Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 391 Godzilla Descends into Hell

The real name of the Holy City of Hell is Yinmora, a small plane connected to the plane of Hell and completely assimilated by Hell. →

The ruler of the Holy City is a humanoid life who calls himself the Dark Lord. His life form may be more advanced than that of humans, but his appearance is that of humans. Perhaps he has different images in the eyes of different people.

The invasion of humans by tens of billions of high-level demons in Yinmora City has been known since the lords of Hell sought help from the Holy City, but the management of the Holy City never thought that the guys who invaded Hell would have any good end.

Hell is full of filthy power. Normal lives with weak soul power will gradually be eroded by filthy power in the process of contact with Hell.

Magnify the evil and desire in your heart, and finally fall under the temptation of the power of Hell.

Many outsiders who discover the Hell in the plane gap are excited at first, but finally become fearful and cautious, but they will be tempted by the eternal life brought by Hell, and finally fall and join the devil.

On a platform on the towering metal wall of the Holy City of Hell, the Dark Lord, the monarch of Hell, wore a plain red robe, staring at the empty illusion outside the city of Yinmora, and quietly listened to the priest's report.

Those scarlet eyes did not have any thoughts. The long life and the assimilation of hell made him completely inhuman now. Only when he stared at the stars could he remember the vague scenes when he served the emperor with his compatriots.

Hell is indeed a good place. Although there are only some boring things here besides fighting, every battle can give him the same pleasure, so fighting will not make him feel boring. ♦♦  ♦♦

The Dark Lord retracted his gaze, turned around and said to the red-robed priest who had always lowered his head and did not leave: "Destroy those outsiders."

His tone was very flat. He said a simple sentence and there was no follow-up instructions. His subordinates would fill in all the details for him. He only needed to sit on the high throne, waiting for the fruits of victory and enjoying the harvest of desperate souls at the end of the war.

The war broke out.

A corner of Hell became turbulent, and a demon army of more than 100 billion began to surge towards the Shadow Plain.

The demon lords were all ecstatic and showed greedy expressions.

They didn't expect these outsiders to provoke the Hell Lord. Those stupid creatures were like a group of jumping clowns with powerful weapons, and they never thought about what kind of enemy they were facing.

With the army of the Holy City of Hell in front, the original offensive method of small group advancement plus demon summoners teleporting attacks disappeared, and what was achieved was a series of intensive and fierce offensives.

Billions of demons arrived at the Shadow Plain every day, and the figures of slave Titan demons could be seen everywhere. Although not all slave Titan demons wore heavy armor and carried turrets, these big guys at least learned to pick up stones on the ground and hit people. This is a simple and useful attack method.

Occasionally, they would grab the gluttonous demon and smash it against the shield erected by the Plane Union Organization, causing an explosion effect on the shield.


The demons' offensive was fierce and brutal, and the military of the Plane United Organization was a little unprepared. They didn't expect that just as they had formulated a preliminary plan that would take more than ten or twenty years to break through the Holy City of Hell, the demons took the lead in launching a general attack on them.

To them, the hundreds of billions of demons were a general attack, and a very desperate offensive.

It must be said that this was very effective.

All the factories under construction in the Shadow Plains were shut down, and the unmanned mining platforms and unmanned combat platforms were attacked by suicide attacks by the surprise demons, causing irreparable damage to many equipment.

Such losses are insignificant in the overall sense, but a large part of these equipment is owned by the Earth United Organization on certain planets, and only belongs to a few of them.

There is a saying that it is more painful to watch others make money than to lose money yourself. Similarly, it is equally painful to lose money yourself!

No one does not feel sorry for a device that could have created nearly one trillion in value but was destroyed before the loan was paid off.

This is cutting flesh from them!

The only consolation is that as long as they win this war, there will be nothing in hell that can prevent them from grabbing resources.

They are very active at will, and even directly mobilize the people in the entire alliance to start large-scale production. People are responsible for producing and maintaining machines, and machines are responsible for producing weapons and fighting.

The lasso device throws a large number of robots controlled by humans into the battlefield of hell, and the Shadow Plains instantly becomes a mess.

Both sides are like ants jumping on a hot pot, fighting for who has more numbers and who has a better battle loss ratio.

Once the number increases, the effects of nuclear weapons, laser weapons, particle beam weapons and biological weapons begin to play a role.

Nuclear weapons and antimatter weapons remotely weaken the number of enemies, biological weapons are used as cannon fodder manufacturers, and robots controlled by humans are the main force of harvesting.

Monster World also contributed retired mechas for people to remotely control to deal with slave Titan demons.

There are also many active mechas put into the battlefield, and they can also be provided to game players to drive. Only players who kill 100,000 demons can drive for 3 hours.

War is a catalyst for civilization. When faced with threats, scientists will burst out with 200% enthusiasm for work under the duress of conscience and life.

Although there is no threat to life now, there is hope as an incentive, and a large number of things born for war have begun to be developed.

In the 6th month of the total war, the biological weapons department took the lead in producing results. Semi-mechanical biological weapons cloned and transformed from part of Godzilla's corpse were released on the battlefield.

The giant floating spacecraft hoisted tens of thousands of tons of behemoths. When it arrived near the holy city, it was hit by fierce artillery fire and had to give up and continue to move forward.

The special alloy cord of the semi-mechanical biological weapon code-named G Monster opened with a bang, and the huge monster fell from the sky. It was awakened by the biological instinct balance system and finally opened its tiny eyes.


Godzilla, whose body looked the same as when he was alive, hit the ground, setting off a huge wave of dust, and a large number of demons died under the impact.

The slave Titan demon in armor slowly approached the crater of the fallen monster. His skull-like face was expressionless, and his toothy mouth opened to roar. The dispersed demon began to approach the huge monster looming in the smoke.


Thick black smoke suddenly emerged from the brown smoke. The smoke spread and instantly covered a circle with a diameter of nearly ten kilometers.

The slave titan demon seemed to be aware of it and roared.

The endless waves of demons in the sky and on the ground rushed madly towards the monsters that spewed black mist. The next moment, the black mist was ignited by the raging flames, hell turned into a sea of ​​fire, and countless demons died in the flames.

The next moment, the flames condensed into a purple stream of radiation, like a huge machete sweeping towards the demon on the ground.

The marching Slave Titan Demon was cut across by purple lasers, and its body began to collapse. Its legs were cut off by a creature half as short as itself.

"hold head high!

! "

After clearing away a large number of demons around him, Godzilla roared toward hell.

When the scientists in the Sky Fortress saw Godzilla harvesting a large number of demons in his first battle, they all expressed excitement and began to applaud.

Godzilla is the most perfect creature, not in appearance, but in genetics.

It has integrated the genes of most living things on the earth and at the same time has the ability to evolve infinitely. It only needs water and air to obtain energy. Radiation has become its thing. It is invulnerable and has powerful power.

If the United Planes Organization hadn't possessed technological power that surpassed Godzilla's, they would never have allowed such a dangerous creature to appear in Hell, because they weren't sure whether Hell would assimilate Godzilla.

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