Chapter 6
Episode 6: Adventurers Saved by a Samurai
The tranquil forest, with sunlight streaming through the gaps in the trees, was suddenly pierced by the high-pitched wail of a wolf. The wolf, with an arrow embedded in its forehead, staggered as if floating on water before collapsing sideways, ceasing all movement.
Convinced that the enemy had fallen silent, four figures emerged from the surrounding bushes.
“Hmm… How many was that now?”
“It’s the fifth one. With this, we’ve completed the commission… but…”
As Pamela poked the wolf with her staff to confirm its death, Franz hesitated, his expression grim.
“They’re all black. It’s laughable. Maybe we’re cursed or something?”
“Mauri, wasn’t it last week during that ghost exorcism commission when you were stingy with the holy water? If anyone’s cursed, it’s you, not us.”
The adventuring party, “Guardians of the Wilderness,” had come to the Forest of Demons to eliminate the wolves as per their commission.
This time of year, as winter approaches and preparations begin, forest wolves become prime prey for low-ranking adventurers. The demand for winter clothing increases, raising the buyback price of usually low-valued pelts during this season.
Forest wolves come in various colors—black, white, brown, spotted, striped—but in the Pharas Kingdom, where the Luktstra Religion is the state faith, pelts in a near-white color resembling the goddess’s pure white robes are especially popular and fetch higher prices. Among the nobility, wearing the whitest coat signifies status, and it’s incomprehensible to commoners, but there are those who casually assign a pelts worth as much as a hundred gold coins.
Because of these circumstances, every year there are always a few adventurers who strike it rich with pristine white pelts. Forest wolves, being relatively easy targets even for low-level adventurers, and often found even in the shallower parts of the Forest of Demons, attract those dreaming of such a windfall with high hopes and heavy breathing.
“Still daylight. Want to go on a bit more?”
“Yeah. We should hunt at least a few gray ones; otherwise, we won’t be able to pay this month’s rent.”
“Barth, five black ones, how much was that worth?”
“Not even close to one gold coin. Even with the commission reward, we won’t have enough money for more than a couple of days’ food.”
Despite being rare and harder to find now due to overhunting, the party had encountered a pack of wolves early in the forest, completing the commission quickly. However, all five were black, fetching a low price—whether by good or bad luck, it felt as if they were being toyed with by the goddess.
The Guardians of the Wilderness were, to put it simply, struggling financially. A common plight among low-level adventuring parties, where equipment damage leading to financial strain often results in further reckless hunting, perpetuating a vicious cycle.
Their hope was to one day become high-level adventurers, receiving more lucrative commissions, which kept them pushing forward. Though they weren’t starving, bankruptcy loomed on the horizon.
With the aim of fetching a higher price, Franz and the others dissected the slain wolves more carefully than usual. They discussed amongst themselves and decided to expand their search deeper into the forest.
“Hey, over here!”
During their trek deeper into the forest in search of more wolves, Mauri discovered multiple sets of goblin tracks.
“Franz, can you tell what the tracks are?”
“To be honest, I have no idea.”
Goblins are more noticeable to the sharp-eyed, like Mauri, who doubles as their scout along with being an archer. Franz and Pamela couldn’t understand how one could glean the species and number of creatures from the ground, but they trusted his judgment.
Goblins are individually weak, easily defeated even by children with weapons. However, they reproduce quickly and can form settlements that raid human settlements and cattle. Therefore, adventurers unofficially agree that goblins should be exterminated whenever found.
“Should we pursue them?”
“Yeah. We’ve got time. Let’s track them while we search for more wolves.”
Under Franz’s leadership, there were no objections from his teammates.
Not long after starting to follow the tracks, Mauri, who was leading, suddenly stopped and quickly raised his right fist to the side of his face—a signal for everyone to halt instantly.
Once the group stopped, Mauri slowly pointed forward with a strained expression and began inching backward toward them.
At first, they could only see several objects moving in the gaps between the trees from a distance. Assuming it was a group of goblins or boar-goblins based on their coloration, Franz’s eyes widened in shock as he realized that what was moving was not a group but a single massive monster. Understanding the creature’s true form, he couldn’t help but gasp and widen his eyes.
Impossible… This monster should only appear deep inside the forest.
Realizing the monster’s nature later than the others, Pamela let out a small, shaky scream. Instantaneously, an ear-splitting roar filled the forest.
“Damn it, Pamela, you idiot!”
“I-I’m sorry!!!”
“Unbelievable… A giant here of all places?”
“What now, Franz?”
Franz clenched his fists so tightly his nails dug into his palms, trying hard to suppress his shock. His mind raced to figure out their next move.
Giants are formidable enemies—possessing immense strength, unlimited stamina, and high physical resistance. Magic is known as their weakness, but the party has only Pamela who could wield it effectively. The monster was classified as a C-rank threat by the Adventurer Guild, far beyond what the party, rated E-rank, could handle.
Though the conclusion was immediate—there was no way they could win—disaster struck as their distance to the giant was already under twenty meters, and it was already prepared to fight. Even if they fled with all their might, escaping this encounter was impossible.
“Let’s go! Mauri, hold him off. Barth and I will serve as wall, and Pamela, prepare your magic! Don’t aim to kill it—this is a defensive retreat. Look for an opening and run!”
Responding to Franz’s command, Mauri fired his arrow, but the giant ignored the attack, charging forward with surprising agility for its massive size.
“Focus on its legs, Mauri!”
Franz barely avoided the giant’s charge by dodging at a tangential angle and struck at its leg with his one-handed sword. However, it felt like slashing at a rock, and it made no noticeable impact.
“Damn it, it’s so hard…!”
While cursing under his breath, a nearby log was picked up by the giant and swung around with ease. Though the movements were slow, getting hit by it would mean certain death.
Nonetheless, the magic from Pamela was their only viable attack. They couldn’t afford to let the giant target their rear guard.
“Barth, fall back and protect Pamela! I’ll draw its attention! Mauri, keep firing your arrows!”
Despite knowing it would be ineffective, Franz hammered his one-handed sword against the giant’s body. The wind cut sharply past his ears as the log swung close—he needed to avoid direct hits to buy time for Pamela’s spell.
Even while avoiding direct impact, Franz grit his teeth and held off several of the giant’s attacks. But then, catching his foot on an exposed root hidden in the ground—
“Shit—!! …Guhh!”
“Oi, you alright?!?”
“Aaah! Franz!!”
“Pamela, stay focused!”
Though he managed to deflect the direct hit with his shield at the last moment, Franz was sent flying into a large tree. His head and back smashed against the trunk, squeezing the air out of his lungs. His bones seemed intact, but his legs wouldn’t move, nor could he speak.
This is bad. Barth won’t be able to hold on his own in the frontline…
Though the blacksmith race was far more durable than humans, it was impossible for Barth to endure the giant’s relentless attacks. He was already swaying, clearly on the verge of collapse after enduring multiple assaults from the log.
Move! Move, damn it!!
Franz beat at his unresponsive legs furiously, desperately trying to stand up, but his efforts bore no fruit.
The giant’s swinging log landed squarely against Barth’s shield, causing him finally to kneel down on one knee.
Damn, is this it then…?
If at least my friends can escape while I hold it off…
“Hey! You, adventurer?!”
As Franz lowered his head in despair, he lifted it again at Mauri’s loud voice. Following Mauri’s gaze, a peculiar figure stood from the hidden bushes.
This face is unfamiliar. Although he carried three swords, he wore no armor, only simple bracers and leg protectors. While his outfit seemed overly light for entering the Forest of Demons, he didn’t exude any of the overexcited nature that rookie adventurers often do.
His dark hair was tied back in a style not seen around here, and his black eyes stared intently at the giant. However, there was a peculiar curiosity in his gaze. He appeared young, likely in his early twenties, yet there was no fear on his refined face. Oddly enough, there was even a faint smile present.
After a few exchanges, the man stepped forth before the giant. It seemed he would lend them his aid.
Thank goodness… We have a chance now.
As long as the frontlines hold, they still have a fighting chance. Pamela’s magic could force the giant to falter, leaving an opening to escape and hide somewhere safe. Feeling this was perhaps the will of the harmony gods, Franz was about to offer thanks but froze upon watching the man’s next move. Without hesitation, the man positioned himself under the descending log the giant was about to smash down with.
What the hell? What’s he planning?
“Hey, get out of there! You’ll be crushed!!”
Mauri cried out in warning, but the man refused to move, instead raising one of his swords in a defensive stance above his head.
Is he actually an amateur? Please, move out of the way…!
As if to mock Franz’s prayers, the log came crashing down, accompanied by an explosive sound.
Oh no… He’s dead….
Franz was momentarily overcome by despair once again, but soon after, a cheerful voice of excitement was heard.
“Wow, that’s impressive! I’ve never seen such power!!!”
Laughing after taking the giant’s blow?
Could he have taken the hit purposefully?
As Franz trembled at the man’s actions, the swordsman threw one of the blades at the giant and gripped the hilt of the fine sword he had at his waist, lowering his stance.
The sword is way too thin to block anything! It’ll definitely break!!
Before Franz could finish his thought, something extraordinary happened. The man zipped by the giant at a speed akin to a howling wind, and within moments, the giant came to an abrupt stop.
“Huuh!? Whaaat!?”
Upon inspection, the giant’s side had been deeply gashed open, evidently cut all the way through to the spine—an undoubtedly fatal wound.
What… What just happened? Did he use wind magic?
No, was it a miracle enhancing his body?
From what the wound looked like, the man had managed to defeat the giant using only that thin sword. Not only that, but the movement was so fast that Franz couldn’t even see him pull the sword out.
There was a heavy thud as the giant collapsed to the ground.
Franz struggled to comprehend what had just happened. His companions were all frozen, unsure of how to react.
Who exactly is this guy?