Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 97: : Pointing 1 white bud

The boatman slowly opened his eyes, he first saw the torn roof of the wooden house.

"Dad, you are awake! You are alive again!" The silly big man yelled.

Some faint old boatmakers were startled by the thunderous sound in their ears.

He frowned and shouted loudly: "Shut up, I'm not your father. I don't have you stupid son!"

Hearing the movement of the crew came to the cabin.

Hearing the scolding of the old boatman, someone smiled and said, "Come on, when you picked up this abandoned baby, you didn't want to throw him away. It was also you who raised him with a **** and urine. You are not him Dad, who can be? "

Another person said: "You were in a coma, so you didn't see it. Your silly son used his body as a shield to protect you. Otherwise, you would have been torn by those bat monkeys."

"Big man protects Dad! Dad is not afraid." Stupid big man thumped his chest hard, making a thumping sound.

The old boatman looked at the silly big man and sneered: "I am a pure blood human race, and the top is your adoptive father."

"Adoptive Father!" The old boatman repeated again.

His tone was disgusting, but his eyes showed warmth.

Seeing the silly big bandage all over him, he showed concern again.

"How about your injury, show me quickly ..." The old boatman beckoned.

"Don't read it, if you can walk, then go and see Lord Jin Jin."

"Master Jin?"

The crew told the old boatman what was going to happen.

The old boatman was stunned, only to realize that if the silver rhino stopped the silver rhino, he would have died Huang Quan.

He couldn't help feeling afraid for a while.

At the same time, he was worried again: "Master Jin, who actually invited Mange to enter the camp?"

"He is a Templar, but will he be too young?"

"Ah, anyway, go see this big man first."

The boatman was helped by someone and walked out of the broken wooden house.

On the open ground of the camp, several bonfires were burning at the same time. Large pieces of lizard meat are being grilled on the fire, exuding an increasingly strong aroma.

Drinkable water is sufficient.

There is even a small bottle of rum in Pin Jin ’s hands. This is the material from the crew.

When the boatman saw Pin Gold for the first time, he immediately stroked his chest with his hand, knelt down halfway, and met Pin Gold.

"Get up." Pin Jin seemed very happy and chuckled.

"You have to rely more on you in the future, old boatman, we don't know how to make a sea boat." Jing Jin encouraged.

The old boatman stood up, but lowered his head lower: "The villain must do his best!"

Needle Jin Yangshou: "Go eat and take care of your body."

The young knight took the roasted meat skewers in front of him and took the initiative to walk to the side of Mango.

Mangge and others gathered on one side, and Jing Jin and others on the other side were distinct.

The needle gold has just stepped forward and attracted everyone's attention. Under the eyes of countless eyes, Pin Jin came to Mane Ge and handed him barbecue.

"Here, try the taste of lizard meat." Pin Jin smiled, and his handsome face was glowing with dazzling brilliance under the fire.

Manego took the lizard meat openly, took a big bite, but chewed a few times before swallowing into his belly.

"This is the green lizard in the desert. Can you spray acid?" Mange tasted the taste and immediately frowned slightly. "It seems not very good. Maybe the silver-grade green lizard head, the flesh is better?"

"I have eaten the meat of the silver and green lizard, and the taste is similar. If you want to hear the mango, I can describe it to you in detail. In fact, sharing information is good for us." Pin Jindao.

Three knives stared at Jin Jin with no expression: "Master Jin Jin bravely ventured into the island, pitying the weak, and saving the good heroic experience. We have heard from others."

Pin Jin smiled bitterly: "What kind of hero am I? I tried my best and only brought out four companions. On this island, my ability is very limited."

"Here." Mange took off the skewers on the campfire and handed the needle gold. "Silver bear meat may be better. Hmm ... let's call it a bear. Although it has a monkey tail, orangutan. hand."

"Monkey-tailed brown bear?" Pin Jin said, his pupils shrank insignificantly, the smile on his face did not change at all, and he naturally accepted the bear.

"Oh, that's right. This is for you, it can treat your injury. Use it as soon as possible. Miss Zidi told me when it was configured. After more than a day, this bottle of potion will expire." Zhenjin threw a bottle of potion Threw it to Mango.

Mangge took it subconsciously, and just wanted to reply, Jin Jin had turned and left.

After this exchange, Pin Jin and Mange never said anything else.

At the end of the dinner, Mange and others left the camp and returned to their temporary tent.

"Sir, I brought you another bat monkey." Bai Ya came to Cangsu's tent with a dead bat monkey.

With the supplies brought by the ropes and others, Cangsu finally had no need to sleep in a hammock. He was specially arranged by Pin Jin and had his own tent.

The tent, besides the ground floor, is a long wooden table.

There were several lighted candles on the wooden table, the tabletop was dripping with blood, and the wings, brains, and eyes of the bat monkey were scattered.

Cangsu still had his pair of broken glasses, and at this time he was prying open the throat of the bat monkey with an iron rod, watching the inside carefully with candlelight.

"What a strong vocal cord, combined with a supernormal lung, no wonder it can make such a strong sound wave." Cangsu murmured, he did not look at the white bud, only said, "Let this bat monkey down."

Baiya put down the bat monkey according to the words, and just turned around to leave, he heard Cangsu asked again: "This bat monkey was killed by the goblin three swords?"

"Yes." Bai Ya replied, "According to your request, I picked it from the body of the bat monkey. It has also been confirmed by others."

Cangsu stroked the incision on the neck of the bat monkey: "Clean and neat, a good hand with a knife."

Bai Ya was standing still, he looked hesitant, opened his mouth, and finally said the doubt in his heart: "This group of people is very dangerous. Why should Master Jin Jin take them back to the camp? We should not Go guard against them? "

Cangsu began to use a knife and continued to cut along the neck of the bat monkey: "Do you think, throw them into the thick forest, or put them under their eyelids, which one is easier to guard against them?"

The white bud was a little stunned.

He immediately asked: "Since Master Jin guards against them, he must also be suspicious of Mange. Why not interrogate him directly? The adult is a noble Templar, noble. He came to interrogate an orc, and no one would object . Adults are so kind. "

Cangsu raised his eyes and looked at Baiya, and then turned his eyes to the corpse of the bat monkey on the table.

Cangsu lowered his head and said: "You should also hear other people's narration. Mange is a half-orc ... strong."

Bai Ya immediately retorted: "But he was injured."

Cangsu nodded slightly, pressed hard with his hand, and finally cut off the neck of the bat monkey with a knife: "It was injured. But how heavy is the injury? Don't look at him. He spit out two big mouths of blood. Ingredients. "

Bai Ya glared slightly: "Is this still possible?"

"How impossible? Your combat experience is too lacking, young man." Cangsu laughed. "And the most important point is that Mange saved the old boatman. Without him, the old boatman would die." . Mange was injured as a result, our Master Jin Jin, he would never do anything that would be robbed by fire and fell into the rock. "

"Sir, he ..." Bai Ya sighed deeply.

Cangsu began to use a saw to attack the head of the bat monkey: "And, at that time there were members of the three-knife mercenary regiment. These people were much more powerful than the crew. Once the contradiction was triggered, the melee was triggered. Even if the adult can overcome the mango But at the same time, it is difficult to protect Zidi, the old boatman, etc. If the other party is rushed, and the boatman is murdered, then we ca n’t make a sea boat, and we are all out of this island. At that time, there was Lord Zidi beside him. Lord Zidi could n’t use magic, but only had a potion to protect her. How could an adult put his fiancee in danger? "

Bai Ya nodded: "It seems that adults are thoughtful."

The black beard sawed for a long time, and the bat monkey's brain was still hard against the sawtooth.

He stood up and beckoned to Bai Ya: "Come, help me saw this thing off."

Without any excuse and hesitation, Bai Ya immediately came to the table and took the saw.

He used his broken hand to stabilize the head of the bat monkey while he was still resting, and pulled the saw with his other arm.

Cangsu stood aside, panting, looking at Bai Ya's hard work, and decided to make a few more words about this young man.

After all, Bai Ya saved his life.

Although Cangsu has publicly proposed: use white buds as food. But that was the choice when the food was too scarce. In this case, Cangsu is even willing to contribute himself to serve as food for the needle gold.

In this situation, Cangsu's attitude towards Baiya is naturally different.

Cangsu said: "Adults do this in fact, there are many benefits."

"First of all, the adults have retained and are expanding the possibility of recruiting this group of people."

"Don't they refuse?" Bai Ya wondered.

"Do they really don't want to?" Cangsu smiled. "Instead of being a member of them, would you like to follow Mange, or Master Jin?"

"Of course, Master Jin Jin." Bai Ya did not hesitate.

"Yeah." Cangsu sighed deeply, feeling deeply in his heart, "The mercenary is a brutal competition, and the several mercenary regiments standing on the top of the tower are indeed beautiful. But the three sword mercenary regiments are not."

"Goblin three knives, but black iron repairs. His mercenary regiment is at most middle class."

"As a mercenary, how many can really get a hospice?"

"Young people may be naive, but these mercenaries have been confusing for half their lives. They have already seen the reality and recognized themselves. What kind of people are they? What blood can they have?"

Cangsu sneered: "It is very tempting for them to follow Pin Jin. For them, this may be an opportunity to change their entire lives! It is so great to be able to get a big person like Master Jin Jin and allow them to follow. Rare and rare opportunities! They won't be unaware. "

"Then why did they refuse?" Bai Ya asked.

Cangsu said with a smile: "People are herdsmen. These mercenaries obey the three swords. Their inertia is too strong to change for a while. Moreover, they are the first time they meet with Master Jin Jin, and they do not understand the nobility of adults. But Zi Lord Ti has planted seeds of solicitation in their hearts. In the future, when these seeds take root and germinate, Master Jin Jin will open up solicitation in person, and there is almost no possibility of failure! "

"It is necessary to solicit them."

"How dangerous this island is, you have experienced it."

"So, we want to unite anyone who can be united. Every precious manpower must be cherished."

"Think about it, maybe in the future, the sea boat will be successfully built. We steered the sea boat, but we were caught in a storm. It was because of the lack of a sailor that the sail was not lowered in time and the ship capsized, and we all died of the seabed.

"Although this idea is a bit extreme, who can really predict it in the future?"

"Can you think of a shipwreck?"

Bai Ya shook his head.

Cangsu: "Admitting these people, Master Jin is very advantageous. Mange is just a half-orc, and his identity and lineage are his biggest flaws. As long as the contact time is long, these people will be naturally Master Jin is attractive. "

"But Mange is probably the murderer!" Bai Ya whispered, stopping the saw in his hand.

"Continue, don't stop." Cangsu immediately reminded.

"Oh." Bai Ya quickly saw her head again.

Cangsu looked at the young man's hard work and smiled silently: "Do you think Mange is the murderer?"

"How do I know?" Bai Ya shook his head.

"Do you feel like that?" Cangsu asked another way.

"Isn't he the most suspicious? Xisuo said a lot at dinner ..." Bai Ya wanted to retell, but was immediately interrupted by Cangsu.

"Think about it yourself, Bai Ya. Recall carefully, Mane Ge's performance before and after. Do you think he looks like a murderer?" Cangsu continued to guide Bai Ya.

Bai Ya thought about it seriously this time, and said in an uncertain tone: "It feels that Mange is a very arrogant person, as if he can't do assassination."

Cangsu was unconvinced about Baiya's conjecture, but analysed Mango's behavior: "We can say that Mango's rescue of the boatman was for his own sake. But the three swordsmen and others did not take action against the needle gold and the rigging of these people. Isn't it? According to the situation at that time, there was a good chance of killing silly big men and forcibly capturing the comatose boatmen. Mangge and others. But they did not do so. "

"Although he is very disrespectful to Master Jin Jin, it can be said to be offensive. But after all, he still hasn't done anything and has been communicating with Master Jin Jin."

Bai Ya thought of something and became very angry: "Is that his communication? He even dared to ask adults to prove his identity with divine magic!"

"Hahaha, I think it's more temptation than mango is really reckless. He doesn't know how much strength Master Jin Jin actually has. After all, Divine Art is the power of God's reward, which is essentially different from fighting spirit and magic. Whether this island can prohibit magic arts, Mange has no idea. "

Bai Ya's eyes lit up: "So, Master Jin Jin actually sees it. He scolded Mane Ge, causing Mane Ge to be afraid of the adults, and he was afraid to even do it easily!"

"Yes. You can think of this as a good point. Next, let's talk about it." Cangsu said.

"What's wrong with Sasso? He is a very good person ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although he is a third pair, but there is no shelf, so easy going." Bai Ya said.

"The rope is not simple." Cangsu pushed the lens. "Think about it, the captain is his father. That is, the rope is the heir to the sea boat pig kiss. The pig kiss is the captain's private property. In the future, it must be a rigging. What do the crew always think of the rigging? Even if it is not the young master, it is also the future boss. The rigging is supported as a third officer, and his status on the ship can be imagined. "

"The shipwreck happened and the survivors came to the beach. The first mate secretly kept a lot of food. Do you know as the third mate?"

"If I am the first officer, as the leader of the people, the first thing I must fight for is the support of the crew. The third officer has a special position in the hearts of the crew. As the first officer, I will also be private in order to stabilize the hearts of the people and for my own image. Take care of the three mates. Therefore, it is very likely that Seso is also the beneficiary of the first mate ’s food. "

"However, the first officer was overthrown by Mange. Mange became the leader, and even if the ship was rebuilt, it had nothing to do with Marlin. Even more dangerous, Mange was a strong man. The more time he spent in the position of leader The longer the influence, the greater the influence. At first, the crew cling to and follow the rope, but over time, they will follow the mango. "

"Without the sea boat, and without the crew's follow-up, what else can we do with the rope?"

Bai Ya was dumbfounded.

Cangsu stroked his white beard: "Let's look at the wound on the captain's body again."

"The captain's body was discovered after Mange was in power. Coincidentally, there was a penetrating wound on the body, much like a spear spear. And more coincidentally, Mange He carried a pair of short spears, which was very eye-catching. "

Bai Ya opened his mouth involuntarily, and the saw in his hand stopped again.

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