Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 148: : My ability is limited

"Shoot!" Spirulina screamed exhaustedly.


At the next moment, the crossbow volleyed, forming a black curtain of arrows.

Under the curtain of arrows, the bat monkeys fell to the ground one after another.

On the hillside, the remaining large Warcraft still tried to charge. A monkey-tailed brown bear rushed to the front.


Suddenly a huge crossbow arrow flew out like a war gun, wrapped in strong wind, and immediately hit the monkey tail brown bear. It penetrated through the wound between its chest and abdomen, and then came out through the body.

The monkey-tailed brown bear was shot directly, while his body was also taken away by a crossbow arrow for a short distance.

"Good job, black roll!"

Seeing this scene around, morale was greatly boosted.

The huge crossbow arrow was shot by the crossbow vehicle, and the shot was a black roll.

In terms of archery, he is the second most recognized figure in the camp after Pin Jin.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

At the rear of the Warcraft Legion, several blue dog jackals barked together, and the Warcraft Legion began to retreat.


"There was a victory and we held here."

"Thanks to Master Jinjin and Lord Mango!"

The crowd cheered, and almost everyone's eyes were focused on the needle and mane.

It has been half a month since the attack of the Golden Night and the elimination of an entire Warcraft Legion.

During this half month, the situation deteriorated sharply.

I realized that the scattered Warcraft Legion would be destroyed by raids. Since the first pin attack, the remaining blue dog jackals have chosen to gather in one place.

This makes pin gold difficult to start.

In the following time, he also tried many shots.

Eliminated the Blue Dog Jackal and slaughtered many Warcraft, but he was also designed by the Blue Dog Jackal, fell into a trap, besieged and seriously injured.

Fortunately, Jin Jin's core has long been different.

He can transform the flesh of the powerful white rhinoceros.

This rhino beef is much more practical than other Warcraft meat. After the needle gold turned the blood of the wound into rhino beef, it had the powerful recovery ability of the strong white rhinoceros, and there was basically no overnight injury.

The strong rhinoceros needs to eat a large amount of food to supplement the consumption of healing. The needle gold has a core, and consumes only the magic energy in the core.

Discharging him consumes magic energy, and healing him consumes magic energy.

He increasingly found the utility of magical energy.

"This time, a new blue dog jackal appeared." Triumphantly side by side with Jin Jin, Mane Ge sighed.

The status quo is this: after eliminating a blue dog jackal, a new one or even two will appear soon.

Every blue dog jackal carries a Warcraft legion of varying sizes.

Pin Jin is silent.

At the beginning of the discovery of the Warcraft Legion, he tried his best to rely on his own efforts to directly resolve the crisis in the camp.

At first, the situation was very good, he wiped out an entire Warcraft legion with one person.

But the other two blue dog jackals hovering on the border line soon discovered the destruction of their companions and legions, and immediately gathered in one place.

The two blue dog jackals are side by side, which makes it difficult for Jin Jin to start.

He tried a raid but failed, and a blue dog jackal survived.

After learning of Jin Jin's information, the Blue Dog Jackal again made the right move. It ordered flying squirrels to hide under the ground.

These flying squirrels are good at digging holes in tree trunks and digging pits underground.

After lurking deep in the ground, the sonic attack of pin gold is difficult to work.

When Pin Jin started to attack, he received orders from the Blue Dog Jackal, and these flying squirrels attacked one after another.

No matter what the needle gold is changed, it is not immune to electric shock.

Although he also has a thick white fascia that protects himself, these crystal membranes only protect the internal organs, brain, etc. The muscles are basically not within the scope of protection.

The paralysis brought about by each electric shock will make him stop.

This is terrible.

The Blue Dog Jackal is even more cunning, and never dispatches flying squirrels all at once, but a wavelet wave of counterattacks.

Pin Jin retreated with serious injuries.

Just when he wanted to attack again on the second night and wipe out the few remaining Warcraft Legions, he found that the enemy had newly added two Warcraft Legions!

He and the Warcraft Legion are in a stalemate. As their intelligence leaks more and more, the Blue Dog Jackals have more and more correct responses to him.

The Blue Dog Jackal attaches great importance to its own safety.

The decapitation tactics of the needle gold have repeatedly failed. On one occasion, the blue dog jackals even reversed this tactic of the needle gold and deliberately made a flaw, using one of the blue dog jackals as bait to induce the needle gold to fall into the encirclement.

The rest of the blue dog jackal commanded and hunted the needle gold.

Fortunately, the needle gold can fly, lucky to escape.

But after that, the newly added blue dog jackal brought a group of bladed spiders, which posed a huge threat to the pin monkey.

Needle gold fights hard, only in the middle of the night.

After the Warcraft Legion had a firm foothold, they began to penetrate the defense zone and attack the valley.

Needle Gold had no way to deal with this, he could fight alone and could not stop the huge Warcraft Legion from advancing.

"If I cooperate with other people, I will be completely transformed, and it may be possible to kill all of Warcraft and Blue Dog Jackal." A thought came to Jian Jin's heart.

But soon, he dismissed the idea.

Less than a last resort, he would not do it.

And even if it is a change of human form, he is also very restrained. In general, he will change only when he is in the process of rushing to kill. Even if the change is around everyone, he will quickly rush into the herd.

Fortunately, people like Zidi and Cangsu have no combat ability and have always been in the rear. They have never observed the transformation of Jin Jin up close.

And every time Jin Jin prayed to the Great Emperor of Ming Ming, he also showed the result of being ill-timed. Everyone thought that this was normal, and no more suspicions were generated.

"The upheaval may have happened very early, and our hope lies in the new ship." Jian Jin answered this to Mango while looking away.

The eruption of the volcano never stopped. Although there were intermittent eruptions, the eruption became more and more frequent.

The sky is dark in the distance.

Those are all volcanic clouds.

Although there is still a clear sky above the rainforest, volcanic clouds are spreading in all directions at a rate visible to the naked eye, and there is a tendency to cover the entire island.

Mane Ge also looked at the erupting lava column and nodded.

Farewell to Pin Jin, the Orc continued to sit on the defense line. These days, he is mainly responsible for commanding defensive warfare. He is not an ordinary soldier. He has served as a general and has considerable talents.

Cangsu was responsible for logistics coordination and was praised by Mange many times.

Pin Jin mainly guards the construction site.

The top management has a clear division of labor.

In the open area of ​​the small valley, most of the hull of the new ship has been successfully constructed, and a large number of ship plates are spliced ​​one by one and installed on the frame.

The shipboard adopts the advanced flat connection method instead of the backward lap connection method.

Most of the people working around the hull are wounded.

The defense line needs combat power, and the wounded provide labor.

These days, they are very active in their work. Almost every day they are sweating, the wounds are cracking again, they are exhausted every night, and they fall asleep.

The situation is critical, and you can only escape by relying on a new ship-this view has become the consensus of everyone.

In the open space, the most conspicuous is the big man.

The labor of the big man is important, but he also hides hidden dangers.

Once he went mad and the hull was destroyed, everyone lost hope of escape.

So usually, Jin Jin must sit here, and once the big man goes mad, he will do it in time to stun the latter.

Only when the defense line is tight, the needle gold will appear there.

Over the past half a month, there have been more than a dozen earthquake-seeking calls, very frequently.

There have been nearly ten occurrences of big men, all of which were stopped in time by needle gold.

Every time a big man became ill, everyone would move the hull along the slide rail to the open space outside the valley, but avoided several earthquakes.

No one is looking for the trouble of a big man again. The huge external pressure from the Warcraft Legion makes internal conflicts almost negligible.

Bai Ya dragged his tired body to the hole.

In the light of the campfire outside, he put the parchment on his leg. He dipped the ink with a quill pen, but this little movement made his painful teeth grin.

He had a bandage on his arm, which had bleeding red spots on it.

In today's battle, he was injured and his forearm was bitten by a bat monkey.

The hot and humid air makes the clothes stick to your body.

Only the stomach with a full meal conveys happiness.

Bai Ya took a few breaths and smoothed her rapid breath, and then began to write.

Dear Miss Hagi:

Please forgive me for several days before I write to you again. Please forgive me, these letters have not been delivered to you.

The Warcraft Legion once again launched an offensive. I shot a dozen bat monkeys and injured many Warcraft...

We thought these Warcraft Legions were not a problem, but in fact, their reinforcements kept flowing.

The situation seems to be getting worse. Today, a new Warcraft Legion was added, which made our previous week's fighting and slaughter efforts all vanish. It is too easy for the Warcraft Legion to replenish its soldiers.

Fortunately, we occupy the valley. This terrain is far easier to defend than the camp.

The most obvious point is that the crossbow can be placed high.

Lord Kuraki's prestige has surged recently because he is very capable of maneuvering crossbow vehicles. The power of the huge crossbow arrows is terrifying, and it can often cause heavy damage to Silver Warcraft.

Even more admirable is Lord Mange. Although this is an orc, he has the courage that ordinary people can't have. Although his left arm armor was damaged, he often stood on the forefront with a pair of iron shields to personally resist the attack of Warcraft. The huge shield was almost as tall as I was, and very heavy, but every time Master Mango pushed it up, it was a breeze.

And what we admire the most is always Master Jin!

Whenever the defense line is urgent, he can always appear where he is most needed.

Every time he appears, he can cut off Warcraft, not only stabilizing the defense line, but also taking the lead in counterattack.

Every time he sees him, our fear and shaking heart will calm down quickly, and our low morale will rise rapidly.

Lord Jin Jin was a believer in the Holy Emperor, and won the favor of the Emperor. He brought us light and victory.

If there is an adult, we will win!


Dear Miss Hagi:

Today's fight made me sweat.

Our defensive lines were tried and tested by the Blue Dog Jackals, who planned an insidious sneak attack. All the powerful white rhinoceros were gathered and charged on a gentle slope.

Our line of defense was directly destroyed. Seeing that other Warcraft will pass through the gap of the line of defense, Master Jin appeared.

I will never forget this scene.

After Lord Jin Jin prayed loudly, miracles appeared again!

He became a giant larger than Mango, wearing golden armor and possessing an unmatched power.

The strong white rhinoceros can't hurt him, and he prayed loudly, and the Emperor Ming Ming really gave him a sharp and unstoppable sword.

The sharp sword that shone with electricity was held tightly in his hand, and the powerful white rhinoceros was pierced through the head, and the brain stem was electrically cooked.

Wherever Master Jin went, the Warcraft people turned around and collapsed.

He then rushed down the hillside, frightening those blue dog jackals turning around!

Although it won, the battle was scary.

Without Master Jin, we would be defeated.

Therefore, after discussing with the adults such as Pin Gold, Mango, Cangsu and Zidi, it was decided to add more crossbow vehicles and crossbows. And draw more manpower to carry out garrison.

In doing so, the speed of rushing to build new ships will be reduced again.

But there is really no way.

Big man is also a hidden danger. I told you in the previous letter that he has a sickness.

Someone suggested that the big man sit on the defensive line, because many people (including me) were worried: One day, Master Jin went to the front line, and the big man suddenly became ill, destroying the new ship, which is bad.

But the Cangsu scholar has calculated it. He told us that the labor force of one big man is enough to be worth fifty people. He is even a skilled shipbuilder!

He looks clumsy, but he is actually very skilled. This is related to his growing up on the ship, and has always been taught by the boatman to let him participate in the experience of repairing the ship.

The big man plays an important role in the shipbuilding process. If he is sent to fight, the efficiency of shipbuilding will be reduced to the bottom.

The words of Cangsu scholars cannot convince everyone. Of course, I believe in Cangsu scholars. After Master Jin Jin expressed clear support for Cangsu, no one objected.

Bai Ya collected the written letter, the big sweat beads rolled down, his face was pale, and the fierce fighting gave him no time to heal and rest.


Dear Miss Hagi:

Today is another fierce battle.

The Warcraft's offensive is becoming more frequent and more fierce.

I feel numb.

I'm not talking about inner numbness. In fact, as long as Master Jin Jin is present, my heart will always be full of hope and fighting spirit.

My numbness refers to my body.

I am sick.

It may be that the accumulation of old and new injuries dragged me down. It could also be that after a bite of a beast, some toxin was left on my wound.

My eyes are dark now, and when I turn my head quickly, I will turn around in circles, and even the illusion that the mountain is falling over me.

I lost touch and clearly grabbed the crossbow, but my fingers could not feel the bowstring nor the trigger.

My tongue was numb, and there was no taste.

Lord Zidi provided me with a potion, and every time I drank it, I could feel good for a long time.

But half a day later, my body seemed to be in the oven, the whole body seemed to be unable to control my soul, and I felt my soul fluttered.

I don't know if I can get through this level.

But I assure you, UU reads www. uukanshu.com is hard to come by, I have never been timid. I always try my best to fight. I emulate the behavior of Master Jin Jin, and I especially hope that I can have the same strength as him.

Unfortunately, I am just an ordinary person.

If, I mean if, I can't get through this difficulty and lose my life here. I beg you, and I beg you, can you take care of these letters, take care of my old parents on the mountain, tell them my death, and ask them to forgive me, my filial son, and let me educate my brother and sister with this example, Let them be warned.

I must admit that after I smelled the breath of death, I regretted it.

But I will never regret knowing you, my beautiful, my most beloved Miss Hagi.

Your smile is always in my heart.

But please forgive me, my ability is too limited...

Writing here, Baiya's nib paused, and then with the falling hand, the nib swiped across most of the parchment paper, and finally fell to the ground.

With a bang, Bai Ya fell to the ground.

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