't she powering up whats going on?
He watches her fall to her knees confused at the situation his anger quickly replaces the confusion.
John: Goddammit Let me help. For fucks sake you know who I AM! , DO YOU KNOW WHAT I WILL DO TO YOU!
The Figure punches John a good twenty meters all while still making him watch the battle. He watches the masked person power up a beam, breaking through Arlo's barrier and taking the King down. He then charges at Remi and kicks her a good ten meters high in the sky before slamming her down to the ground. After that he kicks her head Arlo pushes him to the ground. In an echoey voice he heard...
Arlo: Your score is with me! You had no reason to beat her to this extent, WHAT THE HELL DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU?!
The masked figure moves Arlo's hand out of the way and shoots bolts of lightning into him. Then he sends him flying with Blyke's Laser beam. Followed by a round house kick to the head and a smash of the occipital bone to the concrete. John looks back at the silhouetted figure. It changed, it's height now matches John's.
Demonic figure: Aww look at that girl shes so heart broken. Her hero just became this worlds worst nightmare. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
John just realized something. The masked figures powers were black and Gold. JUST LIKE HIS OWN.
John: No, it can't be.....
He see's the masked figure take off his mask revealing a black skull for a head with two glowing gold eyes. Then mushroom clouds activate as the world around him turns into fire and ash. The figures head begins to heal a grayish looking skin, revealing to be John Doe himself.
Demonic figure: OH Yes you are. Well actually, technically I am.
The figure starts to take the form of John, his skin all grey like he has no blood. John starts to power up, his eyes gold looking, the figure reveals something else to John
Demonic figure: Well Johnny Boy, here's something we both went through.
It shows John, Arlo, and two others that John doesn't recognize. One with Red claws and one with wind. John from the image starts to charge Arlo when the girl with red claws stops him.
John: Who said you could interfere!
He slashes at her causing big cuts and some blood to gush out. The girl terrified calls out to her friend as John starts to turn into a silhouette.
John number 2: Oh boy, looks like your friend betrayed you, I thought he was my friend too, until he tried to kill me.
John watches in horror as the copy gets pushed back by a gust of wind.
John Uses the wind to fly.
Boy: Meili are you alright?
Meili: Yeah I'm fine. How about you?
Boy: That barely did anything to him?
Meili: Yeah, not to mention he's using both our abilities.
The boy starts to walk forward.
Meili: Careful Ventus, He's dangerous! but if we work together, we can beat him.
Ventus: Can you still fight?
Meili: Yeah don't worry about me.
John then suddenly breaks character
John: Hey now this has been going on for a long time! Why don't we wrap things up for our viewers.
John looks around to see that the grey skinned doppelganger has taken over. Now the other John in the image is gray skinned. The doppelganger throws blades of wind at Meili, she doges them but they hit Ventus. Causing him to cough blood. Then he hits Meili with a gust of wind so high shes up almost one hundred meters.
Ventus: Hang on!
The John look alike stabs him with a demon claw, smiling at the pain he put them through.
John doppelganger: Shut up and sing!
He says with a sadistic smile, As Ventus screams and begs for mercy. Meili falls and hits the ground hard. John finishes Ventus. Not sure if either of them are alive, Arlo panic's and charges at the John look alike.
Arlo: John you sonofa bitch, this wasn't supposed to go this far. I was just trying to get you back to the top, your supposed to be with us high tiers!
John doppelganger: Careful what you wish for, cause it just might happen!
He throws a blade of wind at Arlo only for it to cut his sleeve. John charges at Arlo while summoning huge gusts of wind blocking his view. John then swings at Arlo missing only for the wind to clear. John creates a flying tornado and kicks it back charging at Arlo with a cynical smile. Arlo uses his barrier only for it to crack. Not even a scratch on Johns arm. However Arlo menages to use his barrier to send John flying with a punch. Only for him to land on his feet.
John Doppelganger: Hey Asslo, why don't you fight like I have Elaine,
He starts to mimic Elaine.
John Doppelganger: Oh Arlo, Save me, hes doing things to me that I don't Like.
Arlo: Shut the fuck up you sub human piece of shit, I'll put you down like the animal you are!
John Doppelganger: Then come the fuck at me then little boy!
Arlo puts a barrier over the doppelganger, looking back at Arlo with a cynical smile and puts up a a barrier of his own. Meanwhile John is starting to crack his side of the screen showing the showdown.
John: Hang on, I'm coming!
Doppelganger John Breaks through the barrier before real John could break though his, Demonic John uses wind to project himself towards Arlo and punches him with a wind induced punch. Followed by a stab with the demon claws.
Arlo coughs up blood as he gets slammed into the doppelgangers barrier. Getting punched back and forth and kneed to the chest, he then blocks the doppelgangers next punch but gets head budded. Then after Arlo falls to the ground, Doppelgangers foot slams into Arlos face. He kicks his head over and steps on his head multiple times. Arlo all beat up and covered in blood stays down.
John Finally breaks through. Braking his side of the barrier and rushes to Arlo.
Arlo can't hear John, he along with the rest of the world starts to fade as John is sent back to a black void. Now he is face to face with the Demonic freak.
Demonic John: Lets dance boy.
The two power up ready to parley.
To be continued...