Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 255 International Congress of Mathematicians

July 4, 2022.

Russia, St. Petersburg.

This year's International Congress of Mathematicians will be held on July 6 at the St. Petersburg International Conference Center.

And now there are still two days before the official start. Mathematicians and mathematics enthusiasts all over the world have already started to travel to St. Petersburg by means of transportation, preparing to participate in this grand event. \b

Moreover, the increase in the number of people participating in this conference this year is much higher than before.

According to official figures, there were more than 3,000 participants in the 2018 Rio de Janeiro International Conference of Mathematicians, and this year's St. Petersburg International Conference of Mathematicians has already registered more than 4,000 people.

In order to welcome the more than 4,000 participants, it is said that the St. Petersburg International Conference Center has also undergone a special renovation, which can be said to be ready for battle.

As for why more than 4,000 people participated this year, everyone can probably guess the main reason.

That is the rumor about the proof of the existence and smoothness of the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation, one of the seven major mathematical problems of the millennium, that had begun to circulate in the mathematical community a few months ago.

If the rumors were spread from ordinary people, most of the others would not believe them, but now it is different, now that the rumors are spread from Li Mu, people have to be skeptical.

After all, it's a Mathematical Conjecture Crusher. \b



French Academy.

As the most important academic department in France, the French Academy brings together almost all the top scholars in France.

For example, in its mathematics department, there are many French Fields Medal winners, all working in it. \b\b

At this time, in an office of the mathematics department of the French College.

Laurent Laforgue appeared here, and then said to an old professor sitting in the office: "Lion, are you not planning to go to the International Congress of Mathematicians?"

The old professor named Leon raised his head and glanced at Laurent Laphroaig, then smiled and waved his hands and said, "I won't go, I'm getting old, it's tiring to go there, anyway, there is no Something I'm interested in."

Laurent Laphrogue raised his brows: "Oh? Navier-Stokes equation, aren't you interested? What you study is partial differential equations, and the Boltzmann equation. plan to go?"

Leon waved his hand and said with a smile: "What Navier-Stokes equation, isn't it just some rumors up to now, if the rumors can come true, then the Riemann conjecture has been proved a dozen or twenty times already Now, room-temperature superconductors have been born.”

"Okay." Laurent Laforge shrugged his shoulders and didn't say much.

He was the 2002 Fields Medal winner, and this Pierre-Louis Leon was the 1994 Fields Medal winner. \b

Although he does not study fluid mechanics or the Navier-Stokes equation, but this does not prevent him from being interested in this matter, but what he did not expect is that the person in front of him who really studies partial differential equations , actually not interested.

Of course, maybe Leon was right?

After all, it's just a rumour.

However, Laurent Laforge didn't care about that much, anyway, he didn't go to the conference because of this rumor.

"I'm going to ask for a leave, and I'm going to fly." He said, "But if the rumors are true, I can probably imagine you rushing over."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Leon waved his hand: "If he really proves the Nass equation, I will eat this screen on the spot."

As he spoke, he pointed to the monitor in front of him.

Laurent Laphrogue suddenly laughed.

"Okay, I'll wait. I hope you will take this screen with you when you come over."

Leon gave him a middle finger.

Laurent Laphrogue turned away with a smile.

Of course, discussions like theirs are happening throughout the mathematical community.

Some people think that Li Mu may have proved it, while others still think that rumors are just rumors and cannot be true.

However, the number of people who came to participate in this year's International Conference of Mathematicians has increased.


Saint Petersburg Pulkovo Airport. \b

As a plane from England arrived at the airport, Li Mu carried his luggage and walked down from it.

"It's finally here."

Looking at the surrounding scene, Li Mu sighed with emotion. \b

"St. Petersburg."

Behind him, Andrew Wiles also glanced around.

Of course, it wasn't just the two of them, Lucas Richter, Simon Downers, and several mathematics professors from Oxford also came.

This four-year mathematician event, unless it is due to physical reasons or other circumstances, basically all mathematicians will come.

"I don't know if I can see Perelman at this year's Mathematicians Conference."

Richter thought of this one of the most famous mathematicians in contemporary Russia, and of course he is also very famous among mathematicians all over the world.

Downers shook his head: "Perelman...uh, let's forget it. With this guy's temper, if it's not a big deal, I'm afraid he won't be allowed to come here."

"Okay, let's go directly to the hotel first. It will be the day after tomorrow before the official start."

After everyone heard what Wiles said, they all nodded, said nothing more, and went directly to the hotel they had booked.


Next, before the official start of the conference, the group of them also wandered around.

St. Petersburg State University, as the co-organizer of this International Congress of Mathematicians, also kindly invited them, the participants, to visit St. Petersburg State University. Li Mu and the others were idle anyway, so they all went for a stroll, especially Looked at the Faculty of Mathematics of St Petersburg State University.

Here, they also saw what Russian-style mathematics education is like.

Russian mathematics is quite famous in the world, and it can even be said to be very strong.

Throughout the 20th century, there are many top mathematicians who came out of Soviet Russia, including Lukin, Alexandrov, Kolmogorov, Gelfand, etc. There are also top mathematicians like Gregory Perelman who even proved one of the seven major puzzles of the millennium, the Poincaré conjecture.

Of course, not only at the level of the top mathematicians, but also at the average level of mathematics, Russian mathematics is also very strong, at least not like the UK, where the top mathematicians are top-notch, but the mathematics level of ordinary people is so low that even The prime minister can't figure out how much 8 times 9 equals.

Of course, from the way of education, Li Mu also felt a kind of familiarity, at least the style of this education is very similar to that of Huaguo.

But this is not surprising, after all, Huaguo learned a lot from Big Brother in the last century, including the way of education.

"Professor Li, it seems that our students like your arrival very much."

After some visits, everyone returned to the dean's office of the School of Mathematics.

Dean Bolonikov said to Li Mu with a smile.

"I'm also very flattered." Li Mu also said with a smile.

After walking around just now, as long as the students of the mathematics department recognized him, they would exclaim his name in surprise.

What is an international superstar? \b

"Perhaps inviting you to take a class with us, our students will be happier, but I don't know if you would like to." Bolonikov made the invitation.

"Of course, it's my pleasure."

For this kind of thing, Li Mu naturally did not refuse.

"Haha, thank you so much!" Bolonikov stood up happily and shook hands with Li Mu.

Being able to let Li Mu take a mathematics class in their college, I don't know how many other fraternal colleges would be envious.

After some discussion, Li Mu decided to hold this class on the day after the International Congress of Mathematicians ended.

As for what class?

Li Mu said that a decision will be made at that time. \b

In this regard, Bolonikov naturally did not say anything, anyway, Li Mu can talk about whatever he wants, as long as the class is taught by them.

"But having said that, I remember that Professor Perelman also taught at your school. Has he resigned now?"

Chatting and chatting, this topic can't be avoided after all.

Hearing this question, Bolonikov sighed and said, "Yes, he has completely resigned. After all, he has completely separated from the mathematics community."

"I think he and I were very good colleagues back then. Who would have thought that he, who should have been famous in history, has gradually disappeared now."

Hearing this sentence, everyone couldn't help but feel pity. \b

Li Mu asked: "Has he not continued to study mathematics?"

"Well..." Bolonikov said: "He is still researching. He is only separated from the mathematics world, but he is not separated from mathematics."

"I asked him once, and he said that mathematics is his hobby, and he will never be separated from it, but unfortunately, he never shows his results to outsiders now."

"I see." Li Mu nodded slightly.

In modern society, there are still such people, which is really admirable and unimaginable at the same time.

Bolonikov rubbed his chin: "However, when I was a guest at his house once, I still saw his research on Riemann's conjecture on the blackboard at his house. Maybe he has been studying Riemann's conjecture all along. Guess."

"It's even been proven, and it's not impossible, after all, he doesn't publish his own research."

He smiled, and suddenly looked at Li Mu again, "Maybe, Professor Li, maybe you can become a friend of that guy Perelman."

"As the saying goes, the friends of geniuses are often geniuses."


Time passed quickly.

July 6 also arrived.

Outside the St. Petersburg International Conference Center, there was a huge crowd. Mathematicians and mathematics enthusiasts from all over the world, as well as journalists from all walks of life, gathered here and marched towards the conference center.

In addition, outside the conference center, there are naturally some civil science mathematicians.

To some extent, these civil science mathematicians can be regarded as a landscape of every International Congress of Mathematicians.

They set aside custom-made posters announcing that various mathematical conjectures had been solved.

"Actually, there are relatively few people this year. According to my visual inspection, it is estimated that the number is almost half."

Li Mu and the others also walked at the entrance, looking at the excitement of these civil science mathematicians, Wiles said at this time.

"Is it so much missing?" Li Mu was a little surprised.

"It's not because of you." Wiles said with a smile.

Li Mu looked confused: "Because of me? What does it have to do with me?"

Wiles: "Think about it, the Goldbach conjecture, the twin prime number conjecture, and the hailstone conjecture you proved, how many business mathematicians have robbed?"

"Ah this..."

Li Mu suddenly laughed out loud.

Then he is really guilty, guilty.

It is true to say that the hardest hit areas for civil science mathematicians are these conjectures in the field of number theory.

As a result, these conjectures have been terminated by him now, so the civil science mathematicians can only give up—of course not completely, at least he took a look and saw that a civil science is actually claiming He proved Goldbach's conjecture to be wrong.

But at this moment, otherwise a few more police cars drove over, and then a few burly men in Russian police uniforms got down from above, directly cleaned up this person, and finally drove him away.

It is worthy of Russian law enforcement...

Li Mu mourned a moment of silence for these folk mathematicians.

Of course, he didn't continue to care about these things, and soon, they also entered the conference center.

Time passed quickly, and all the participants were basically sitting in the conference hall.

More than 4,000 people almost filled the conference hall.

As time passed, finally, the conference was about to begin.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of this International Congress of Mathematicians, and also the director of the Institute of Mathematics of St. The meeting staff smiled and said: "Everyone, please calm down."

Under his control, the originally chattering conference hall quickly fell silent.

After there was no more noise, Plovsky said: "Today is the official opening date of the 29th International Congress of Mathematicians."

"We welcomed more than 4,000 colleagues from the mathematics field to participate in this grand event."

"On behalf of Russia, I also represent all members of the Organizing Committee of the 29th International Congress of Mathematicians. Welcome to come!"

He bowed deeply, and the audience burst into applause.

Afterwards, Plovsky continued to introduce other situations. All in all, as the Russian organizer, what he said was basically to welcome the arrival of everyone.

Then, it was the turn of the current president of the International Mathematical Union, Carlos Koenig, to speak on stage.

"The International Congress of Mathematicians has been held for 29 sessions, and I am honored to be the president of the International Mathematical Union four years ago to preside over this session."

"The purpose of the International Conference of Mathematicians has always been to hope that every participant can meet new friends and reunite old friends in this mathematical event. In the process, we also share new knowledge with each other. Let's make our math community more alive..."

Although everyone is used to these scenes, they still have to be said.

It's like a kind of procedural justice.

Of course, Carlos Koenig didn't talk for very long. \b

The people present are all mathematicians, and so is Koenig. Although he is not a Fields Medal winner like Mori Shigefumi, the previous president of the International Mathematical Union, he has also been invited by the speaker of the International Congress of Mathematicians twice. One or one-hour plenary rapporteurs.

So most of them don't like this kind of scene that is too long. \b

Quickly, "Then, I think everyone doesn't want to listen to what I said just now, and of course, I don't want to continue talking."

Amid bursts of laughter, Carlos Koenig said: "So, next, let's go directly to the link that everyone cares about most."

Koenig's words immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

The opening ceremony of each International Congress of Mathematicians is the most concerned.

Because at the opening ceremony, the most important awards in the mathematics world will be officially announced at this opening ceremony.

The Chern Award, the Gauss Award, the Abacus Award (formerly the Navarrena Award), and, most notably, the Fields Award!

Obviously, the next link to enter is the awarding link. \b

Sensing the emotions of the audience below, Carlos Koenig also smiled slightly, and then said: "Then, we will present the Chern Award first."

The Chern Award is to commemorate Chern's great contribution in mathematics, so the award is specially established in his name.

This is a lifetime achievement award in the mathematics world. Although it has only been awarded twice so far, and this year is the third, it still attracts the attention of all older mathematicians in the world.

"And this year's International Congress of Mathematicians, the winner of the Chern Award is - Barry Mazur!"

"For his profound discoveries in topology, arithmetic geometry, and number theory, and for his leadership and generosity in shaping the next generation of mathematicians!"

In the warm applause, everyone turned their attention to the winner and sent him congratulations.

Beside Li Mu, Wiles smiled and said, "Mazur finally won the award, he deserves it."

Back then, he had cooperated with Masur, and their experience of cooperation, as well as some of Masur's achievements, was one of the key elements for him to successfully prove Fermat's last theorem.

Therefore, for Mazur's award, he naturally expressed his sincere blessings.

Soon, the 84-year-old man stepped onto the podium and received his award with a smile on his face.

Next, there is the Gauss Award and the Abacus Award.

The Gauss Prize is specially awarded to research in the field of applied mathematics and is the highest honor in the field of applied mathematics.

The Abacus Award is awarded to mathematicians who have made outstanding contributions to the mathematics of information science.

In terms of the Gauss Award, Li Mu is also eligible to receive it, but the final winner is another mathematician named Elliott Lieb.

In this way, the first three awards were finally awarded.

"Then it's time for our key awards."

On the rostrum, Carlos Koenig, who had presented three awards in succession, was not tired at all, and even became more excited.

Even the voice of speaking became agitated.

Because the next thing is-

"Fields Medal!"

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