Uncle Ninth, many children bring many blessings, starting with Doomsday bloodline

Chapter 28

When Jiang Hao was preparing.

Lin Zhengdao, who left Renjia Town, came first to Renjia Town.

Jiang Hao naturally let go of the work in his hands for the first time to wele Lin Zhengdao.

Not to mention that Lin Zhengdao is his uncle or elder, so he rushed to Lin Zhengdao to attend the wedding of him and Zhou Shuiling. At the gift, he had to be enough.

Seeing Jiang Hao again, Lin Zhengdao was undoubtedly surprised.

Because Jiang Hao is now impressed by Jiang Hao, just like a person.

Tall, stronger, and more handsome.

The spirit of the whole person is pletely different.

There is a self -confidence on the face and eyes.

It's hard to ignore.

Of course, what shocked him most was Jiang Hao's horrible blood and yang.

He subconsciously opened the eyes of Jiang Hao as mana.

As a result, the golden light on Jiang Hao almost didn't blindly blind him.

For a time, he doubted that he had something wrong.

It wasn't until the uncle that the ancestor said that Jiang Hao might be the reincarnation of the immortal.

That's it.

This can also explain why it was not seen for more than a year, and Jiang Hao's changes were so great.

Later, they naturally arranged Lin Zhengdao.

Jiang Hao directly arranged Lin Zhengdao and apprentice to his new courtyard.

Jiang Hao is not bad now.

Each room in the courtyard is settled in the bed, and the bedding is all new, and you can live directly.

Lin Zhengdao's three people arrived in the morning, and in the evening, the four eyes and Jiale arrived.

Subsequently, the four eyes were also arranged to the courtyard.

In the past few days, Uncle Jiu couldn't live in Yizhuang, but also lived in the courtyard.

Drink tea and chat with the brothers every day, talk about their own affairs, or talk about some cultivation related things.

In the center of the topic, Jiang Hao is always indispensable.

As for Yizhuang, there are essays over there, and there will be no accident.

As for why it was watched.

Who asked him to cause such a big deal in the provincial capital some time was a punishment for him.

And Jiang Haocheng finished his kiss, and it was Qiusheng immediately.

Jiang Hao and Qiu Sheng are busy now.

Where can I look at Yizhuang, so this life can only e.

The next day, Zhou Huiling also arrived.

Zhou Huiling not only arrived, but also brought a lot of things.

Gifts, money, and medicinal materials are available.

There is money to move the mountains, and Jiang Hao is worth investing, so this time the mountain has brought a lot of things.

Zhou Huiling was arranged to Jiang Hao's courtyard.

There are also some rooms in the small courtyard.

After all, they are not particularly familiar with Jiu Shu, and they are embarrassed to arrange to go to the courtyard.

Fortunately, there are still some rooms in the small courtyard, which can live.

The next day, Qianhe arrived.

With him, there are money and Wu Zhenren, that is, the two Taoist priests in the zombies.

These two are also the younger brother of Jiu Shu.

Qian Zhenren and Qianhe Daodong are still brothers.

Qian Zhenren is Qianhe's brother.

Qianhe's real name is issued, and Qian real person's name money.

His father gave them such a name, and he also hoped that they could get rich in the future.

As a result, let's not say that when the two got rich, they had not waited for them to grow up.

The two brothers became beggars directly.

If it weren't for the uncle's master at the time, they happened to meet, and I felt that the two brothers had good talents and brought them back as disciples.

Mao Shan, the two were afraid to starve to death.

pared to the mature and stable Qianhe, Qian Qian Qian people prefer to engage in face project.

The hair should be painted with hair, and the clothing materials should be used for high, because this, the money is not said to be said by Qianhe, but the money doesn’t listen at all.

Qianhe is also lazy.

After all, although he is his elder brother, the two are not young.

He expected that money knew the weight, and he would not be too messy.

Wu Zhenren, all names Wu Yong, ranked in front of Qianhe and Qianzhen, and both called his brother.

However, Wu Yong worshiped the teacher and worshiped later, so in front of the four eyes, he also wanted to call his brother.

Different from Qianhe, there are four apprentices, southeast and northwest, Qiancai has an apprentice Afa.

Wu has no apprentice.

So he also came alone.

On the same day, there were Ma Ma, Ahao, Aqiang and apprentice.

Seeing Ma Ma's arrival, many people's faces have changed.

After all, this guy is too hygienic.

While eating and spitting your mouth while eating, a normal person can't stand it.

But Mami was getting started early.

They are their brothers.

If you don't encounter it on weekdays.

When I encountered it, I had to shout a brother, otherwise it would be lost.

Jiang Hao expected them to quarrel.

Sure enough, a meal in the evening quarreled directly.

When eating, Ma Ma is tapped and spit.

When he did this, the other people had no appetite.

Even Uncle Jiu is very hot.

But because of the apprentice's date of marriage, he endured.

But the four eyes are not as good as the uncle.

Moreover, the brother of Ma Ma, the four eyes did not respect the uncle Nine.

Just getting strange yin and yang.

And Ma Ma is also a strange.

The half -hanging of my own skills is the worst among all brothers, but the result is still very arrogant.

He developed his hot temper.

Being strange by the four eyes, one yin and yang, immediately became angry.

The two almost fought.

In the end, it was unhappy.

The gift left with Ma Ma, and the apprentices left with the apprentices.

Everyone did not persuade.

Because they were persuaded, they were unfortable.

And this time it is not strange to the four eyes.

Whoever eats, there is a person who eats with you while eating with you, and he can't stand it.

Of course, Jiang Hao asked Jiu Shu for a while, should he find someone back?

After all, others can e to attend your wedding, that is also for you.

It is not good to leave people directly, and it is not good to stay without retention.

But was rejected by Uncle Jiu.

The bad habit of Ma Ma really let him stay. When the day of marriage, it is estimated that it can be disgusting.

It's okay to leave.

After all, people have been here.

Uncle Jiu decided like this, and Jiang Hao naturally would not say anything to find people back.

After all, he can't stand the stinky habit of Ma Ma.

Just leave.

As soon as Ma Mami left, the aunt of the cane arrived.

Since then, Uncle Jiu has invited, and his brothers who have a better relationship have basically arrived.

Of course, except for a Shi Jian.

However, when the wedding date was left, Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian arrived.

When Shi Jian came, everyone went out to meet.

Even the four eyes of Shi Jian did not go.

After all, I still have to give Shi Jian a little face.

Not only because Shi Jian is a master, but also because Shi Jian is the highest and the strongest.

At present, only Shi Jian has been a local division for many years.

Coupled with its thunderbolt Lightning Ben Lei Boxing, it also practiced Muzhi Muchun Dafa.

On the bat effectiveness alone, none of them are Shi Jian's opponent.

Moreover, Shi Jian has been in the later period for many years. If anyone is most likely to break through to the heavenly master, then Shi Jian is absolutely ranked


Both Lin Fengjiao and Lin Zhengdao were arranged behind him.

Fei Lu novels, Fei wants you to look good!

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