Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 277 Nobel Prize in Physics!

When a sentence like "You won this year's Nobel Prize in Physics" rings from a phone call from Stockholm, for probably everyone in the world, it can be regarded as the most important thing in life. One of the most important phone calls ever.

After a moment of reaction, Li Mu suddenly came to his senses, and then said: "I understand, thank you Dean Hansen."

Goran Hansen on the other end of the phone said with a smile: "The Nobel Prize in Physics is the award that requires the most careful screening and careful consideration among all Nobel awards, but in more than 100 years, it has never appeared. Results such as the dimensional force theory, which were just proposed at the jury and then unanimously recognized and passed by the S - In short, Professor Li Mu, your results have always been like this and have fascinated our scientific community. "

"Haha, I can't help but feel proud to receive such a comment from Dean Hansen."

Golan Hansen laughed: "Of course, Professor Li Mu, you can be proud as much as you want. No one will blame you at this time."

"Okay, Professor Li, my notice has been delivered. Just like in previous years, our award ceremony will officially start on December 10th, and our staff will contact you later, so there will be no more Sorry to bother you."


As the phone hung up, the ending sound of "beep~beep~beep~" came from the phone, and Li Mu put down the phone.

Then, his eyes returned to everyone's faces.

The conference room had been quiet since his phone rang.

A call from Stockholm, Sweden.

Normally, they would not pay too much attention to it and would just treat it as an ordinary phone call, maybe from another pharmaceutical company. After all, the medical care in Sweden is already very developed. It is also ranked among the top in the world, and Bayer also has its own branch there.

But they all know very well that the recent period is a "special period."

During the announcement of the Nobel Prize, every name on the list can attract attention around the world and appear on various hot lists.

Even in a country full of nipple fun, you will be attracted by such a big event.

In an era when scientific concepts are popular, scientists who can win the Nobel Prize will receive the greatest admiration.

Just like yesterday, October 3, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was announced, and the winner was Svante Peper.

Li Mu was also impressed by this Svante Peibo, and had met him before, because he was the director of the Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology of the Max Planck Society, and also the chairman of the Life Sciences Committee of the Max Planck Society. became the chairman of that life sciences conference.

Of course, because of winning this award, Svante Pebo has become the center of attention.

"Professor Li..., so, this call is..." Seeing Li Mu put down his cell phone, Bayer President Carls Moffett, sitting opposite him, couldn't help but ask aloud.

He also jokingly said: "They won't be our competitors, right?"

Li Mu smiled and said, "That's not true. It was a call from Goran Hansen, the president of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. He told me -"

He paused, and then, a little shyly, in the spotlight, he said the fact that made everyone's eyes widen: "I won this year's Nobel Prize in Physics."

"A generous gift..."

Carls Malphite had just said the first word, but in the end he held back the second word.

Although as the president of Bayer, he already has a very high social status, no one will not be excited when facing the Nobel Prize, especially when the person who won this award appears like this. in front of him.

He immediately stood up from his seat, and after reacting, he sincerely sent his congratulations: "Dear Professor Li, on behalf of Bayer, I would like to express my congratulations to you."


Of course, Carls Malphite has already performed like this, not to mention other people.

Others in Bayer, such as the legal department, another vice president, and an assistant of Carls Moffett, were all looking at Li Mu in stunned silence at this moment.

Now, he has become a Nobel Prize winner?

And it’s the Physics Prize...

None of them know how important the Nobel Prize in Physics is in the world, let alone...

Li Mu seems to be only 22 years old this year, right?

What is the concept of 22 years old...

Undoubtedly, the youngest winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics!

As for Li Mu, there are only two people, Elson and Yun Rongshang.

Compared to the people at Bayer, the two of them were more shocked.

Okay, we are preparing for this business negotiation. Why did you suddenly become a Nobel Prize winner?

Yun Rongshang widened her eyes and looked at the man beside her. \b

That shy expression and a somewhat too calm expression make people wonder, is he really the person who just received the news that he won the Nobel Prize in Physics?

At least, as a bystander, she couldn't calm down her mood at this time.

She had watched Li Mu evolve from a young boy back then to the Nobel Prize winner he is today.

The applause suddenly started, and Elson took the lead in applauding and gave it to Li Mu.

"Li, congratulations. You are the best scholar I have ever seen. You deserve it."

Others also reacted one after another, and then gave Li Mu their own applause.


"Congratulations to Professor Li!"

Suddenly, the entire conference room was filled with applause.

"Thank you, thank you all."

After Li Mu expressed his gratitude with a smile, he turned off his mobile phone first, and then looked at Malphite and said: "Next, let's talk about our affairs as soon as possible, otherwise I want to talk about it later. It’s time to get busy.”

When the Nobel Prize Committee calls him, his name will soon appear on the list published on the official website, and more calls will follow.

Hearing Li Mu's words, Malphite nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, I am also happy to do so."

"So, according to the agreement we reached on the phone before, 350 million euros in five years and 33% profit sharing." Li Mu said.

After so many days of pulling and pulling, this result was the one they had tentatively determined before.

Originally, Li Mu thought that Murphy would probably fight for it again. After all, he had previously determined that Bayer’s bottom line was 300 million in five years and 30%. However, unexpectedly, facing this condition, Murphy Te nodded directly: "Okay, that's the condition."

"We'll sign the contract now."

The vice president next to Malphite was stunned. He wanted to ask Malphite again why he suddenly stopped talking and confirmed directly. However, Malphite just shook his head at him and stopped the vice president. inquiry.

He knows very well that at this time, Li Mu's status as a Nobel Prize winner will invisibly increase the value of RSCA. After all, from now on, this drug will become [developed by Nobel Prize winners], although it is a physics Award, but when they promote it, they only need to say that it was developed by a Nobel Prize winner.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is worried that after the Nobel Prize is publicized, their competitors will offer higher prices than them. After all, everyone can see the publicity value of Li Mu after winning the Nobel Prize. how.

In this way, the contract was soon ready, and at this time, it was left to Elson to take action.

He took the contract and started to read it from beginning to end. The contract was not long, and for Elson, he had seen this type of contract too many times. After all, in Europe, pharmaceutical companies are really There are too many, and these types of contracts are signed too often.

Soon, Elson picked out a few minor problems, and basically everything was fine.

This contract is written in French, which is relatively common internationally, because the semantics of French are precise enough and there is basically no ambiguity.

Until the end, the newly concluded contract was placed in front of both parties, and then both parties signed their signatures.

Looking at the name on the contract, Malphite let out a sigh of relief. No matter what, he finally won the RSCA.

I believe that as soon as the news is released, Bayer's share price will soar.

No matter what, although the price they paid barely exceeded their bottom line, it is certain that RSCA will definitely bring them profits and not losses.

It’s just a matter of making more and less.

For Li Mu, it was worthy of celebration.

Not to mention the subsequent profit sharing, the 350 million euros alone have given him freedom of wealth around the world. \b

The 500 million interest-free loans obtained in China have now become small cases, and repaying them is a piece of cake.

Not to mention those shares. In terms of time span, the money earned from the shares will definitely be more. After all, Bayer must ensure that the annual profit exceeds the 70 million euros they paid no matter what.

However, this kind of thing is even simpler. You know, after Gleevec was developed by Novartis, it made more than 50 billion US dollars in profits during the patent period. The extremely long research and development process, and the billions The cost of US dollars is not worth mentioning in the face of this terrifying profit.

As for how huge profits the RSCA anti-thrombotic drug can bring, Li Mu is not sure at the moment, but maybe it will surpass Gleevec, or even other drugs.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Finally, Malphite stretched out his hand to Li Mu and shook his hand.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Li Mu also smiled slightly.

Malphite still couldn't help but asked: "Actually, Professor Li, I have been wondering if you know the bottom line price we negotiated internally. The conditions you gave are directly on our bottom line price." .”

Li Mu laughed, "I said, I calculated this through mathematics. Do you believe it?"

"Calculated by mathematics?" Malphite was stunned. Can this thing be calculated?

It just occurred to him that the other party had just won the Nobel Prize in Physics, so he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Well, that's it, then it's okay. It seems that sometimes you can't do business with people who are too smart. negotiation."

Everyone present nodded with deep understanding, convinced of what Li Mu said about "calculating it out."

From the unhappy breakup two weeks ago to the agreement reached today, both parties have gotten what they wanted.

After that, they left the conference room.

However, when they just opened the door, they were all stunned by the scene outside, because there were many people standing outside, seemingly waiting for something.

As Li Mu walked out, these people suddenly rushed over and surrounded him.

"Professor Li Mu, congratulations on winning this year's Nobel Prize in Physics!"

The dean of Merton College, Martin Taylor, was among them. He came out first and expressed his congratulations to Li Mu.

Obviously, he already knew about this.

Others outside the door also sent their congratulations to Li Mu.

"Professor Li, congratulations!"

These people were all professors at Merton College and acquaintances with Li Mu, and Andrew Wiles was also among them, expressing his congratulations to Li Mu.

Li Mu won the Nobel Prize, which is not only an honor that belongs to him personally, but also an honor that belongs to their unit. This means that in the future, they can claim that they have such a Nobel Prize winner among their alumni.

Of course they also came to congratulate Li Mu.

In fact, if they hadn't known that Li Mu was conducting business negotiations inside, they would have rushed in just now.

Facing the congratulations from everyone, Li Mu once again took the trouble to express his gratitude.

At this moment, he is the only protagonist!

On October 4, local time in Sweden, at 10:45 a.m., the official website updated information about the Nobel Prize winners.

The only name hanging on it shocked the whole world again. \b

This means that there is only one winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics this year, unlike in previous years, when there were usually two or three people. The Nobel Prize has not been awarded to only one person for many years.

To some extent, this is also a privilege.

As for the reason for the award, there is nothing else, just a short sentence: the subversive contribution of dimensional force theory to physics.

Such a sentence is enough to show the position of the physics community towards the dimensional force theory.

Similarly, Li Muna won the Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of 22, breaking the record of 25-year-old physics prize winners set by William Lawrence Bragg in 1915 to an incredible level of 22.

The most important thing is that William Lawrence Bragg won the award together with his father Henry Bragg. To some extent, his father paid more.

As for Li Mu, his personal award is far more important than Lawrence, not to mention the status of dimensional force theory comparable to the theory of relativity.

Which one is lighter and which one is more serious is known to everyone.

Of course, the fact that he is also the youngest winner of the Nobel Prize in Science also increases the value of this award many times.

Perhaps, the Nobel Prize Committee only selected Li Mu, and did not choose another award-winning achievement, in order to avoid the sharp contrast between Li Mu, a young man, and the other elderly winners when they went on stage to receive the award. Let’s compare…

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