Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One

Chapter 31: Quest Finished

With the quest finished, Maria and the party were making their way back to Almester Village.

They had looted the entire camp and found some class skills for the Priestess class. They found a basic [Cure] and [Heal] spell book, there was also a [Hi-Cure] and a [Regen] spell book and finally, a rare priestess offensive skill called [Smite].

Maria naturally took the [Cure] and [Heal] spell since she didn't have it. The party also let her have the [Regen] and [Smite] spells while Amanda took the [Hi-Cure].

On their way back, Maria was looking over the new information she had just received earlier.

[Angel's Compassion Lv. 1 (50/100)

Heals or Damages Target for 20% of caster's Max HP. Unlocks special events that'll provide Purity for the Angel which enables them to evolve. If an angel is tainted, providing a higher amount of purity will enable them to revert back to their original angelic form.

Purity: 500/1000

MP Cost: 1000 MP

Cooldown: 5 minutes]

[Epic Title: Angel of Death

A calamitous angel that brings forth mercy in the form of death and destruction. Provides a 10% passive increase to damage dealt against enemies.

Equipped Effect 1: 10% Soulsteal

Equipped Effect 2: Increases the ATK SPD and MOV SPD of the user and all allies within a 10 meter radius by 10%.

Equipped Effect 3: Provides a 100% increase in Purity Value gained

Equipped Effect 4: Provides a 100% increase in Taint Value gained]

[Would you like to equip the Title? YES/NO]

Maria pressed on the [YES] since it was a much better title than the Wolf Slayer. The title on top of her name immediately changed and it was now [Angel of Death, Maria].

"Hehe, that's pretty cool~" Maria smiled happily and continued, "Next is this..."

[High Fallen Angel

A higher species of the Fallen Angel race; possesses 2 larger wings and 2 smaller wings. The indication of these 2 pairs of wings is an indicator that this particular individual is just about to ascend into a higher race known as a Cherub

Requirements for evolution: ???]

[Angelic Hierarchy

1. Celestials – S-rank

2. Archangels – A-rank

3. Seraphim – B-rank

4. Ophannim – C-rank

5. Cherubim – D-rank

6. Angels – E-rank

The hierarchy of the Angels is absolute. Periodically, missions from the higher strung classes will be given to the player to complete. Failure to complete the quest will result in major consequences. The higher you move up the hierarchy, the more powerful you become and the more subordinates you may acquire.

You are currently an E+ rank Higher Fallen Angel, you may have up to [1] subordinate Angel(s) and [2] Guardians


1. Able to Decline [1] Periodic Quest from the Hierarchy

2. Access to Angelic Reputation Shop

3. Receive 10 Angelic Reputation per day ]

"Wow, Mary...you sure got a lot from that quest~" Lizzy said as she stared at her friend's system windows.

"Yeah...but some seem sort of confusing," Maria replied.

"Hmm...This Angelic Hierarchy thing is pretty unique too...I wonder if all the races have something like this..."

"Yeah, but it's not for our race, instead it's for our occupation," Milly answered.

"Do you mean the officials, adventurer, and army ranks?"

"That's the one~"

Once again Maria couldn't understand the incomprehensible things her two friends were going on about, but she did get the gist of it. This ranking system wasn't limited to just her, but it seems that other players could also access a similar ranking system based on the occupation they acquire.

An Occupation was something like a sub-class or a society rank. It didn't provide any stat bonuses, but it did give out other advantages like bonuses to reputation points gained, discounts in NPC shops, easier interaction between players and NPCs, and other similar things.

"Guys...what's this occupation thing?" Maria asked.

"We'll teach it to you when we get to a city Mary~ anyways, it has something to do with a player's status in the game's society!"

"Is it like having a noble status or something?"

"Yeah, that's exactly it! Where'd you learn that from?"

"My brother explained it to me already, I didn't understand its use, but I guess it's pretty important?"

"It sure is Mary! I'm trying to apply for a noble status, but I needed to do some sort of mission that'll contribute to the dark faction before being able to have a chance to receive it! However, this quest we just finished should probably help me get the status already!" Lizzy answered happily.

Maria quickly dismissed all her system windows and noticed that not far ahead was the Almester Village.

"Okay, so since me and Mary will be going back to the city...what about you guys?"

The party had arrived at the Almester Village's entrance and was about to part ways. Since the 3 didn't need to personally see High Priestess Hella to complete the quest, they agreed to just hunt and wait around the neutral area.

"We'll go and find the closest neutral city and set up base there, after that we're logging off. It's almost midnight and I gotta sleep!" Amanda said.

"Puii, you're such a party pooper~ Zack, what about you?"

Zack was just about to open his mouth, but Amanda immediately cut him off.

"Zack's going to sleep! Don't you dare corrupt my little brother! He's still young and he needs his sleep!"

"B-big sis!"

"Shut it! You're going to bed after we arrive at a neutral city!"


Zack turned an eye towards the girls, clearly pleading for help. Maria and everyone else could only smile helplessly at him. They didn't want to come in between these two squabbling siblings.

"Well, what about you Mary? Still up to game all night?"


"Alright! Let's get going then, see ya'll later!"

"Wh-what about Milly?"

Maria turned towards Milly and asked.

"Me? Well, I'll be going solo for a bit. I still wanna earn my blacksmith class so I won't be able to accompany you guys later~"


The party disbanded and split into 2 groups, Milly, Zack, and Amanda were now neutral faction players and they were going to be heading off to a neutral city, while Maria and Lizzy were going back to hand in the quest.

"Let's get going Mary~ we'll just bulldoze through all the monsters that stand in our way!"


The two swiftly made it back to Torin Border Town and teleported back to Enoch. The two girls made their way to the Dark God's Temple and handed in the quest to the High Priestess .

"Oh mighty Envoy, I knew that you would come back to us triumphant! Please, accept these humble offerings as your reward!"

[Quest Complete]

[Rewarded: Spell Book: [Revive], Unknown Egg, Dark God's Blessing: +10 STR, 50 Gold coins, +100 Rep, +200 High Priestess Hella's Favor]

[100,000 exp gained]

[5 Free Stat points Acquired]

Lizzy was ecstatic when she saw the rewards.

"Wooohooo! What an awesome quest! It looks like going through all that crap really paid off, wouldn't ya say, Mary?"

"Yeah, sure...though I'm never taking a quest like this ever again..."

"Ahaha~ yeah, you shouldn't! You view this game too realistically sometimes Mary...it's cool that way, but it's not really that healthy y'know!"

"I-I know! But, I can't help it! I mean...when they beg and scream for mercy like that..."

"I know, I know, you don't have to say it...even us veterans don't like taking on those kinds of quests. That's why most of us stick to monster quests...only the really sick people would find pleasure in completing those NPC targeting quests!"

"T-there's people like that around?!"

"Yup...it's appalling really, but...ugh...don't get me started."

The two girls immediately walked out of the Temple, Maria didn't see Hella glowing white anymore so it seems that for now the High Priestess didn't have any quests for her.

"What're you going to do now, Liz?"

"I'll be going back to Tartarus, hopefully I'll be able to attain my noble occupation already," Lizzy replied.

"So, we'll be going our separate ways now?"

"Seems like it, let's party together again sometime, okay Mary?"


"Oh! Don't forget, if you've got a difficult quest remember to give us a call!"


The two girls separated at the city's center plaza, Maria decided to head on out to the wilderness and go grind some monsters. Now that she was much higher leveled, there were more places for her to explore now.

"Hmm...I feel like I forgot something important... Oh well, I'll remember it eventually, now let's go explore!" Maria shrugged it off and took to the skies once again.

The players around the area were awed once again at seeing someone so freely take off like that.

"Oh yeah! I better hatch that pet egg later!"

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