Uncle Ninth, many children bring many blessings, starting with Doomsday bloodline

Chapter 31

Ai Qiang and Ahao who ate plain noodles were speechless.

Obviously, they can stay in Jiang Hao to eat big seats.

In those days, they had meat, roast duck, roast chicken, and beef.

I have eaten like this before I started eating. Is n’t it better after the opening of the dish?

But unfortunately, because of Ma Ma, they did not have the opportunity to eat a seat at all.

Now I can only eat a noodle noodle without any taste here.

But after a day of rushing, there was no oil and water in my stomach, and I was used to it before.

The two were just a little speechless and not picky.

After eating noodles, the three teachers and apprentices strolled in the city to see if there was any business to do it.

As for finding a room to settle in the room, there is some money on them, where is the guest inns.

Tonight, it is undoubtedly the same two days before, camping in the wild.

After a long time, the three masters and apprentices did not gain much.

The three masters and apprentices gave up.

But soon, they saw a lot of people gathered ahead.

The three masters and apprentices put on a curiosity.

I only know.

It turned out that the big family in the city was haunted.

Those who are looking for ghosts are helping to catch the ghost.

When I heard it, I was looking for someone to catch ghosts.

The three masters and apprentices were immediately excited.

This business is not delivered.

Later, the three teachers and apprentices no longer had ink, and directly squeezed into the crowd to remend themselves.

When the Zhou family's housekeeper saw the three men and apprentices of Ma Ma, they didn't believe it at first.

After all, there have been several waves of people before they.

But it was either a liar or a lack of skills, either scared by ghosts, or dying in the hand of the ghost.

The housekeeper of the Zhou family felt that the three Mamdi Masters and apprentices came to cheat money and did not intend to ignore them.

Seeing this, Ma Ma also showed his hand directly.

Although Ma Ma is the level of half -hanging, it is still more powerful than Maoshan Ming in Mr. Ling Mi.

Anyway, it is the disciple of the Maoshan faction. Even if they are unsatisfactory, they are pared to them.

A self -taught wild road in Maoshan Ming can flicker.

Ma Ma is naturally OK.

Not to mention Ahao and A Qiang's skills on the side are still very good.

He was revealed again.

A Qiang and Ahao also showed their skills.

That Zhou's housekeeper then believed that the three were people with real skills.

So he brought the three into Zhoufu and saw their master.

After seeing the master of Zhoufu.

They learned about Zhoufu's haunted details.

This incident has to start three days ago.

Three days ago, the backyard of Zhoufu suddenly came in the middle of the night, and the woman's cry suddenly came.

The first thing to hear this move was the second master of Zhoufu, Zhou Hai.

That night he got up to the toilet and heard the crying sound.

He didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that the girl in the house was crying.

So I lit the lights to check.

When the people in Zhoufu saw him the next day.

It was found that Zhou Hairen was lying in the yard, his face was irony.

Although people did not die, the whole breath was extremely weak, and the word he had shouted in his mouth.

No matter how outsiders call him, there is no response.

Seeing this, Master Zhou immediately understood that his second son was hitting evil.

So I asked Taoist priests to view the situation.

In the end, I was found by Master Zhou.

After looking at the situation of his son, the priest said that his son was fascinated by the ghost.

As long as he solves the ghost tonight, his son is fine.

Master Zhou also believes.

Immediately let the subordinates make good wine and good dishes, and guarantee that the priest can handle the ghost.

Returning to a hundred silver dollars immediately.

The priest agreed with a smile.

That night, they heard the fight from the courtyard.

It sounded fierce, and originally thought it was the priest won the ghost.

But I never thought that it didn't take long for the scream of the priest.

The scream, the scared Master Zhou and others did not dare to go out to check the situation.

I didn't dare to sleep.

After dawn, Master Zhou let people check the situation.

It was discovered that the priest had died in the courtyard.

The face was like grabbing scratching by the beast, and his chest was pulled out of a large hole, and his heart was gone.

The people in Zhoufu were frightened.

Immediately began to find a new Taoist priest. This time, Master Zhou opened the price of 300 yuan.

Three hundred silver.

Because I gave a lot of money, there were two other Taoists, one monk.

As a result, that night, the two Taoist priests died one and fled one.

That monk also died in the courtyard.

Then the three Ma Ma and the apprentices were courageous to e.

After listening to Master Zhou's words.

Ma Ma frowned.

Ahao said directly; "Master Zhou, since this house is haunted, why don't you leave directly?

"This little dealer, if I can leave, it will naturally leave, but I have a reason that I can't leave. Master Zhou Master Zhou

Speak, but did not say the reason.

Zhou Fugui did not choose to take his family to leave.

Naturally, in the courtyard of the dead, the bottom of his family was buried.

If he is gone, what should I do with those family.

As for his second son.

These two days were hanged by his ginseng soup, but the situation has bee worse.

Fortunately, he was more than such a son.

"Master Zhou, even if you don't leave, you live in this yard at night, why don't that ghost hurt you?" Ahao

Continue to ask.

"I don't know this either.

"I only know that as long as we don't go out of the house at night, that thing will not hurt us." Zhou Fugui said.

Ahao asked, he didn't know.

But at night, as long as they stay in the house, they would not happen without going out.

If you go out, it will bee the same as his second son.

There are four middle moves in the courtyard.

The difference is that his son is still alive because of the ginseng soup.

Those four subordinates have now two farts.

Although there are two other deaths, the situation is very bad.

It is probably not long.


"Master. Ahao and Aqiang looked at Ma Ma.


"Master Zhou, can you take us to see the people who are recruited? Ma Ma said.


Subsequently, Zhou Fugui directly asked the housekeeper to bring the three sons and two sons he was recruited and the two subordinates.

After seeing Zhou Fugui's second son and two subordinates full of yin.

The three people and apprentices of Ma Ma were immediately determined that Zhoufu was indeed haunted.

And this ghost is still fierce.

Because Zhou Fugui's son was very strong.

No accident, the ghost was at least a ghost.

Ahao and Aqiang naturally knew the power of Li Gui.

At the level of Matimi Half Display, it is enough to deal with a evil ghost, let alone a strong ghost.

So the two directly made Mami not pick up this business.

But the two did not persuade, and when they persuaded, something happened.

When he was in Renjia Town, he was said to be too low by a group of masters, letting him spend more time on cultivation.

He was unhappy at the time.

With Lin Fengjiao, they did not e to him back to him, and made him even more angry.

Even two days have passed, his anger has not disappeared.

At this time, Ahao and Aqiang advised him not to pick up this single business, which is tantamount to oiling on the fire.

So Ma Ma directly chose to take over this business.

Ma Ma is a master. He made a decision. Ahao and A Qiang were apprentices, and they naturally could not oppose it.

You can only follow the business.

Fei Lu novels, Fei wants you to look good!

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