Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 42: Three Promises

Duncan's speech reached its peak after he introduced holographic imaging technology and shouted "The glory of mankind lasts forever". Google search reading

Countless viewers behind the live screens didn't know what Duncan's words meant, but they all felt the trembling sensation from the soles of their feet to their heads from the words "The glory of mankind lasts forever".

This slogan was like magic, raising the souls of all the people watching the live broadcast to a different height.

The momentary and speechless shock of this scene may become a deep memory for many people.

Duncan also successfully gained a group of passers-by fans with this speech, but he knew that slogans alone could not make people follow him wholeheartedly.

So he had to set up many plans to benefit the people, and realize these plans one by one, and then continue to criticize some of the corrupt people, at least to occupy public opinion.

And give stability to the wanderers, food to the wanderers, goals to the confused, and faith to the desireless!

"Now, I am here, in front of hundreds of millions of people around the world, making three promises!"

In a bar in Texas...

All the drinkers have forgotten to drink, their eyes are full of anticipation, and the noisy bar is so quiet during business hours that you can hear a pin drop.

After Duncan made three promises, he waited for a long time, and as time passed, each of them could not help but clench his fists nervously.

I don't know if they are nervous about winning or losing the bet, or nervous about the promise Duncan is about to make.

As they waited expectantly, Duncan on TV finally made his "three promises".

"The first promise: fairness!

I want all the hardworking people in the world to get what they deserve!

Ordinary construction workers can live in the houses they built by themselves! Workers on the car assembly line can drive the cars they assembled by themselves! Restaurant waiters can also eat sumptuous meals at their workplaces!

I can guarantee that anyone who works at Umbrella Corporation will get the fruits of their labor they deserve!"


There was an uproar in the bar, and the noise was not over yet, and the second promise came.

"The second promise is safety. Umbrella will build its own city, and every resident living in the city must be strictly examined.

There are no guns, no drugs, and no racism in the city. Everyone can live under the sun without worrying about someone pulling a gun out of their clothes and shooting at you! Your children will also receive the best education in the city. If you can get a job in Umbrella, medical and education costs are free.

In the city built by Umbrella, everyone can pursue the happiness they want, provided that it is within a reasonable range and within the scope allowed by the rules."


The people in the bar took a breath again, saying that Umbrella has great ambitions!

Gun control has always been an unsolvable problem in the land of the free. Although it is not nationwide gun control, gun control in a single city will also be the first step towards victory.

With the first bird, ordinary people who are tired of life threats will definitely call on their own cities to imitate, and then those regular customers will have a headache.

"The third promise: peace!

The energy on earth is limited, which is an assertion made by scientists a long time ago.

But what many people don't know is that the solution to energy anxiety is right above our heads!

The moon contains a variety of elements that can be converted into energy. I believe many people understand this."

The holographic image shows the scenery of the moon. The vast deep space and the desolate moon always shock humans.

Duncan pointed at the surface of the moon model, and suddenly a base full of science fiction appeared.

"So, in the next five years, Umbrella Corporation will complete the landing on the moon. In ten years, the construction of the space station and the moon base will be completed, and the resources on the moon will be transported back to the earth, so that humans will no longer be trapped by energy!"

After hearing these three promises, the audience's brains have gone from being shocked to being numb now.

The first one, fairness, is easy to solve.

The second one, safety, Umbrella Corporation is financially strong, which is also okay.

But the third promise, they feel a bit like watching a science fiction movie, and the person who said this has a high credibility, which is worth looking forward to.

After talking so much, Duncan felt a little dry in the mouth, but this was not enough. What he said was not down-to-earth enough, and he had to be more practical.

Speaking of practical things, what could be closer to reality than the electricity that everyone is exposed to in daily life?

"If you think it takes too long, before the plan is completed, we have a new clean energy plan, pollution-free, harmless... cold nuclear fusion reactor!"

The holographic image projected a model of the Ark reactor, and Duncan pointed at the cold nuclear fusion reactor model on the TV, "This is the latest product of Umbrella Corporation, a controllable cold nuclear fusion reactor. Building a standard large cold nuclear fusion reactor can provide electricity for the entire New York for 1 year. It costs only 1 billion US dollars, and the annual maintenance cost does not exceed 2 million. Consumables can be replenished after the energy is exhausted.

The electricity generated by the two cold nuclear fusion reactors is evenly distributed throughout the city. The electricity bill for ordinary families for ten days is less than 1 US dollar!

We will be the first to put it into use in the cities built by Umbrella, and the cooperation matters of other cities will be negotiated with the local authorities in the future. In the near future, with the use of new cold nuclear fusion reactors, electricity prices will no longer be a problem for every family!"

Whether it was a group of rednecks in the bar or the melon-eaters in front of the TV, everyone was shocked by Duncan's bold words.

Hot-blooded slogans and vague goals are all without tangible benefits.

Ordinary people always make up the majority in the world. As long as you give them what they want, they will dare to follow you and gain absolute public opinion for you.

Electricity, a common expense, was actually heard one day being told that it was free. They were as shocked as they were when they learned that a liter of gasoline only costs 10 cents.

Then there was a burst of ecstasy. Anyone who really owns a big house knows that things like electricity can cause large expenses if you are not careful. It is definitely a relatively large item of living expenses.

Umbrella's reputation among the public was immediately wiped out by the advent of cold fusion reactor technology. After all, in this world, there are only a few people who do not use electricity.

After intentionally being silent for a period of time to allow everyone to digest the news, Duncan continued with a smile: "With no more energy problems, some people will not need to continue to wage meaningless wars. Of course, Umbrella is a responsible company. , will assist those energy companies that have lost profits to complete their transformation, or be acquired by umbrella companies at reasonable prices.”

In the audience, several middle-aged white men couldn't hold back their expressions. They are all giant companies in the energy field. Once Duncan's cold nuclear fusion reactor technology comes out, their companies will not go bankrupt immediately, but their stocks will definitely plummet. .

The umbrella company really doesn’t want them to live!

Conventional business methods could not defeat the umbrella company, and underhanded tactics failed to kill Duncan. Now the execution platform built by the government and businessmen has become a stage for Duncan alone!

They failed completely, failed so completely, and the only chance for a comeback was to directly seize the Umbrella Company's production materials.

No matter how civilized the modern European aristocrats are in whitewashing themselves, they cannot hide the historical background of plunder and fortune.

The aristocratic gentleman who pays attention to the spirit of contract is the one who does not abide by the rules the most.

Does anyone really believe that they won't steal it forcefully? No way?

Seeing that they could make a lot of money by robbing China, they rushed to burn, kill and loot. How could they be a group of kind-hearted businessmen who adhered to the spirit of contract?

As for what Duncan said about assisting energy companies in their transformation, these people didn’t believe a word of it!

Duncan may have skills, but he cannot have integrity!

Because the integrity of capitalists is not worth mentioning in the face of interests, they do not believe that Duncan will really be kind enough to help them transform. Even if he does help, they will definitely be ripped off later.

If they had such powerful energy technology as the cold fusion reactor, they would definitely not care about the life and death of their colleagues, and would even add insult to injury.

They began to actively contact the network in their hands, preparing to find some people to use the umbrella to grab technology, or let the psychotic gunman continue to kill Duncan and continue to split the plan.

Looking at the busy capitalists, Duncan smiled softly, picked up three small silver balls from the ground, and dropped the last piece of information for today's speech.

"If you want to protect such wealth, does Mr. Gaplow think 100,000 people are enough? The changes that a protective umbrella can bring to the world will definitely involve the interests of many people. Do you think these people can really stop the wolves? Spy?"

General Gaplow on the stage still looked at Duncan with an aloof expression and did not answer his question.

"They can't, and neither can the army or the police. We are the only ones who can protect ourselves. In addition, our private armed forces are completely reasonable and legal. All approval documents have formulas on the official website. Anyone who has a grudge against the umbrella company, You can browse our official website again! ”

Duncan smiled and did not continue to embarrass General Gaplow. He turned around and waved to the Umbrella delegation.

A group of company executives stood up in a meeting with their heads held high, like victorious roosters, and left behind their boss.

The flashbulbs of reporters nearby were buzzing, especially the reporters from the island nation, whose cameras were firing like machine guns.

Under the spotlight, everyone left the conference hall, and the hearing ended.

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