Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 274 Superconductor of SSR, Shocking Microcosm

The new mission moved Li Mu's heart.

"This mission... is really challenging."

Directly synthesize room temperature superconductors...

This kind of creation that only exists in various works of human imagination will now be realized in his hands...

No matter how you think about it, it's still a bit incredible.

Of course, he was relieved soon.

There is a mental computer installed in the head, what could be more incredible than this?

Shake your head and don't think about it anymore.

"It's just that if a normal-temperature superconductor is really synthesized in reality..."

Li Mu's heart suddenly started to float.

If it is really synthesized by then, it can only be synthesized domestically, not abroad.

Even if it was really synthesized abroad, he must quickly destroy it, as well as all related information.

What does it mean to be a room-temperature superconductor after all?

For the vast majority of people who only know a little bit because of the news some time ago, as a physicist and the author of "On Superconductivity", Li Mu can stand in front of countless people, with his hands in an accordion pose , and then said that no one knows superconductors better than him.

Once the room-temperature superconductor is born, for him, it will not only help him verify the correctness of "On Superconductivity", but also enable him to have a deeper understanding of theories related to dimensional forces.

For the entire human society, the birth of room-temperature superconductors can be called another industrial revolution.

The industrial revolutions of mankind have always revolved around energy. From the use of steam engines in the first industrial revolution to the use of electricity in the second industrial revolution, both industrial revolutions originated from the further use of energy.

As for the so-called third revolution in the future, in fact, generally speaking, it will not be called the industrial revolution, but the technological revolution, which mainly revolves around the development of various emerging technologies, such as the development of atomic energy. Use, as well as computer, space technology and other technologies, among them, atomic energy is related to energy, but for now, the development of atomic energy is not particularly prominent. After all, as we all know, atomic energy technology still exists Quite a few questions.

In the future, the so-called fourth information revolution will have nothing to do with energy. Of course, if we insist, the information revolution can also be regarded as a more efficient use of energy, such as using information technology to control industrial equipment, so as to achieve higher efficiency than energy consumption. The purpose of manual production is more accurate and efficient.

But in any case, although these technologies in the future have brought great changes to human life and society, the fundamentals have not changed that human beings have mastered more powerful new energy.

Even the new energy sources that are being developed now are only due to human beings considering the environmental costs and having to choose these inefficient new energy sources.

And now, the normal-temperature superconductor model that Li Mu has in mind is a technology that can truly start the industrial revolution again.

Electricity is the most convenient energy to use among the energy sources discovered by human beings. It is conceivable that for a long time in the future, the use of electricity by human beings will not change. Just like now, all kinds of new energy sources will eventually be converted into electric energy, such as those new energy vehicles and so on.

For example, extended-range vehicles use oil to generate electricity, which is converted into electrical energy and then used to power the vehicle through an electric motor.

When other kinds of energy are converted into electric energy and electric energy is transported, there is an unavoidable defect, that is, the loss caused by resistance.

According to estimates, the annual loss caused by resistance in the whole of China is as high as 300 billion kWh, which is almost equivalent to the annual power generation of three Three Gorges power stations, enough for Sichuan Province to use for a year.

And if replaced with a room-temperature superconductor, all this loss can be saved and can be used in more places lacking power.

Of course, at this time, some people may say that Huaguo's annual power generation capacity is as high as more than 8 trillion kWh, and the loss is more than 300 billion kWh, accounting for less than 4%, which does not seem like a big deal.

But in fact, one thing that must not be ignored is that this low loss is based on China's world-leading high-voltage transmission lines, and such high-voltage transmission lines have high construction costs and maintenance costs. It’s too high to imagine. Take a transformer, for example. One transformer costs tens of thousands, and all the transformers in the country add up to tens of millions, which is equivalent to several trillions. Not to mention that there are many transformers every year because of People died due to high voltage electricity.

Once the normal-temperature superconductor transmission line is replaced, these problems will no longer exist. The high-voltage transmission line will directly become a normal 220v transmission line and be directly transmitted to the home. There will be no need to go through any additional instruments in the middle, and there will be no more Without those maintenance costs, the transformer will become an "old antique" like a steam engine, which will be recognized by future generations of students in history books and only seen in museums, allowing humans to commemorate a period of time they have experienced.

In addition to power transportation, room temperature superconductors have also played a role in many places.

All in all, once such technology really appears in the world, it will inevitably attract the attention of almost all countries.

Of course, this also includes the five major gangsters on this planet.

However, as someone who came from one of them, Li Mu naturally knew that if room-temperature superconductors were really born from his hands, then the place of birth would naturally be his hometown.

He narrowed his eyes.

"It's been so long since I came out. It's time to prepare for returning to China."

As a wanderer, you will eventually return home.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about it. In any case, he still needed to make some preparations before returning home.

Now, let’s thoroughly study this room-temperature superconductor in the computer in our mind.

Turning his attention to the piece of metal in front of him again, Li Mu's heart moved, and then a magnet appeared in front of him. Then his people also appeared in the simulated space, and then placed the magnet and the superconductor. together.

The classic Meissner effect ensued, and the effect of quantum locking allowed the normal-temperature superconductor to be "locked" at a certain height very stably, and as it continued to flip, the distance between the two did not change.

In this way, it was basically certain that this was a superconductor, and Li Mu looked at the currently set ambient temperature, which was 25 degrees Celsius.

Very standard laboratory room temperature values.

Therefore, the prefix of the superconductor in front of us can be clearly added with the word "normal temperature".

However, room-temperature superconductor only means that the superconductor can reach the superconducting state at room temperature, but it does not mean that its critical temperature is superconducting.

And some superconductors have two critical temperatures, an upper limit and a lower limit. If the temperature exceeds the upper limit or falls below the lower limit, the superconducting state will be lost.

In addition, there is another key point, which is the critical current size and critical magnetic field size.

The performance of a superconductor depends on these three critical values.

So Li Mu still needs to measure this superconductor.

"The system can't be built for me. Although it is a room-temperature superconductor, the critical value is too low to be used..."

Li Mu suddenly became suspicious.

According to the urinary properties of the system, it is really impossible to say?

After all, you just want to say whether it is a room-temperature superconductor, right?

Suddenly, Li Mu became anxious, and he immediately started testing.

The first is to measure the upper critical temperature limit.

This measurement was very convenient. He only needed to adjust the temperature in the simulation space, and soon Li Mu got a very surprising result.

"The upper critical temperature is 106 degrees?"

Li Mu was quite surprised.

106 degrees means that even when working at a temperature of evaporating water, this superconductor can still remain in the superconducting state without changing.

Even 105-degree distilled water won’t work.

With such an upper critical temperature, to a large extent, there is no need to worry about the possibility of quenching, unless it is really possible. Otherwise, it can be covered with a waterproof insulating layer. Superconductors that work when soaked in boiling water basically don’t have to worry about the possibility of quenching.

Of course, this is not over yet. There is also the lower critical temperature. Soon, Li Mu also measured it. The lower critical temperature is -201 degrees Celsius, which is below the temperature of liquid nitrogen.

That is to say, it can still maintain a superconducting state at the temperature of liquid nitrogen, so by definition, this normal-temperature superconductor can also be called a high-temperature superconductor.

But unlike other high-temperature superconductors, the upper critical temperature of other high-temperature superconductors exceeds the temperature of liquid nitrogen, but its lower critical temperature is lower than the boiling point of liquid nitrogen.

This is the magic of materials science.

Li Mu sighed, and then started the next two tests, critical current density and critical magnetic field strength.

According to all existing superconductors, regardless of critical temperature, the best performance is niobium-titanium alloy. Its critical current density reaches 10^9A per square meter, and its critical magnetic field is about 10.5T. At 2K It can even reach 14T.

It is this excellent performance that makes niobium-titanium alloys the first choice for various superconductor applications, whether it is nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear fusion experimental reactors, particle colliders, etc.

Now, the room-temperature superconductor rewarded by the system has reached a critical current density of 10^10A per square meter, which is ten times that of niobium-titanium alloy!

The critical magnetic field strength has reached an extremely high 31T!

Such a critical magnetic field strength will be enough to dominate the entire superconducting world.

"The critical temperature is -201 degrees Celsius to 106 degrees Celsius, the critical current density is 10^10A, and the critical magnetic field strength is 31T..."

Li Mu's eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets.

Good guys, if we divide these superconducting materials according to the card game, niobium-titanium alloy is the one with excellent performance in R cards and is often used by players, while high-temperature superconductors such as yttrium barium copper oxide are the ones with very poor performance in SR cards. , the kind that can only be used as a vase.

And now, the piece in his hand... let's call it a copper-iron-niobium-zinc alloy superconductor. It is the noble SSR, and it is also the human rights card in SSR.

God among gods!

A hundred faints!

"System, my voice was a little loud just now. I was wrong."

Realizing what kind of precious material this was, Li Mu's eyes immediately became clear. He looked at the simulated space and began to show his craftsmanship.

After bowing deeply, Li Mu immediately refocused his attention on the SSR superconductor in front of him.

"Let's give it a name first..."

Li Mu held his chin and thought for a while, and finally clapped his hands and said, "Then call it LSC Alloy."

L is Li, SC is SuperConductor, superconductor.

Simple and easy to remember.

After confirming the name of the LSC alloy, Li Mu waved his hand, and in an instant, the LSC alloy immediately became bigger in his eyes—but strictly speaking, it should be him who continuously enlarged his vision, so that he could See a more microscopic world.

And this is precisely in the simulation space, which is of great use to the research of materials science.

He can directly observe microscopic materials without a microscope, which is obviously much more convenient than observation with a microscope.

In this way, as Li Mu continued to zoom in and out, until finally, he saw a familiar picture - that is the image that can be seen when using STEM, that is, scanning electron microscope to observe the structure of materials.

Li Mu couldn't help but marvel.

Observing such a scene directly with "eyes" is far more shocking than the images taken with a microscope.

For Li Mu, this is the first time, and he can be sure that this scene will be unforgettable for him forever.

However, apparently this was not enough for him to continue zooming in.

Until finally, he was able to vaguely see the "particles".

But when zooming in to this point, the system's warning sounded: "The current zoom ratio has reached the limit of computing power, please carefully consider whether to continue zooming in."

Hearing this warning, Li Mu did feel that his brain was already a little swollen.

Unfortunately, it seems that this is all we can do.

He stopped zooming in and began to observe the microscopic world in front of him.

He did see particles.

Strictly speaking, it should be atoms.

The atom we know from textbooks seems to be a ball, but in fact an atom is just composed of a nucleus and electrons outside the nucleus.

The size of the atomic nucleus is negligible, accounting for only one part in hundreds of billions, so he must not see the atomic nucleus, and the electron is smaller than the atomic nucleus, so he must not see the electron.

But what ball is he seeing now?

"Is this the electron cloud..."

Li Mu murmured.

Electrons will randomly appear anywhere outside the nucleus, because they obey the quantum effect. Therefore, due to such randomness, electrons teleport countless times in an instant, thus forming an electron cloud.

But now, Li Mu saw it "with his own eyes".

But it is a pity that he can only see it in this simulated space and cannot witness it in reality.

He didn't really see it in this space, but what the computer in his mind allowed him to see.


What he saw was just simulated by the computer in his mind based on his understanding?

Just like in the microscopic world, there is no color, but the world he sees now is gray and white.

Li Mu shook his head, forget it, he'd better stop thinking about this issue.

His most important thing now is to determine the structure of LCS alloy in this microscopic world.

So he stopped paying attention and looked at the microscopic world in front of him.

Then he marveled.

"What is material characterization? This is material characterization!"

In this microscopic world, all the microscopic structures of this piece of material were clearly visible to him.

At this time, his confidence increased infinitely.

With such a microscopic world, material science will be under his control!

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