Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 58: : The Origin of the Magic Crystal in the Heart

The night passed.

The early morning sun, slanting across the horizon, cut the golden stone on the ground.

Exploration team members have already awakened.

They were awakened by the movement of the scorpions eating.

Jin Jin couldn't see the slightest mood at the moment, and he looked calm. But there are inevitably many disappointments in his heart.

Is not consistent with what he expected, the sun rises, but the reality is still cold.

The group of lizards did not arrive.

It seems that the lizard group has lost the leader of the silver series, or it may be the last massacre of the scorpion group, which made the lizards tremble and lost the fighting spirit of the confrontation. They dare not come here again.

The entire scorpion group is eating.

Cangsu had heard the description of needle gold before, but it was the first time he saw it with his own eyes. The old scholar could not help but exclaim: "Nature is really too great, it has created such a magical animal. These scorpions eat these stones, in fact, they feed on metal. Their digestive system is very powerful and special. Consume all kinds of metals and add them to their shells. Because of this, scorpion shells are so tough. "

"Wait." An exploration team member questioned, "Isn't there a powerful magician on this island? Didn't these strange monsters create this magician?"

Cangsu smiled and shook his head: "In fact, this is impossible. Even if the owner of this island is powerful, it only uses the life in nature and then puts it together. It is like the magicians making puppet golems. , They made the body of the golem with metal, and then took the soul, instilled in the golem, and formed intelligence. It was like shredding pieces of pictures, and then putting together the fragments of these pictures. "

After a pause, Cangsu continued: "If the owner of this island can really create, then he (she) is the creator, completely above all the emperors and dukes in the world. As far as I know, the living gods There are many, the Great Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the Duke of the human race, the chief of the orc, the big shaman, etc., can not reach the level of directly creating life. "

Zidi obviously agrees with the words of Cangsu.

She also said: "Although the creatures on this island are dangerous and strange, they are actually not perfect. The magic in their bodies is not coordinated. If the owner of the island is a creator, they can coordinate and stabilize the magic in their bodies. Really strictly speaking , The gold-level Warcraft on this island can only be regarded as quasi-gold, and it is not comparable to the real Gold Warcraft. They do not have the gold-like Warcraft spells. "

No one has any objections.

Warcraft usually has spell-like spells.

However, there are no magic spells for the various beasts that everyone encountered before and after on this island.

The flying squirrel discharges because of the structure similar to the electric eel.

Lizards are able to spit acid because they have bladders for storing acid. The poisonous snake can spit venom because the poisonous gland in the snake's head.

And the essence of the spell-like nature is to use the magic power of the magic crystal of Warcraft, there is nothing out of it, and the structure that ignores and crosses the biological body. This is like fighting spirit and magic, let the body reach the power beyond the limits of individual and race!

But the silence did not last long.

An exploratory team member mumbled: "Even if these monsters cannot coordinate their magic, they are very powerful. We can't think of a way to get rid of the scorpions, we must all die in the hands of these scorpions. Even if these scorpions don't eat meat, We will also be crushed by them. I curse the owner of this island! No matter how powerful he is! "

"He created these things must be very vicious and dangerous. The scorpion tails of these scorpions were made into spearpoints by him. The acid of the lizard can even corrode steel."

"No matter what big man he is, what research to do. If I die here, I will turn into a grievance, a grievance, and entangle him to death, let him also taste the pain I suffered in my life!"

Cangsu heard these words and suddenly sighed. He turned to face Zidi: "Miss Zidi, I gradually agree with your previous speculation."

Everyone is puzzled.

Zidi understood the words of Cangsu, and smiled: "You mean, do you think this island master is making biological weapons now?"

"Yes." Cangsu still squatted on the ground, nodded slightly, and glanced at everyone around him. "We have guessed before that this island has a lot of artificial traces. It is speculated that the owner of the island is probably a magician. I It used to be believed that he (she) created these monsters for a certain magical study. Perhaps it is seeking the meaning of life to facilitate a breakthrough. "

"But after so many experiences, after seeing all kinds of Warcraft, I am more inclined to Miss Zidi's conjecture."

"If you study a field of magic and seek the meaning of life, you should make artificial life more stable. But the artificial creatures here are fierce and fierce. The scorpion is the size of a war horse, and the scorpion tail is transformed into a spearpoint. The lizard can spew acid and corrode. Sword. The flying squirrel can emit strong electricity, and it seems to be deliberately aiming at the metal armor. "

"These creatures are made, more of them are in pursuit of their fighting power. Master Jin Jin, I remember you said that you have encountered blade spiders, black panthers with unicorns, and brown bears who can swallow ore to heal themselves. There are even cunning blue wolves with human intelligence. These fierce beasts are more like special weapons that can be created than research and manufacturing! "

Jin Jin thought for a moment: "We don't just encounter these fierce beasts, don't forget, we also encountered sheep. Those sheep are very weak."

Cangsu shook his head and insisted on his own opinion: "Although the flock is weak, let us slaughter. But the proportion of creatures like sheep is too low."

"More importantly, I think-these sheep are more powerful than most of Warcraft!"

Everyone was puzzled about Cangsu's view.

Cangsu continued to explain: "The master of the island wants to make the strongest biological weapon, but in fact his (her) technology is not mature. One of the biggest flaws is that the magic of transforming life cannot be coordinated and the magic crystal cannot be formed. Therefore, the Lord of the Island transformed the environment and suppressed the movement of elements and magic. We cannot use grudge and magic when we are in it. "

"From this point, you can see the power of the flock."

"In other Warcraft, the magic in the body is chaotic, and it quickly dissipates after death. However, the magic in the sheep group has a stable trend. Although the temperature rises, the magic is still chaotic and will quickly dissipate. But when the temperature is low, The magic within them is converging and hidden, even undetectable to us. "

Is just not aware of it, so there was the poisoning incident of the previous exploration team.

"It can be seen from this that the master of the island is working hard to develop the magic crystal. Although he (she) cannot directly manufacture it, it seems to be using the food chain of nature to indirectly promote the production of the magic crystal."

"In order to promote the creation of the magic crystal as soon as possible, and to detect and train the combat effectiveness of these biological weapons, the Lord of the Island has also arranged a teleportation circle. Every once in a while, after the magic circle is launched, the Warcraft are teleported to each other, fighting each other, Continue to fight to determine the winner, which is a qualified biological weapon. "

Cangsu certainly knows that the magic within the sheep group is actually brought by eating local grass. But this secret still needs to be kept. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is facing everyone at the moment, he said it on purpose.

This does not prevent him from expressing his conjecture.

To be honest, Pin Jin was immediately taken aback by this conjecture.

"I have a magic crystal in my heart."

"How could a person possess a magic crystal? This magic crystal is probably the one that was accidentally generated in the cave of the monkey tail brown bear in order to save me from instilling bear blood."

"So ... I solved the research problem of the Lord of the Island?"

"Is this magic crystal in my heart actually an artificial magic crystal created indirectly with the help of the master of the island?"

"If I were discovered by the Lord of the Island, what would happen to me?"

Cangsu's guess made other people take a breath.

"So what should we do?"

"Perhaps the owner of the island has already discovered us, just let us struggle here."

"Yes, he (she) may be watching us now, using us to test the power of his creations."

"Then are we dead? Why should we struggle again?"

"Surrender? Yes, we can surrender!"

"Okay." The needle Jin suddenly opened his mouth, calming himself and looking serious, "Now that these are too early, everything is just speculation. We should start."

The expression of the people is still flustered and dazed.

Jin Jin sighed: "Have you ever seen the Lord of the island? Is there any evidence for Cangsu's guess?"

"If you want to give up, think you are dead, or want to surrender, then do it!"

"But if you want to continue following me, you should go now."

Now, everyone no longer hesitates and chooses to follow behind Jin Jin closely.

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