Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 14: Farewell, O Valiant Knight

"Thorn Bind!"

I tried to ensnare the transformed black knight, but he disappeared the moment I attempted it.

He has become faster than before. And what's more, it's hard to keep track of his movements.


Unable to predict his path, I started spraying my attacks everywhere in the room, hoping that some would hit him.

However, he dodged them all and closed the distance between us in an instant.

Bane proceeded to block the incoming blade with its body. But when the boss's speed has increased, naturally it would be safe to assume that strength has as well. Thus, Bane was critically wounded while trying to defend me.


"Bane, get away!"

I instructed Bane to stand back and charged at the black knight. Gaius saw me coming and lowered his sword at my neck.

In that instance, I thought about knocking him back with Power Blow. But with how easily he could dodge my attacks if I were to try and hit him from a distance, I switched my plan, stuck my staff at his chest and yelled.


The point blank explosion damaged the boss a lot. His HP dropped way more than it did when he was still in his Phase 1.

Perhaps while his strength and speed had increased, his overall defenses had decreased instead.

I did not miss taking note of that.

On the other hand, using a skill that creates explosions at point blank caused me to be knocked back by my own attack.

It did no damage to my HP. What's more, the knockback on myself had actually saved me when Gaius's sword came at me even after he took the attack. Because of that, instead of being decapitated, the sword slashed the surface of my chest instead.

The damage was still large however. But at least I'm not dead.

Gaius came at me again. But was forced to defend when Bane intercepted him. Using that chance, I quickly drank several HP and MP potions before joining in to aid Bane.


However, I was a second too late as Gaius had damaged Bane severely and kicked it to one side.

"Bane!" I shouted, concerned for my friend. But the enemy ain't that kind to let me check up on it and so, I charged at him.


I boosted my speed as Gaius saw me coming. He timed his next attack carefully with my movement and swung his sword. Unfortunately for him, I surprised the black knight by parrying his sword away with my dagger equipped in my off-hand and got even closer to him.

If I were to try to see where the sword would be coming from, I would definitely be unable to react in time. Which was why when I moved closer to him, I observed the movement in his arm instead to try and predict where the attack would come from. Because of that, I was able to parry his attack successfully. But not going to lie, it was still difficult as I had to rely on my instinct in the end to make that parry possible.

Nonetheless, that parry has allowed me to get close enough to him to smack him with my staff.

"Power Blow!"

Gaius was knocked back, putting some distance between us. However, I charged towards him again and closed that gap. Swinging my staff at him again.

"Power Blow!"

Once more, Gaius was knocked back. But I wasn't done just yet. And so was Gaius who tried to slash at me again but to no avail as I'd managed to parry his attack again. Then, I yelled.

"Power Blow!"

For the third time, Gaius was knocked back. But this time, his back was sent crashing against the wall behind him as I dashed up to him for the fourth time and stuck my staff at his chest.


With the sudden barrage of point blank Firebombs at his face, Gaius took some serious damage while the force of the explosion blew me back.

Gaius can easily dodge my attacks if I attack from a range and can even cut them with his sword. Therefore, I concluded in that split second that the only way for me to deal the maximum damage on him was to attack him at a range where he could not do either of those. In other words, going up close to him is the way to go.

That being said, Gaius would definitely not let me do that. After being forced to take some distance because of my own attack, Gaius's sword came flying at me which I'd narrowly avoid instant death by quickly tilting my head to the side a bit. It did, however, cut my cheek which was a lot of damage for a mere cut.

Is he becoming desperate? To throw his weapon like tha— Wait. No...

While in the middle of thinking, I'd noticed a tiny black string next to my eyes, which seemed to be made out of the dark aura shrouding around Gaius's body.


I quickly turned around and saw that the sword he threw was coming back for me. At a speed where I knew at that moment that it was too late for me to do anything about it.

And swoosh! The enemy's sword ran through my abdomen like a cannonball. Leaving me with 2 HP remaining as I dropped to my knees.

I need to drink a potion now!

And stomp! I heard the black knight's foot slammed on the ground right behind me. I turned my head around and saw the face of death looking down on me.

Is this where I die?

Bane is still out of commission in the corner. Gaius's HP is only at the halfway point. I require a few seconds to drink a potion. And no matter how I move, I won't be able to avoid the next attack from him.

In conclusion, I'm fucked.

But if that's the case, then one move.

I shall use one last attack skill on him before I go out.

Because if I'm going to die, I might as well die fighting like those heroes always do in shounen manga.

So, one attack skill. And what would that skill be?

The skill that moves the fastest, of course.

"Mana Bolt."

A small ball of mana was fired at Gaius's face. But as expected, he easily dodged it by simply tilting his head to the side.

I guess this will be my first death, was what I thought. Because what happened next was certainly something I did not expect.

Instead of finishing me off, Gaius looked back and chased after the Mana Bolt which he'd dodged and cut it down before it hit the wall.

"What?" I was appalled by his actions.

Why did he bother cutting that attack down after evading it?

While pondering on that question, I recalled back to a similar action he did during his Phase 1.

That's right... He bothered to cut and deflect multiple Firebombs aimed at him which resulted in his HP to get depleted because he wasn't able to stop them all.

At that moment, he was near the wall at the end of this room.

The wall, which has the worn-out flag of Romuli hanging on it.

"Is that how it is...?"

Come to think of it, his description did say that despite losing his mind, his sense of chivalry still lingers in his consciousness, did it not?

And considering how that flag is the only thing I have seen in this dungeon that symbolises the fallen Romuli Kingdom, there can only be one answer here.

I have found the boss's weakness. On the brink of death what's more.

..............What kind of anime plot armour bullshit is this?


I stood up on my feet and fired an attack not at Gaius, but at the flag itself.

And when Gaius jumped in the way of the spell to cut it down, I saw my victory right before my eyes and chugged down several MP potions instead of HP potions.

"Hex. Thorn Bind. Multi-Firebomb!"

Without a care about my critically low HP, I threw all I had at the flag. Forcing Gaius to protect it with all of his might as his HP gradually drops because of his actions.

"How pathetic." I commented while continuing the assault.

"In the end, you couldn't let it go, could you? Your country, your people, your family, your loved ones. You couldn't protect them all; lost everything you had; was forced to lose your sanity under the Umbra Lord's curse; and had to watch as everything you cherished faded out of existence.

You couldn't accept it, could you? Being forgotten. Being erased. By the Umbra Lords. By the people. By the world. Because of that, you chose to desperately protect the last remaining thing that is the proof of your country's existence. Even in death. Even after death.

But I'm sure you've realised, O Valiant Knight. The things you wished to protect no longer exist anywhere in the world. Is that not why you made that request to whoever finds this place?"


"Farewell, Gaius. It's time for you to join your people."

With his HP left in the red, I drank the last remaining MP potions I have and casted my spells for the last time.


Along with the sounds of multiple Firebombs exploding on impact, came the fallen knight's final cry.

His body started crumbling as he approached me. However, I could tell that he had no intention of attacking anymore, seeing how he dropped to his knees after standing before me for a brief moment.

Then, as I stood still before him, Gaius lifted his crumbling arms and presented his sword to me.

"Thank... you...."

With those last words, his body crumbled to dust, along with his armour which seemed to have become a part of him. His sword on the other hand, was in my possession now as it became my reward for defeating him.

And thus, the last knight of the fallen kingdom has found his solace.


[Congratulations! You have defeated the Dungeon Boss: Fallen Knight, Gaius.]

Exp gained: 8,428

[You have levelled up to LV 18!]

[You have levelled up to LV 19!]

Gold obtained: 200,000

Item(s) gained: [Bloodsoaked Longsword], [Lumen Stone]



Condition cleared: [Defeat a boss that is at least 10 levels higher with less than 10% of your Max HP remaining.]

Skill acquired: [Final Push]

Nullify all damage received for 30 seconds and increase all damage dealt to enemies by 20% when used.

Activation condition: When the user's HP is less than 10% of their Max HP.

Cooldown: 300 seconds.


Condition cleared: [Utilise Multi-Casting 100 times.]

Skill acquired: [Delay-Casting]

Allows the user to set a timer of activation for their skills between 1 to 10 seconds. Once the time set has counted down to zero, the selected skill will automatically activate itself.



Hidden Quest: [Records of the Fallen Kingdom] cleared!

Reward(s) received: [500,000 gold], [Skill Scroll - Blessing of Romuli].


I got some new skills and items, it seems. A big treasure chest has also appeared in front of me, along with a magical portal that seemed to be the way out of this dungeon.

But first, I needed a rest and so proceeded to lie down on the floor.

My HP is still in the red. I don't want to care about that now though and closed my eyes.


While taking my rest, Bane crawled up to my side.

"Hey Bane. How are you doing?"


"I see. Wanna rest with me for a bit then?"


Bane proceeded to circle around me and lied down as well.

Together, we proceeded to have our rest as we shut our eyes for a while.

Good grief. It's only my second day in the game and already I have defeated two bosses. Almost dying to one of them.

[World News! Dungeon Boss: Fallen Knight, Gaius has been defeated for the first time single-handedly by Yoru. Hidden Dungeon: Underground Catacombs. First clear complete.]

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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