Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 214 Professor Li

Everyone in the meeting room was taken aback, looking at the unexpected guest.

The head of All Souls, John Weekes?

what 's wrong?

How did he know that Li Mu graduated today?

Well, in fact, this is not difficult to understand.

Because they still need to apply to the school to apply for Li Mu's graduation certificate, which means that the school already knows about it.

So it was no surprise that John Weeks learned of this.

But the key question is, why did he come over at this time and invite Li Mu to become a professor at All Souls College?

Everyone felt a little puzzled.

Of course, Martin Taylor, also the dean of Merton College, came out, squinted his eyes at John Weeks, and said, "Weeks, what do you want?"

"Come to our Merton College to snatch people?"

Weeks said with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not robbing people. After all, Dr. Li has not officially joined your academy, and we are now in fair competition."

"So, it depends on Dr. Li's own personal wishes."

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Li Mu, "Dr. Li, what do you think?"

Everyone immediately looked at Li Mu.

Indeed, although it was a bit immoral for John Weeks to suddenly come over at such a time, no matter what, it really depended on Li Mu's choice in the end.

All Souls College has such a special status in Oxford University that it can be called the first college in Oxford.

Although Merton College is also very special, its reputation is still slightly inferior.

It's just that Li Mu was the most confused when facing everyone's eyes.

Why did Dean John Weekes suddenly come running over?

The only time he met the dean was when it was raining heavily that day, he ran out for a stroll, and finally entered All Souls College by chance, and met him——


Li Mu suddenly remembered that John Weeks had invited him to join All Souls College, but he had refused at that time.

This can also explain why John Weeks is here again today.

After all, people already have this plan!

Li Mu shook his head helplessly, and then said to John Weeks: "Sorry, Dean Weeks, I am very grateful for your invitation, but I am more familiar with Merton College, so..."

"I can only say sorry."

Martin Taylor immediately burst out laughing, stepped forward and patted John Weeks on the arm, and said, "Look, this is our man, not your man, old John, give up."

Around, other Merton College professors also showed smiles on their faces, and nodded towards Li Mu.

This is our man!

"Well, it seems that plan A has failed."

However, for Li Mu's refusal, John Weeks only showed a slight regret on his face, and then he smiled again, and said to Li Mu: "Then, I don't know Dr. Li, would you like to be our millionaire? What about the professor of the Spiritual Academy?"

The professors of Merton College who were still smiling just now, as well as the dean Martin Taylor, were stunned for a moment.


All Souls Academy doesn't care that Li Mu has agreed to become their professor, but still continues to invite Li Mu to become their professor?

This is really rare.

At Oxford University, very few people can hold teaching positions in two colleges at the same time, basically they only hold teaching positions in one college.

Because these colleges generally have their own tempers and personalities.

Once everyone agrees to join an academy, they won't look down and invite them to join their own academy.

And now, as the most special college of Oxford University, it actually pulled its face today and invited Li Mu to be their professor at the same time after he had agreed to become a professor at Merton College.

Of course Li Mu also knew the meaning of this matter, so he said in surprise: "Dean Weeks, are you sure?"

Martin Taylor also frowned and said: "Old John, are you sure you are not joking, will the rest of your academy agree?"

"Of course I'm serious." John Weeks waved his hand: "As for whether other people in our college will agree or not, you don't need to worry about it. I am the dean, and I have the final say."

"Moreover, the only professor of mathematics in our college is Simon Downers, and given the status of mathematics in the academic world, I think this is not enough."

"What's more... Dr. Li is also a world-renowned physicist."

John Weeks looked at Li Mu with a smile.

"Our All Souls College needs talents like you."

The other professors at Merton College looked at each other in blank dismay.

That's right, besides his great achievements in mathematics, Li Mu has already been called a master in physics.

Known as the basic force of the fundamental force, the discovery of the dimensional force has made the entire physics community crazy about it, and its status is independent of quantum mechanics and relativity. It is the third theoretical direction besides quantum mechanics and relativity. , its greatest potential lies in being able to unify the former two and realize the theory of everything in the physics world.

And Li Mu, as the founder of Dimensional Force Theory, is of course a figure at the level of a master.

With such a status, it is enough for him to hold the teaching position of two colleges at the same time.

For a moment, the people of Merton College all looked at each other.

Until the end, Martin Taylor looked at Li Mu and gave a suggestion: "Li, since Weeks has said so, then I think it's good that you promised him, at least it's a good thing for you. "

"But..." Suddenly Martin Taylor turned his head to look at John Weeks again: "Don't tell me what kind of teaching position All Souls College can give Li Mu, it's just an associate professor, not a full professor."

Mentioning this, others also nodded.

"Yes, it must be a full professor, not an associate professor, otherwise, it's worth noting."

In the UK, there are actually two titles at the professor level, one is full professor, and below it is associate professor.

Generally, those who can become associate professors will be rated by professors if they go to other countries. However, it is different in the UK. Because each university here strictly controls the number of professors, sometimes a major in a college is often rated as a professor. There are only one or two full professors to ensure their absolute authority in the college.

Therefore, associate professors have emerged, and associate professors who want to become full professors often have to wait until the full professor retires or resigns before being promoted.

Although associate professors are also highly respected, they are still inferior in status compared to full professors.

Now that Li Mu is theirs, they must of course strive for corresponding benefits for Li Mu.

However, then John Weeks laughed: "Don't worry, you don't have to worry about this matter, All Souls College must prepare full professors for Li Mu, just like I said just now, the mathematics of All Souls College The only full professor is Simon Downers, and he also welcomes Li Mu with all his hands."

"So Li Mu will definitely become the second full professor of mathematics at All Souls College. Of course, he will also serve as a full professor of physics by the way."

"Speaking of which, didn't you let Li Mu also serve as your full physics professor by the way?"

Speaking of this, John Weeks frowned, and said to Martin Taylor with a smile.

Martin Taylor said: "You don't need to worry about this matter. Of course, our college will not forget this kind of matter."

"Haha, that's good, then I won't say more."

John Weeks turned his head and said to Li Mu: "Then, Dr. Li... Oh, I will call Professor Li in advance. After you finish dealing with the matter here, I will wait for you at All Souls College." welcome."

Then, he smiled and left here.

When going out, he took the door of the conference room behind him.

Martin Taylor curled his lips, this guy is quite polite.

But at last, there were no outsiders in this conference room.

Afterwards, he also looked at Li Mu again, regaining his solemnity.

"Okay, Li, then I will formally extend an invitation to you on behalf of Merton College."

He also took out a letter of appointment that he had prepared a long time ago from under the conference table, walked up to Li Mu, and handed the letter of appointment to him with both hands: "I invite you to become a full-time professor at Merton College, Oxford University. , are you willing to accept it?"

Looking down at the exquisite appointment letter, Li Mu accepted it with a smile.

"Of course, it's my pleasure."

In the conference room, there was once again warm applause.

The people of Merton College congratulated their college for welcoming a powerful new colleague.

A few more professors found a few more spray flowers from nowhere, and sprayed them on Li Mu, and a large pile of fireworks ribbons fell on him again, making him dumbfounded.

And Andrew Wiles also walked up to him, stretched out his hand to him, and said with a smile: "Welcome to Merton College, Professor Li, we will be colleagues from now on."

Looking at Wiles, who was his tutor a few minutes ago and now his colleague, Li Mu sighed with emotion for a while, and then extended his hand with a smile: "Thank you, Professor Wiles, please take care of me in the future."


From the student era to the professor era at once.

It was indeed quite sudden for Li Mu.

Of course, unexpected and reasonable.

With his academic achievements, this matter is really normal, or it is really normal for every genius.

Just like Peter Schulz, he was hired as a W3 professor by the University of Bonn immediately after graduating from his Ph.D., and W3 professor is the highest-ranking professor in Germany.

The only difference is that Li Mu not only became a full professor of Merton College, but also a full professor of All Souls College.

And in terms of his age, he is also the youngest full professor in the history of Oxford University, not to mention, he is also a full professor of two colleges.

As the news spread, it first caused an uproar throughout the UK.

British people have always been proud that they have two world-renowned universities, Oxford University and Cambridge University, but now that they have learned about this matter, it immediately brings about various discussions.

"Hey, have you heard? Oxford University has hired that Chinese man named Li Mu to become their youngest full professor ever! He is even a double full professor at All Souls College and Merton College!"

"Oh! My God, the young man who just proved Goldbach's conjecture? It's unbelievable!"

Such conversations have almost become a daily routine in Britain these days.

As an old enemy of Oxford University, after knowing this, Cambridge University appealed even more: "Li Mu, Oxford is not worthy of your joining, come and join us in Cambridge! This is the place where you have walked out of Newton, and it is the most suitable place for you. Such geniuses use their talents!"

Even walking out of Newton's Trinity College, they sent an invitation directly to Li Mu, and even made a promise that as long as Li Mu stayed in Trinity College for a long enough time, they would be willing to grant Li Mu the Lucas Chair Professorship. honorary post.

The Lucas Chair Professor is a special position at the University of Cambridge. Only those with high enough prestige and ability can hold this position. For example, before, this position was held by Newton, Hawking, Dirac and others.

But now that Cambridge University is willing to offer this honorary position to attract Li Mu to join, it immediately caused an uproar in the whole of Britain.

BCC announced in the news that day: [Oxford and Cambridge have been conquered by Li Mu! 】

The Times also commented: [The influence of the genius of the century! 】

Various newspapers have carried out related reports.

The angle of The Sun, the most famous British gossip newspaper, is even more novel: [A handsome genius from the East, what kind of relationship history does he have? 】

Of course, the news didn't just spread in the UK, it quickly spread to the whole world.

All of a sudden, those doctoral students who had lamented why Li Mu hadn't graduated, immediately clapped their hats and celebrated.

【oh! OMG! He finally graduated! 】

【Finally, I don't feel like a waste anymore! 】

[Dear Professor Li, congratulations on becoming a professor! Let us ordinary doctoral students get out of the sea of ​​suffering! 】

God knows how much pressure Li Mu put on them when he was still a doctoral student.

Has anyone seen this kind of doctoral student?

Graduation early, hurry up.


In this way, Li Mu's simple graduation has attracted all kinds of attention from all over the world.

But for him himself, he was a little powerless to complain at this time.

"Slander! This is slandering me!"

He slapped the "Sun" in his hand on the table.

Li Mu cursed.

Damn, this "The Sun" is really good at making things up.

He actually compiled his relationship history in the newspaper, saying that he left a lot of love debts in the past.

It's not even the first issue, but the second.

It is estimated that there are many interested readers in the first issue, so I continued to write the second issue.

Isa was also on the side, and she asked, "You mean, everything written by The Sun is fake?"

This newspaper was brought over by her, and Li Mu didn't have the habit of reading newspapers, so he wouldn't have paid attention to this matter, otherwise, he would have reported it as early as the first issue.


Li Mu nodded: "I didn't even know I knew so many girls."

Almost made him, who was single until now, really think that he has that kind of talent at the level of a love saint.

"What Rukia, what Alice...all made up."

Wind reviews were killed.

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