Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 1: Shareholders Meeting

"Stop that stranger!"

"Hack him to death!"


Duncan's ears were filled with a lot of duck-like shouting and cursing, and his retina reflected the shiny reflection of the machete and a lot of bright red blood.

The stolen pistol fired the last few bullets. At the last moment of his life, Duncan still stared at the bastards who fell down with a wail, his eyes full of pleasure at being able to kill criminals.


It was like being awakened from a deep sleep, and it was like really crossing hell and completing reincarnation in the blink of an eye.

When Duncan regained consciousness, the dark world in front of him regained color.

He opened his eyes and saw a hall with transparent glass on both sides of the hall, and the top of the building could be vaguely seen outside, which meant that the environment at this time should be the high floor of a building.

Shaking his dizzy head, Duncan's blurred vision gradually recovered, and the focus was adjusted so that he could see the surrounding close-up clearly.

Now he seemed to be sitting at one end of an extremely long black table. On both sides of the long table were some older men and women in suits, and at the end was a middle-aged white man who was talking eloquently.

"We are here today not only to discuss the future of the company, but also to discuss its mission and the end of the world."


Duncan, who had come back from the dead, was still buzzing in his head. He couldn't even see the person clearly, but someone was talking about the end of the world. This was too strange.

The middle-aged man who was talking would not care whether Duncan had sorted out his thoughts, and the other shareholders who were in the meeting would not care about him who was like a transparent person.


As a slight electronic sound rang out, Duncan found that everyone at the long table looked at him, or more precisely, at the electronic screen behind him that almost covered the entire wall.

Duncan, who was still a little dizzy, didn't want to appear too unsociable, so he turned his head away.

He hasn't sorted out his thoughts yet. He's not sure if he has traveled through time or is in some kind of fantasy space, and his real body is lying in the hospital... There are too many similar bloody TV drama plots!

A red line flashed across the big screen, and then a red and white umbrella logo appeared.

The moment he saw the umbrella logo, Duncan's head suddenly felt dizzy, and some memories that did not belong to him personally flooded into his brain, making him understand something.

He traveled to the world of Resident Evil and is now "playing" a 21-year-old white man named Duncan Aremus.

The original Duncan Aremus had a father named Rex's Aremus, who was a wealthy American.

Rex's Aremus died unexpectedly a few months ago. Because he did not make a will, the family's internal division of property caused a big fuss.

After a dazzling operation, the original Duncan Aremus got the shares of Umbrella Corporation held by Rex's Aremus.

It is true that Umbrella is the world's top giant company, but when doing business in the United States, unless it is a completely family business, there is no situation where one person holds all the power in any company, which leads to the internal secrets of some companies that cannot be hidden by people with resources if they want to investigate.

The cannibalism incident that Umbrella tried hard to suppress a few years ago has long been a hot topic in the well-informed American elite circles.

The recent cannibalism incidents have occurred frequently, and the drugs produced by Umbrella have been confirmed to have serious side effects. This giant multinational company can't suppress things, and its collapse is a matter of the near future.

While ordinary stockholders are still scrambling for Umbrella stocks, insiders have already started selling.

In this case, the family of Rexai Aremus, under the constraints of the game rules of the rich circle, cleverly stuffed all the Umbrella stocks to Duncan Aremus, who is not familiar with the mall.

Now, Duncan, a time traveler from China, has taken over everything from Duncan Aremus.

He didn't know that Umbrella was about to explode, but his memories of his previous life knew what a thing Umbrella was!

The expression on Duncan's face changed again and again. He sat at the end of the long table, facing the screen, so no one else could see his face.


What the hell is this Umbrella!

I killed so many scums in the world, and I can still get on a big pirate ship after reincarnation!

The picture on the electronic big screen was still flashing. Dr. Alexander Isaac, the largest shareholder of Umbrella, who was standing at the other end of the long table, had finished talking about war and plague, and was now talking about global warming.

He has a good eloquence, and his expression is vivid and emotional. If he goes to the United Nations, he will probably squeeze out the throne of the environmental girl.

"Global warming will melt the polar glaciers within 80 years and submerge 90% of the inhabited areas on the surface..."

Dr. Isaac was still giving an excited speech, but Duncan had no intention of listening. He only had one idea now.

This man is a psychopath, how can I leave here?

At the same time, Duncan was also doubting his fate. He had been doing good deeds all his life, but he ended up like this after his death and became one of the villains!

The two memories in his mind compared to each other, making him confirm that the world he was in was the world in the Resident Evil movie.

If I remembered correctly, this planet would soon become a paradise for undead creatures.

The T virus can infect everything, including land animals, marine animals, and even plants!


**! [Chinese curse]

Dr. Isaac had just talked about the old topic of global warming, and now he began to finish his previous preparations. "In less than 50 years, the blind growth of population will catch up with food production and lead to famine and war. This is not a guess, but a fact!"

He leaned down in an alarmist tone, glanced at all the shareholders present, and said: "In any case, the end of the world is coming. The question is, will we also perish together?"

A hoarse and old female voice sounded in the silent conference room, including the depressed Duncan, all looked at the person who spoke.

"What do you mean?"

It was a woman sitting in a wheelchair with a haggard face.

Duncan didn't recognize this old woman. After all, who would stare at an old woman with no appearance when watching a movie? He was lucky to remember the general plot of the six Resident Evil movies. Now his mind was full of thoughts about how to jump off this pirate ship leading to the abyss.

In the quiet conference room, Dr. Isaac stared at the old woman in the wheelchair for a while and said his purpose, "I plan to destroy the world for us. We will use our own way to carefully arrange the apocalypse to cleanse the world's population, so as to ensure the infrastructure and complete resources."

Hearing this crazy idea, Duncan wanted to stand up and shout, "Bullshit, the destruction of the world is fine, but it will happen in fifty or sixty years. It's a question whether you, a group of people with one foot in the coffin, can live to that time. It's just that you have nothing to do... It's worse than being full!

How stupid is it to destroy humans and rebuild civilization in advance? Haha!

The shareholders on both sides of the long table were also slightly startled, and kept looking at the familiar people around them, trying to find resonance from other people's faces.

Isaac is absolutely crazy!

Many people saw this meaning from the faces of the people around them, but they were all well-known capitalists who had experienced the test of cruel business wars, and they could remain basically calm even in the face of such crazy ideas.

Duncan had died once before, but he was still able to remain calm on the surface. He thought Isaac was an incurable lunatic and began to think about how to kill the people here.

Madmen are not scary, what is scary is that lunatics have weapons that destroy all mankind!

Isaac had long anticipated the reaction of the shareholders. He still looked relaxed at this time. He gently tapped the Bible on the table with his hand and said, "It has been successful once before. A few chosen ones will survive the storm, not on the ark, but in the safety of the underground! At the end, we will board the purified earth and shape it according to our ideas."

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