Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 18: : My Knight's Creed

Suddenly heard the sound of crying for help, Jin Jin's pupil shrank.

"Someone was trapped on the cobweb."

"He is still alive!" Pin Jin frowned.

"I am a knight, saving lives and helping the weak, helping the weak, is one of my creeds as a knight."

"Calm down first." The teenager warned himself immediately.

He stopped and retreated, observed carefully, and then changed direction, carefully entering the spider's hunting ground again.

He didn't step on any cobweb traps. After changing his position, he looked up and found the cobweb that sounded for help.

The cobweb is trembling gently, like the surrounding cobweb, tightly wrapping its prey. The outline of this cobweb is obviously a person.

On this person's face, the cobwebs are sparsely wound and cracked, making people barely look at things.

This unlucky guy was hung from a high altitude, with a high view and wide view, so when he saw the needle gold, he immediately opened for help.

"Please, save me!"

"If you leave, I will be completely dead!"

"Are you also a pig kisser? We are people on a boat. Please, be kind, don't go, don't give up on me ..."

Jin Jinwen said, his heart moved slightly. He learned a lot of information from Zidi. The sea boat they took was indeed the pig kiss.

It seems that this trapped guy should be a member of the pig kiss.

Jin Jin has no action.

Hastily rescued, probably trapping himself. Even further, the purple pedicle will be in danger.

He stood still, staring at the hanged guy, while paying attention to the spiders hidden in the canopy.

He must make sure this is not a trap!

The needle gold muscles are tight, and a little wind and grass will react immediately.

But those spiders have no change.

After a moment of begging for help, the helper found that Jin Jin had no action, and he gradually reacted, and continued to cry in a low voice: "Don't doubt me."

"Those beasts will fall into the cobwebs, they will struggle desperately, the more the silk is stuck to the body, the tighter the webs of the spiders, and eventually suffocate."

"I do not have."

"I fainted at that time, and then I was covered with spider webs and tied up, so I am still alive."

"Please, save me. I don't want to die ..."

Speaking of this, the help-seeker made a low cry.

Trapped in a cobweb, motionless, watching death approaching step by step, this kind of fear is unbearable for ordinary people and almost drives the help-seekers crazy.

This true expression of human nature made Pin Jin believe a little more.

The fear of death is the part that every life must have. Even if Jin Jin is a knight, brave enough to face the monkey tail brown bear, and fight with his hard regret, he still has a feeling of fear.

Fear of this emotion does not mean that you are weak. It is true courage that you are always fearful.

"Is it still unresponsive? It seems that these spiders hunt, and do not pass the voice." Guessing in his heart, Jin Jin decided to take a little risk.

He spoke softly and said, "Hey, what's your name?"

The trapped man was immediately excited: "My name is Huang Zao, my lord, I am Huang Xia, and I am a sailor on the pig kiss. The kind man, the kind man, if you rescue me, I will work hard all my life. Repay your kindness! "

Jin Jin's most attention is still on the canopy. When he spoke, the spiders remained motionless, which caused him to let go of some concerns and make sure that his previous guesses were correct.

"So, yellow algae, how can I save you?" Zhen Jin asked again.

This question is very important. He has to confirm the intention of the yellow algae and get more information.

So far, he still has doubts.

Will these spiders deliberately not kill their prey, and let the prey make a sound to attract the corresponding ethnic group?

Perhaps these spiders just couldn't suppress them, just waiting for the needle to go back and call for more human rescue. When there are more people, the spider will close the web.

Faced with the question of Jin Jin, Huang Zao knew nothing, and hurriedly reminded: "Adult, you must not take any chance! The spiders here will fall to the ground at night and secretly lay the web. These spider webs are buried underground, once The tramp will be activated when you step on it. The cobwebs are retracted high, causing the spider to weave and the prey will hang in the air. "

"No matter how I speak loudly, there will never be a spider out. But when I struggled hard, shaking the upper silk to a certain extent, it would cause the spider to re-web. So, once I was rescued from the web It will definitely attract spiders. "

"Each of these spiders is a bronze creature with terrifying strength. There are at least a dozen spiders nearby!"

"The strength of these spiders is no different from that of a horse. I was struck by the spider and hit the tree trunk at the same time. I fainted on the spot."

"When I lost my eyes and opened my eyes, I was suspended in the air, and the expedition was defeated, and the survivors were fleeing. But these spiders will also cooperate, they will not only lay nets on the ground, two or three Together, they can also weave a larger net in midair. However, they fall from high altitude with spider webs and directly cover their prey. "

"The cobwebs are very sticky. They must have very sharp swords and skilled skills to cut the cobwebs. My brother cyanobacteria is the captain of the exploration. He is a good hand with a knife. I witnessed it when he was the blade Entangled with spider silk, after the speed is greatly reduced, the spider web cannot be split at all. "

"Use fire!"

"In the end, they used fire to burn out the cobwebs and escaped. These spiders were actually quite afraid of fire. I wanted to call for help at the time, but I was so groggy that I could n’t call at all, even my eyes were confused. .. I listened to the shouting and killing of these people, and then passed out. "

"When I wake up, there is no more light, and I am the only one left."

Listen to Jin Ning Shen and secretly analyze the information contained here.

After a while, he asked again: "What is your name, Huangzao? How many people are in your party and why are you here? Are there any people other than yours who survived? When were you attacked?"

Huang Zao did not hesitate and quickly replied: "The Pig Kiss was killed. The sea wave was very big that night. We tried hard to control it, but the hull was still broken in half. The first half of the hull hit the reef, and the survivors came that night Go to the beach on the island. Even our group of people counts, there are probably a hundred people. "

"The captain is missing, the first officer commands us."

"This island is very strange, and low-level magic and grudge can't be used."

"We set up a temporary camp on the beach. The first officer appointed my brother and me, and some others, to explore the island, looking for wood that can make the hull, as well as food and fresh water."

"There is a crisis in the jungle. We have encountered many strangely shaped beasts. We have lost a lot of people on the expedition, but have little gains. We gradually can't stand it, so we go back."

"On the way back, the landscape changed!"

"Obviously it was a rainforest, but we didn't know what happened, so we came to a desert."

"Many people thought it was an illusion, but they couldn't get rid of it. We were scared, and some people even committed suicide. The team was in chaos."

"Food and water are consumed quickly. I thought the whole team was going to be finished. Fortunately, a passenger in our team joined. It was an old scholar who once served a nobleman in the desert territory. He was called Cangsu, and he used his The way to find the direction in the desert, also found the oasis, supplemented with fresh water. We rested in the oasis for several days, and continued to set off. Our luck improved, arrived at the edge of the desert, and finally entered the forest. "

"We came here and were ambushed by spider swarms. Most of them escaped, but also five or six people died. When they escaped, I heard my brother's voice of shouting retreat, he must have not found me I was missing, so I did n’t come to rescue me. In fact, I was captured by a spider and used as a food reserve, but I am still alive! "

Huang Zao's emotions are very excited.

Jin Jin kept silent.

Huang Zao's emotions gradually calmed down and continued: "I don't know exactly how many days have passed. I have been in a coma for a long time, but no one told me. But I'm awake and it's been three days and two nights. "

"For the sake of Emperor Shengming, save me. Lord, we are people on a boat! Now, only you can save me! Please be merciful, and I will repay you!"

The yellow algae made a pleading voice again.

"There is a desert here?" Pin Jin wondered.

"Adult, I didn't lie to you, absolutely not!" Huang Zao's voice rose, "I know, I know, this sounds incredible, but it is true. We really went to the desert, and then came inexplicably. Here."

Jian Jin nodded slightly and appeased: "I will save you and do my best. But I can't do it alone, I will go back and call more people. What method can you use to reach the previous one? Approve people? "

"I have a whistle, the sound of the whistle travels very far, but it is in my pocket. In addition, I can also speak semaphores. I stand on a high place and can send signals with colored flags." Huang Zao hurriedly said.

Seeing Jin Jin's silence, he immediately added: "The code, yes, I still have the code! We have discussed, there will be a code along the way, as long as you follow the code, you can find my brother!"

Pin gold looked at the sky.

The sky was quickly dimming, not long before evening.

"Wait a moment, I will come back." Pin Jin turned and walked away.

"Adult, I'm waiting for you. You must come back, don't forget me, this poor man! You are my only hope. I will definitely repay you !!"

The needle gold walked far away, and the shouts of yellow algae behind him continued.

Could hear that he was calling with all his might.

His voice is hoarse, with fear and panic, and he also carries heavy expectations.

After all, needle gold can be regarded as his only life.

how to say?

The boy felt the same.

Life is so beautiful, so I cherish it especially. Not long ago, in front of fire poison and brown bear, he was also on the verge of death.

In the rotation of coma and awakening, he is also full of helplessness, panic, worry, hope, and sincere confession.

Yellow algae's expectation, which fell on the needle's shoulder, was a heavy weight.

How to save him?

How to fight so many spiders, at least a dozen bronze fierce beasts?

Many questions lay in front of Pin Jin. He shook his head slightly and his eyes were firm: "No matter what, let's join Zizi first."

After a while, the teenager successfully reunited with the girl again.

In fact, after the separation, the girl tried hard to keep up behind the needle Jin. The scaled panther is not fast, and the gap between the two sides is not big.

"Don't you encounter any danger?" Pin Jin asked.

"Well, rest assured, I am not helpless." Zidi nodded her head, then patted the small leather bag around her waist gently, and there was a look of pride on her face.

"I found something new here." Jin Jin briefly described the development of the matter and asked the girl for her opinion.

After hearing this, Zidi thought about it for a moment and replied: "Sir, I suggest you save him."

Although Jin Jin also has a tendency, at this moment he is more willing to listen to Zidi's true views. So he continued to ask: "Can you elaborate on the reason?"

Zidi looked solemn and sincerely said: "Adult, according to what you said, he has a bronze atmosphere. The bronze level is already the elite of the lower level. Generally speaking, he can serve as a sailor captain on the ship. Individuals can fight and can become The captain of the charge. Saying this person alone, he has the qualification to solicit. Once the adult rescues him, he is very likely to play for the adult. "

"Besides that, he has brothers, his brother Cyanobacteria, is the captain of this exploration team. The position is higher than him, which proves his strength. Conquering a yellow algae, it is possible that he will even take his brother Cyanobacteria. Two elite bronze levels. There must be a group of people around them. Once the two of them surrender, you will conquer a group of subordinates.

"We need manpower now. Even if we don't think about controlling Baisha City in the future, these manpower can increase our survival probability on the island. Sometimes, when we are in danger, we only need to run past our companions. UU reading book www.uukanshu .com "

Speaking of this, Zidi's eyes flashed a faint mist.

Jin Jin nodded: "Is there any?"

Zidi continued: "We still need intelligence. So even if the two don't trust the adults, even if they just communicate with them, they can expand our map and deepen their understanding of the island."

"According to Huang Zao, large troops are building ships to save themselves. This is also the most reliable way for us to leave here and go to Baisha City. But even if we have a boat, no one will control it for us."

"For a ship to sail on the sea for several months, it requires talents such as captain, adjutant, navigator, sailor, helmsman, ship carpenter, gunner, boat doctor, watchman, etc."

"Save these people as much as possible, but also make our subsequent voyage safer and faster."

Needle gold and purple pedicle do not control the sea boat.

"But to save him, at least a dozen bronze spiders must be faced ..." Pin Jin sighed.

"Master, I already have a way." Zidi said with a smile, "Trust me, if you pay more than you get, I will never do it."

Jin Jin laughed: "Hehehe, should I really say that he is the contemporary president of the Wisteria Chamber of Commerce?"

The young knight looked at Zidi with admiring eyes, and his expression gradually became serious.

"You are right. But you forgot the most important point."

Zidi quickly converged his smile, and bowed his head in earnest: "Please also ask adults to give instructions."

"I am a knight of the Templar, a knight among the knights, helping the weak, saving lives and healing is my creed! Even in times of crisis, I will not abandon my companions." The young boy's words whispered in the quiet forest.

For a time, Zidi looked at the teenager, stunned for a moment, and smiled: "Adult, I understand."

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