Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 279 I won the award, so you just listen to me?

The whole country of China is in a state of excitement because of such a piece of news, and people are rushing to discuss it. And those self-media, just by writing a relevant article, can attract five or even six figures of reading, and millions There are even some with tens of millions of readings.

All in all, this is a piece of news that no matter how many times people across the country have seen it, they still want to see it again.

Of course, it is obvious that not only the country, but also foreign countries are also in a boil due to the announcement of the Nobel Prize winner in physics. Those well-known foreign media have begun to report the news.

"The youngest Nobel Prize winner in physics in history!" 》

"The most outstanding genius among mankind, Li Mu won the Nobel Prize in Physics!" 》

"Nobel Prize: Maybe he is not the only candidate, but he is the best candidate"

Various headlines flooded various media platforms, attracting all the attention of the world.

Even for ordinary people, big events like the Nobel Prize deserve their attention.

Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

In a garden inside the institute.

Edward Witten was leaning on a bench, flipping through some paper in his hand.

Suddenly a man came from a distance, it was Pierre Deligne.

He came over with a cup of coffee in his hand and sat next to Witten.

"Did you know that news? Li Mu won the Nobel Prize in Physics."

Witten waved his hand and said: "I know, I know. At the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, we usually know this kind of news as soon as possible, so there is no need to notify me separately."

Looking at Witten's appearance, Deligne raised his eyebrows, then smiled and said: "It seems that you have given up on this obsession for the time being."

Everyone at the Institute for Advanced Study basically knows that Witten has always wanted to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, but unfortunately, due to well-known reasons, Witten has never been able to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, and even... Maybe not even a candidate.

Deligne was still thinking about coming over to comfort him, but now, it seems that there is no need.

Witten smiled: "There is no obsession. Of course, I still have to admit that at least in the past, it was an obsession for me, but now I have changed my mind. .”

"Compared to proving my success, I am still more willing to discover the deeper truth of the universe. The theory of dimensional force is already better than my M theory."

"So what I should do next is to continue to look for a deeper relationship between the dimensional force theory and our universe."

"As a saying goes, don't be a successful person, be a valuable person."

"That's what you are." Deligne smiled, "Of course, you are now a successful person. Even if you didn't win the Nobel Prize in Physics, you still won the Fields Medal."

"Don't give people the impression that you look down on the Fields Medal."

Witten shrugged: "But don't you think it would be more interesting to win the Fields Medal and the Nobel Prize at the same time?"

"Is it interesting? I think this idea is quite ridiculous." Deligne shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly: "It's a pity that this ridiculous idea has already happened in reality."

When people come back to their senses from the fact that Li Mu won the Nobel Prize in Physics, they will suddenly remember that Li Mu has won four heavyweight awards this year.

Two Wolf Prizes, a Fields Medal, and now this Nobel Prize.

If there is a big winner in the scientific community this year, it can only be Li Mu.

However, Witten shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't care much about the result.

“If an idea is not initially absurd, then it is hopeless.”

"What's more, don't forget Li Mu's article "On Superconductivity" some time ago. Although it is not as subversive as the dimensional force theory in terms of physics, it is conceivable that after ten or twenty years, In 2018, the Nobel Prize Committee will definitely have to award him another award."

"Another genius who won the Nobel Prize in Physics twice."

Witten shook his head and sighed, "I estimate that the people in Stockholm will choose Li Mu this year. Maybe it is because of Li Mu's superconducting theory that pushed them. Otherwise, they may not know how to make the selection in the future."

Deligne nodded with deep understanding, raised the coffee cup in his hand, took a sip, and then said: "Even if... the Fields Medal is awarded to him again, I won't be surprised."

Witten nodded slightly, then said no more, picked up the paper in his hand and continued to read.

Next to him, Deligne also raised his head and looked at the sky, while drinking his coffee and saying no more.

The two old master-level scholars may be sighing at the boundlessness of the sky and knowledge at this time, and in their hearts they are pity for the limited life span of human beings, so that they can only look forward to the young rising star with excitement.

Oxford University, Merton College.

On the lawn of the college, a party was held again today.

The young students were all standing on the lawn, cheering and celebrating today's party.

On the small stage that was simply set up, Tyler Martin, the dean, once again stood on it. Looking at everyone present, he shouted enthusiastically: "Today, we all gather together to celebrate our birthday." A good professor and a good friend of ours, our smartest friend, Li Mu, won this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics.”

"This is a great moment and a glorious moment for us at Merton College."

"So, let us all come and applaud our Professor Li Mu. He gave us another reason to hold such a carnival party. Thank you Professor Li!"

"Thank you Professor Li!"

In the audience, all the students and some professors cheered loudly.

"Very good. I believe our Professor Li has heard your thanks. Then let us invite Professor Li to express his thoughts to everyone!"

“On December 10th, Professor Li will deliver his Nobel Prize acceptance speech in Physics in the Blue Hall in Stockholm, but today, let’s let him leave his first acceptance speech here with us!”


Everyone in the audience cheered again.

At this time, Tyler Martin on the stage also turned to look at Li Mu next to him, and said to him with a smile: "Then it's up to you to perform."

Li Mu had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

As a matter of fact, the last time he held a party was the last time. Of course, that time it was because he proved Goldbach's conjecture.

What I didn't expect was that it would happen a second time now.

He was shocked when they pulled him here just now. He had no idea when they built this. He had obviously been in school all day today.

He walked up to the small stage and faced everyone present. After pondering for a while, he said, "Well... I actually don't have much to say in my acceptance speech."

"Thank you to everyone who supports me and everyone who accompanies me. Finally, I would like to thank every friend here for coming to accompany me through today's night. As usual, no more nonsense, everyone enjoy today. Party!”


Off the field, almost everyone raised a toast to pay tribute to Li Mu, and another burst of cheers filled the entire Merton College.

Of course, the people who came to this party were not just from Merton College, but also some from other colleges to join in the fun.

No matter what, come and meet this newly minted Nobel Prize winner, and the youngest in history. Of course there are many curious people.

Even reporters from the BCC came over to record such a party.

As Li Mu finished his brief thoughts, Tyler Martin next to him handed over a bottle of champagne that he had prepared.

When Li Mu looked at him, he responded with a "you know" expression.

Just like it was before.

"This isn't exactly popping the champagne at halftime."

Dean Martin said with a smile.

Li Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then he took the champagne and shook it vigorously until finally, the spray of champagne brought the atmosphere of the audience to a new climax again.

This festive party completely entered the atmosphere.

In a corner, Yun Rongshang and Isa Grosvenor were sitting on their seats, looking at Li Mu who was opening champagne.

"Tell me, the smartest man in the world, what would he think about love?"

Isa Grosvenor asked suddenly.

Yun Rongshang was silent for a moment, and then said: "I don't know."

Isa picked up the red wine glass, took a sip, and then said: "Newton never married because he missed his true love, but Einstein went through two marriages and countless lovers, and he led everyone in science. , but in terms of personal feelings, it is not perfect."

"So, to a certain extent, this genius' view of love is not a gift."

For Einstein, he can be regarded as a complete scumbag. In modern times, he may even be to the extent that everyone screams for beating him.

For example, he divorced his first wife due to the pursuit of his cousin, and even promised that if he won the Nobel Prize, he would share part of the Nobel Prize bonus with his first wife because he could not pay child support. .

During his marriage to his second wife, Einstein began to frequently have various extramarital affairs, and even confessed the affair to his second wife. In modern times, of course, this kind of thing is It's very explosive.

As women, both Isha and Yun Rongshang, even though they admired Einstein's extraordinary IQ, obviously would not accept that they would meet such a person.

"Perhaps for Einstein, his IQ made him very good at dealing with us women, so he had such emotional experience."

"But, where is Li Mu?"

Isa's tone was curious.

"Li Mu..." Yun Rongshang said: "Maybe his IQ makes him disdainful of dealing with women?"

"..." Isa was speechless, then shook her head with a smile: "What you said is not impossible."

Disdain to deal with women, of course, can also be translated as thinking that it is a very boring thing to spend his time on relationships.

Without saying anything more, Isha looked at Yun Rongshang again and asked, "You are dressed so beautifully today, why don't you invite him to dance?"

Today, Yun Rongshang's figure was fully displayed against the backdrop of a black evening dress. Her fair skin made Isa a little envious, and she once doubted who was the real Caucasian.

"Dancing?" Yun Rongshang shook his head: "I bet he will say that he can't dance."

Isa stretched out her hand and poked Yun Rongshang's slender waist: "Hey, it's possible. I want to hug your waist. Which of those men won't be confused after seeing it?"

Yun Rongshang was a little itchy from being poked, so she quickly ducked away with a smile: "Oh, don't touch it!"

"Hey, he's coming over, he's coming over! Go and invite him to dance!"

Suddenly, Isa glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw Li Mu, who had opened the champagne and completed his mission as the protagonist. He was walking towards them, and she quickly said to Yun Rongshang.

Yun Rongshang was stunned, and quickly turned around to look, and sure enough she saw Li Mu walking over.

"Are you happy tonight?" Li Mu smiled after walking over.

"We should be asking you this, right?" Isa raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Haha, that's true." Li Mu laughed and shook his head.

Yun Rongshang was still hesitating in her heart about what Isa had said to her just now.

She was quite happy today, because Li Mu asked her if she could come to this party, and also asked her to be the negotiator for the business negotiation. Although she didn't feel that she played a big role, she still felt that, Li Mu is more proactive than before.

Of course, maybe it was just her illusion.

But in the end, she pretended to point casually and pointed to the lawn on the other side where men and women were dancing, and said, "Is there dancing over there? Can I ask you to dance?"

Li Mu was stunned and looked in the direction of her finger. Over there, there was a waltz playing on the speaker.

But then, he smiled and said: "It's my pleasure, Miss Yun."

Yun Rongshang's eyes widened immediately, and she almost thought she heard wrongly.

However, at this time, Li Mu had already extended a hand to her, making an invitation to dance.

Yun Rongshang couldn't help but glance at Isha next to her, and Isha gave her an encouraging look.

Finally, Yun Rongshang stretched out her hand and put it on his.

Li Mu held her hand and walked towards the dance floor.

Yun Rongshang lowered her head, perhaps the only one who knew how red her face was at this moment.

But no matter what, she was extremely happy in her heart.

Arriving at the edge of the dance floor, just in time, the previous music ended and preparations for the next song began.

Li Mu held her waist, making her a little sensitive, but the position of Li Mu's hands was very standard, completely in line with the standards in ballroom dancing, and did not make her feel violated.

Of course, she couldn't tell how she felt about this.

Maybe shy, maybe even a little disappointed.

But the music started, Shostkovitch's "Waltz No. 2", the prelude started, and the dance began.

The dance steps followed the elegant beat, and the two seemed to be the most in tune dancers in the room.

And Yun Rongshang obviously felt that sometimes, it was even Li Mu who was guiding her to dance, because she herself was not very good at it and didn't know much.

Gradually, perhaps because of Li Mu, they also attracted the most attention from the audience. At this time, these students from Oxford University discovered that their respected Professor Li was actually so elegant in dancing.

In this way, accompanied by beautiful music, their dance gradually entered a rhythm.

Li Mu suddenly asked: "Do you still remember that you said before that if I win the Nobel Prize, you will listen to whatever I say?"

Yun Rongshang was stunned for a moment. Did she...did she say that?

But her face quickly turned red again. What did Li Mu want to say when he mentioned this?

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