Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 245 It Works So Quickly?

The situation was exactly as Li Mu had expected. When he came to the door of the ICU ward, met Fang Qi and Yin Kangping, and after some communication, these two people were unwilling to agree to be on Mr. Fang's body no matter what. Use drugs like RSCA.

"Professor Li, you are a respectable scholar. Your Li's blood diagnosis method is also of great significance to our hospital-but anyway, you are not a full-time doctor."

Yin Kangping kept shaking his hands: "You should know that in our hospital, an important rule is that all drugs used for our patients must be qualified drugs. We will never allow any unapproved drug to be used on patients, we are Xiehe, not a private hospital."

"This is a major dereliction of duty on our part, please understand."

Fang Qi, who was next to him, was even more angry: "Professor Li Mu, I respect you very much, and my father likes you very much, but this is definitely not what you rely on to gain fame for your new medicine."

"Especially this drug of yours, which hasn't undergone any clinical trials before!"

"How can you ensure that your new drug will not cause harm to the human body?"

Seeing that his grandfather and national doctors like Yin Kangping expressed their opposition, Fang Ning next to him was a little anxious and didn't know what to say.

He didn't want to see his grandfather quarreling with the man he admired.

Behind Li Mu, Kingsley Weir and the assistant he brought over, although they couldn't understand what they were saying, what they could tell was that the family member of the patient with cerebral infarction and the doctor next to him, They are not willing to accept the use of RSCA to give it a try.

Of course, Kingsley Weir had already expected such a situation.

Patients who are willing to accept clinical trials are generally poor, and it is almost impossible to have rich people.

Although they didn't know how high the status of the patient was this time, judging from the current situation, it certainly wouldn't be too low.

Therefore, it is easy to understand that for such a patient, his family members are unwilling to accept RSCA.

He sighed, thinking about it, they can also prepare, return to the Shanghai stock market, and continue the next work.


Faced with Yin Kangping and Fang Qi's doubts and denials, Li Mu was not too anxious, because this kind of thing was already in his expectation.

He said calmly: "My confidence comes from the information I have, and your distrust comes from the information you don't understand."

"Doctor Yin, if you have read our paper introducing RSCA, I believe you should also know that our new drug has a better chance than other drugs to help Mr. Fang recover."

"And Mr. Fang, you probably don't want to see Mr. Fang stay in the ICU all the time, right? The fee is 10,000 yuan a day, and with Mr. Fang's character, if you let him know that he will stay in such a ward for several years , how would he feel if he woke up for a certain period of time?"

"Of course, Mr. Fang, Doctor Yin, if you have other methods that you can think of, you might as well bring them up. What is the success rate?"

Although his tone was calm, it was also very sharp.

Of course, at extraordinary times, extraordinary measures must also be taken.

Both of them were silent.

"In addition, even if RSCA is not effective, it will not lead to worse results. I hope you can believe this."

Li Mu continued: "Everything is independent of people's will, and so is medicine. After RSCA finally passes all the clinical trials, will its effect be better then than it is now?"

Of course, Li Mu is playing tricks here to change concepts, but at this moment, the magic power of language is immeasurable.

Therefore, neither Yin Kangping nor Fang Qi knew what to say.

Suddenly at this moment, a nurse ran over and said, "The patient Fang Jianguo has regained some consciousness and can speak now."

The people present were immediately attracted by this sentence.

Mr. Fang, have you regained consciousness?


"Are you... trying to piss me off? Now that you are promising, you don't take money as money anymore. It costs more than 10,000 yuan a day. When I led soldiers to fight, thousands of soldiers couldn't spend 10,000 yuan a day. ..."

In the video visiting room of the intensive care unit, in the video, Mr. Fang, who temporarily regained consciousness, raised his hand reluctantly, pointed at Fang Qi in the video, and said very angrily.

"I..." Fang Qi opened his mouth. Although he was over sixty and had a high position, he didn't know how to refute his father's reprimand for a while.

I was even afraid that Fang Laoqi's cerebral blood vessels would be blocked again, and it would become more serious.

"Xiao Li, I made you laugh."

At this time, Elder Fang looked at Li Mu again, with a slight smile on his face: "I really didn't expect you to come to see me, I am very happy, old man."

"As long as you are happy, if possible, I can stay here with you all the time."

"Hahahaha, good." Fang Laolang laughed out loud, although his laughter was almost the same as no.

In the case of cerebral infarction, the transmission of nerve signals is blocked, and his muscle strength level becomes very low, which naturally includes the laryngeal muscles used for vocalization.

After laughing a few times, Elder Fang turned his head to look at Yin Kangping, and said, "Doctor Yin, just adopt Li Mu's plan, and you will not be blamed for any accidents."

"Did Fang Qi hear that, if someone blames Dr. Yin at that time, just say it's me."

"Of course, don't blame Li Mu. Li Mu is destined to become our pillar. You can't blame Li Mu for this anyway. This is my personal choice."

"Do you understand?"

"This..." Fang Qi and Doctor Yin looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say.

But Mr. Fang had already made a decision, so what else could they say?

"Dad, I understand." Fang Qi finally nodded.

"Thank you for your trust." Li Mu also smiled at this time: "Believe me, you will be able to stand up from the bed in a short time, and then go back to that yard, reading the newspaper while basking in the sun."

"Okay." Fang Lao nodded with a smile: "It's okay even if you fail, as long as my old man has made a little contribution to medicine in the last time."

Until the end, he looked at Fang Ning again: "Xiao Ning, learn more from your brother Mu. I invited you brother Mu to our house, and it was also for you."

Looking at the great-grandfather who had become so haggard after not seeing him for a few days in the video, Fang Ning nodded heavily with tears in his eyes, "Yes! I know, Grandpa."

"Brother Mu will definitely make you recover."

"Hahaha, yes, definitely." Fang Lao nodded, and then closed his eyes.

Having said so much just now, he has basically exhausted all his physical strength.


Walked out of the video visitation room.

Kingsley Weir and the others were outside, and they didn't go in just now. After all, they didn't know Mr. Fang either.

Li Mu looked at them and said, "RSCA, get ready to take medicine."

They were all taken aback.

That's... all right?

Of course, they didn't ask too much, if it can be used, that's the best.

Afterwards, Kingsley Weir took out a jar from his body, which contained exactly one capsule, about one hundred capsules, and what the capsule contained was RSCA thrombolytic powder.

RSCA can be injected and swallowed, and the effect of injection is better.

On the side, Yin Kangping looked at the capsules in the bottle.

"This is RSCA?"


Li Mu nodded, and then he asked with a smile, "Is it me or you?"

Yin Kangping was silent for a moment.

Although Xiehe's rules are not to use any unqualified medicines, but Mr. Fang has said that, so naturally there is no problem.

However, if he really had to do the injection himself, if something went wrong, it was hard to guarantee that some idlers would complain.

Seeing his silence, Li Mu smiled and said, "Then I'll do it."

"Injecting medicine requires a doctor's qualification certificate or a nurse's qualification certificate." Yin Kangping shook his head, and finally said: "Let me do it."

"I also want to see with my own eyes, does RSCA really have such a huge effect?"

As a cardiovascular and cerebrovascular doctor, he is really curious whether the thrombolytic drugs that have attracted the attention of the medical community have that effect in terms of the effect described in this paper.

"RSCA is mainly derived from rehmannia glutinosa, salvia miltiorrhiza, and turmeric, and is supplemented by modern scientific methods to assist in the synthesis. You can rest assured."

Li Mu said.

"I hope."

Yin Kangping said no more.


Before entering the ICU ward, after some cleaning and disinfection, put on sterile clothes.

In the end, Li Mu entered the ICU with Yin Kangping, and the others stayed outside.

Next, configure the liquid medicine.

According to the ratio of 250 ml to 0.25 g, normal saline and RSCA thrombolytic powder were prepared, and finally bottled.

Afterwards, they came to Fang Lao's hospital bed.

At this moment, Mr. Fang lost consciousness again. If no treatment is given, no one knows when he will recover.

Many other doctors and nurses in the ICU also gathered around. They had already heard the news, and they also knew about Elder Fang's status and how serious his condition was.

Of course, in addition, they also want to see with their own eyes Li Mu, a world-renowned genius who has also brought great changes to their hospital.

When the vial is attached, the intravenous access has already been established, so the injection can be administered immediately.

As the drip began to travel down the catheter, into the needle, and eventually into Fang Lao's vein.

And all the people also set their eyes on the monitor next to them.

I heard that RSCA can take effect within 10 minutes, is this true?

In this way, as time passed, the parameters of the monitor, which seemed very bad at first, suddenly, with a jump, suddenly, began to gradually improve!

"Blood pressure started to drop slowly!"

"The heartbeat has also started to drop!"

"Respiration, blood oxygen protection degree..."

"Mean arterial pressure! Mean arterial pressure also..."

Amidst the whispered exclamations of the crowd, all the parameters of Mr. Fang began to develop in a good direction after less than two minutes passed!

On average, the blood flows through the whole body once every minute to one and a half minutes, and for patients like Mr. Fang, it may be slower.

That is to say, the first time of the cycle, a very obvious effect was produced!


Yin Kangping, who had been very nervous since the beginning of the injection, was involuntarily stunned when he saw this situation.

"It took effect so quickly?!"

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