Ultimate Scholar

Chapter 190 Simple Solving of a Mathematical Problem

When Witten finished speaking, he looked closely at Li Mu, and so did the others.

Li Mu was stunned for a while, and finally pointed to himself: "You mean...me?"

"Yes." Witten nodded and said, "Look, Li, your ability has been recognized by the entire physics community, so from this point of view, you are definitely qualified to be our leader."

"Whether it's me, Gross, Parisi...we're all old, and we probably don't have the ability to save string theory. We can all clearly feel that we can no longer have the quick thinking we had when we were young. .”


Li Mu hesitated again, and finally asked: "String theory, how can it be saved?"

"For now, string theory, it seems, has come to an end."

Witten smiled, and then said: "I thought so too at first, but now, after doing some research on dimensional force, I found an equation, but found that it is not the case."

"String theory still has hope of being saved, it just needs a different form."

"An equation?" Li Mu was taken aback.

Witten nodded, then walked to the front and wrote an equation on the blackboard.

After seeing this equation, Li Mu's brows became serious immediately.

This equation seems to be really... okay?

The huge improvement brought by the four-level brain computer, inspired by an inspiration, immediately caused a storm in his mind.

Finally, he found a blackboard pen from the side, and wrote down the equation.

He analyzed step by step, until finally, the entire blackboard was filled with his writing.

Finally, under the surprised eyes of the entire discussion room, he put down his pen and said in great surprise: "Really!"

"This equation finds a certain commonality that exists between strings and dimensional forces..."

"If we can continue to study along this commonality, we may be able to resolve the contradictions that exist in string theory after combining Li's expansion."

And as long as that contradiction is solved, string theory will become a perfect theory again!

Li Mu turned his head to look at Witten, and said with emotion: "Professor Witten, you deserve it!"

He was actually able to find a way out again under the circumstances that almost all of them were sentenced to death.

Witten smiled wryly, and said: "Compared to you, you are still old. After you see this equation, you can push forward so many steps, but I haven't thought of where to start. I only know it. It can help us solve the dilemma facing string theory."

Li Mu shook his head and said, "No matter what, the initial direction is often very important. Professor Witten's ability to find this equation has proved that your way of thinking is still worth learning."

"To use a Chinese dialect, it means that the sword is not old."

Edward Witten smiled, "The sword is not old... I probably understand, thank you."

Li Mu also nodded with a smile.

"So about our organization... Li, would you like to join?"

"Our organization is positioned as a loose academic organization. At most, we get together occasionally to discuss the research results on saving string theory. Even if we participate online, there is no problem."

"Of course we all admit the fact that in order to save string theory, it must be combined with dimensional force, which is one of the reasons why we want you to be the leader."

"Because, you are now the scholar who understands dimensional forces best in the entire physics world."

The scholar who knows the dimension force best...

Li Mu couldn't help laughing at this statement.

Just like when Einstein published the theory of relativity, he was the only one who knew the theory of relativity best in the entire physics world?

After a moment of thinking, he finally said: "I am willing to join."

Since it is an academic research organization and there are no restrictions, it doesn't matter whether you join or not.

The only thing is that he still wants to be the leader of this organization...

It also gave him a sense of responsibility.

Looking at it now, despite the inspiration provided by this equation, there is still a long way to go to really solve it.

However, he already had a hunch that if the string theory could really be saved and successfully combined with the dimensional force, then the biggest problem of the dimensional force—where it came from—would be completely discovered by them.

Thinking of this, Li Mu also felt excited, and finally found a clue leading to the truth of dimension force.

Since the study of dimensional force, the source of dimensional force has always been a major issue in his mind.

Now, it can be regarded as a preliminary hope.

And once this problem is solved, then, there will be a great opportunity to realize the great unification of the physics world!

Upon hearing Li Mu's promise, everyone present smiled. Edward Witten immediately patted Li Mu on the shoulder and said, "Thank you! You can join the organization to save string theory, Mr. Chairman."

"We look forward to your leading us to truly save the return string theory."

"All of us string theory scholars would like to thank you!"

The people in the discussion room also applauded and cheered: "Welcome the chairman! Save string theory!"

Seeing this scene, Li Mu was a little embarrassed for a while.

Inexplicably became the leader of an academic organization?

Even this academic organization can be regarded as an international organization, and the members are not simple.

Of course, at the end, he still solemnly said: "No matter what, I still thank you for your trust in me. Although string theory has encountered a huge problem, as far as it is concerned, this huge problem is not an unsolvable one." problem, maybe there will be a day when string theory will regain its former glory!"

"Then, become the backbone of physics!"


The news that the Salvage String Theory Organization was formally established quickly spread.

This matter also immediately attracted widespread attention in the academic circles.

This morning, the leader of string theory, Edward Witten, announced the death sentence of string theory, and it didn't take long before he was going to stay under the knife?

But in any case, the establishment of this organization has received the response of all string theory scholars around the world.

In the past two days, string theory scholars can be said to be the most confused group of people.

They were doing good research, but suddenly someone told them that their theory was hopeless, or even wrong.

How can this not make them feel confused?

And now the establishment of this organization has given them hope again, as if they have grasped the last straw.

Immediately, the number of people who signed up to join this organization exceeded a thousand immediately, and it is still growing.

Of course, the news that Li Mu served as the chairman of this organization was quickly spread, which immediately caused an uproar in the entire academic circle.

Edward Witten, David Gross, George Parisi and other highly respected string theory scholars did not serve as the chairman of the board. As a result, a 21-year-old man who seems to have never studied string theory before Young people to serve as the chairman of the board?

Of course, in terms of ability, Li Mu is naturally sufficient, but, as the creator of dimensional force, it can be said that Li Mu put an end to the string theory in the past.

And now he turned out to be the leader of the string theory rescue organization?

Why did His Majesty rebel?

Of course, just because Li Mu served as the chairman of this organization, he couldn't help but bring an idea to the physics community, could string theory really be reborn?

The current Li Mu does have such magic power.

Ever since, there was such a dialogue, which happened frequently among various string theory scholars all over the world:

A string theorist asks: "Save the string theory group, do you join?"

Another string theorist replied disheartened: "There is no need to join, string theory is a thing of the past."

"But Li Mu is the chairman of the board."

"Ah? I join, I join!"

In this way, in just a few days, the number of people who rescued the string theory organization directly exceeded 2,000, and almost all the string theory scholars in the world were absorbed into it.

Of course, this has also drawn criticism from opponents of string theory.

The most famous opponent of string theory is the Nobel Prize winner in physics Sheldon Glashaw. After hearing the news, he immediately said: "Li Mu is the young scholar I am most optimistic about, just like the one he created. Like the third miracle year, I think he will be our 21st century Einstein, but now he is superstitious about the temptations of string theorists, which is really sad."

"I was happy when I heard Witten announce the end of string theory, because physics will no longer have to pay for string theory scholars, but now, Li Mu's joining is to continue to mislead more and more people. Sensible student? String theory is hurting science like medieval theology."

Glashow's criticism was naturally opposed by other famous string theory scholars.

For example, Steven Weinberg, who won the Nobel Prize with him, said: "The emergence of dimensional force provides candidates for our ultimate theory, but this does not mean that we should give up the string Theory and truth need to be obtained through constant exploration, and now we cannot throw away the stone of string theory just because of the appearance of the stone of dimensional force, which is very unwise.”

All of a sudden, another controversy arose in the physics community.

Of course, this is very common for physics, especially string theory is a very controversial theory in the physics community.

It's just that Li Mu, who was at the center of this debate, showed complete indifference to it. He neither commented nor paid attention to how the two sides were arguing, even though his name was repeatedly mentioned.

Of course, he is very aware of this kind of thing, and there is no need to pay attention to it. If there is no result in the quarrel, it is better to let him transmit more papers through the Bluetooth connection.

After a few days of trying, he found a balance point, reading 100 papers and three books a day, just enough not to burden the computer in his mind, and at the same time allowing him to read these papers and books. Knowledge is better absorbed and understood.

But no matter what, reading 100 papers and three books a day, this kind of speed of absorbing knowledge is still very scary, as long as it is said, it may cause global shock.

It's just that, after speaking out, whether others will believe it is still a question...


Time passed quietly, and Li Mu stayed with CERN for about ten days.

Staying here is mainly to save the string theory organization.

Although the organizational form is relatively loose, there are naturally many meetings to be held in the initial stage, so Edward Witten and David Gross all stayed here for a while.

But as these days passed, all the things to do were over, and Li Mu basically had nothing else to do at CERN.

So he didn't stay any longer, he left Geneva and returned to Oxford.

But before leaving, Ms. Fabiola, the chairman of CERN, also expressed to him that she hoped to hire him as a researcher at CERN. What was given was also given. \b

But even though the conditions are very generous, Li Mu still rejected it, after all, he will not put all his energy on particle physics after all.

He has not forgotten that he is still a graduate student in mathematics.


"I thought you were going to be completely obsessed with physics."

In Wiles' office at Oxford University, looking at the students who returned from Geneva with honor, Wiles couldn't help but tease.

Li Mu scratched his head in embarrassment, and laughed, "How can this be! I still love pure mathematics."

Wiles waved his hand with a smile: "Of course, don't get me wrong, I support you no matter what you study, as long as you can apply mathematics to it."

"It's a pity that in your report meeting, you didn't talk about Li's expansion properly."

Wiles sighed.

Li Mu's lecture at the beginning attracted quite a few mathematicians to attend, and they all went there for the Li's expansion, but they didn't expect that Li Mu didn't say much about this part, which disappointed them mathematicians. .

"Uh..." Li Mu thought for a while and said, "Actually, I can also re-open a report specifically for Li's expansion."

Andrew Wiles waved his hand: "No need, I hope your next report will be about our pure mathematics."

"Although theoretical physics is indeed very attractive, I once wondered why I didn't choose to study physics at first, but later I found that pure mathematics is more attractive."

Hearing what the mentor said, Li Mu nodded.

"I see."

Is it pure mathematics...

It is true that he has not studied pure mathematics for a long time.

The next step is to temporarily divert your energy away from physics.


For the time being, let's pick a simple math problem and get back the feeling.

As soon as he made a decision in his mind, the system sounded.

"Computing power upgrade mission announced—"

【Call of Mathematics】

[Task introduction: The host finally remembered that he is still a mathematician. Mathematics has been expecting your change of heart for a long time, so let's pick a random math problem and solve it first! 】

[Mission purpose: Solve any of Riemann's conjecture, Hodge's conjecture, Goldbach's conjecture, and BSD conjecture. 】

Li Mu:?

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