Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 139: :shipbuilding

Inside the cave, a sketch of a sea boat is placed on a long wooden table.

Needle gold, purple pedicle, Cangsu, Mane Ge and others sat around, and everyone's eyes gathered on the sketch.

The sketch depicts the ship's side view, top view, perspective view, etc.

The author of the sketch, the oldest boatman, introduced: "According to statistics, there are a total of 247 survivors. The pig kiss has been removed by us, counted the wood we transported, and estimated our iron ore energy How much iron was produced, I conceived this ship."

"The new ship is expected to be 42 meters long, 16 meters wide, 8 meters high, and have a displacement of 300 tons."

"As you can see, the new ship will have two decks, with five artillery on the top."

"There are three masts, and each mast has a mast."

"This is the first slash."

"The mast and the first slash have sails, mainly square sails. According to our charts, there are routes, the wind direction is stable, and the square sails are the most practical. But the rear mast is a spinnaker. More precisely, it is a spinnaker. ."

"It is expected that the surface of our main sail will exceed 200 square meters."

"This is the first floor of the ship, mainly for big people to live in. This is the stern building, there is your room for Master Jin Jin. There is a gallery behind the stern building, the view is wide, and you can enjoy the beauty of the sea."

At the end of the day, the oldest boatman smiled at Pin Gold.

The size of the new ship is twice that of the Pig Kiss. With a length of 76 meters, the Pig Kiss is a large trading sea vessel capable of transporting large quantities of goods and personnel over long distances.

According to the voyage, the island is located near the midpoint of the straight line of the mainland of Shengming and the wilderness.

The purpose of Jin Jin and others is not to build a ship with excellent performance, but to leave the island as soon as possible to complete the next half of the voyage and rush to the wilderness continent.

"How many gaps are there in supplies?" Pin Jin broke the silence and asked.

The boatman replied: "The main thing is ship nails. We need a lot of iron, and this is the biggest gap."

"Isn't we enough minerals yet?" Pin Jin was puzzled. He was afraid of this at that time. He turned into a monkey tail brown bear for many nights and kept mining. Most of the ore in their hands is now mined by needle gold alone.

Zidi replied: "We would like to thank these monkey-tailed brown bears. The ore is sufficient. But to extract the iron in the ore, we are currently using the method of ablation of the medicament. The medicament in this respect is far from enough."

"It turns out this way." Pin Jin nodded and glanced at everyone. "What do you do with this question?"

Zidi showed a difficult look: "I am currently actively looking for alternative materials around, but I am not sure whether it will be found. After all, this is a rainforest, not a forest. Maybe we can organize an expedition to go to the forest landform to collect these raw materials. ."

Cangsu shook his head: "It's too difficult and too risky. Master Jin Jin needs to guard the valley. Our combat power is not enough to support an exploration team. Processing ores with potions is not a conventional method in itself. My suggestion is to make Earth kiln. Not a small earth kiln I made in an oasis, but a large earth kiln. We can use charcoal fire to heat and burn ore to get a lot of pig iron."

"Can a large earthen kiln be built here?" Zhen Jin asked.

He remembered that in Oasis, Cangsu's attempt to make earthen kilns failed.

But Cangsu nodded: "This is possible. The soil here is not the same as in the oasis. In fact, someone has already made it. He is a craftsman, and he has much more experience in making clay kilns."

The survivors have a high proportion of artisans. These people all work in the wilderness continent.

In order to gain a foothold on the wilderness continent and win the war of aggression, the Terrans must build a large number of castles, camps, and other fortifications.

These fortifications represent a large number of job opportunities, far exceeding the standard salary of the mainland of Shengming.

Needle nodded: "As recommended by Cangsu, we build an earthen kiln."

After making the decision, Pin Jin looked at the boatman again.

"There are other gaps," the boatman said.

One of the remaining gaps is sail. The production of sails requires a lot of cloth, and the boatman originally hoped for the sails on the pig kiss. But after the disassembly, only a few sail fragments were obtained. Because the temperature dropped before this, the survivors of the first camp dismantled and torn off the sails and used them as warm clothing.

The other is adhesive. The shipboard adopts flat joint technology, and there are gaps. Normally, it is filled with asphalt, hemp rope, glue, etc. The gap in adhesives is also large.

The third is the crew sailor. Needle Jin and others need to train some temporary sailors.

Finally, supplies.

Food and water reserves are large, but not enough.

Building ships requires a lot of physical energy, which leads to increased food consumption.

After the ship is built, enough supplies need to be stored. During the voyage, it is difficult to obtain supplies.

Some people may say that they can fish and fish at sea.

This is very amateurish.

Fishing operations are usually carried out in fishing grounds, and the efficiency of fishing in other seas is very low.

The work on the boat is very heavy. If people go fishing and fishing, the efficiency is very low, and the sailing speed will slow down. If the time is long, the food consumption will be more.

At this angle, there is not much difference between the sea and the desert.

"How much time will it take to build this new ship?" Pin Jin asked the question he was most concerned about.

The boatman replied: "Normally speaking, the construction of a ship is generally about two years. The construction period of our new ship is difficult to estimate, but it should take at least six months."

"It's too long, can it be shortened?" Kuraki was not satisfied with this time.

The boatman sighed: "This is already the fastest speed. It is mainly because the medicine of Lord Zidi can accelerate the drying of wood. Generally speaking, the wood of shipbuilding needs to be dried to completely remove moisture, and it will generally dry for more than a year. "

"Fortunately, we have many craftsmen."

"It's not the two hundred people in this valley. The people before us alone, even in four or five years, may not be able to build a sailing ship."

Needle Gold was very disappointed with this answer. After more than half a year, the position of Baisha City Lord might have been determined.

It is impossible for the empire official to wait for the needle gold alone. The two two Templars who competed with him as the lord of the city will never wait for the gold.

But there is no way.

Unless rescue comes during this period, if Pin Jin relies on making a new ship to escape, he can only accept this time.

The shipbuilding site is set in a small valley.

With a little modification, the open space in the small valley is a good place for shipbuilding.

It's too much work to make a dock.

Of course, the material selection of the dock does not need to be as high as shipbuilding, and the rainforest will never lack wood.

Hei Juan, Sandao and others formed a logging team and a patrol team.

Timber flows into the valley continuously.

The location of their logging is mainly concentrated in the small valley and the beach. Emptying the trees here will also facilitate the manufacture of tracks in the future, which will help the new ship go to sea smoothly.

The amount of engineering to make rails is much smaller than building a dock directly on the beach.

After spending several days, the open space of the small valley was finally isolated from raindrops. It was a heavy rain, and the ground remained dry.

Shipbuilding requires a dry environment.

The boatman and others started to work on the largest tree trunk, which is the best material for making the keel. According to the words of the boatman and Muban, even the major ports of the mainland of Shengming, it is difficult to find such good materials!

Under the overall planning of Cangsu, the survivors in the valley are all busy, and everyone has a responsibility.

Cyanobacteria and white buds are responsible for building and rebuilding valleys, forming fortifications, and laying traps and warning devices on the periphery.

Fat tongue assists Cangshou, Zidi is responsible for the research and development of medicine.

Needle Gold, Mango and others mainly clear the surrounding herds and supplement food reserves.

Sparrow fan leads women and the wounded to make hemp rope and cloth.

The keel was made, and the boatman and others started making masts non-stop. Because of the lack of suitable wood, at least six masts must be made, which are joined together in twos to form the fore, middle and rear masts.

At the same time, the fat tongue leads some people to apply the potion on the keel. With the potion, the keel will dry out more quickly.

The drug consumption of the keel alone almost emptied Zidi's inventory.

Zidi can only split the manufacturing steps of the medicament and distribute it to others to make separately to increase the output.

This requires new manpower.

Fortunately, Cangsu has a wealth of experience, and soon enough people were recruited from other aspects, and to a minimum to avoid slowing down the progress of other projects.

With ultrasonic detection, Pin Gold did not miss any of the herds near the valley.

Every action, he got a lot.

Mange no longer competes with Pin Gold, and this record is second only to Pin Gold.

When the craftsmen, Muban and others started to make shipboards, the valley was used as the center, and all of them were cleared within 50,000 meters.

But the work of clearing the herd will continue.

Because the herd is mobile in nature, the free land and abundant food sources are great temptations for the herd.

Clearing the herd is no longer as frequent as before, and the risk is also drastically reduced.

The ones that are attracted are usually weak herds or Warcraft. The powerful Warcraft or Herd is the overlord of its own territory and does not need to migrate.

Pin Jin gradually transferred the job to Mange, Black Roll and others.

The extra time he has won is used to privately practice various forms in his core, and much progress has been made.

The frequency of torrential rains is getting lower and lower, with clear days starting to outpour rainy days within a week.

In the evening, it cleared up.

The sunset light reflected on the body of the needle gold and a group of scaled panthers.

When Pin Jin was training privately at the edge of the cordon, the squamous panthers broke into the range of his ultrasonic exploration.

The magic energy reserve sent to the door, Jin Jin readily accepted.

After a fight, the battlefield calmed down.

"It's too easy... as long as they touch the scale-horned black panther, they will be electrocuted directly by me." Jian Jin smiled with satisfaction.

Long-term perseverance and hard work have yielded results~www.readwn.com~He is now able to discharge freely!

"I am different from the silver flying squirrel. The latter's discharge will immediately languish, but my discharge will increase the consumption of magic energy, and it will not have much impact on me."

"Who?" The ultrasound was used again, and Jin Jin suddenly found someone in the distance.

The color of the needle's gold face changes suddenly.

He just stopped the ultrasound when he was fighting, and his main attention was to discharge, so he didn't notice it in time.

What did this person observe?

When did you come here? What did you find?

The scorpion shell on the needle gold is easily connected with what Mane Ge saw.

Who is this person?

Pin Jin ran wildly, chasing after this person.

The mysterious man realized that he turned and ran to escape to the valley!

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