Unlimited copy: I'm sick in an escape game

Chapter 647 Mirage 7

Li Biao's eyes flashed slightly, and he slowly raised his head to look at a lamp hanging on the tent, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

“I’ve gone through so many ups and downs that I can’t even count them all.”

Li Biao kneaded the notes in his hands together, and said with a confidence that he didn't realize he had, "Then let's see who is the final winner."

The wind in the desert at night was strong and the temperature was low. There were a few people wearing thick cotton-padded jackets standing outside the tent keeping vigil, and it was very quiet.

The fire flickered, the burning dead branches crackled, and the sparks flew up with the wind and quickly disappeared into the air.

A very long figure appeared on the ground, and the next second it was split into two.

A clear and transparent female voice took the lead and asked: "Why don't we discuss it? If you do that, won't you just scare the snake away?"

The man's slightly hoarse voice sounded with a smile, "No, this will make it faster to confirm where the things are hidden."

"But why are you so anxious to take action? If only we had waited for them to find the Pearl and we could just grab it."

"That's what they thought too."

The woman sneered, and her tone became a little indifferent, "It's up to you, everything has to be according to your arrangement anyway."

The man hummed slightly, paused for a few seconds, and said softly: "Let's continue to monitor him, and don't let go of his every move."

"it is good."

When everyone packed up and prepared to set off the next day, Qinuo looked around and saw no trace of the nameless person again.

When Bai Zhou went to ask Li Biao, he got a useless answer. He said: "I don't know either."

Li Biao thought for a while and added: "But he should also be going to Sagaya." He asked, "Why, do you have something to do with him?"

Bai Zhou: "I'm just worried about whether something unexpected will happen."

Li Biao said confidently: "I have been walking this desert road for more than ten years. Even if there is an accident, there is nothing I can't solve."

"Yeah. Also, how long will it take for us to arrive?"

Li Biao turned his head and looked forward, "Two days, if we go faster, we can arrive tomorrow afternoon."

Bai Zhou conveyed Li Biao's words to Qinuo.

After hearing this, Jiang Yu, who was sitting on the camel, bent down and asked in a low voice: "Does that mean we have to get the bloody pearl before then?"

Qinuo said: "If we don't find the person required by the mission, everything is unknown."

Bai Zhou: "But since the Nameless One is missing, they are completely hiding in the dark."

"Don't worry, it's enough that the key people are optimistic about it."

Before she finished speaking, Qinuo seemed to notice something. She suddenly turned her head and looked at the sky behind her.

The clear blue sky without a trace of clouds seemed a bit strange inexplicably.

"what happened?"

Qinuo tilted his head and felt it carefully before speaking slowly: "I heard a very strange noise, like an animal's cry, but I couldn't tell what kind of animal it was."

Jiang Yu: "Qinuo, why don't you just take the pill?"

Qinuo was silent for a few seconds. After careful consideration, he still shook his head and said, "Let's wait and see."

Jiang Yu muttered: "You are not afraid of problems at all."

Bai Zhou lowered his eyes and looked at Qinuo, and said softly: "Just go ahead and do it, don't worry."

"Of course." Qinuo's eyebrows were curved and his voice was soft and gentle.

Jiang Yu looked at it and clicked his tongue several times, "Sure enough, people in love tend to be emotional."

Qinuo glanced at him, "What do you know?!"

Bai Zhou put his arm around Qinuo's shoulders, smiled, and agreed, "That's right." Jiang Yu: "...Okay, I'm an outsider again."

When we reached noon, the sun hung high above our heads, and the dazzling sunlight shone on the desert. It was sparkling. Because of the high temperature, at a glance, there was slowly rising steam.

It was difficult to move around at this time, so I set up a shed and started eating and resting.

A harsh sound suddenly came, and Qinuo covered her ears in pain.

"What’s wrong with you?!"

This time the sound was so loud that it almost shattered the eardrums and covered everyone's voices.

Qinuo used some more strength and pressed his ears tightly with both hands, but it didn't seem to be of any use.

Bai Zhou immediately said: "Jiang Yu, use your skills!"

Jiang Yu moved quickly, put down the compressed biscuit in his hand, walked a few steps in front of Qinuo, and activated his skills. A few seconds later, a shimmering transparent glass cover enveloped Qinuo's entire body.

Jiang Yu's defense ability can not only resist physical attacks, but also isolate mental attacks, including attacks launched through any medium.

Protect up to four people at a time.

There is one drawback though.

That is, the stronger the protective shield on others can resist attacks, the weaker your own defense will be.

In other words, he protects others at the expense of himself.

When the protective shield was formed, the harsh sound disappeared at that moment.

Qinuo slowly let go of her hand, and it was at this moment that she was sure.

"It exists, it's not an illusion."

Bai Zhou glanced at Jiang Yu and quickly understood.

Since Jiang Yu's protective shield worked, the attack on Qinuo was real.

So monsters exist and are around them!
But normal people can't feel it.

Only after being bitten by a red mirage can the monster be seen with the naked eye.

This is why Li Biao and others say that people bitten by mirages will have hallucinations.

Despite the protective shield, Qinuo still felt the pressure from the spiritual level.

The dazzling sunlight was blocked, and Qinuo saw a huge shadow appear on the ground, shrouding all of them in shadow.

Qinuo slowly raised her head, and she saw a huge long strip, black, shaped like the tentacles of a giant octopus, and with an organ on its tail similar to cockroach legs, and densely distributed with these Ground spikes.

Qinuo knew very well that this was not the full picture of the monster, just a tip of the ice.

Now it seems that getting the bloody pearl is not the main task, but how to escape from this monster and successfully reach Sagaya is the top priority.

"Hahahaha, you lost again!"

The noise from the other side suddenly intensified.

One of them slammed the playing cards in his hand onto the desert, stood up, pointed at the two or three people next to him, and said loudly: "You guys cheated again! What's the point! No more playing."

"Hey! You haven't received your share of dry food yet. I'm willing to admit defeat!"

"I'll give it to your mother! Several people teamed up to lie to me, and they want me to admit defeat?!"

Qinuo looked over and frowned slightly, feeling uneasy.

Just as he was thinking about it, Qinuo saw the huge tentacle above his head move.

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