Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 239: The End

"Professor! Am I right?"

After talking about his thoughts, Anthony looked at Li Mu who had been in front of the video, and asked.

"Correct." Li Mu nodded slightly, but continued to ask: "Then what do you think should be done next?"

Anthony touched his chin, and clapped his hands for the last time: "That's right! The main purpose of constructing an explicit smooth model of each irreducible component of S4 is this."

At this time, a smile finally appeared on Li Mu's face.

"Very good, very good, you have found the key."

"Your comprehension speed is very good."

After being praised by the idol, Anthony also showed a little shyness on his face: "It's all because of your reminder that I was able to have such an inspiration."

Li Mu smiled and waved his hands: "Just now I saw Ni's whole train of thought, so I don't need to be too modest, the train of thought is often the most critical."

"It's like everyone can think of the significance of the Rich flow to prove the Poincaré conjecture, but in the end only Perelman did it."

"Okay, this is the end of your interview. I will probably send you a notice of the result this afternoon, and you can leave the meeting room."

"Okay, thank you professor!"

Anthony said quickly.

At this time, he seemed to suddenly remember that he was conducting an interview, and his face showed nervousness.

The result will be announced tomorrow, whether he can become his idol student or not depends on this time.

Of course, also in order to avoid leaving a bad impression on Li Mu, he quickly left the conference room without saying anything more obedient.

The interviewee's interview is over, but as the interviewer, Li Mu is not over yet.

Soon, the second student entered the conference room.

This student is from Cambridge University, British, named Fariano Reilly.

Of course, the interview process was exactly the same as Anthony's.

A simple self-introduction, and then Li Mu specifically asked a question based on the papers he had published in the past.

This question may be an extension of their previous papers, or it may be a more difficult problem in the same field.

In contrast, Li Mu will also give some conditions.

This kind of interview is obviously very special to these students. Of course, it can also let them feel Li Mu's intentions in the interview.

After all, thinking about it, in order to come up with such a topic, Li Mu must have read their papers before and studied them carefully before he could come up with hints that are good enough to publish a paper.

Of course, that's just what they think. \b

In fact, it took Li Mu only ten minutes to go through their thesis in his mind, and only half an hour to come up with the questions.

For Li Mu's level, their thesis can be fully deduced at a glance at the abstract.

Including the questions he asked, he has been able to solve them all without any hassle.

However, this is the case for Li Mu, but it is naturally different for these students. These questions test their personal abilities very much.

In this way, as time passed, Li Mu's interview gradually came to the end. \b

The five students in front are all excellent.

However, if Li Mu insisted on giving a ranking, the number one would be Anthony Alex, whom he arranged for the first interview.

And the second place is the Huaguo student who graduated from Huaguo University of Science and Technology, Tu Zhizhen.

The third place is another British student who is studying at Oxford University, named Brahms List.

Of course, the two students in the back are also very good, but in terms of ability and talent, they will appear to be a little weaker after all - Li Mu can see this from their problem-solving process and thinking.

He will not be stingy in his emphasis on talent. Even if there is more chicken soup, Li Mu also believes that talent is the most important thing when it comes to mathematics.

"Finally... it's Yuan Siping's turn."

Li Mu frowned, feeling absurd in his heart at this moment.

When he met Yuan Siping for the first time, in terms of grade, Yuan Siping was still his senior.

As a result, several years have passed, and the former senior is now coming to interview his graduate students.

Because of blowing Sting.

Li Mu shook his head with a smile, and at this time, another user entered the online conference room, and as the video opened, a familiar face appeared on the screen.

There was a moment of silence between the two of them.

After a while, Li Mu was a little stunned.

Although before the interview, he considered that he should be as serious as possible, but when he saw this face at this moment, he couldn't help it.

The corners of his mouth went up wildly, until finally he burst out laughing.

"Damn it, I just didn't expect that your name would appear in the list I received. What do you think, to apply for my graduate student?"

"Brother, don't laugh." Yuan Siping shrugged: "Your name is known to everyone from the Pacific Rim to the North Atlantic. Isn't it normal for me to apply for your graduate student?"

"My admiration for you is like a torrent of river water..."

Li Mu directly interrupted his joke: "Okay, don't talk about it, time is limited, it's already twelve o'clock, and I haven't had lunch yet."

Yuan Siping was silent for a moment, and then said helplessly, "It's only six o'clock in the morning here!"

Li Mu frowned: "Oh? Do you have any objections to this professor's arrangement?"

"No, no, no." Yuan Siping quickly waved his hands, "Your time is the key!"

"I won't talk to you kid." Li Mu shook his head, and his face finally became serious: "Okay, okay, let's put the nonsense aside first, and the interview will officially begin."

"Hi student Yuan, please introduce yourself for a minute."

Yuan Siping took a deep breath, and his face became serious: "Okay, Professor Li."

"I am……"

His self-introduction officially started, and the interview about him also officially started.

Li Mu will not be lenient towards him just because of his relationship.

Although as a postgraduate tutor, the school will not interfere with any student he chooses as his postgraduate, after all, these postgraduate students have passed the school's assessment and met the requirements.

But he is naturally not affected by the relationship.

What's more, the questions he prepared for Yuan Siping were the most difficult among the six.

Who made Yuan Siping the only one who took the direction of mathematics and physics.

Therefore, the question Li Mu asked him was related to the theory of dimensional force - whoever made this kid's previous paper was related to dimensional force.

Since he has the mind to challenge the theory of dimensional force, Li Mu is naturally willing to satisfy him.

The title is also very easy to understand, [Demonstrating the role of dimensional force in the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the Higgs mechanism].

This question is even a hot research direction in the current physics field.

What Li Mu wanted to see was Yuan Siping's thinking on this issue.

Of course, he also gave some hints.

In this way, time passed slowly.

When Yuan Siping got this question, he didn't complain about how difficult it was.

If Li Mu's questions for others can be published as a mathematics paper in the first district, then the question he gave to Yuan Siping will be enough to publish a top physics journal, such as "Physical Review Letters" or even "Natural Science Journal". ","science".

until half an hour later.

Yuan Siping put down the pen in his hand, raised his head, and looked at the monitor.

"Have you finished thinking about it?"

Li Mu asked with a smile: "If you feel that you don't have enough time, you can continue to think."

Half an hour is just an estimated time, and it is also possible to exceed this time.

Of course, this depends on the interviewee's own decision.

Yuan Siping shook his head and said, "I'm done thinking about it."

"The Higgs mechanism applies spontaneous symmetry breaking to give gauge bosons mass, and in more detail, the vacuum expectation of the Higgs field is not equal to zero, causing spontaneous symmetry breaking, so gauge bosons gain mass , and generate a zero-mass boson at the same time, but in the process, the dimensional force plays the role of...well, it should be called the Higgs mechanism.”

"Using a formula should be able to describe it a little bit."

Speaking of the transfer video, he wrote down a formula on the draft paper, which combined the dimensional force theory and the Higgs mechanism.

"That's all I can think of."

"If you want to continue to study, it is not something I can accomplish now."

He shrugged his shoulders and admitted honestly.

However, looking at the formula he gave at the end, Li Mu showed a little surprise on his face.

This kid...

It seems that in the past few years, Yuan Siping has worked hard for more than just a little bit!

After a while, he also came back to his senses, and then laughed: "Very good."

"Your interview is over. After you go back, you can continue to think about this question I asked you."

"If possible, this question will be your first subject when you come to Oxford."

Yuan Siping was stunned for a moment.



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