Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 269 Physics is empiricism, so Li Mu is right

"Congratulations to the host, you have completed the mission [Superconducting! Superconducting!]."

"Existence means rationality, existence also has principles, and explaining principles is the purpose of science."

"There are still many principles in materials science, waiting to be discovered and explained. Host, please continue to work hard."

"This mission brought 20,000 energy points to the upgrade. The current upgrade progress is 65232/100000."

"In view of the host's performance in completing the task, this time an additional reward is a room-temperature superconductor material model. This model can be reproduced in a real universe environment simulation. Note: The higher the real universe environment simulation level, the more accurate the reproduced model will be. The more subtle.”

The sounds of the system rang in Li Mu's mind one after another, and the following information about rewards made him stand up from his seat immediately.

What's the reward?

Not to mention the upgrade energy of 20,000 points. For the superconducting theory, this upgrade energy is neither too much nor too little. It is just right.

But what else will be rewarded later?

Room temperature superconductor material model...

"Normal temperature...superconductor...material?" He couldn't help but muttered: "There is also a model...what does model mean?"

He thought about it for a long time.

Give him a piece of plastic and say this is a model of a room-temperature superconductor?

The system also gave an explanation: "The brain computer can design a realistic material model based on the underlying operating program of the universe, and embody the physical object in the simulation of the real universe environment."

Li Mu finally understood the system's explanation.

The brain computer designed a room temperature superconductor material based on the operating rules of the universe?

Li Mu couldn't help but marvel at the mystery of the thing inside his head.

What does the underlying operating program of the universe look like?

He doesn't understand, but he can roughly understand. \b

It's like designing different programs in python on a computer.

The brain computer may have mastered the language of the universe and then designed it accordingly.

Just like what the system just said, everything has its own principles.

It's just that this kind of thing is unimaginable for him, a life on earth that is not even a first-level civilization.

Therefore, he did not delve into the things behind it.

I just reasoned with the system in my mind: "Don't talk about these fancy things, since it is a reward, why can't you just tell me how to prepare this material?"

"The preparation of materials is another principle." The system explained: "This principle needs to be explored by the host on its own, or real universe environment simulations can be used to assist research."

Afterwards, the system's sound stopped.

Li Mu didn't pay too much attention, after all, he was used to the system's nature.

"Do you want to reproduce the real thing in a real universe environment simulation?"

Li Mu thought for a while, and recalled what the system had just said. The higher the level of simulation of the real universe environment, the more detailed the model that emerges.

He did understand this.

Based on his previous experience in simulating the real universe environment, it is definitely not possible to infinitely enlarge the objects inside, even to the point where electrons can be seen clearly. The smaller the details, the greater the computing power required. The computer level in his mind is obviously not capable of seeing electrons directly.

However, for material research, the more detailed it is, the more conducive it is to research, and if you can see the internal conditions of the material very intuitively, it will be a huge help. Just like in his previous research, The purpose of using arpes, an experimental equipment, is to see how electrons in materials operate.

Li Mu thought for a moment and remembered that he also had a level 5 simulation of the real universe environment.

If a five-level simulation of the real cosmic environment is used to study this model of a room-temperature superconductor...

"No, no, no..."

As soon as this idea came into his mind, Li Mu rejected it. Wouldn't it be a bit of a waste?

Moreover, the system also said that this normal-temperature superconductor model can directly emerge in the simulation of the real universe environment. In this case, he can completely regard this normal-temperature superconductor model as research material instead of as a research purpose.

The purpose of his research can be changed to a larger topic.

Soon, what the system said just now also brought him a little inspiration.

"The principle of preparing materials..."

"Yes, the principle of preparing materials."

His eyes moved and inspiration came.

He can set the research purpose of real universe environment simulation as the principle of material preparation.

Of course, the direction must be refined. The principle of material preparation is too broad, and it is obviously impossible to directly use it as a research purpose. Probably the brain computer will not accept such a topic.

But, what detailed direction should be studied?

Li Mu's mind started thinking again, and then, some time ago, his research process on different superconducting materials in the condensed matter laboratory gave him an idea.


His brows furrowed slightly.

That's right, it's electrons.

Among materials, structure determines properties, and what is the composition of structure based on?

Obviously, it is the electromagnetic interaction force.

As for things like strong interaction materials, this only belongs to science fiction and is not something that their current science can touch.

In all materials, the electromagnetic interaction force generated between electrons constitutes the shape of the material.

"Therefore, analyzing how electrons are transformed during the synthesis process of materials will be beneficial to studying the synthesis principles of materials."

Li Mu walked around in his study, and a storm was constantly brewing in his mind. \b

Until finally, he stopped.

"Then, the research topic is tentatively decided to be the analysis of the electromagnetic interaction mechanism of electrons."

Having basically determined this topic, Li Mu suddenly felt a little familiar. Didn't he also study the electronic power mechanism for electrons?

Of course, although the two have certain similarities, strictly speaking, what he wants to study now includes the former, and the former can provide some ideas for the topics he wants to study next.

However, determining the basic direction does not mean that he will start immediately. After that, he still needs to analyze the current achievements of the academic community in this area.

Just like the steps of a proposal report and literature review before starting a paper.

In addition, there is one more thing that is still waiting for Li Mu to complete.

He turned his head and returned to the desk.

Looking at the computer, I saw the paper with the last period typed out.

"On Superconductivity".

In 1873, Maxwell published his masterpiece "On Electricity and Magnetism" in physics, which unified what the physics community once considered to be two different things, forming the electromagnetic force as understood by modern people.

This made Maxwell the father of electromagnetism and made him the greatest physicist in the history of physics after Newton and Einstein.

But unfortunately, he died in 1879 at the age of less than 50. Perhaps, if he could have lived for more than thirty years, by 1911, after the birth of superconductors, he would probably have been fascinated by such magical properties. It feels incredible.

Of course, even if he lived to that time, he would never know the principle of superconductivity for the rest of his life, and he would eventually die with regrets.

However, today, 111 years later, although Li Mu's paper is not as significant to the world of physics as "On Electricity and Magnetism", it has also solved a century-old problem in the world of physics.

To some extent, it solves a major problem in electromagnetism.

Its status is probably equivalent to the Millennium Problem in mathematics.

Of course, there is actually not only this paper, but also another paper, "Conjugate Model of Dimensional Forces to Electromagnetic Interaction Forces."

The combination of these two papers not only explains the principles of superconductivity, but also explains how dimensional forces affect electromagnetic interaction forces.

Previously, Li Mu's research only revealed that dimensional force is the basic force of all other basic forces, which inspires the manifestation of other basic forces.

This second paper reveals in more detail the process and mechanism of the conjugation process of dimensional forces and electromagnetic interaction forces.

This is also of great significance to the physics community.

Not only can it help physicists further understand dimensional forces, but it can also provide a further understanding of electromagnetic interaction forces.

Discover principles, discover truth.

There was no nonsense next. After finishing the two papers, Li Mu uploaded them to arxiv.

After that, he no longer cared about it. In the next time, he should pay more attention to the research he was going to conduct.

After all, the main purpose of the next step of research is to develop room-temperature superconductors.

Although the principle of superconductivity is very important, which one is more significant, theory or application, is obviously an unanswered question. For scientists who pursue the ultimate truth, the limits of theory are more important, while for human society, application is obviously more important. Be more important.

For Li Mu, he has flexible evaluation criteria. Currently, developing room temperature superconducting materials is more important to him.

In this way, he began to search for academic research on the principles of material preparation.

As for the two papers he uploaded to arxiv, as the order was issued, the contents of the papers turned into signals, and finally followed the network line and were transmitted to the database managed by Cornell University in the United States, and began to be tested by the system. .

The system quickly identified that the authors of these two papers were tagged high-level authors, so these two papers also entered a special channel under the assignment of if statements, and were eventually displayed on the website.

The traffic of arxiv is certainly relatively large among various websites in academia. A large number of scholars are browsing this website at all times, looking for papers of interest. After all, most of them are published in journals. For papers on arxiv, you will find preprints on arxiv.

Of course, on this website, those famous experts also attract many scholars to come here to look for them.

And Li Mu is one of them.

Many of his unparalleled papers are basically published on arxiv, so his account is also closely followed by many scholars. If he uploads a paper, those scholars who follow him will receive corresponding notifications.

Today, two new papers were added to his account, which immediately attracted the attention of many people in the academic world.

As it happens, George Parisi is one of them.

"Huh? Li Mu published a paper on arxiv?"

George Parisi was in his office when he noticed a notification pop up on the website.

After wondering for a while, his eyes suddenly widened and he realized something.

Having just called Li Mu some time ago, he could easily imagine what the paper Li Mu published now would be related to.

So he immediately clicked on the link and saw the title of the paper inside. Then, he couldn't help but gasp.

"Treatise on Superconductivity"

On superconductivity.

If you dare to use this as the title of your paper, doesn't that mean...

George Parisi almost couldn't wait to download the paper, then opened it with professional software and started reading it.

The content of this paper is very long, more than 70 pages.

The thick weight naturally brings trust in the content.

Looking at the abstract, it is short and simple.

[This article mainly introduces the basic principles of superconducting properties in superconductors, including BCS theory. And explains the principles of superconductivity in type II superconductors and high-temperature superconductors. 】

Looking at such an abstract, George Parisi's head shook involuntarily.


"Oh my God, did he really do it?"

Explaining the theory of superconductivity…

This is much more powerful than Wilber's explanation of the principle of normal temperature superconductivity. After all, this is a comprehensive explanation of superconductivity, not just within a certain temperature range of normal temperature or high temperature.

What's more, whether Wilbur's explanation is correct is still a question.

According to what Li Mu said at the time, as soon as his results were published, the physics community would know that Wilbur was wrong.

This was originally what interested George Parisi the most, but now...

He no longer cared about this matter. He just wanted to know whether Li Mu's paper could convince him.

He started to read from the beginning.

Then, the extensive use of mathematics inside forced him to take a pen and paper from the side and start calculations.

In this way, time passed quickly. It was not until another paper was mentioned in the paper that George Parisi realized that he had missed another paper just now. Li Mu published two papers this time.

So he hurried back to the aixiv website and downloaded another paper "Conjugate Model of Dimensional Forces on Electromagnetic Interaction Forces". This paper was a principle paper, and "On Superconductivity" was a summary. thesis.

So relatively speaking, this paper is more important in meaning.

And the weight of this paper is even greater, more than a hundred pages!

It's just that George Parisi doesn't care whether it's more than a hundred pages or more than two hundred pages. He only cares about whether there is truth in it!

Time passed slowly.

Of course, George Parisi was quick to read, and for the tedious calculation process, he basically assumed that it was correct.

Mainly because he believed that Li Mu would not make any calculation problems.

Therefore, although there are more than a hundred pages, his progress is very fast.

And when he saw more than fifty pages, his brows raised slightly.

"I see!"

"No wonder he said Wilbur was wrong. It turns out that this is the mistake!"

However, this did not make him pause for too long. Whether Wilbur was wrong or right, he didn't care now. Now he just wanted to finish reading this paper as soon as possible.

Until several hours later.

He took off his glasses and rubbed his already blurry eyes.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the office, and several physics professors from the University of Rome ran in, their faces full of surprise.

"Professor Parisi, Li Mu published two papers on arxiv, and the title of one of them is actually..."

"I know, it's called "On Superconductivity," right, and there's also a paper called "Conjugate Model of Dimensional Forces on Electromagnetic Interaction Forces."

Parisi waved his hand, interrupting their conversation, and then pointed to the computer in front of him.

Several professors took a look and discovered that Parisi was reading the second paper, and he had already read the last few pages. This was a 108-page paper!

Professor Hamberg was among them. When he saw this, he immediately asked: "Well... George, what do you think of this paper?"

George Parisi pondered for a moment, then spread his hands and said: "Physics is empiricism, and this is Li Mu's thesis, so judging based on empiricism..."

"The principle of superconductivity is completely solved from today on!"

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