Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 271 The First Class

Of course, for these four rookies who are new to academia, this incident can make them feel very shocked, but for Li Mu, or the editor-in-chief of "Nature", Joss Winston , is really too normal.

This is the treatment of the big cows.

Facing the editor-in-chief who had worked with him before, Li Mu also smiled slightly.

"Since editor-in-chief Winston came to invite me personally, I actually like you guys quite a bit. After all, we have always had a good cooperative relationship."

"Coincidentally, just this morning, "Science" also sent me an email, inviting me to submit my paper to them."

Hearing this, Joss Winston immediately became vigilant.

"Then how did you reply to them? You probably haven't agreed yet?"

"You must vote for us!"

"Look, I even brought the agreement and the USB flash drive, and I'm just waiting to copy the paper back from you."

Li Mu laughed: "Of course, don't worry, there must be no promise yet. We can discuss more on this point."

"Okay, okay, let's discuss more." Joss Winston nodded repeatedly.

Afterwards, Li Mu said to his four students, "Wait a little longer."

How could a few students say anything? They all nodded like chickens pecking at rice, and then sat down in the seats next to them, with their hands on their legs, looking obedient, and looked at Li Mu with eyes full of admiration .

Obediently, this is their mentor.

On the first day of school, let them witness what it means to be awesome.

Probably, if they also establish their own reputation in the academic world in the future, when reporters interview them and ask them about their impressions of their mentors, today's scene will probably become a scene they will mention with a high probability.

Joss Winston also looked over at the four of them at this time, and then asked Li Mu: "It seems to be the time when Oxford University is enrolled recently. These four young people should be Professor Li's graduate students, right?"

Li Mu nodded: "Yes."

Joss Winston smiled, then turned his head to look at the four of Yuan Siping, and said kindly to them: "Children, first of all congratulations, you have become Professor Li Mu's students."

"Believe me, this is definitely the most important opportunity in your life, and you will be guided better than others. I wish you can continue to exert the spirit of your mentors and bring more supreme truths to our science. "

As the editor-in-chief of "Nature", Joss Winston is still a big shot and senior to the four of Yuan Siping, so facing his blessing, the four of them also hurriedly stood up to express their thanks.

"Thank you, Mr. Winston!"

The four young people said one after another.

At the same time, they were also muttering in their hearts. Fortunately, what Winston said was not to develop their mentor's tradition, but to develop their spirit, according to Li Mu's tradition...

Starting with an academic problem?

Like... the twin prime conjecture?

Oh, this problem has been solved by their mentor, so it has to be changed—well, they can’t think of any problems left for them to solve for the first time, as for the other unsolved problems in the seven millennium problems The five problems solved are not in the alternatives at all, and they will not consider the millennium problem even in their dreams.

Afterwards, they watched quietly from the side, Li Mu and Joss Winston were discussing the details of the publication of the paper.

For them, this is even more miraculous. To contribute to a top journal like "Nature", and the editor-in-chief comes to the door in person, they can continue to negotiate conditions with the editor-in-chief. Such a thing is really too much for them. Science fiction.

And right now, it is actually happening in front of them.

About ten minutes later, Li Mu negotiated various conditions with Joss Winston.

With a smile on his face, Joss Winston stood up and shook hands with Li Mu, "Then don't bother Professor Li."

Before leaving the office, he did not forget to look at the four of Yuan Siping and said with a smile: "If you have any outstanding papers in the future, you must give priority to submitting them to our "Nature"!"

"Okay, okay."

The four nodded repeatedly.

It's just something like "Nature"...

Forget about those majoring in mathematics, probably only Yuan Siping, who is in the direction of mathematics and physics, still has a chance. After all, readers of "Nature" generally don't like to read those complicated and cumbersome mathematical derivations. What they focus on are those results that are relatively explosive at first glance, such as the explosive discovery that can collapse the building of physics, or the discovery of something that can solve cancer, or the news of room temperature superconductors—so even if the paper seems fake, the experiment No matter how difficult it is to reproduce, no matter how obviously exaggerated the data is, there is a high probability that it will be able to be included in such a top publication. \b

After sending Joss Winston out of the office, Li Mu also turned to look at his four students.

Seeing the amazement in their eyes, he smiled slightly: "Why? Are you surprised?"

Anthony Alex first said: "Dear professor, this is of course too shocking, but that is the editor-in-chief of "Nature"!"

Several other people nodded one after another, expressing their approval of Alex's exclamation.

However, Li Mu smiled, waved his hands and said, "Since you feel that this incident shocked you, then you should try to work hard until one day, such a thing can happen to you."


The four of them looked at each other, could such a thing really happen to them in the future?

"Professor, isn't this a bit too difficult? Nature generally won't accept our pure mathematics papers." Tu Zhizhen showed helplessness on his face.

Li Mu smiled and said, "I didn't say it was "Nature". Since it is our mathematics, of course it is a journal like "Annals of Mathematics"."

Annals of Mathematics...

Ah this.

The four looked at each other again.

Can this be done?

However, for Li Mu's words, Yuan Siping recalled the noon when he ran into Li Mu in the cafeteria many years ago, and then witnessed Li Mu's paper being accepted by the "Annual Journal of Mathematics".

It can be done.

"Of course, it is still difficult for you to realize this kind of thing, so let's not talk about this matter for the time being."

"come on."

Sitting at his desk, Li Mu waved to the four students.

"More than half a year has passed now. I don't know how you have completed the task I left you during the interview."

"Just like I told you at the beginning, when I enroll, I want to check your completion."

Hearing the professor's words, the four new graduate students immediately became highly concentrated.

Come here, it's time to check your homework.

Although, the four of them have also completed the task assigned to them by Li Mu in the past few months, but now when they actually face Li Mu's inspection, they still feel nervous involuntarily.

"Let's start with..." Li Mu glanced at several people, and then pointed to Anthony Alex: "It's up to you."

"You were the first to interview at the beginning, so let's start with you now."

Anthony Alex straightened up immediately, took a few deep breaths, and then nodded solemnly: "Good professor."

Then he took his bag, took out the printed paper, and handed it to Li Mu.

"I think I have basically completed the subject you gave me, but I still hope for your inspection regarding the final conclusion."

Li Mu took the paper and read it.

Of course, several other people next to him also gathered together and read Anthony's paper.

They all know that Anthony is a mathematics student from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, one of the best mathematics universities in the world, what level will his thesis be?

They were all curious.

Then, look at the title of the paper.

Then, look at the title of the paper.

"Cyclic classes of supersingular trajectories for principally polarized Abelian variants"

The other three gave up immediately.

Well, not in this direction, they should stop torturing themselves.

If they haven't conducted in-depth research on the algebraic geometry, they basically don't even think about understanding it.

For example, Tu Zhizhen studied number theory, Yuan Siping studied mathematical physics, and Brahms List mainly studied the Langlands program.

They are all somewhat different, probably in the direction of Brahms List, who dabbles in both number theory and algebraic geometry.

So, after a few glances, they could only stay at the side, quietly listening to Li Mu and Anthony's explanation.

Li Mu read the paper very quickly. It didn't take long before he nodded slightly and said, "Generally there is no big problem. You have found the key to g=4."

At the beginning, the problem he left for Anthony was to determine the cyclic factor of the supersingular trajectory when g=4 in the modulus space of the g-dimensional principally polarized Abelian variant.

The difficulty of this topic is naturally needless to say, after all, the value of this paper is enough to post a mathematics section one.

Of course, for Anthony, this thesis was very difficult to do, but since Li Mu was able to come up with such a question, he naturally knew the answer a long time ago.

"Of course, there are still certain flaws in the complete proof process."

Hearing the "flaw" mentioned by Li Mu, Anthony immediately became nervous.

"am I wrong?"

Li Mu smiled: "It's wrong, that's right, so I hope you can listen to what I'm going to say next and sum up your experience."

Afterwards, he took the draft paper from the side, and began to explain the problems in his thesis to Anthony, and taught him better ideas.

Of course, Li Mu will not give the answer directly, but let Anthony think for himself.

As everyone knows, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

In this way, time passed slowly, and Anthony's expression, also in Li Mu's explanation, gradually changed from bewilderment to sudden understanding, until finally, "I understand! Thank you, professor!"

Afterwards, he took back his thesis from Li Mu like a treasure, and there were various corrections given by Li Mu on it. To him, these corrections were like magical secrets.

Li Mu didn't forget to say to him at the end: "Just let me know when you publish the paper. It's up to you what journal you want to publish. I can also recommend it to you."

"Okay, thank you professor!"

Li Mu's words moved Anthony even more. To publish a paper, he only needs to tell his supervisor. Such a degree of freedom makes students like them not excited.

This is the experience of a mentor as a big cow.

At least you don't need to worry about your paper being snatched away.

In the office, the other three people saw Anthony's happy and excited look, and the tension in their hearts before gradually subsided.

Their professor is quite good.

"Next, Tu Zhizhen, come on."

"Good professor!"

Hearing his name being called, Tu Zhizhen immediately picked up his paper and walked over.

Until the end, Tu Zhizhen returned to his seat with a face full of treasure, and then began to absorb what Li Mu told him.

Next, it was Brahms List's turn.

Naturally, it's the same plot.

In this way, all three of them finished their speeches, and in the end, only Yuan Siping was left.

Li Mu looked at him, and Yuan Siping immediately picked up the paper without him calling.

"Professor, here we come."

He was embarrassed to show others that he and Li Mulao knew each other, and if he didn't say it, others would not know that he was a student of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Li Mu looked at him and smiled slightly, and then he did not show that he knew him. After receiving his paper, he asked, "How is your achievement?"

The question he left for Yuan Siping was the most difficult one during the interview. \b

So he was also very curious about what step Yuan Siping had completed.

But Yuan Siping scratched his head and said: "That problem is a bit difficult, I dare not say how far I have completed it, but the only thing I can say is that I am quite satisfied, at least... I have done my best. "

Li Mu nodded: "Just do what you can."

Then he stopped talking nonsense and started to read the paper.

At the beginning, the problem he left for Yuan Siping was, [to demonstrate the role of dimensional force in the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the Higgs mechanism]. \b

This question is also considered to be a relatively popular question in the physics circle. From the time he left this question to Yuan Siping until now, although the physics circle has achieved certain results on this question, it has never been conclusive.

"The Higgs mechanism endows elementary particles with mass. In the gauge field theory, in order to satisfy the local gauge invariance, the mass of the gauge boson must be set to zero. Since the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field is not equal to zero, the spontaneous The symmetry is broken, so the gauge boson gains mass and simultaneously produces a zero-mass boson called the Goldstone boson, while the Higgs boson is accompanied by the Higgs field Particles, are vibrations of the Higgs field. By choosing an appropriate gauge, the Goldstone bosons are canceled out, leaving only the massed Higgs boson and the massed gauge vector field."

"Before the appearance of the dimensional force theory, the fact that the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field is not equal to zero is hidden behind an unsolved mystery that cannot be ignored."

"However, with the theory of dimensional force, this problem has also become traceable."

While reading Yuan Siping's paper, Li Mu stated related theories.

He flipped the page very quickly, which made Yuan Siping wonder, is Li Mu really watching at such a fast speed?

But soon, I will remember that when I participated in the international college physics competition with Li Mu, Li Mu was famous for being fast.

Forget it, don't think about it.

He calmed down his thoughts, and then continued to listen to Li Mu's narration seriously.

Soon, Li Mu finished his thesis.

For now, his thesis can only be called a phased result.

However, Li Mu still praised it, because he did not hope that Yuan Siping could solve this problem so quickly.

"It's still very good. You have grasped the key. In the Higgs mechanism, symmetry is the key."

"The Lagrangian function is symmetric, but the world described by it is not."

"The dimensional force theory gives the possibility of asymmetry."

"If you can't understand my sentence, I recommend you to read my latest paper."

"That's the paper on the weak interaction force and the dimensional force conjugate model."

"After reading it, if you understand it, I believe you will have a deeper understanding of this issue."

Speaking of this, Li Mu closed the paper without giving any corrections on it, and then handed it back to Yuan Siping with a dazed expression on his face.

"That's all."

This is the end of the first class for my students.

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