Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 194 Huge Repercussions from the Biological World

Hearing this sudden call, Li Mu couldn't help being taken aback.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory?

He had heard the name of this laboratory before, because his sister Li Ruyu had told him several times.

This is one of the most famous biological laboratories in the world. It studies the most difficult biological problems in the world, such as nerves and genes. Of course, the research on cancer is also the key research direction of this laboratory.

According to Li Ruyu, this laboratory is the place where the vast majority of biomedical researchers hope to work. After all, the world's top experimental equipment alone can make countless researchers greedy. Coupled with financial support, Even more so.

Of course, having said that, Li Mu is not a biomedical researcher, so the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is really not attractive to him.

But the problem is—a Wolf Prize winner, a researcher at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, suddenly called him to invite him to join Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory?

Li Mu was caught off guard.

"Uh...Professor Kleiner, if you can call me, you should know that I am a mathematician, of course I am also a physicist, or a chemist is not unacceptable, but I am not a biological Or medical scientists... so, why did you suddenly invite me?"

"Your papers have been accepted by "Cell". The mathematical analysis in that paper is definitely the best among all biomedical papers I have read. Even if you are not a biomedical scientist, I would call you As a biomathematician." Adrian Kleiner said: "With your analytical ability, please believe that the cancer that has plagued mankind for so many years may really be solved in our hands! At that time, we will easily get it To the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine!"

"Of course - this is not something that can only be described by the Nobel Prize. This is an achievement that is worthy of being famous in history! You..."

Listening to Adrian's series of honors that he will receive in the future, it seems that the cancer problem will be solved immediately.

Li Mu couldn't help thinking, this must be a skilled painter.

Especially good at drawing big cakes.

Listening to the other party's proficient cake painting skills, if it was really a different person, maybe they were really deceived.

But in fact, this kind of pie is really not a big pie to him.

He already has such a thing as a famous name in history. At least for now, his name is indispensable in various newly compiled mathematics textbooks on number theory and quantum mechanics physics textbooks.

Let’s talk about the new basic force of dimensional force. Now physics textbook editors all over the world have revised their textbooks overnight to add dimensional force.

As for the Nobel Prize or something...

There is one thing to say, as the chairman of the Save String Theory organization, a large number of Nobel physicists in their organization have expressed that they will nominate him to the Nobel Prize Committee as a candidate for the Physics Prize.

Of course, not to mention saving the string theory organization, in fact, the entire physics community now believes that he is qualified to win the physics award.

If the achievement of discovering a fundamental force is not enough to win the Nobel Prize, then there is probably no achievement that can win the Nobel Prize.

Therefore, he, who has already become a candidate for the award, really doesn't care about "possibly" becoming a candidate for the Nobel Prize.

Not to mention—if mathematical analysis is the key to solving cancer, why would biologists be needed?

So he interrupted the other party's passion for painting cakes: "Okay, okay, Professor Kleiner, you are right, but cancer is a mutation of human cells, and there are quite a lot of uncertain factors in it. Mathematical analysis can only provide a certain auxiliary effect, and in the end it still needs to rely on biomedical scientists to try to solve it in clinical trials."

"No, no, please believe me, we will definitely succeed!"

"Sorry, Professor Kleiner, I don't have the idea of ​​developing in the direction of biology." Li Mu bluntly refused.

"Think about it carefully, this is really a cool direction!"

"Sorry, I have other things to do, so I'll say goodbye first."

Li Mu hung up the phone directly.

However, just after hanging up for a while, the other party called again.

"Mr. Li, this is cancer! This is really cool..."

Li Mu hung up again with a snap, and blocked the phone number by the way.

However, just after the operation, another call came in. After the connection: "Mr. Li Mu, hello, this is the Institute of Immunology of the Max Planck Society. We invite..."

"Sorry, you made the wrong number."

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Li Mu replied directly, and then hung up the phone again.

However, for the next period of time, his phone kept ringing, all of which were calls from various famous biomedical research institutes in the world, just the research institute of the Max Planck Society. , I gave him a lot of calls.

There are 80 research institutes under the name of the Max Planck Society, many of which are related to biomedicine.

Until the end, Li Mu skillfully turned off the phone as a last resort.

"Damn, are these people crazy?"

He complained, and then began to think, what is it that makes these biological research institutes all over the world call him so frantically?

Soon he thought of one thing.

This is the only thing that can cause such a situation.

He immediately took out his mobile phone-oh, the mobile phone was turned off.

Then change a mobile phone, anyway, he still has a completely private number.

Then he called Li Ruyu directly.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hey, stinky brother, you still know how to call your sister, do you miss your sister?"

Li Ruyu's voice sounded from the phone, and Li Mu said, "Yes, yes, I miss you."

"Yo? Today's mouth is so sweet?"

"... Let me ask, has your project been settled? Has the paper been accepted by Cell?"

"What's yours' should be 'ours'. You are still the co-author of this paper." Li Ruyu corrected it, and then asked suspiciously: "However, how did you know?"

Now Li Mu finally confirmed that it was really Academician Chen Shanping's topic on immune cells and cancer cells!

He couldn't laugh or cry and told Li Ruyu about all the calls to him just now.

"What? Professor Kleiner from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory called you? He is the winner of this year's Wolf Prize in Medicine! He actually invited you to join Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory?"

Li Ruyu exclaimed.

Li Mu: "You haven't explained why you didn't tell me."

"Didn't I want to give you a little surprise! Our paper was only accepted by "Cell" today, but it will probably be published soon, and I plan to tell you the news when it is published."

Li Ruyu chuckled: "This is "Cell"! You are still the first! And you never know how important our results are! We may have found the decisive key to solving lung cancer cells. A clinical trial was conducted based on this discovery."

"The decisive key?"

"Yes! Based on the results of your last analysis, we conducted repeated observations and studies on the more than 30 groups of experiments, and finally determined that the process of immune cells recognizing lung cancer cells does not originate from a single receptor protein , nor from a single tumor antigen."

"It is derived from a systematic mechanism, which is a complete set, including not only the recognition of receptor proteins, but also the recognition of antigens, as well as the conditions of immune cells... In short, as long as We can help the immune cells in the human body to implement such a mechanism, and lung cancer cells will be easily resolved!"

"And this is all thanks to your help!"

"Is that so..." Li Mu still asked, "But what does that have to do with those people looking for me?"

Li Ruyu thought for a while and said, "Old Chen seems to have said that without your mathematical analysis, we would never have discovered this key so easily, or even at all! Probably this is the reason."

"Those labs hope to find you to cooperate, and they probably want you to help them analyze the differences in the experimental data."

"In the past, although we attached great importance to the experimental data, it's just that if we can't analyze the detailed differences in these data, even if we have data, it's useless."

"So those people probably think that with your analysis, you might be able to discover some heavyweight results from the data."

"Just like us."

Li Mu nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "So that's the case, I know."

"Hey, it's just a pity that you're not in the country, otherwise, we would definitely have to invite you to the celebration banquet last night, and Lao Chen would definitely express his thanks to you."

Li Mu couldn't help laughing: "There will always be a chance."


Li Mu probably still can't imagine that the little help he provided casually at the beginning has produced such an important influence on the entire biomedical field.

Their topics are not only of considerable importance to cancer research in terms of results, but also their research methods are more innovative and pioneering for the entire biomedical field.

In the next few days, the influence of this paper gradually fermented, and it reached a peak after it was officially published in the journal "Cell".

The editor-in-chief of "Cell" magazine, John Fan, made a targeted comment on this paper: [This paper is undoubtedly very successful, and it is not only successful in conclusion, but also very successful in process and method. success.

In conclusion, it reveals a mechanism that we have never noticed before. Maybe we want to use the immune cells in our body to kill cancer cells. Mastering such a mechanism will be the key. Now I have I believe that the solution to cancer cells will no longer be a luxury of human beings.

In terms of process and method, I never thought that our discipline can apply experimental data to this extent. Those seemingly boring data actually hide the truth that we cannot see. I am only good at observing experimental phenomena, but I have never been good at analyzing experimental data, but now it seems that I should change my mind.

But the most surprising thing is that it was a mathematician who had never studied biology before who did this kind of thing! 】

Of course, it’s not just that, whether it’s "Science" or "Nature", this paper is also cited, and it is also placed under the column of [RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS], which means the current research hotspot.

And the two journals have invited Nobel Prize winners in Physiology or Medicine to comment on this achievement.

The 2018 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine, cancer research expert, and immunologist James Allison made a very high evaluation: "The results of this paper are very outstanding. It not only reveals the relationship between lung cancer cells and A new immune mechanism between immune cells also brings a huge boost to the fight against lung cancer."

"Of course, we are also very clear that this is definitely not the most important thing. In fact, this is a paper that can change the pattern of our biomedical field. In the past, we may have attached great importance to experimental data, but what we often value is Those experimental data that seem to be very conspicuous, not these ordinary data."

"But for now, the approach to the experimental data in this paper is certainly something we can all learn from."

"A petri dish is like a chaotic system. No one knows what happened in it, and it also gives us a feeling that such a complex chaotic system cannot analyze any results."

"And this paper proves that's not true."

"As long as the mathematical ability is sufficient, any chaotic system can analyze the results."

"Of course, what I have to mention at this time is, how strong is the mathematical ability required to achieve the level of analysis in this paper?"

"Oh, you need to have the mathematical ability of the hail conjecture and the prover of the twin prime number conjecture to do this?"

"That's all right."


James Allison's evaluation made every biological researcher smile knowingly after reading it, but after laughing, he wanted to cry without tears.

Such a strong mathematical ability is required to be able to achieve this level?

Oh my god, this is simply killing them creatures.

If they had that kind of mathematical ability, they would have studied mathematics a long time ago, why would they study biology?

But at this time, the chemical community next door also had something to say.

The chemistry community has experienced the same thing long ago.

After Li Mu's papers on theoretical chemistry were released, the entire chemical world entered the era of mathematics, and all kinds of chemists embarked on the road of studying mathematics.

As a result, when they started studying mathematics, they found that this was a road of no return.

Can't learn, don't understand at all.

I don't understand at all.

As a result, they now find that the biological world seems to have a tendency to develop towards this point of no return?

The biochemical relationship is already very similar, almost a brotherly relationship.

What are brothers for? Of course it's for cheating.

So scholars in chemistry immediately persuaded scholars in biology to study mathematics with them.

In this way, the entire biological world gradually began to fall into the pit under the pull of Li Mu's mathematical analysis and "brothers".

However, Li Mu, who was one of the culprits, didn't know it at all.


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