Undead Emperor

Chapter 13 - Two super

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Chapter 13 Two Super

Su Zhen walked onto the stage and put his hand on the test stone. True energy was mobilized from Dantian, poured into the right palm along the meridian of the arm, and then injected into the stone. A dazzling golden light suddenly lit up!

“Congenital ten weights, pass!”

The disciple of the inner door glanced at the information, registered the information, and handed over a number plate.

But just when Su Zhen was about to pick up, the inner disciple seemed to suddenly realize what he was doing and looked down at the registration information. When the words on the paper came into his eyes, he was surprised.

“You are Su Zhen!”

The inner disciple was shocked and said: “The one who was secretly counted by the same disciple, was broken by Dan Yuntian’s outer gate first!”

“Are you really rehabilitating?”

His exclamation caused the nearby disciples to look up, especially the inner disciples, looked at the golden light on the real stone, and then looked at Su Zhen, with a surprised expression on his face.

The same is true for outside disciples.

Two months ago, Su Zhen’s defeat of Wu Xiong was heard in the outer door, and even the inner door was heard. Su Zhen has the news of true energy, which shocked everyone! But the rumors were rumours after all, and even the disciples who had studied and learned, only saw Su Zhen using the real energy twice, not sure if he was dazzled.

Today, the golden light on the true stone proves that Su Zhen not only has true energy, but also returned to the original peak state!

The dazzling golden light made everyone dizzy.

It turns out that Dantian shattering can really recover …

For a time, Su Zhen became the focus.

Su Zhen ignored it, glanced at the number plate in his hand, and said in a low voice: “No. 188, a very good number.”

Speaking, walk towards the Qi and blood test area.

The flesh is the source of everything and the carrier!

True qi without a body is a rootless root and cannot last long.

Strong qi and blood, strong and healthy, energetic, prolong life. Qi and blood are weak, and I am sick all day long, and I still do not breathe when practicing the boxing method. How can I practice? The most important thing for a monk is true temperament, but the body is equally important!

So the first test is to measure qi and blood.

The qi and blood test area is a red low-legged tower engraved with imprisoned formations. As soon as the disciples of the innate realm enter, the true qi will be suppressed and unable to function.

Suddenly became “mortal.”

The test method is very simple: when you can’t use true qi, lift some stone locks in the tower. The more you lift, the stronger the qi and blood, the better your score.

Everyone started queuing to test.

“No. 1 Zheng Ze, with four stones, medium grade.”

“No. 2 Liu Mingyang, four stones, medium grade …”

“No. 3 Han Xiaoyan, give a stone and get a lower grade.”

Under the supervision of Li Changfeng, the examiner of qi and blood, the participating students passed the red low-leg tower one by one, struggling to lift the stone lock. Depending on the number of stone locks lifted, the inner disciples who maintain order will announce their achievements and register well.

Suddenly, a disciple with a burly figure, stronger than a mixed bear, lifted the seventh stone lock and got a top grade, causing a burst of exclamation.

However, it is more moderate or inferior.

Every disciple can do physical fitness, but few of them work hard in this area, so if you want to get good results in the qi and blood test, you can only rely on natural power.

Queuing is tedious.

Su Zhen waited for half an hour, and finally it was his turn.

“No. 188, Su Zhen.” Along with the inner disciples who maintained order, Su Zhen’s name was sung, and a lot of eyes turned to this side.

When Su Zhen passed the realm assessment, he gained everyone’s attention. Everyone stared at his every move and wanted to see what happened to him.

Including examiner Li Changfeng, he was also attentive and looked at the figure in the low-leg tower.

“This feeling……”

Su Zhen smiled as he felt the imprisoned formation and imprisoned his true energy in Dantian.

It may be difficult to adapt to the loss of true energy for other people, but Su Zhen feels familiar. Instead, he has lived in this situation for three years without true energy. He walked to the last stone lock, reached for it, and raised his head easily.

“No. 188 Su Zhen, holding nine stones, excellent grades!”

As soon as the results came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the audience. The inner disciples responsible for order also widened their eyes and were incredible. They have seen qi and blood tests for many years, but they are the first to achieve superb quality. The ninth stone lock, weighing three thousand catties, is lifted by flesh, which is simply a humanoid beast.

“God, lift Nine Stones, how did this guy do it!”

“Is this still human?”

“Super grades, I watched the lively sessions for the first time, and I saw super blood for the first time! This power is better than that of the iron-blooded barbarian! I can use the real energy to raise nine. Stones are all unknowns, he actually did it by his flesh … “


Note that the disciples here are boiling.

But waiting for everyone to calm down and think is common sense. Three years ago, after Su Zhen Dan Tian was broken, he was boiled every night, and the turbulent waterfall was held under the turbulent waterfall, which became a beautiful scenery line in the outer courtyard. That bronze tripod weighed more than 1,000 kilograms. After it was filled with water, it added another 500 kilograms, plus the impact of the waterfall.

Su Zhen can hold the trip every day, and it is not surprising that he lifted the nine stones.

Thinking about this, everyone was slightly shocked, and immediately thought about the next test: “The foreign college entrance examination is divided into four items, the blood test is only the first, and the comprehensive score is passed, only to pass the customs. See how his score is next.

The second item is the perception test.

The perception test is to observe the ‘Fish Fish Array’. The more fishes light up, the better the score.

Soon it was Su Zhen’s turn, and everyone was absorbed in watching him perform.

After a joss stick.

“Gosh, all nine fishes are bright, and the perception is superb?”

“The swimming fish pattern is extremely complicated. When I tested it, it was like I was stuck in a big whirlpool. I was tired of watching, my forehead was cold and sweating, and finally I only showed five swimming fish. Rao is so, I am proud The satisfaction of the group of heroes, but compared with Su Zhen, it is almost dead. “

“The stronger your understanding, the stronger your understanding of Qigong, and the faster your cultivation speed! The superior perception, like taking Qigong, will not be used for long, and you will be able to converge and succeed!”


Everyone was shocked by Su Zhen’s performance. With four major examiners, Chief Examiner Ji Shuxuan looked at Su Zhen’s eyes and was surprised.

The two super grades have never appeared in the college entrance examination for decades!

Everyone has a stronger expectation for Su Zhen.

“There are two items left, one of which is the meridian test. He has broken the Dantian. Although he doesn’t know what method he used to recover, it must still have an impact! Besides, Sister Liu Feifei once said that he relied on taking doping drugs. The practice is so fast, and the side effects have seriously damaged his meridians. I do n’t believe he can pass the meridian test! “

I noticed that Su Zhen’s disciples are increasing, and many of them are ignoring him.

For example, Wu Xiong.

As soon as Wu Xiong saw Su Zhen, his face was painful, and he cursed in his heart.

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