Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 386 New worlds are being discovered one after another

Britain in the 17th century was not considered clean. There was no shortage of human excrement in the corners of the city. The drunks and homeless people on the streets wore shabby clothes and covered themselves with a stink that was no less than that of pirates. ♦♦  ♦♦

In order to make it easier to hide, the accompanying soldiers all put on camouflage clothes, but did not wear helmets on their heads. The smell of the majestic atmosphere of the empire where the sun never sets penetrated their noses, it was so authentic!

Even in areas where nobles stay, this smell is not uncommon. Some people still have strong body odor and have to cover it up with strong perfume. But how can these smells escape the noses of the enhanced soldiers?

"I'm going to throw up!"


After a brief stroll around the city, they returned to the ship and sent away the pirates, giving them a few improvised silver coins, which were very new.

The pirates on both ships felt that these silver coins were valuable, but they did not know what they were used for.

They watched the messenger of Poseidon return to the battleship. With a flash of blue light, the huge battleship disappeared, like a dream. Only the hot silver coins in their hands proved the reality of this matter.

After returning to the original world, the experts and staff on the battleship compiled the collected rough information into a book and submitted it. After discussing with the Earth Federation senior officials, they decided to sell the world.

It is not a privateering license like the British, but just selling discovery and development rights. They are all aiming to lead human beings in various worlds to develop into civilized and friendly forces, and they will definitely not do anything tragic.

They sold it because their world lacked money for development, and they were not interested in a world with mysterious power, and they did not have the leisure time to manage a world that was still in the slave age. It was better to sell it.

To whom?

Every Earth Federation except the Killer World was interested, but in the end it was the Earth Federation of the Weird World that was more determined to buy the development rights, because this is their characteristic, and their world is most eroded by demons and mysterious forces. Seriously, they hope to find a solution to the demon in this world that also has mysterious powers.

Both parties were very satisfied with the transaction, the monster world received assistance, and the weird world gained much-needed knowledge.

With the handover of the army, construction of railways, walls and other fortifications began at the same time. This lair needed to be fenced and protected so that it could not be occupied by demons again.

Since the Hope Furnace can be borrowed, the material used to build the wall is the extracted steel.

While building a high wall, we must first enter that world to carry out the cause of unification.

Because time is short, they will use some tough methods to force the people in the world who are still in the era of slavery to give up slavery and achieve the unification of the entire region.

In order to achieve this goal, it is very important to dig mountains and walls to build various infrastructures, and the initial investment requires a lot of money.

The Earth Federation in the strange world almost used the mentality of selling the earth to borrow money and people to solve the problem. 60% of the entire federation's troops were dispatched, and appeared in batches in the Caribbean through dimensional lasso.

Launching communication satellites into the sky, establishing a global communication network, steel-cast warships and some old-era floating warships and aircraft carriers that had not yet been dismantled and sold for money galloped on the sea, and they headed to various areas aggressively.

The first place the warship arrived was a bay where pirates gathered. After sending soldiers to confirm the situation on land, the warship directly surrounded the island. Thousands of soldiers and robot dogs came ashore to catch all the pirates who had done bad things.

When the fierce pirates saw a group of strangely dressed people running ashore and trying to catch them, they were naturally unconvinced. They pulled out their flintlocks and scimitars and rushed forward... and then they sent them.

The pirate's scimitar was of no use at all on the bulletproof fiber, and the bullets from the flintlock gun could not even penetrate the surface film of the exoskeleton armor.

The soldiers showed no mercy to these pirates who robbed, killed, and prostituted every day. When they saw some people who were unconvinced, they took control and captured the leaders, pulled them to the open space, and then shot them with machine guns.

The pirates who were watching just watched their leader's mutilated limbs flying all over the sky under the blows of strange firearms, and blood spraying everywhere like water splashes. These people could not last more than two seconds, and they all died, and their death was extremely miserable. .

Finally, the world was quiet. The pirates were as quiet as ice and took the initiative to wear shackles with only one ring. Soon they knew what the shackles were used for.

As long as these weirdos have a thought, their shackled legs will be paralyzed, and they will collapse to the ground unable to resist.

What is the difference between this and a slave!

The difference is that there is no difference. Although it is a special profession created by the times and can even be officially recognized, pirates who burn, kill and loot are criminals. There is nothing to say. Just accept 20 years of labor reform. If you are still alive after the reform, you can become a new Human beings.

The warship left its post, leaving only four soldiers to guard the nearly 10,000 pirates on the island. All the wooden sailboats at night were blown up by the cannons on the steel warship, and the island was completely turned into an isolated island.

There are also pirates who will secretly jump into the sea and swim to escape, but after they leave a certain range, they will be sensed by the device, electrocuted into Muggles and drowned. At this time, the soldiers will ask other people to fish out the escaped pirates to scare the monkeys.

Dealing with pirates is simple, but dealing with decent countries is not that simple. Many countries have deep hatreds and it is difficult to merge them, but the Federation is not afraid of difficulties and bravely moves forward.

First, start with the New World, that is, America and Australia.

These two places are relatively independent, and the changes in the Eurasian continent cannot affect them. After unifying these two places, it will become easier to slowly "persuade" the Eurasian countries.

Giant warships and aircraft carriers entered the city, and the defenders were controlled with almost no resistance. The soldiers did not kill. They rushed into the city directly under the attack of flintlock bullets and artillery, or airdropped by transport planes and appeared directly in the streets and alleys of the city.

After taking over the city, they quickly gathered ordinary people in the square to watch the excitement of the city's governor being beheaded by the guillotine. People cheered and jumped for joy. They didn't know who died, but they loved to watch beheading anyway.

When the army takes over the city, the original criminals will be shackled and become law enforcers. The law enforcers who cannot resist dare not resist because of fear of these mysterious outsiders. They manage the original city with all their heart and soul, read the new decree, visit every household to count the population, and complete the various tasks assigned by the outsiders.

The Federation only needs to control the big cities, and the remaining towns and villages will automatically become their vassals, and will be stained with the color of the United Earth in the trade exchanges.

It took less than 30 days for the Americas and Australia, which were not very populous, to be taken over, and then it was Eurasia...

Some people inexplicably heard the Soviet March in their hearts, because they, like the Soviets in Red Alert, used various steel torrents to quickly sweep through cities exploited by the nobles one after another, liberated the people there, and returned mankind to freedom and democracy.

After experiencing great changes, everyone suddenly found that their lives had suddenly improved, and they came to the streets to cheer.

It was like a sudden dream, the rich businessmen and powerful people who exploited them above their heads suddenly disappeared, and they welcomed a new life with joy.

First of all, it is the liberation of human nature and free will, reducing working hours, increasing work income, and increasing jobs.

The city was completely demolished and rebuilt into more solid reinforced concrete houses. All school-age children were driven out of the factory and rushed to the newly opened schools to learn technology and build a systematic railway.

All the things in the old world were demolished, and only the distinctive buildings could be preserved. The various strict rules were no less than those of the nobles, but life became better, and ordinary people had no complaints.

Slaves were to be liberated, how to liberate them?

All were stuffed back to Africa, so that they could develop locally.

The Federation completed the integration and transformation in a few years. At least some important cities have built a large number of reinforced concrete houses, and because of the background of the times, a unique artistic style was created.

In addition to engaging in real industry and education, this world and this era also have a unique charm for art. These artists who have witnessed the great changes in the world have created many extraordinary works of art, and these artistic successes have been inherited by the Federation of the weird world as a uniqueness.

The secrets deep in this world have also been dug out. A large number of witches are hiding all over the world. They are gathered together, strengthened and injected with NZT-48 potion to become super witches, and the speed of exploration of the mysterious field has increased.

With the help of the most powerful army on this earth, the witches began to dig deep into this world, and the information collected was soon compiled into a book, becoming a mysterious red book.

This world is also divided into two areas, one is the realm of the living, and the other is the realm of the dead.

The soul and body of the dead will flow into the sea through the water source, re-condense in the depths of the ocean, and enter the world of the dead through the extradition of the ghost ship.

And all the mysterious powers in the world may be emitted from the realm of the dead.

Witches can predict and divination about the future, mostly with inexplicable mysterious attributes. Their divination may be right or wrong.

In addition, witches can also use that power to a certain extent to manipulate sea water, manipulate animals, etc.

There are many contents related to curses in the book, such as how to make voodoo dolls, how to curse a person, how to curse a group of people, how to take over a person's body...

Many of the miscellaneous contents can be bound into more books, and this work was handed over to the witches. The federal army took the books to the weird world and analyzed them together with the mystic experts in the weird world.

Seeing that another federation has found a new world and gained its own characteristics, I was very envious. At the same time, they also found the real way to find the plane channel.

That is the lair area where the demon lord is entrenched, there must be a plane channel!

Because demons rely on plane channels to develop, and they can absorb enough power to become demon lords.

Every high-level demon lord has a soul well, and there is a world opposite the well. For various strange reasons, the demons cannot pass through these uninvaded worlds for the time being, and can only use filthy power to indirectly affect that world and obtain the souls of creatures.

Every demon lord is an inspirational demon entrepreneur, encountering opportunities, seizing opportunities, reaching the peak of demon life, and achieving a career.

Now that the secret of the devil has been discovered, the federal army will stop pretending and send all the armored forces forward. Since the plane channel cannot be blown up anyway, they will use nuclear bombs to clear the way.

After a round of bombing, the Earth Federation of the Marvel World was the first to get the chance to enter the new world.

General Ross, my old friend, is still a tough old man with white beard and white hair. He is standing in the command room of the first ship in military uniform, looking at the plane channel exposed below, and rubbing his beard with satisfaction.

With a wave of his hand, he began to march into the new world...

The fourth federation to find the new world is the Earth Federation of the Transformers World. In fact, they also have some characteristics. After obtaining the technology of Cybertron, the reverse research has achieved a lot of results.

Artificial Transformers are one of the characteristics of their world.

They give Transformers a special identity and recruit them to serve in the army, or to do engineering.

Now there are several special forces in their army, which are composed of super soldiers and Transformers.

This time, the special forces team also participated in killing the demons. The super soldiers riding motorcycles ran on the stone pavement, and the roaring rifles kept killing the demons. They shuttled through the demon army and became a beautiful landscape.

The super soldiers were responsible for killing, and the motorcycles they sat on were responsible for hiding.

After a big battle, the motorcycle and the people were unscathed.

After the battle, one person and one motorcycle walked on the maroon land of hell, and a subtle atmosphere was created between them.

Every time the motorcycle lights flashed, there would be a soft female voice, and the human partner walking next to them would always look at the motorcycle involuntarily.

She simply transformed into a human form, and the streamlined curves on the motorcycle suddenly became feminine features, and a mouth appeared on her head, with one hand on her waist and squinting at her partner below.

"You know it should be impossible for us."

The partner straightened his chest and said confidently: "It's impossible for me to fall in love with other people again. Race is not a shackle that binds love!"

Facing the gaze of the partner, Chelsea turned into a motorcycle again, "I really can't understand your thoughts."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can feel my feelings for you."

One person and one car left together, and a group of people eating melons in the back also discussed it as if they were not surprised.

"It looks like Chelsea is about to fall."

"I'm a little envious, what should I do?"

"Chelsea has sisters, if you're envious, just go for it!"

"Haha, forget it..."

"No matter how many times I watch it, I still feel shocked. Can love really transcend race?"

"Interracial love that goes against one's will is rape, my friend, please be rational!"

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