Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 8: : Rage Potion

In the mine, the faces of teenagers and girls showed incredible looks.

They are still alive!

Zidi stood up first, she saw the footprint on the ground. Every time the fierce monster in that hole trampled, it formed a shallow pit on the ground.

This beast's physique and majesty suddenly appeared.

Did not step on the body of the young girl, it was a matter of luck.

"Adult!" Zidi tried to lift the needle gold up.

However, the weight of the needle gold, combined with the armor, is not easily removed by a delicate magician like Zidi.

In the end, Zidi can only drag the pin gold a short distance to make the teenager lean against the cave wall.

The state of the needle gold at this time is very bad.

When Zidi touched him, he found that his body was very hot, just like the strange ore in the cave.

The effect of the potion disappeared. The foul odor from the needle body seemed to be more intense than before.

Pin Jin spoke weakly: "Go, Zidi, leave here."

He can't even shake his head now. Shaking his head gently may make him completely pass out.

Jin Jin raised his hand in front of him and looked at his arm. Several visions of his arm appeared in his vision.

His entire skin became red and swollen, the entire figure swelled up, and his body temperature was very high.

His eyelids began to swell, and his vision was severely affected.

Zidi perceives this situation as if he fell into the sea of ​​despair and almost drowned.

She knows how powerful fire is.

Once explored the members of the team and died on fire.

These unfortunate people were tortured before they died. When they died, their eyes were swollen and swelled up, and even one eye gap could not be left.

Their throat and nasal cavity are also extremely swollen and it is extremely difficult to breathe.

The cause of death is suffocation!

The needle gold is a silver-level living body, but it still can't resist fire poison.

He has too much fire and poison accumulated in his body.

The brutality of the Fire Poison Bee is really terrifying.

Facing the rush of needle gold again, Zidi shook her head: "I will not leave, I will not give up. Adult, I can configure the potion, I will be able to configure the correct potion! We still have hope, please do not ask give up!"

Jin Jin's vision began to blur, like thick glue began to stick to the eyelids and eyeballs, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open his eyes.

In his vague vision, he saw Zidi crying, sitting directly on the ground, and pulled out potions from the delicate small leather bags around his waist.

She dumped the potion on the ground, and soon eroded the ground into a small round hole.

Afterwards, she began to mix the medicaments, mixed several medicaments together, and then took out many kinds of dry grass leaves and roots from her arms, which were first crushed into pieces, and then poured into round pits.

Gumbling ...

The mixed medicine in the round pit started to bubble.

Zidi stared closely at the medicament, constantly arranging, and sometimes wiped his eyes, as if the medicament was very hot.

Jin Jin wanted to persuade him again, but after just a few breaths, he found that he had lost his ability to speak.

His throat seemed to be on fire, so swollen that it was difficult for him to swallow.

His tongue is so numb that he can't feel the tongue at all, it seems that he doesn't have this body tissue at all.

Soon, his will began to loosen, he was half asleep and half awake, and he lost the ability to perceive anything that happened around him.

In a daze, he felt a cool liquid running down his mouth and slipped into his throat.

His throat was tightly packed like clogged stones, but under the moisturization of the cool liquid, these stones quickly melted and quickly dissolved a smooth road.

The cool liquid therefore fell deep into the needle body and gradually spread out.

The consciousness began to quickly return to Jian Jin's body.

Jin Jin opened her eyes and saw the blurred figure of Zidi, almost sticking to herself.

The girl's hands were covered with pharmacy and smeared around the needle.

Pin gold wore chain mail, but because of the poison in his body, the skin swelled and was tightened by chain mail.

With the help of the medicament, these flushed and swollen skin seemed to be deflated and shrank rapidly.

The ensuing bitter ice cold meaning even made Jin Jin tremble on the spot.

The temperature of the cave is very high, Zidi is busy for a while, and soon sweats, and the original loose robe is clung to the body because of sweat.

After the application of the potion, the girl's pair of purple eyes sparkled, staring at Jin Jin without blinking, full of hope.

Jin Jin is like a drowning man. When he was ashore, he slapped the water in his chest again. He opened his mouth and breathed heavily. The hot air exhaled into the body, but he felt a long and dry happiness!

Gradually regained his consciousness, and Jin Jin also found that he had his mouth open, and he kept drooling out, and the saliva had flowed all over the place.

Landed in Zidi's eyes, she clearly saw: the needle Jin's whole body was rapidly swollen, and the condition improved significantly.

"Sir, you're awake!" Seeing Jing Jin's eyes completely clear, Zidi was full of surprises. To be honest, she is not quite sure about the configuration of the potion.

"How long have I passed out?" Pin Jin asked.

"Only a few minutes." Zidi replied immediately.

Jin Jin immediately felt relieved: "We will leave this cave soon."

There is no doubt that this is a dangerous place.

Before the flaming bees swarmed, it is likely that the monster in the cave would win.

Once you win the battle, the teenage girl is the monster's meal.

Continuing to go deep into the cave is very risky.

Who knows if there are any other roads? If not, this is a dead end.

Zidi dragged the needle gold to get up.

Jin Jin stood up against the wall of the cave.

The wall of the hole was hot, and the smell of burnt scorched from the glove, but the needle gold was very happy. Because whether it is a hot sensation or a burnt odor, this is a normal feeling for the human body.

Before, he could not feel it.

Surprises Jin Jin even more, and there is a trace of doubt that he feels that a force is violent in his body, and this force is getting stronger and stronger.

Seeing needle gold revealing suspiciousness, Zidi explained with a look of panic and guilt: "Adult, I'm sorry, I added a lot of rage potions to the potions."

After drinking a violent potion, it can temporarily stimulate a large amount of potential in the body and increase the combat power. But its sequelae are also quite serious and can be said to cause great damage to the human body.

"You are right! Don't blame yourself." Pin Jin patted the girl's shoulder to ease the latter's uneasiness.

"Let's go." Pin Jin urged and tried to move on his own.

The vertigo of the mind is still there, but the degree is reduced a lot. Jin Jinxuan immediately discovered that he could walk independently or even run.

The strength in the body is getting stronger and stronger, and needle gold even feels that the chain mail is a little fluttering.

"It seems that the mad potion has fully stimulated my life potential. But once the time limit is reached, what will happen to the potency?"

This huge hidden danger made the needle and gold heart full of haze.

Under normal circumstances, once the violent drug effect is over, people will fall into an extremely weak state.

Jinben was in the middle of fire poison, and the rushed configuration of Zidi's medicine did not really solve the fire poison. More is relying on the combination of violent pharmacy and other pharmacy, so that the vitality of needle gold erupts, resisting the fire and poison.

"No matter what, I will take this opportunity to escape the danger. Even if I can't walk, I will try my best to save Zidi!"

Jin Jin is already dying of death.

He was awake for a short time, and his memory was also incomplete, but he knew:

"Zi Di is my fiancee, and the relationship with me seems a little complicated and may contain hidden emotions."

"But she can always accompany me and never give up, even for me, for a time, would rather sacrifice her life. No matter how much risk she faces."

"Such a girl, what do I give back in return?"

"As a knight, can't I protect my fiancee?"

Pin Jin secretly vowed to do everything he could to protect the girl.

The two joined hands and ran in the cave.

Soon, they came to the entrance of the cave.

The roar of the beast fighting came from the outside.

The battle outside the cave was extremely anxious.

Both Pin Jin and Zidi were a little puzzled, and after looking at each other, they quietly approached the hole and peeked out.

The venomous bee colony has long since disappeared, and now the other two are fighting.

Is the monster who rushed out of the cave and drove out the fire bee swarm.

This monster has a stout physique, like a brown bear, but with a pink tail of a monkey. It stands upright, two feet are bear feet, but the upper limbs are not bear claws, but a hand like an orangutan.

Each hand has four fingers, the nails are sharp and dark, and they grow very long, like a black iron texture. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

The other side is a beast like a black panther. But they have no fur, and their bodies are covered with scales.

Not only that, they also have a single horn on their forehead, shaped like a rhinoceros horn, but very sharp.

There is only one monkey-tailed brown bear, but there are more than a dozen squama horned panthers.

Judging from the overflowing breath, the monkey-tailed brown bear is a silver-level warcraft, and most of the scale-horned black panthers are bronze warcrafts. Only the leader and a few have the breath of black iron life.

The group of leopards besieged the brown bear in the center, and the two sides launched a fight.

The brown bear is powerful, and the black panther alone cannot match. The black panther rushed over and almost all of them were slapped back by the brown bear, but the black panther quickly stood up. Obviously the panther was tough and strong, and was very resistant to such a blow.

Watching the two sides stalemate, Jianjin and Zidi looked at each other, and they saw the deep sorrow in each other's eyes.

If they rushed out, they might be besieged by the leopards and torn to pieces!

"Adult, if you have a chance, you rush out. Don't worry about me." Zidi whispered.

Jin Jin shook his head without any leisure to refute his fiancee.

Even himself, he did not have much confidence to rush out of the enclosure of the herd.

Even more terrible, he also had to escape with Zidi.

This difficulty is too high!

And ...

The state of needle gold itself is also full of hidden worries.

Once the medicinal effect is over, the suppressed fire poison recurs, which is already a huge threat to the life of the needle.

what can we do about it?

"If there is a grudge, if I can use it ..."

Jin Jin felt sullen and distressed.

Had weapons hidden in his body, but he could not use them.

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