Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 399 Glory Belongs to Humanity

The hell battlefield that has returned to chaos is filled with the undead souls of countless demons. Machines and humans fight together on the battlefield. The current hell war has spread from the Shadow Plains to every inch of the territory of the Dark Lord, the Lord of Hell.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→🆃🆆🅺♦🅽.🅲♦🅼]

After optimizing the large-scale distribution of emergency escape devices, the paratroopers united with Navy ships to conduct multiple airborne strike missions.

The world pool is a window for demons to harvest the soul power of different planes. The armies of joint organizations and groups of planes take the idea of ​​being exploited by demons and cutting off the passage to other worlds to occupy them, and start a battle with demons on the boundless land. Another offensive and defensive battle.

After calculating and evaluating the strength of both sides, the cost of a strong attack is greater than encroaching on the demon's territory bit by bit.

Therefore, the forces organized by the Plane Alliance launched the second phase of the offensive plan to extinguish the devil's energy source. Now, it is time for them to launch a general attack on the holy city of the Lord of Hell, the Dark Lord.

In the chaotic altitude of tens of thousands of meters, the personnel on the huge landing ship were arranged neatly. The large demons flying in the sky were fighting fiercely with the mechanical auxiliary army of the airborne division. The airborne personnel wearing hell alloy armor were the ones responsible for this battle. main force.

The robot control is too rigid. After the demon armor becomes thicker and thicker, and the number increases, new combat methods naturally return.

Human soldiers will eventually be more flexible than robots, and more flexible than the players who control the robots.

The soldiers fighting in the land of hell are divided into three categories: automatic machine factories, player troops, and human soldiers + tactical AI.

The combat effectiveness is arranged from back to front. The smart devices and flexible combat methods worn by human soldiers, coupled with the long-range fire support of tactical AI, are the most powerful combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

After the fleet broke through the demon blockade and arrived at the predetermined position, the weapon system on the ship entered overload mode. Countless energy lasers and drones burst out in an instant, clearing the surrounding flying demons that were approaching.

The missile cabin at the bottom opened, and the anti-matter missile like Optimus Pillar fell downwards. Fifty meters after leaving the cabin, a fierce blue light erupted from the tail, falling like a meteorite...

On the battleship that is about to land, mobilization is underway.

Soldiers wearing dark brown metal armor stood neatly in the open space vacated by the equipment warehouse holding electromagnetic rifles. The paratrooper ship had a large space, and there were 80,000 soldiers about to participate in the combat mission on the entire ship.

It sounds like a small number, but in addition to the 80,000 people, there are also 300,000 combat robots in reduced standby mode. When the spacecraft lands, they will extract the argan slurry from the ground and directly create argan energy for the lasso device. Continuously supply energy and continuously draw soldiers from the rear.

In addition to this airborne division, there are five more airborne divisions surrounding the entrance to the Holy City of Hell. The rapid support fleet at the rear is also on standby, so there is no need to worry about combat effectiveness.

Everyone looked forward in silence and solemnity. The holographic projection of the airborne division commander kept waving his arms and speaking like a maniac, "Now there are thousands of demons under our feet. They have slaughtered countless worlds. Human beings Their souls are their food. They are more evil than in the story, and they are the unquestionable enemy of all living beings. When I first saw them, I was made to vomit by the bloody and putrid smell of the demons. I knew that it was not. Only the stench, but the smell of the evil desire of the devil to taint the human soul!”

"We're going to kill them all! We're going to be their demons!"

"Crushing low-level and evil beings is our goal and the expectation of countless humans in the world..."

"When we put on this equipment and pick up deadly weapons, we have only two identities, one is the despised devil, and the other is the hero of all mankind!"

"Glory belongs to mankind!"

The final affirmative sentence brought the mobilization speech to a climax and made the whole audience excited.

The calculated time also happened to reach the predetermined target when the soldiers collectively shouted "Glory".

Finally, the teacher used exaggerated but appropriate body language to fit the scene, suddenly shook his upper body and shouted: "Let's go!"

! "

Peng Peng Peng!

The anti-matter bomb exploded, and the air wave rushed to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

The huge spaceship seemed to have received the signal and quickly landed downwards. There was a feeling of weightlessness inside the spacecraft.

At the same time, warships located at five different locations began to land downward.

The reaction from the Holy City of Hell was huge. Countless high-level demons appeared and used equipment to attack enemies in the sky.

Anti-aircraft energy cannons were fired continuously, but all were diverted by the deflection force field, with little effect.

The enemy's artillery fire from the frigates and the cutting of the matrix system in the higher sky prevented the devil's air defense force from forming a large scale. They could only watch the fleet break through numerous obstacles and descend around the Holy City of Hell.

After landing in the giant rock "crater" blown up by the antimatter missile, the airborne spacecraft made minor adjustments and opened several hatches after completing its landing.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of robots rushed out of the spacecraft, quickly built a defense line and completed the construction of defense equipment.

The paratroopers turned into airborne landings of the entire spacecraft, and the raids turned into building bunkers on the ground.

This is a helpless move in the face of the endless tide of demons. They must build a temporary defense line to prevent the demons from destroying the order of the battlefield.

They also need to obtain the plane coordinates to allow the army to enter the Holy City of Hell.

After countless soldiers fought hard and slowly gained a foothold, the lasso device was completed and heavy equipment entered the field.

The electromagnetic tank can still play a role on the battlefield of the demons. The thick muzzle is like a belief, guiding the soldiers forward.

The war idea of ​​infantry-tank coordinated operations has not been outdated since World War II, and even after multiple rounds of technical upgrades, it still has some merits.

Mecha troops continue to appear from the blue light. They are responsible for clearing out elite miscellaneous soldiers, that is, any demon except the Titan demon is their target of attack.

The biochemical troops carry their exclusive fragmentation weapons on the stage. After putting down the grenade launchers on their backs, they fire a large number of weapons at the demon crowd.

A large number of zombie demons that have been assimilated also file out of the channel, using miscellaneous soldiers to fight against miscellaneous soldiers, and the elite defense line has formed an extremely stable defense circle.

This is the experience summarized from a large number of battles with demons, and the battle situation is completely tilted to the human side.

The rapid defeat of the demons, even the high-level demons holding energy weapons, which can resist most weapons and even teleport, will be sanctioned by the fourth-generation super soldiers.

There is also a special figure active on the battlefield, Doom Guy.

The armor made of divine technology, plus the power created by the massive energy gathered in one body, makes him the king of warriors and the embodiment of destruction.

No demon can withstand his punch, and no demon can block his way forward!

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