Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 90: : Master, you are a hero arranged by the gods!

"The voyage was originally smooth, but the shipwreck suddenly happened so strangely."

"The Pig Kiss disintegrated directly in two halves, but fortunately it was close to the island, so most of us fled ashore."

"We found that the captain is missing and the situation will be presided over by the first officer ..."

Mu Ban described in detail.

What he said was not much different from what needle gold got from yellow algae and Cangsu.

The surviving people gathered on the beach and wanted to leave here. No one wanted to spend their hind body on an island.

The most important issue before everyone is food.

Therefore, the first officer dispatched the first batch of cyanobacteria, yellow algae and other exploration teams, the purpose is to explore and collect food resources, preferably a stable water source, meat sources, etc.

Cangsu volunteered to join the exploration team.

However, this expedition carrying the hope of everyone was mysteriously missing.

The people staying on the beach are more afraid of this mysterious and dangerous island, and the mood to escape here is more urgent.

The ship broke in half and everyone knew that to leave the island, a new ship had to be built.

There is no shortage of trees. The desert is surrounded by dense and thick rainforest.

However, felling trees, processing wood, and making ships are labor-intensive tasks. The more tired people are, the more physical energy they consume, and the more they consume food.

People do their best to search for every resource of survival from ship wrecks and wooden barrels floating on the sea. Even the human body was not let go.

However, there is no stable source of external food. Even if the price of these food reserves is considerable, they cannot withstand continuous consumption day and night.

With the passage of time, the days of large forces have become more and more difficult.

The first officer had to enforce food control, which caused dissatisfaction.

Lack of food, hopeless escape, heavy work every day, make people complain, emotional impetuous, difficult to settle.

Can cross the continent and resist the attack of the fish in the ocean, and naturally has a good fighting power.

The crew members are closely united and obey the orders of the first officer.

Therefore, despite the growing internal conflicts, the first officer still stabilized the situation.

Watching the food reserve drop to the warning line, the first officer tried to form a second exploration team under desperate circumstances.

Someone came forward and took the initiative to join the second exploration team for the sake of the overall situation. But more people do not want to face the danger in the jungle. Do n’t you stay in the big army every day?

The first officer understands that this must not go on like this. Most people were reluctant, so he had to announce the draw.

The result of the lottery made everyone in an uproar.

Because the crew are rarely drawn, most of them are passengers.

This makes people very suspicious that the first officer secretly manipulated the draw and deliberately favoritism. People demanded a new draw.

The first officer's attitude was hesitant. Because the crew certainly don't want to explore the rainforest that is in danger. The crew are the most supportive first officer, and the passengers on the other side are on the opposite side to the crew.

Under such aggravated internal worries, a sudden incident detonated the entire impasse.

"I was tired that day and almost fell asleep on the beach. Late at night, I and the people around me suddenly heard a woman scream."

"At first, we thought which bird was killed in the jungle. But then, the movement of the first officer was getting louder and louder, and there were men's roars, curses, and knives fighting."

"As soon as I got up from the grass yard, the sailor notified us anxiously to take up his weapon and went to support the first officer. The sailor told me that there were passengers forming a team and raided the first officer's camp.

"Although I am not a crew member, I have been with the boatman's fourth son because of work. The place where I sleep is also next to each other."

"Of course, the eldest and other people stood on the side of the first officer, picked up their swords and rushed towards the camp account. I also took a crossbow and followed."

"When I arrived near the camp, I found that there was already an overwhelming fight."

"The passenger who launched the offensive surrounded the first officer's camp. We tried to rush in from the periphery, but failed twice in a row."

"Fortunately for the third time, the fourth elder called his silly son. We all call him a silly big man. He is an abandoned baby adopted by the boatman, the fourth elder. He is a hybrid of giant and human. He has more than three meters He ’s so strong that he can pull a tree straight out. The silly big man listens to the boatman ’s fourth son. He swept through the tree trunk, and the passengers could n’t resist it and could n’t break into the army. ”

"Just when we thought we were going to succeed, Mange stood up."

"He is a half-orc and the leader of the rebels. He wore a thick steel armor and resisted the sweeping of the silly big tree. Then he stepped on the tree, ran all the way, and jumped to the silly big man On his body, he knocked the silly big man to the ground with only his fist, and the silly big man responded indiscriminately, all of which were resolved by Mange, and finally he was beaten by Mange to beg for mercy. "

"Mange defeated the silly big man and defeated us. He **** the first officer and summoned everyone to explain the whole story."

"According to what he said, the first officer secretly stole the food and enjoyed it himself. That night, he also took a fancy to a female passenger. He ordered the female passenger to be taken into the tent with a drug, but he was waiting It was unexpectedly discovered that this fierce battle was the only one. "

"We followed Mane Ge into the first mate's camp and found that a lot of food was not in the public reserve."

"The female passenger named Sparrow Fan woke up and confirmed Mane's words."

"After I understood the truth, I decided to stand on the side of Mange. Most people chose the same way as I did. Even the crew had a lot of shaking."

"Under conclusive evidence, the first officer could only admit his crime. Mangge forcibly executed the first officer regardless of the crew's objection. He relied on his strong fighting power and became the leader of the camp."

Zhen Jin heard this and nodded: "So, although this mango is a half-orc, this move is also a heroic act. Is he related to that bird fan?"

Mu Ban shook his head: "The two didn't know each other. Like the adults, I thought at first that Mane Ge could shoot out for a stranger and stand up when he saw unevenness, he would be a more qualified and better leader . But then, something strange happened. "

"We were attacked."

"Almost every night, some people die tragically."

"We have examined the body, and the fatal injuries seem to have been caused by wild animals."

"But the entire campsite has been cleaned many times already. The campsite is on the beach, and the surrounding area is almost unobstructed. Where did the beast come from?"

"Mane Ge personally led the team to the vigil, and no one died at first. But soon, someone was attacked in the daytime and lost his life."

"The mango is not iron, he can't sleep without sleep, night and night vigil. The guards formed by others can't stop the killing from continuing."

"We are all terrified, and the camp is full of panic."

"Rumors abound. One of them pointed directly at Mango, saying that the real murderer is actually Mango. He is a half-orc, and he is actually untamable and likes to eat human flesh. If he does not eat human flesh, he will go crazy. Once he becomes mad. It ’s crazy, and it ’s more about eating human flesh. The mysterious death in the camp seems to have been caused by a beast bite, but it is actually a mane. Because he is a half-orc! ”

"I, like most people, did not believe this rumor at first. Until one day, someone saw a floating corpse from the sea."

"The food is too scarce, and the man who found the floating corpse was very surprised, because he vaguely saw the floating corpse floating, and he had full clothes on him, maybe there would be food or other resources."

"The finder risked his life, swam a long distance, and finally came into contact with the floating corpse, and finally dragged the floating corpse to the shore."

"The identity of the floating corpse is the captain. He has wounds, penetrating wounds, obviously caused by weapons like guns and spears."

"The captain was assassinated!"

"So, it is likely that the shipwreck was also a man-made conspiracy."

"The discovery of the captain's body caused a sensation. The three pairs of cords were the captain's son. He wailed on the captain's body and screamed in public that he must find the murderer who killed the captain and avenge his father's hatred."

"We are also very angry, one after another guessing who the real murderer is, why kill the captain, why make this shipwreck?"

"Based on the deadly wound on the captain's body, we guess who has the spear weapon."

"No one is more doubtful than Mango."

"Because he not only has a strong and thick steel armor, but the most striking thing is the pair of short spears hanging behind him. Even when he was dealing with stupid big men, he did not use this pair of short spears. There is no doubt. , When he is armed with a short spear, the combat effectiveness must be very impressive. "

"Captain is the strength of the black iron level, the same is true of Mange."

"The crew are united by the rope, but everyone understands the strength of Mange."

"Assaults are still happening and are becoming more frequent, with people dying almost every day."

"In terms of food, although the part stolen by the first officer was filled into the public treasury. But it could not bear to consume ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mange had to try to form an exploration team."

"This time, many crew members took the initiative to join, and the exploration team soon took shape."

"On the day the expedition set off, I was secretly searched by the boatman's fourth son. He told me that all of this was a careful trick."

"Siso knows that he can't confront Mango for the time being, so he wants to take the crew away and build a ship alone."

"I know that the oldest boatman is the most proficient in shipbuilding. After thinking about it, I decided to join them."

"Shortly after the expedition team set off, Mange discovered that Marlin, Black Roll and I were missing. He understood that he had been deceived and immediately led the team to pursue."

"We fled all the way, and we were about to be caught up. At this time, the world suddenly changed! The surrounding forest was no longer a rainforest, but a forest."

"We were sent here by a mysterious force, and then found this camp."

"This campsite is very strange. The wooden house was built directly on the ground, and there was no foundation at all. It seemed that it was pulled directly from the ground by a giant."

"Suo Su was very happy, thinking it was a miracle. The gods helped us get rid of the fierce and sinister enemies and gave them a temporary camp."

"We repaired the camp and stationed here. Because the boatman and I are also very happy-the wood in the forest is more suitable for making new ships."

"After that, it was us who divided the two teams. From Suso, the fourth elder, and some of his silly sons, went out to log. We continued to build the camp. But we did not expect to be attacked by the bat monkey. To us! "

"The appearance of the hero is like this, this must also be the arrangement of the gods! We will leave this demon land under your leadership!"

Muban came here, his tone became fanatical.

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