Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 218 Invitation from High School Alma Mater

Hearing what Kingsley Weir said, Li Mu was taken aback for a moment.

After so many months of experimentation, almost 4 months, has Weir finally achieved results?

After all, this is about his own money. You know, after four months, he has already burned nearly 200,000 euros, which is equivalent to 2 million yuan.

He immediately asked, "What did you find?"

Kingsley Weir said with a smile: "Just yesterday, I used a combination of different ingredients, and finally discovered by accident that the thrombolytic effect of one group is particularly gratifying!"

"From my analysis, at least it has achieved the effect of a PAI-1 inhibitor!"

"But the main problem is that I haven't figured out which ingredients produce the effect for the time being."

"I've since done a lot of repeating experiments, changing various components, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to determine which of them are at work."

"Because...it seems that no matter how I change the ratio, the thrombolytic effect can't be shown regularly—that is to say, there is no linear law for this change at all."

"Of course, I can be sure that the changes here are definitely caused by the same reason as the phenomenon I discovered back then!"

"As long as I can continue to experiment, I will definitely be able to find the principle!"

Hearing Kingsley Weir's excited voice, Li Mu encouraged him: "Good job."

But then he asked, "So, is that the only reason you're calling me?"

"Well..." Kingsley Weir smiled awkwardly, and then said, "Actually, it's not just about this matter. I need your help, boss, in mathematics."

"Your mathematical method is very suitable for analyzing this kind of experimental data. I also tried to analyze it before, but unfortunately... you know, my mathematics is not good, so this matter still needs to be solved." rely on you."

"With your data analysis methods, you may be able to help us find out which components are at play—even if it's just a narrow range."

"This also has great significance for my subsequent experiments."

After thinking for a while, Li Mu said, "I see, let me try it out, and send me the data—oh, forget it, I'll just come over when the time comes."

Kingsley Weir breathed a sigh of relief when Li Mu said that he was coming. His experimental data is now an absolute commercial secret, so how could it be directly posted online.

"Okay, okay, then I'll be here waiting for your arrival."

hang up the phone.

Li Mu let out a breath, then shook his head with emotion.

He had only been home for a few days to rest, and had to go back again. \b

But busyness always runs through life, and he is used to it.

At this time, Qin Lan, the mother in the kitchen, came out with a fruit plate.

"Come, eat some fruit."

"Okay." Li Mu immediately sat up, and then began to eat.

Fruits are already cut and ready to eat.

Seeing her son eating the fruit she had cut, Qin Lan had a smile on her face. She hadn't seen her son for a long time. Li Mu was able to come back for a few days this time, which made her very happy.

After a while, she asked again: "Did you call a foreign friend just now?"

Li Mu was speaking English just now, obviously he was on the phone with someone from abroad.

Li Mu thought for a while, finally nodded and said, "Well, it's actually someone from the company I opened, please explain the situation to me."

"The company you opened in Germany?" Qin Lan remembered what Li Mu had said before, "I remember it was called something..."

"Peng Zu Life Science and Technology Company." Li Mu said.

The name Pengzu is obviously very strange to foreigners, but it is very famous to Chinese people. It is said that he is the great-great-grandson of Zhuanxu and lived more than 800 years old.

Using it as the name of a life science and technology company is naturally Li Mu's expectation for this company.

Not to mention making people live to be more than 800 years old, but if it can increase the average life expectancy of human beings, that is also an ambitious goal.

"Oh!" Qin Lan nodded: "Is there something to do on the phone?"

"Well, I'm going to go there again in a few days. The experiment has entered a more critical place, and I need to help."

"That's it."

A helpless expression appeared on Qin Lan's face.

After all, the child came back to stay for a few days, but now he is going out again. As a mother, she would certainly feel a pity.

Of course, she didn't say anything.

After all, this is also expected.

But then, she suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, do you still remember your high school teacher, Teacher Deng Cheng?"

"Of course I know."

Li Mu nodded and said.

Deng Cheng was his class teacher in high school, and he taught physics in their class. It was precisely because of this teacher that he became most interested in physics, so that he finally applied for the physics major of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Speaking of which, this teacher helped him a lot back then, otherwise his grades would not have been so good that he could have been admitted to Shanghai Jiaotong University.

"Teacher Deng said that he hoped to invite you to the school to give a speech to your juniors to motivate them, and then he called me to ask about this matter, do you want to go?"

Li Mu was taken aback for a moment.

Going to give a speech at your high school alma mater?

For the juniors?

Afterwards, he nodded with a smile and said, "Since Mr. Deng has already invited you, of course you should go."

What's more, to be invited by the alma mater to give a speech in front of the juniors is a proud thing for anyone, just like returning home.

Qin Lan also smiled: "Okay, I'll reply to Teacher Deng right now."


two days later.

Eighty-three Middle School of Qin'an City.

As the top ten middle school in Qin's arrangement, even if the strength of Qin'an No. 83 Middle School is not as good as the famous schools such as the High School Affiliated to Xigong University and Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School, it cannot be underestimated in the entire Qin Province.

At least every year, many students are admitted to the two top universities in Qingbei.

Of course, it will naturally be able to cultivate a large number of students who can enter Shanghai Jiaotong University, which is second only to universities in northern Qing Dynasty.

However, in the past, No. 83 Middle School basically maintained a learning atmosphere, but today, the campus of No. 83 Middle School is slightly different from usual.

Whether it is a student or a teacher, everyone is a little excited.

No one else, because just yesterday, their headmaster personally announced that the man would be invited to come over and give them a speech.

No matter who is that man, he is naturally the strongest graduate in the history of their eighty-three, not even one of them. The author of the power - Li Mu! \b

The most important thing is that this talent has only graduated from their No. 83 High School for a few years.

In just a few years, Li Mu has become the pride and role model of their entire school. When he usually walks out, his body is straighter.

Therefore, almost all the teachers and students in the school are looking forward to Li Mu's speech today. No matter what the speech will say, at least they will be able to see this big guy with their own eyes.


At the same time, the principal's office at No. 83 High School was also extremely lively.

Many school leaders and teachers from No. 83 Middle School appeared in the office. In addition, even the principals of the high schools attached to Xigong University, Gaoxin No. 1 Middle School, Tieyi Middle School, Jiaotong University Attached Middle School and other key high schools that are well-known in the province and even the whole country, all appeared in the office. coming.

Sun Guofu, the principal of No. 83 Middle School, looked at Hu Baolin, the principal of the High School Affiliated to Jiaotong University with a smile: "Yo? Isn't this Lao Hu? You still come to our school. I thought you wouldn't come."

Hu Baolin put on a half-smile: "Hehe, you invited me, so why don't I come? How impolite is that? Why don't you ask Professor Li Mu to give a speech at our school?"

Sun Guofu laughed.

Everyone present also showed their eyes watching the play.

These people basically knew that there was a conflict between Hu Baolin and Sun Guofu, and they almost had to say a few words when they met.

No, it starts again now.

"Hahaha, that's really embarrassing. Professor Li Mu is a person who left our school. Naturally, we can only invite him to give a speech at our school. Let's forget about your troubles."

Hu Baolin snorted, "So what if Professor Li Mu left your school? Our students from the High School Affiliated to Jiaotong University rank no higher than your school in the province?"

Sun Guofu was unmoved, and continued to say with a smile: "Professor Li Mu is a person who left our school."

"Leaving aside Li Mu, our High School Attached to Jiaotong University has many more talents going abroad than your school? Just talking about entering our national key engineering projects has already won you too much!"

Sun Guofu continued: "Professor Li Mu is someone who left our school."

"The High School Affiliated to Jiaotong University receives much more support from the country and the government every year than your school. The school and the learning environment are much better than your school. We also have a close relationship with Jiaotong University. The status of Jiaotong University is Do you understand the gold content?"

"Professor Li Mu is someone who left our school."

"I...what the hell!" Hu Baolin finally couldn't hold back anymore, and swears, "You are so capable, don't just mention that Li Mu is a person who walked out of your school, can you?"

Sun Guofu spread his hands: "You are right, but Professor Li Mu successively proved the Hail conjecture, the twin prime number conjecture, and the Goldbach conjecture, which are century-old problems in mathematics, and filled in the gaps in the physics world, and proposed the fifth fundamental , the existence of dimensional force has changed the pattern of world physics, and at the same time... and today, Professor Li Mu will return to his alma mater of high school, Qin'an City No. 83 Middle School, to give a speech. As an invitee, you will Come here to watch Professor Li Mu's speech."

Hu Baolin: "..."

People around: "..."

At this moment, the door of the office was opened, and an assistant principal ran in and shouted to the people inside: "Professor Li Mu is here, Professor Li Mu is here!"

There was a sudden silence in the office. After realizing it, everyone looked at the door together. After a while, following the sound of footsteps, a man who was younger than everyone present came in.

Just a hot man, Li Mu!

Seeing that there were so many people inside, Li Mu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said hello: "Hi everyone."

As his eyes swept away, he quickly recognized an acquaintance in the crowd, that is, his high school head teacher back then, Deng Cheng.

"Teacher Deng!"

His second greeting followed suit.

When Deng Cheng saw Li Mu, he recognized himself first, and a smile appeared on his face: "Li Mu."

Li Mu walked up with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time, you still look the same as before, very young."

"Hahaha!" Deng Cheng laughed out loud. He is indeed very special. He looks like he has a good face. He is almost 50 years old, but he always looks like a young man.

"Professor Li Mu, welcome back to No. 83 Middle School."

At this time, a voice came from behind Li Mu.

He turned his head to look, and said with a smile, "Principal Sun."

"Haha! As long as you still know me!" Sun Guofu laughed loudly, and at the same time gave Hu Baolin a wink, as if to say: Look at Li Mu who still knows me.

Hu Baolin twitched the corners of his mouth, showing no good looks.

this old thing...

It's really shameless.

But there is no way, who made Li Mu really walk out of other people's schools?

Then, after a long exchange of pleasantries, Sun Guofu finally said, "Today is just Monday, and the flag-raising ceremony will be soon. Your speech will start after the flag-raising ceremony."

"I'll leave the whole class to you."

"You should understand."

Hearing Sun Guofu's words, Li Mu also nodded with a smile: "Understood."

After all, he also came out of this school, so of course he knows what big recess is.

At this moment, the bell for the end of get out of class rang outside.

The bell for the end of get out of class also means that the big class break has arrived, and the flag-raising ceremony every Monday is coming.

Sun Guofu smiled and said, "The time is just right, so let's go to the playground now."


When Li Mu and the others arrived at the playground, the students below were almost standing.

"Hey, these boys usually procrastinate, and usually stand in line before the flag-raising ceremony for a long time. I guess I heard you coming today, so these little bastards run very fast."

Sun Guofu said to Li Mu with a smile.

Li Mu also smiled, feeling a burst of emotion in his heart, after all he was also in the team below a few years ago.

But today is a little different. He participated in the flag-raising ceremony standing on the rostrum.

In this way, after a while, the flag-raising ceremony officially began.

Li Mu, who hadn't participated in the flag-raising ceremony for a long time, stood still with a solemn expression, watching the five-star red flag rising slowly.

They also silently sang the national anthem.

Until finally, the red flag was raised to the highest point.

The student representative who presided over the flag-raising ceremony said: "The ceremony is over!"

Then, the student continued: "Next, I would like to invite the 2018 graduates of our school, world-renowned mathematician and physicist, Goldbach's conjecture prover, professor of Oxford University and Shanghai Jiaotong University, senior Li Mu, to publish Speaking, please give the warmest applause to welcome Senior Li Mu!"

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