Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 281 The curse of knowledge, the country is looking forward to you

One day later. \b

There were two stools placed on the lawn of Merton College, and two people were sitting on them.

There is a very professional-looking camera next to it, facing the two people on the stool.

What is going on here is an interview with Time Magazine.

The interviewee was also Li Mu.

There were a lot of people standing behind the camera, some were professors from the college, some were students, and four graduate students like Li Mu were among them, watching the scene where their professor was being interviewed.

After all, Time Magazine is still very famous in the world.

People are very curious about how Time Magazine plans to interview Li Mu. \b

The person responsible for interviewing Li Mu was a female reporter from Time Magazine.

As the photographer indicated that the camera was officially turned on, the female reporter smiled and said to Li Mu: "Dear Professor Li Mu, I am Aifeina, a reporter from Time Magazine. It is really difficult to finally be able to interview you. Ah."

Facing this reporter from "Times Weekly", Li Mu felt very calm, and being interviewed was not very attractive to him.

At his status, even if he calls a reporter and says he wants to be interviewed, those reporters will rush over and rush to interview him.

For journalists, news generally needs to be discovered by themselves, and only news that is attractive enough can be adopted and published by their news organizations.

And if it's news about interviewing Li Mu, probably not many media in the world can refuse such news.

He smiled and said: "You know, I don't like to be disturbed by too many unnecessary things. The media has reported enough on me."

Aifeina smiled: "It's understandable. In my impression, scientists like you are usually like this, right?"

Li Mu said: "Probably, that may be the case. Of course, it may be because your sample is not large enough, but among all the samples, at least I feel like this."

Aifeina nodded and said with a smile: "What you said makes sense."

"Then let our interview officially begin."

Then, Aifeina asked her first question of the day: "As one of the most famous scientists in the world today, you can even call it one of the most famous human beings, how much does the world think about your IQ?" Gao has always been talked about and has become one of the topics of discussion after dinner...So, with such a high IQ, is there anyone else in this world that you admire the most?"

"The person I admire the most..."

After Li Mu thought for a moment, he smiled and said, "I can have two answers to this question."

"Oh? Which two answers?" Aifeina expressed curiosity.

"The first answer should be a little more formal." Li Mu said: "I admire anyone who has made contributions in industries that are helpful to mankind, whether it is substantive help or spiritual help. For example, scientists develop new technologies that enable humans to live a better life, or musicians and artists provide spiritual comfort to people through the works they create, just like some songs that can make some people live a better life. Those who have lost hope in life regain hope in life.”

Aifeina nodded: "What about the second answer? If the first answer is more formal, then could the second answer be more... uh, private?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "It should be said that he is more narcissistic."

"That is, the person I admire most is myself."

Aifeina showed an expression of sudden realization, but then she smiled with relief: "This answer... is not considered narcissistic. After all, you have already been admired by so many people around the world, and of course you can be considered one of them. one."

"That's completely understandable."

Aifeina smiled: "Of course, maybe, this answer also means that you are very satisfied with everything you have done so far, so that you even admire yourself very much?"

"Satisfied, of course you can say that, but if you want to say very satisfied, it would still be a little worse." Li Mu replied: "After all, I am a responsible person, which reminds me that even I admire myself. , so what reason do I have not to do better?"

"After all, only if I do better and better can I always maintain my admiration for myself."

Aifeina didn't understand what Li Mu meant at first, but when she realized what she meant, she laughed: "This kind of reason to motivate yourself is very unique."

The people watching behind the camera also laughed.

"You are indeed our professor." Li Mu's four graduate students stood together, looking at Li Mu who was calmly accepting the interview in front of them, with sighs on their faces.

Alex said: "If it were me being interviewed by Time Magazine, I would be extremely excited."

Brahms spread his hands and said: "This is why Time Magazine will not interview you yet."

"Of course, that's why I haven't been interviewed yet."

When they can be interviewed calmly and calmly like their mentor, they will probably have a high enough status at that time.

"Actually, I have always had a very curious question. How do you feel as the smartest human being? How do you feel when you face people like us who are not as smart as you?"

Alfina asked the next question again.

Regarding this issue, people present were very curious.

In the eyes of a highly intelligent person, what does an unintelligent person think?

Li Mu smiled: "This is a very interesting question, but there is a noun that can help me answer your question."

"This term is called, [Curse of Knowledge]."

"The curse of knowledge?" Alfina wondered.

"Yes, this is a psychological term. It means that once we understand certain knowledge, it is difficult to imagine what would happen if we did not know this knowledge."

"For example, if you know how to ride a bicycle, if you face people who don't know how to ride a bicycle, it will be difficult for you to understand why they can't ride a bicycle."

"What's more common is that when you are tutoring your child with homework, your child cannot understand what you think is a very simple question."

"It's because knowledge 'curses' you."

"For example, I can imagine in my mind how our microscopic world operates under the current physical system, such as how electron pairs are formed in superconductors. I can try to explain it to you, but Ultimately, you may never understand how dimensional forces act indirectly between pairs of electrons."

"Or, how does dimensional force work in the entire universe, how does it operate - of course, maybe you already feel very confused just by saying this, but I can understand it clearly Understand this."

Aifeina learned this kind of knowledge for the first time, and then suddenly realized: "It seems that when I help my children with their homework in the future, I can't feel irritable because my children don't understand."

"But thinking about it this way, as the smartest person, you can probably be called the person who is most 'cursed' by knowledge, right?"

Li Mu smiled: "Probably so, and there is a saying that the more you know, the less you know."

"So I know very well that there are still many unknown things in this universe that I cannot know."

"And this is also the 'curse' of knowledge for me, because my ignorance makes me feel painful."

It was like a brain computer that provided him with too much knowledge, but also made him feel his ignorance more and more.

And this kind of pain caused by "ignorance" is absolutely incomprehensible to the people in front of you.

The people present looked at Li Mu and didn't know what to think. If Li Mu was ignorant, then who were they?

An unintelligent beast? \b

But no matter what, at this moment, when they looked at Li Mu, they seemed to be looking at people from another world, or even different types of people.

If reproductive isolation determines different species, then there is an intellectual isolation between them and Li Mu at this time, which also makes them two kinds of human beings.

The interview continued, and the next questions were relatively normal, mainly focusing on Li Mu's thoughts on winning the Nobel Prize and his thoughts on winning the four most important awards in the scientific world within one year.

Li Mu also gave his answers one by one.

till the end.

"Well, thank you for your patient answers before, now, one last question."

Aifeina said: "Based on all your previous academic achievements, you are a very pure theorist and can be called a master of art in theoretical science."

"Then will you, like the vast majority of theoretical scientists, devote your energy to the study of theories throughout your life?"

"And you're not particularly interested in applied science?"

Hearing this last question, Li Mu's eyes moved.

Then he smiled and said: "Just like what I just said to you, the curse of knowledge makes me extremely curious about those unknown things. This feeling of curiosity that is always difficult to know has always made me painful. , so discovering and solving these unknown things will always be my goal."

"After all, I don't want to live in pain all the time."

"Hahaha~ Then I wish you will be free from pain as soon as possible." Aifeina also smiled: "At the same time, I also hope that you can discover more secrets in the universe for us humans - of course, there are also mathematics, such as Riemann Hypothesis.”

"If I could, I would."

Li Mu nodded.

The interview ended and the photographer turned off the camera.

Li Mu stood up from the stool and shook hands with Aifeina.

"After interviewing you, I feel that I have become smarter. Maybe if I stay with you for a while longer, I will become smarter." Aifeina said with a smile.

Li Mu raised his eyebrows, and suddenly felt his palm being poked by Alfina's finger.

He calmly retracted his hand and said calmly: "At least, you should know the meaning of the term [Curse of Knowledge], and such knowledge also comes from books, so if you want to become smarter , I recommend you to read more books.”

"Encyclopedia-type books will be more suitable for you."

Li Mu's words made Aifeina a little disappointed.

Obviously her little move didn't get the response she wanted.

Otherwise, she really wanted to have an in-depth exchange with the smartest person in the world.

It's just that Li Mu has kept a respectful distance from this female reporter.

When the last question was asked, he had already used his mental computer to look through Alfina's phone.

This question is not a simple one.

Fortunately, his answer was quite appropriate.

The difference between theory and application, among ordinary scientists, is probably the difference between the physiology of animal pregnancy and the postpartum care of sows.

And if it comes to a scientist like him, that is the difference between the mass-energy equation and the Manhattan Project.

"Finally, please cooperate with us in taking a photo, which will also be used as our cover, you should know."

Although the invitation for in-depth communication was not agreed, the work must continue, Aifeina said to Li Mu.

Li Mu nodded, faced the camera, and made a thinker's gesture. Different from the famous thinker statue, he raised his head to look at the sky and think.

When the shutter is pressed, it also means that the interview is completely over.

"Thank you again, Professor Li, for your cooperation. On the publication day next week, your interview will appear in that issue of our weekly, and of course, your photo will be included."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

Li Mu smiled and said goodbye.

Time passed quickly. The second week after the interview, a new issue of Time Magazine was released. This issue with Li Mu on the cover also attracted the attention of the world.

Because the title of this issue is: [The Curse of Knowledge].

Such a title can interest all readers, and coupled with Li Mu's name, it can also make countless people curious.

Then, when these readers saw the content, they were all amazed because of what Li Mu said.

From this interview, they seemed to be able to experience for themselves how stupid they were when facing such a highly intelligent human being.

On the cover, Li Mu's action of looking up at the sky has been imitated by many people on the Internet. Such imitation is no longer considered a complete act, but a tribute.

A question that followed was also spread by netizens: When Li Mu looked up at the sky, what was he thinking about?

Such popularity has caused a trend across the entire Internet.

However, for Li Mu, he no longer particularly cares about these things.

On the same day that the issue of Time Magazine about him was published, he received a phone call from China in his house.

"Hello, Mr. Li Mu, I am Zhang Liangwei, director of the National High-level Talent Introduction Department of the National Academy of Sciences."

Li Mu was stunned: "Since when did the National Academy of Sciences have this department?"

"It was just established recently." Zhang Liangwei said with a smile: "First of all, congratulations on becoming the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics. At the same time, you have also become the cover character of Time Magazine. You are the only Chinese person to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. One gets it.”

"And there are also only a few people on the cover of Time Magazine in all high schools in China. Each of them is a leading figure in the history of China."

"Your achievements can make every Chinese feel deeply proud."

"Of course, you can probably guess some of the reasons when I say these things. The name of my company is already obvious."

"The country looks forward to you."

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