Unlimited Bloodstone

Chapter 116: : Lost

There is no moon tonight.

In the dark forest, the cold wind shuttled like a ghost.

The body of the silver bat monkey leader was put together, because it is a warm-blooded animal, its body is not yet cool.

Pin gold has now changed into a complete black iron bat monkey.

The previous multiple changes consume a lot of magic energy.

"According to my previous speculations, a simple life form of change, organs and parts are coordinated with each other and can be used to bear each other. But when there are multiple changes, more is born by the magic crystal in the heart, So the consumption of magic energy will be more intense. "

Pin Jin pressed this further guess, and he looked at the body of the bat monkey in front of him to make a new attempt.

Using the core of his heart, he again issued four bloodlines from the palm of his hand.

The blood line entangled and immersed again. After a few breaths, the blood line reappeared, transforming a pair of bat wings of the bat monkey, and the essence was sent into the core of the heart.

After checking the needle gold, I was very happy.

"Now, I can become a complete silver bat monkey."

As soon as the thought fell, the red light surged to cover his whole body.

In the red light, his vague figure quickly rose, and his back wings became wider. After the red light dissipated, the silver bat monkey pin gold stood in place.

"The power has become greater, but it still cannot be compared with the monkey tail brown bear."


Jin Jin took a deep breath, and after listening, he found that the silver bat monkey's hearing is stronger than that of the black iron, and the sound acceptance range is wider.

He tried to emit ultrasound.

It was successful the first time.

A scene of canvas appeared in his mind, and all the surrounding things appeared on the canvas. The canvas spread quickly and extended to more than two thousand meters before the edges began to blur.

"It seems that the limit distance of the ultrasonic detection of silver bat monkeys is twice that of the black iron level."

Pin Jin closed his mouth, stopped speaking, and then opened his mouth again.

The ultrasound was launched again successfully.

After so many times, he found that every ultrasonic wave could be sent out smoothly.

"It seems that I feel right."

"The silver bat monkey's vocal cords are more stable and more conducive to vocalization."

"I have been training every night these days, and the black iron bat monkey form has been able to achieve ultrasound success rate of eight or nine times out of ten. Now the silver bat monkey form can already achieve 100% success rate."

"My experiment also got the result. The same kind of life, because I absorbed enough low-level, the blood vein information reserve is complete. The absorption of high-level life body does not even need to be complete, only a part to get the blood vein Information turns me into a complete high-level life. "

Needle gold quickly cleaned around.

He has other things to do.

Tonight's action goal is not just a silver bat monkey.

He grabbed the body of the silver bat monkey with his feet, flapped his wings a few times, and quickly took off, leaving the scene of the murder.

Half an hour later, he came to a colony of flying squirrels.

This is the largest flying squirrel group near the camp, with two silver-level flying squirrels.

The needle gold flew to the edge and saw the body of the silver bat monkey thrown in the treetops, and then probed with ultrasound.

Flying squirrels live in tree holes and underground, but they are revealed one by one under the investigation of ultrasound.

Because flying squirrels have different levels of life and their body types are different, black iron and bronze flying squirrels also have some small external characteristics, which allows needle gold to judge their corresponding life levels.

The result of the investigation is no different from the previous one. Pin Jin flew directly into the squirrel's territory.

The flying squirrels became agitated when they sensed the intruder, and soon a flying squirrel, led by a silver flying squirrel, flew towards the needle.

Pin Jin watched the flying squirrels approach, standing proudly.

When it was close enough, he opened his mouth and made a sound wave attack.

He has mastered the skill of Yinlang attack long ago.

In terms of needle gold practice, the difficulty of emitting ultrasound is even higher than the sound wave attack.

The human ear can hear sound waves, but not ultrasonic waves. The main point of the sound wave attack is not a high-frequency sound, but a stronger breath, driving the vocal cords and making a louder sound.

The flying squirrel's hearing is very sensitive.

This creature digs a hole in the ground and seeks food through hearing and taste. The vision is not good, but the hearing is very strong.

Under the sound waves, this advantage has become their fatal weakness.

At the beginning, Jing Jin witnessed the blue dog jackal commanding a large number of black iron bat monkeys, and together they made a sound wave, connecting a group of rats with silver flying squirrels.

Now, the pin gold is in the form of a silver bat monkey, and the sound wave attack is even more powerful than the joint force of the black iron bat monkeys.

Under the sound waves, the group of flying squirrels collapsed a moment ago, the flying squirrels screamed, and a large number of flying squirrels were directly killed by the sound waves.

The silver flying squirrel wanted to resist. Once again, the needle gold increased the volume, and the silver flying squirrel passed out on the spot.

In a flash, Pin Jin solved the battle.

And more flying squirrels came out of the mouse hole, they wanted to escape.

In a sense, the bat monkey is the natural enemy of the flying squirrel.

It was another silver flying squirrel who led the flight.

Of course, the needle gold will not let them go, another sound wave, bombing most of the flying squirrels, and the other silver flying squirrel was also stunned.

The next step is to absorb the corpses of flying squirrels with the core of the heart.

The magical energy reserve in the core of the heart climbed higher and higher, reaching the highest point in history.

At present, needle gold has not yet found the limit of magic energy reserves.

Pin Jin thought for a moment, and killed both silver flying squirrels, and transformed one of them with the core of the heart.

After this step, the flying squirrel form of the needle gold has also been upgraded to the silver level!

"Unfortunately, I still can't discharge."

In this regard, Pin Jin has tried many times, but he has never been able to tap the discharge technique.

Acupuncture can learn that bat monkeys emit ultrasound because the ultrasound comes from the tremor of the vocal cords. The needle gold itself also speaks with human vocal cords, this kind of life activity is very similar.

But the discharge is not.

Humans never discharge.

According to the anatomy of the beard, the flying squirrel discharges through the thin slices of muscles throughout the body. These small flakes of muscle resemble an eel that can discharge in water.

Therefore, flying squirrel discharge is internal muscle movement. But Pin Gold is very strange to this piece, and it is completely blank.

It is more difficult to learn to discharge than to emit ultrasound.

Therefore, this time Jin Jin did not kill all the stunned bronze bat monkeys and black iron bat monkeys.

"These are my pets."

Needle gold should observe them and learn how they discharge.

Once again, the battlefield was cleaned, the carbon ash left by the conversion of the core was removed, and the needle gold re-carried the silver bat monkey body, the silver flying squirrel body, and the living flying squirrel in a comatose state.

It takes a lot of time. At present, the needle gold is quite far away from the camp, so the needle gold chooses to return directly to the camp.

The silver bat monkey pin gold flies in the air.

Because of the corpses on his hands and feet, he could not climb and jump freely among the trees.

The cold night wind blows the hot blood in the golden body.

In the past, in order to deal with a group of flying squirrels with only black iron heads, Pin Jin led everyone to do their best. Now, alone, he has destroyed a larger group of flying squirrels.

Over the course of the night, his bat monkey and flying squirrel morphology rose to the silver level.

The scorpion form is also silver.

Because he ate a lot of bear meat and snake meat these days, he can change many parts of the monkey tail brown bear and the crocodile head hammer tail anaconda. Especially the monkey-tailed brown bear is not far from the complete form.

"As long as you give me enough time, I can become the king of the island!"

The cold wind roared in Pin Jin's ear, and he flexibly swayed the bat wings behind him, driving every wind blowing.

The wide bat wings swept across a tree crown, and countless beasts in the dark forest felt the vitality of needle gold, and fled in a hurry, or curled up, shaking with fear.

Pin Jin overlooked the forest under his feet. At this moment, he felt that he had stepped the forest and the earth under his feet!

Although he couldn't see clearly, the ultrasound probed a radius of two kilometers, and nothing could escape the detection of needle gold.

"Now, I am the best hunter. There is no prey to escape my hunt!"

"The reason why I don't kill them is because I don't want to kill, not because I can't kill them."

Soon, the fire at the camp appeared at the end of the field of vision.

Needle Gold seeks to undress, temporarily discards the Warcraft in his hand, and returns to human form. Then wear your own equipment. Organized properly, he took the dead or alive Warcraft to the gate of the camp.

"It's Lord Jin!"

"God, what did he bring back?"

After the guards discovered the needle gold, they began to exclaim.

Jian Jin smiled faintly, but she sighed gently in her heart, and a sense of loss inevitably rose.

"Compared to my Warcraft form, I am really too weak now. I can only see the surroundings because of the firelight. My ears are almost blocked by people."

"I don't have a big win against mane in a human form. I must learn to discharge as soon as possible. The steel armor is very conductive."

"There seems to be some noise coming from the campsite?" In the camp, Mange seemed to be aware. "The needle gold is back?"

Gu Ge guessed in his heart that he also knew that Jin Jin had the habit of night patrol.

Tonight's gala dinner made him ignorant of food, and the redemption list made it hard for him to sleep tonight.

He has inquired that this system was conceived and provided by the old scholar Cangsu.

"This old man has great political skills." Mange also deepened his knowledge of Cangsu.

If Jin Jin forcibly included people around him, it would be bad. It's too impatient, because needle gold can't really resolve the conflict between the two parties.

The crew of the crew represented by the cord, and the mercenary line of Mange, Sandao and others, have already fought long ago, and the conflict is very deep.

If the needle gold is forcibly incorporated, there will be many internal contradictions, which will reduce his authority and involve his energy. Once the contradictions are not handled properly, it will cause even worse changes.

As long as it is not handled properly, Mango has a real chance. Only when these people in the mercenary regiment are disappointed with the needle gold, Mange can have the opportunity to really tie them with themselves.

However, Jin Jin adopted the Cangsu system and did not give Mane this opportunity.

With such a system, the needle and gold party has mastered the key production technology, which can be said to have the upper hand.


There has never been real fairness!

Mastering production technology and using the manufactured crossbows and potions to exchange precious production materials are still priced by Zidi.

This in itself contains huge profits.

When the mango was first exchanged, the exploitation had already begun.

Keep going, using the exchange system, it is easy to get the most benefits from the gold side. For example, the battle between Zhang Zhang and Zhang Zhang. The needle-gold side mastered the more powerful jumper, and began to suppress the mangge side in terms of long-range combat power.

If you continue to use it, and get some little favors in private, it will be easy for the former members of the mercenary regiment to be grateful. For example, according to the exchange list, you can only change two bottles of medicament. I see your eyes and secretly add one bottle to you. Are you happy?

With this initiative in hand, Pin Jin does not even need to come down in person to attract people's hearts and continue to lure them down.

Mange is not clear, nor does he want to understand, but there is no way.

There is a threat from the blue dog jackal, the enemy is currently, there is a need to escape from the island, and the crew needs to control the ship.

Mange knew that cooperation was necessary.

Since cooperation is required, the means of struggle are limited.

This soft knife of Cangsu, killing no blood, matches the map that Jin Jin took out before, and it immediately hit Mange into the abyss.

The fewer the cards, the more you lose.

Originally Mangge was at a disadvantage, but now the disadvantage has intensified. Mangge has already seen his defeat.

"No, as long as my breath remains, I won't give up."

"I still have a chance."

"I am a silver practitioner, even one step away from gold."

"If I can't even keep these teams, how can I stand out and justify myself?"

"How can I keep my father's expectations from falling short and make him proud of me?"

The faint candlelight swayed in the eyes of Mange, gradually becoming a shadow.

In the light and shadow, Mane Ge saw himself in the battlefield, and his heroes and glory continued to increase.

In the light and shadow, Mane Ge saw his return to his hometown again, his head high and returned to the castle where he lived. This time, he didn't live in that dark and damp little room.

He was ushered into the hall, he attended the ball.

The hall has bright red carpets, crystal chandeliers, a long table and a long table of food, huge and expensive tapestries on the walls, and a lot of famous paintings.

He sighed in his heart and was finally able to set foot here.

He became the protagonist of the ball, the focus of countless ladies.

And after a dance, his father ~ www.readwn.com ~ because of his strong strength, he always maintained the middle-aged castle master, the idol he most admired in his life, so he stood up and raised his full Wine glass.

Then, Mange heard his father's words echoed in the hall: "Now, I am honoured to introduce to you, Mange, he is also my son!"

The candle burned out.

The light and shadow dissipated.

Mangge recovered, and in the dark tent, he stroked his arm.

It's a thick layer of body hair, the characteristic of an orc.

Like countless experiences in his life, this time, too, the sense of loss came naturally in the heart of Mange.

"If I were a pure blood person, how good would it be ..."

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