Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 205: : Missed opportunities

In order to cover the needle gold, Zidi called for high-level discussions on the grounds of emergency military information.

The stand-in is back.

Under Zidi's cover, the double was deceived, still thinking that he was not exposed.

However, that night, the double was awakened by his nightmare several times in a row. He realized-everything seemed unchanged. But in fact, he can't go back anymore.

The substitute is depressed, but still has to pretend to be calm.

It was this apparent peace that made Zidi feel the same, and felt the pressure and pain in the body's heart.

Fat Tongue took the initiative to find a substitute and told him that Zidi's birthday was approaching.

When the avatar started preparing a birthday party for Zidi, Zidi immediately noticed it.

Although Zidi is happy, she also has many worries. The pressure in her heart does not need to be a substitute, and she has no intention to celebrate.

Zidi tried his best to oppose holding a birthday party with a firm attitude.

"Perhaps, I shouldn't keep hiding it."

"I should tell him everything."

"No matter what he thinks of me, he should know the truth!"

This idea frequently appeared in Zidi's mind, but every time she did not have enough courage to implement it.

She couldn't say it.

"Perhaps, I need a mature time."

On the night of Zidi's birthday, to the girl's expectation, the stand-in came to Zidi's residence alone.

He brought a bowl of honey from the fire bee.

"Thank you." Zidi was very moved.

"Although there is no rainbow cake now, I have tasted it. Honey is also very sweet." The substitute said.

Zidi's face changed, "My lord, did you eat honey? It is poisonous!"

"Ah? I, I don't feel poisoned."

"It may be that adults have tasted less. It contains the essence of fire poison. If the dose is increased, even the gold level will be injured." Zidi said quickly and a self-blaming expression appeared on her face, "Blame me! I didn’t tell you the latest research results. I remember that there are no beehives around the valley, my lord, you are going on an expedition alone, even if you have oil fume medicine, it’s too dangerous."

"I am willing to take a risk for you!" the stand-in blurted out.

Looking at the knight in front of her, Zidi's heart beats faster, and the beautiful feeling of being loved fills her heart.

She stared deeply into Zhenjin's eyes and said softly "Thank you."

The substitute shook his head and looked at the bowl of honey, a little discouraged.

Zidi glanced around and suddenly said, "Thank you for the cake."


"Yes, such a big cake, made with non-toxic honey, haven't you seen it?" Zidi let go of the stand-in's hands, and gestured with both hands on her chest, drawing a cake shape in the air.

The avatar couldn't help but laugh, and followed Zidi's words, "Oh, of course I saw it. The cake is huge, with several layers, a bit like a rainbow cake."

"No, it has only one layer." Zidi shook her head, "it's not like a rainbow cake at all. It...sweeter than a rainbow cake!"

The two began to dip their fingers into the cake and feed each other into each other's mouth.

"It's so sweet!"


The double breathed heavily, and Zidi's face was also flushed, and the two approached, only a punch left between them.

The atmosphere of the cave became charming.

Zidi shouted in her heart, "Now is now!"

"Speak up, tell him everything, tell him."

"You shouldn't hide him."

Love brings courage and impulse, but when she was about to speak, the substitute said, "Zidi, there is one thing..."

Zidi was taken aback, and immediately understood what the double was going to say.

"Gosh! He wants to tell me the secret of his beastization!!"

In an instant, the happiness of being so trusted by the beloved was as if the tide swept across her heart.

She understands very well that the double can tell her this secret, how much risk and trust she has given.

At this moment, she realized that this was the time for maturity that she was waiting for.

After the avatar had finished speaking, she would follow his words and tell him the truth!

"It is at this moment, let us meet frankly."

All concerns were left behind by Zidi.

However, the avatar was interrupted as soon as he spoke.

Suddenly there was noise and commotion outside the cave.

"Become crazy!"

"The stupid guy is crazy!!"

"Come on, he wants to kill."

The face of Substitute and Zidi changed suddenly, and they immediately ran out of the cave.

The double shot quickly took control of the situation without causing more losses.

Zidi is worried about the future. "I am not a doctor. In fact, according to the boatman, he has tried to treat big men in the past, but all the doctors were helpless. The boatman even hired priests heavily and used magic skills on big men. ."

"We must consider this hidden danger. If most of the ship is built and the big man suddenly goes crazy, the damage will be unimaginable."

Hearing these words, the substitute was silent.

When they were about to get to the residence, the two faced separation.

"By the way, my lord, before...what are you going to tell me?" Zidi asked expectantly.

The avatar said "Nothing."

Looking at the back of him leaving, Zidi suddenly realized that she had made a huge mistake.

"He was on the stupid man and saw himself."

"I just suggested that we should guard against stupid big guys. From his point of view, wouldn't it be possible to guard against a beastly him?"

"Gosh, Zidi, you are so stupid, how can you make such a mistake?!"

Unparalleled annoyance filled my heart, and Zidi stepped quickly, trying to catch up with the substitute.

She wanted to run over, hug him boldly, tell him and comfort him bravely, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't say you!"

However, her footsteps are getting slower and heavier.

The courage and impulse he had gathered before has dissipated.

All kinds of worries once again lay in her mind.

Obviously the distance between the two is so close, but Zidi felt that there were countless mountains and huge gaps between her and her double.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." She could only apologize constantly in her heart.

"This is not a good opportunity, wait a second, there must be a better opportunity."

Zidi flinched.

She continued to wait for the opportunity.

But she was waiting for an earthquake.

Earthquakes are happening more and more frequently, people have to move the prototype of the new ship outside the valley and continue to rush to control it.

The dampness brought by rain and rain is a huge obstacle to making ships. Zidi's potion played a huge role, and the heavy work kept the girl dimly busy every day.

The situation is getting worse and worse, not just the earthquake, but also the erupting volcano, and the invading warcraft army.

While building ships, people fought against the valley and countless monsters.

Zhenjin once again found Zidi quietly.

"The situation is bad!"

"Maybe I should reveal my identity and let them protect me more."

His face was full of fear and worry.

Zidi reassures him, "My lord, this is too risky to do this. Now everyone recognizes the substitute. Once you let them know that the substitute is not real, you are the real one. It will surely be chaotic and unacceptable. Morale decline may lead to The front collapsed."

"There are substitutes, he is very threatening. Once he knows he has been deceived, how will he treat you and me? Will he kill others to vent his anger?"

The fear on Zhenjin's face was even worse.

Zidi's conversation turned, "Actually, we are still in good condition, and the new ship is about to be built."

"We occupy the valley to defend, and we have crossbows. These days, I have often heard other people praising you in private. Under the control of the adults, even the silver-level monsters have been hit hard."

"That is. I am the blood of the Baizhen family after all..." Zhenjin's face gradually eased, "My thoughts just now were too impulsive, and your analysis makes sense. I will continue to be patient. We are the closest one. Right, isn't it?"

"Of course, my lord!" Zidi smiled.

But in fact, Zidi has been looking for opportunities to explain the truth to her double.

However, it is not just that she is busy. The avatar either guards the shipbuilding yard during the day, prevents the big man from going crazy, or goes to the front for emergency support. At night, the avatar will continue night patrols, beasting against the herd alone.

Bai Ya is sick.

However, too many people are injured. Almost all treatments depend on Zidi alone. She is under great pressure.

There is no right medicine for Zidi, so the medicine can relieve the symptoms of white bud, but it cannot cure it.

Soon after, Bai Ya was dying, her face pale, and she lay unconscious.

Zidi rushed for treatment and found the faded words on the letter paper, and her heart was shocked.

"Bai Ya used that bottle of ink!"

She instantly understood Bai Ya's symptoms, he was an indirect victim of Zidi's murder of the captain.

Bai Ya's letter was like a needle, suddenly piercing Zidi's heart. She felt guilty for Bai Ya and feared her fate.

Fortunately, the avatar, Cangxu and others don't know this secret.

"My lord, please stay." When she left, Zidi stopped the double.

Only the two of them were left in the aisle.

"My lord, leave these letters to me for safekeeping. After all, you often charge at the forefront." Zidi said.

"Please take good care of it." The substitute nodded and handed the letter to Zidi without the slightest doubt.

Holding Baiya's letter, Zidi knew that as long as she had done it, there would be clues.

"Rather than being discovered by him in the future, it is better to confess now!"

Thinking of this, Zidi said, "My lord, I..."

The substitute interrupted, "You don't need to comfort me. Indeed, I am in a depressed mood now, and my companion has fallen. But I have no ability to save him. There are too many times when my ability is really limited..."

The stand-in fell into self-doubt, and Bai Ya's condition caused a blow to him to some extent.

Seeing the look of a substitute, Zidi, as the murderer, felt even more guilty.

"My lord!" She whispered, taking a step forward and actively throwing herself into the arms of her substitute.

"Master Needle, you are absolutely qualified, no, an excellent leader, you are a knight, my... knight, please don't doubt yourself."

The soft body and the affirmative encouragement eased the depressed look of the substitute a little bit.

The boy raised his hand and stroked Zidi's shoulder.

Feeling the warmth of the double's embrace, Zidi felt that the heartbeats of the two gradually converged.

At this moment, all the worries in her heart are like a river thawing in spring. The ice on the river surface is gradually washed away, revealing the river full of vitality and constantly flowing.

Zidi gritted her teeth, and at this moment, she finally had enough courage again.

But when she was about to pour out the truth, her stand-in's expression changed slightly, and the ultrasonic probe detected an emergency on the front line.

"I have to go!" The substitute gently pushed Zidi away.

Being interrupted again, the courage in Zidi's heart suddenly collapsed.

She was discouraged and depressed. While hating her weakness, she only loosened her arms. Amethyst's eyes looked deeply at the substitute, watching him turn and leave, disappearing in the corner.

This is her best chance and her last chance.

But at the time, she thought there was still a good opportunity.

After all, she is too young, subconsciously always think that there will be a lot of time in the future and life will get better and better.

The boat was built, the party was celebrating, and the stand-in left the crowd silently, sitting with the big man.

An unprecedented earthquake occurred, the small valley collapsed, the army of Warcraft attacked, and a tragic fight. Zidi had to use medicine to induce the animalization of many companions, which saved the lives of other people.

After the war, everyone gathered and dissected the corpse of the beastly companion.

Zidi deliberately guided "Don't you think these beasts are similar to those modified monsters?"

"I don't have any evidence, I'm just guessing. The lord of the island has laid a huge magic circle on this island, or some other form of arrangement. These arrangements force us to teleport randomly, forming a forbidden environment, and even It controls the weather and other functions. In addition, maybe it can also subtly change the life on the island. This is probably the reason why our companions are beasts."

She succeeded, and no one doubted her.

But there was no joy in her heart.

Especially when she saw the avatar on the deck bowed her head to pray, and saw his heavy, unconcealed sad look.

Guilt and distress are coming.

"If other people become animalized, you can also become animalized. You must be worried. You are worried that you will become arrogant, lose your mind, and hurt other people."

"All the time, your heart is full of doubts."

"I can answer your doubts. But, but..."

After the beastization happened, there was another mountain-like barrier between Zidi and the double.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I caused you to be like this..."

"It's all because of my fault."

Zidi wanted to take care of her double, but she was so timid and guilty that she could hardly move.

She knew that she was disguised very well, at least for now, the double has found no flaws.

But she just didn't dare to go.

She loves him, but every love is more like hurting again and again.

In the eyes of the ship's destruction, the earthquake occurred again, and everything fell into the Jedi, it seemed that there was only one choice to wait for rescue.

Looking at the cracked ground in front of her eyes and the wide river that suddenly formed, Zidi gritted her teeth and said another option she knew.

"Perhaps, I have another way." She hesitated very much, because she was not sure about it.

"We can go to the most central area, where there may be hope of survival!"

"Remember what we analyzed?"

"As long as we capture the center, there is hope of escape."

Everyone was moved, but they were still hesitant.

At this critical moment, the double cooperated with her again. "Just now, Emperor Shengming conveyed the enlightenment to me!"

The avatar pointed at the river, UU reading www.uukanshu.com made a decision.

The team set off again.

First, I took a boat all the way, and then I had to go ashore.

There were so many obstacles, and seeing that it was about to stop there, Zidi was surprised to support her.

It's actually scab!

They are still alive.

Zidi takes care of the black scroll and cannot easily reveal his identity.

But Hei Juan agreed on the surface, but out of worries about his own life, he secretly explained everything he knew to Scab.

With the help of the scab, Zidi and the others entered the alchemy factory, rushed through the production workshop, the lava battlefield, and entered the central tower.

Ta Ling's request for help made her extremely surprised, almost without hesitation, she stepped forward to fight the scab.

In the end, however, she fell short.

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